Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 8: Conversation

Half an hour later, Li Anping slowly walked out of the counseling room, still recalling what the other person said in his mind.

‘I am not Li Anping? I am Chen Bin? ’

At some point, the memories of Chen Bin emerged in his mind.

Both his parents died, but they left him hundreds of millions of assets. Even if he didn't work for the rest of his life, he could live comfortably. Although he didn't like to talk much, he was very popular among girls because of his billions of assets and handsome face.

It can be said that apart from the death of his parents, Chen Bin is a complete winner in life.

The two memories were entangled, making Li Anping feel very uncomfortable.

As Li Anping walked towards the room, he began to think about the situation in front of him.

‘If this is some kind of attack, then it means that my memory has also been affected, and all memories cannot be completely trusted...’

‘The female doctor said it well. If you want to prove the authenticity of past memories, the best way is to use some of them. '

'But if the other party can really attack my memory, then it is only natural that I cannot use those abilities...'

Thinking of this, Li Anping suddenly remembered the conversation between the two girls in the classroom, took out his mobile phone, and began to search for information about Li Anping.

In the past, he used his mind to directly search for information on the mobile phone network. He had not used his fingers to press the mobile phone to surf the Internet for many years. Li Anping was a little uncomfortable for a while, but there was a lot of information about Li Anping in this world. He just typed the three words "Li Anping" on the search page, and countless news popped up.

The top one was the news that the police had arrested the retired soldier Li Anping.

"Has he been arrested?" Li Anping's mind began to flash all kinds of information. Although many surreal skills could not be used, many martial arts, fighting, infiltration, and even computers, intelligence collection, and interrogation knowledge that he had learned were still there.

According to the female doctor, this was because after he fell into fantasy, he also developed a certain academic syndrome, which enabled him to quickly learn any knowledge. It was precisely to satisfy his fantasy that he would learn all kinds of knowledge.

"Whether he said it was true or not, at least these things are useful now."

Three nights later, Danyang City Detention Center.

A figure quickly approached the corner of the wall, waved his hands, and sent a hook to the edge of the wall. Then he grabbed the hook and climbed over the wall of the detention center.

Li Anping had done enough preparations in advance. Not only the structure and personnel of the detention center, but also the location of the murderer Li Anping, as well as the equipment he needed, he had prepared in advance. Everything was done so easily.

Everything was so natural, so natural that it made him more certain of his judgment. The memory in his dream was absolutely true.

Even without the help of superpowers, even if his strength and speed were only in the range of ordinary people, he was still like a ghost in the dark night. Freely shuttled in the shadows of the detention center.

In front of the deepest cell in the detention center, Li Anping took out the key he had just stolen and opened the iron door.

A man was sitting quietly on a chair with his head down. Even the sound of the cell door opening did not cause any reaction from him.

Li Anping walked slowly to the other person: "Are you Li Anping?"

"Li Anping, I gave you countless opportunities to choose. But you always choose the same, stupid path."

A chilling voice sounded from all directions. Li Anping took a few steps back and looked at the man who was still bowing his head and asked: "Are you talking?"

The man finally raised his head, with deep eyes and pale skin, and he looked exactly like Li Anping. Seeing the appearance of this man, Li Anping did not show any surprise or panic, but just said lightly: "So, it was you who brought me here."

The man ignored him and just said to himself: "In this life, I gave you billions of wealth and an ordinary life. You could have lived happily, but you still chose to continue on the dark road."

Li Anping frowned, didn't say anything, directly drew out the dagger at his waist, walked up, and then with a puff, stabbed the other person in the chest.

Blood gushed out of the man's chest. He just smiled and spit out blood foam.

Seeing the man fall in a pool of blood, Li Anping wiped the dagger and suddenly turned his eyes to the corner, where another man with the same appearance slowly walked out of the wall.

"Don't waste your energy. In this contest, the only result you can achieve is a draw or a loss. It is impossible to win."

'Can he use supernatural powers in this world? ' Li Anping frowned even more: 'In other words, I was dragged into this world by him? I just don't know how much of the original body I was dragged into, or am I just a copy? '

There is too little information, and the enemy in front of him has an absolute advantage, making it difficult for Li Anping to draw an effective conclusion.

The other party ignored Li Anping and just said to himself: "Do you want this life?"

"Then I'll give it to you."

The next moment, Li Anping's eyes went dark. When he opened his eyes, he was already sitting in a cell in prison clothes. Another memory surged from the depths of his mind.

Li Anping, a special soldier who went home to visit relatives, also gained black abilities. He chose to eat those who were brain dead or about to be euthanized, and used this power to silently help others.

But this was the beginning of his tragedy. After rescue after rescue, he continued to reveal his extraordinary strength and speed. It is even less likely that the country will tolerate such personal law enforcement.

But he still insisted not to kill, but only to help the weak and arrest the criminals.

The scarcity of food sources, coupled with the increase in the country's investment in armed forces, led to his eventual capture.

Under the operation of the top management, he was ostensibly sentenced to death, but in fact he would soon be sent to the laboratory. The top management was very impressed by his superhuman speed and strength, self-healing, and especially his ability to not age. interested.

"This is it?" Li Anping pressed his head and asked.

"These are our memories." The man's cold voice reached Li Anping's ears: "Human beings are chaotic, emotional creatures that can't even control their own bodies. Their existence is in the entire universe, Not even a bacterium, the sacrifice made for them is meaningless.”

Li Anping took a few breaths, digested the memories in his mind and said, "That's why we need to guide them."

"Guide?" The other party smiled: "Why don't you just put them in the bottle?"

“Countless thousands of years have passed, and tens of thousands of civilizations in the universe have prospered and declined, but humans have never learned their lesson. Their lifespans are too short, making them completely unable to understand the reality of this universe.

war. Natural disasters, internal strife, verbal abuse, they always repeat the same mistakes their ancestors made. Take the East and West continents under your feet as an example. The resources they invested in weapons are enough to blow up the entire planet hundreds of times.

If these resources were invested in the aerospace field, they would have solved the problems of territory, resources, and population long ago. "

"This kind of violent, irritable, aggressive, selfish, chaotic creature. Is it really qualified to be the master of the multiverse?"

Li Anping said coldly: "Then modify them. If their lifespan is insufficient, make them immortal and have insufficient resources. Just go and occupy countless universes, remove their character flaws, and make them gods of the multiverse."

"Is such a creature still a human being? There are so many creatures in the multiverse. If we modify them, how will they be different from humans?" The other party said slowly: "And what you thought you were thinking, what you are doing now Have you never done this before? Human beings are always like mud."

As the other party spoke, the cell shattered, and the surrounding scene changed again. It was a rice field under the sunset, and a young man was curiously picking up a ring.

With this scene in front of him, countless memories flooded into Li Anping's mind again.

In 1900, this was a chaotic era, and the entire Red Country had fallen into madness. Colonialism, feudalism, revolution, riots, ignorance, everything set this country with a long history on fire.

In this chaotic era, in a rice field, a young man named Li Erniu got a ring. In the ring was an ancient demon, which gave him the ability to eat people and become stronger.

From then on, the entire Red Country, no, it should be said that the entire world ushered in an unprecedented storm.

At first, Li Erniu joined the imperial army, and he became the most powerful warrior in the imperial court. He led the army to defeat the Eight-Nation Allied Forces. However, after a series of treaties were signed and land was ceded, he was deeply disappointed with the decay of the imperial court.

He killed the entire royal family in the capital by himself, and then fled south to the south of the Red Kingdom, where he met a group of people who claimed to want to make a revolution. Li Erniu was quickly attracted by the theory elaborated by the other party.

Relying on Li Erniu's rapidly growing power, these revolutionary parties quickly overthrew the armed forces of the local government and massacred the foreign forces within the territory. In just one year, most of the Red Country fell into the hands of the revolutionary parties. .

The next year, the angry evil foreign forces launched a joint armed navy of the Sixteen Nations. However, when they reached the territorial waters of the Red Kingdom, they quickly turned into huge ruins under Li Erniu's iron fist. The whole world began to be shocked by Li Erniu's power.

Everyone began to know that in that distant eastern land, a demon had been born.

But all fortresses are conquered from within. The sudden power and wealth soon corrupted the top leaders of the Revolutionary Party.

Seeing how vulnerable human beings were under the corruption of money and power, and seeing the common people going back to the miserable days before, Li Erniu's eyes were filled with despair.

At this moment, a man who claimed to be the Red Red Party found Li Erniu and began to tell him about the Communist Party's ideological system. Li Erniu was so shocked when he saw it that he killed all the corrupt senior officials at the Revolutionary Party dance that night.

Then he joined the Red Party and vowed to turn the entire world into a communist society. But this time, he decided not to just be a thug, he wanted to complete global redization with his own hands.

Thus, a red devil was born on the land of the east. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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