Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 7: True or False

Li Anping opened his eyes and found that he was lying on the desk and chair in the classroom, and the physics teacher on the stage was minding his own lecture.

"This is..." Li Anping wanted to sweep the entire classroom aside, but found that he had to turn his head. It had been too long since he had seen things purely with his eyes, but at this moment, electromagnetic waves, infrared rays, thermal induction, sound waves, nanometer All the insects left him, and he could only turn his head and look at the scene in the entire classroom.

"Tiancheng University..."

Familiar and unfamiliar classmates, the classroom that had always been deep in his memory, just appeared in front of him.

Beside him, a male classmate patted his shoulder and said softly: "Are you awake? We will play basketball later, are you going..."

He could no longer hear clearly what the other person said next. His mind was filled with conflicts between past memories and present memories, as if he had a dream and finally woke up from the dream.

"It can't be a dream." Li Anping denied this possibility. Although the scene in front of him was a bit strange, he remained calm and rational as always, and he began to think about the current situation.

‘I only remember that I was fighting three super soldiers from the Four Worlds in the end. Was the situation in front of me some kind of special attack? ’

‘Or is this part of me now a fragment of consciousness shot down to a parallel time and space? ’

Just as Li Anping was thinking about these things, suddenly, the conversation of the girls in front of him came vaguely to his ears.

"Have you heard...Li Anping...police..."

"Well...I heard that he was"

"What a pity..."

"Yeah...if he still..."

Li Anping had completely lost his superhuman hearing at this time, and he heard the words of the other two people intermittently in his ears. At this moment, the bell rang, and get out of class was over.

The students in the classroom dispersed without waiting for the teacher to say anything. The male classmate next to him patted Li Anping on the shoulder and said, "Are you going to play basketball?"

Li Anping shook his head, said nothing, and walked to the location of the dormitory in his memory. He wants to go online now. Find out what kind of world is in front of you.

Opening the web page, Li Anping began to browse the latest news one by one.

Daxia, Ice Castle, Eastern Continent, Western Continent, everything was just like when he was in college, there was no difference at all.

Li Anping started searching for information about superpowers, and all that came up were various novels, comics, and animations. Then he searched for Daxia Longque. Xia Liekong, Song Bang, Pluto, Wang Ke.

But no, there is nothing. These people can't be found on the Internet, and now Li Anping doesn't know any of the senior officials in Daxia.

"Is it a parallel world?"

Just when Li Anping felt a little confused, a black mobile phone rang on the table nearby. Li Anping took a look. Someone probably forgot his cell phone, so he ignored him and continued to collect information on the Internet.

However, the person who called the mobile phone seemed to be very persistent and never stopped. Then a boy walked into the dormitory. He glanced at Li Anping.

The other person's appearance made Li Anping feel familiar. He should be a classmate in the same dormitory, but he couldn't remember the other person's name or identity at all.

‘Memory…fading? ’ Li Anping felt his memory ability. The data in my memory seems to be constantly being lost.

At this moment, the other party asked strangely: "Your cell phone rang, didn't you answer it?"

"My mobile phone?" Li Anping looked at the black mobile phone on the table strangely. It had been too long since he had used a mobile phone. He thought for a moment, took the phone in his hand, and looked at the caller ID, which showed Teacher Wang.

He answered the phone and heard a woman's voice from the other side.

"Hello? Is it Chen Bin? Have you forgotten again? Today is the day of our appointment. Come over quickly. I will wait for you in the psychological consultation room."

" seem to have made a mistake..."

"Stop talking anymore. You must have forgotten it again. You'll know when you come here anyway."


The other party had hung up the phone, and Li Anping suddenly reacted. He opened his wallet and took out his ID card. When he saw the content on it, his face turned pale and he felt extremely ridiculous.

Chen to his photo was a completely unimpressive name. He stuffed his ID card back and hurried out the door.

"Hey, Chen Bin, if you go to the cafeteria, bring me a meal!"

Li Anping ignored him, closed the door directly, and rushed towards the psychological counselor in the school.

Opening the door, a middle-aged woman wearing a white robe was sitting behind the desk waiting for him.

"Are you here?" The middle-aged female doctor looked up at him and pointed to the sofa beside her and said, "Sit down first."

"I know you have a lot of questions now, but you should read these things first."

He saw a middle-aged female doctor giving him a stack of newspapers and a pamphlet. Li Anping glanced at the other party in confusion, took the newspaper and pamphlet, and began to sit on the sofa to read.

The more he looked, the more Li Anping's pupils shrank, and an absurd and incredible emotion kept rising in his mind.

The middle-aged female doctor seemed to have known how the other party would react. While watching Li Anping read the news, she explained: "Two years ago, your family was involved in a car accident. You were the only one who survived. The driver escaped and you are still alive today." Not caught. You also suffered from autism from that time on."

"A year and a half ago, a retired special soldier named Li Anping began to appear on the headlines of newspapers. He single-handedly killed many police officers, officials, and wealthy people."

"I don't know the specific situation, but many people on the Internet regard him as an idol, thinking that he is a hero who kills corrupt officials, bullies, and eliminates harm for the people."

"From that time on, your symptoms began to worsen and you had hallucinations in your life. You often thought you were Li Anping and thought you had super powers..."

"Impossible!" Li Anping stood up and stared closely at the newspaper. Li Anping's portrait also had a big headline, "Retired special forces soldiers broke into houses and killed people."

The female doctor seemed to be used to Li Anping's reaction and said calmly: "In recent months, your condition has become more and more serious. You have even begun to experience intermittent memory loss."

She pointed to the pamphlet that Li Anping threw on the ground and said, "You can look at the contents of that pamphlet. You wrote it yourself."

Li Anping slowly picked up the pamphlet from the ground and began to read page by page.

Daxia Longque, superpowers, demons, light speed fists, all kinds of memories are recorded in the book.

"All the above are your own imagination, and it is very simple to verify." The female doctor said lightly: "Can you tell me the principle? Can you tell me about any of the fantasy skills or technologies above? principle and reproduce it in the real world?”

Li Anping sat on the sofa. He kept thinking in his mind, but he couldn't figure out the principles, electromagnetic drive, material reorganization, and quantum computing. He was so familiar with their effects and functions, but now he had no way to realize them.

At this moment, the female doctor on the side spoke again: "Chen Bin. I need you to cooperate with my treatment. With your current condition, if the disease continues to worsen, it will seriously threaten the lives of other students. By then I will I have to recommend that the school expel you from school and you will also be sent to a sanatorium.”

"Take a pill, take a shower, go back and have a good sleep. Stop reading news related to Li Anping."

Li Anping sat on the sofa, his only trace of calmness and reason crumbling.

On a sea of ​​chaos. Colorful bubbles kept emerging and floating into the air. In each bubble, various worlds are reflected, reflecting the joys and sorrows of countless people, as if each bubble represents the birth and death of countless worlds.

The tide of chaos stood above this ocean, and in front of him was Li Anping, who fell into a coma.

What appeared in the Four Worlds was a green ball of light the size of a fist, floating on the shoulders of Chaos Tide, and he asked doubtfully: "Is he dreaming?"

"It's a dream, but it's not a dream." Tide of Chaos explained: "With Bai and his current power, every dream can be a real world, even if it is just an unconscious dream, with the information revealed when they turn over in sleep. A little bit of power is enough to build a real world. There is no difference between reality and dreams.”

"I don't understand. If Bai wants to integrate Li Anping, why does he go to such trouble?"

Tide of Chaos laughed: "Can you kill your own thoughts?"

"Whether human beings or any living thing, there are countless ideas, thoughts, consciousness, and choices being born every moment. We cannot kill these thoughts and these choices themselves."

"When two choices appear at the same time, we choose one of them only because of some coincidence, some probability, and some variable that convinces us. Even if this variable is very subtle."

"It's like what to eat for lunch or what to wear tomorrow. When we make a choice, there are always reasons, even if sometimes these reasons are hidden in our subconscious, even if we are not aware of it."

"The same goes for Bai and Li Anping."

Chaos Tide's smile was full of excitement: "The superposition of all Li Anping on countless timelines is the collection of all Li Anping, and the real Li Anping.

Just like in any timeline, ten-year-old Li Anping and twenty-year-old Li Anping, when they are superimposed together, they are part of the real Li Anping. They are like two different ideas and different choices, not separate, but It's one.

Now, if one idea wants to convince another idea, it can only be with the passage of time and changes in external parameters that gradually turn the ten-year-old Li Anping into the twenty-year-old Li Anping.

Just like a snake crawling on the timeline, every point on the timeline is a part of the snake. The entire set of them is the real snake and cannot be viewed separately.

Their current situation is similar to this. But even so, the power Bai possesses still gives him an absolute advantage. "

A flash of green light appeared on the body of the Four Worlds, and he said hesitantly: "Then what should we do?"

"Green, don't you understand yet?" Tide of Chaos laughed loudly: "The game has already begun, even before most of the high-ranking beings in the multiverse are aware of it.

Now, let us make this game that concerns gods and humans, time and space, and the balance of the entire multiverse more exciting, and let the seeds of chaos take root and sprout. "(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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