Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Countercurrent Chapter 17: Furious Speculation and Pursuit

In an office in a building.

Han Wei, the captain of the Emerald City Special Service Team, was looking at the documents in front of him. Sitting opposite him was Mo Qiuyan, another vice-captain and top thug.

Han Wei put down the document in his hand, sighed and said, "What do you think."

Mo Qiuyan smiled, let out a breath, and stretched out, as if he was tired from sitting here. It wasn't until he saw Han Wei frowning that he said with a smile: "It's useless for you to ask me." Ah, don’t you already have the answer in your heart? Just tell me the name and I will beat whoever you ask me to beat.”

"Hmph, how many times have I told you that political problems cannot be solved by fighting. Force is the last resort and the lowest method." Looking at Mo Qiuyan's indifferent expression, Han Wei shook his head. He shook his head and said, "Do you think the person who took action to wipe out the lone wolves this time is Li Anping?"

"Li Anping? He's just a nobody. Even if he is indeed found at the scene, it can only mean that he is related to the murderer. It is very likely that he was taken over by Xia Liekong just like Huang Linjun said."

Mo Qiuyan said decisively: "Among the people who died this time, Liu Haotian had a brain problem and is not worth mentioning. The snake-haired woman, the clone man and Jiang Chuan all had second levels. In such a small city, In terms of fighting, it's not easy to deal with. Not to mention there are hundreds of heavily armed criminals. But from the evidence collected at the scene, it seems that there is only one person. The best among masters.

What's even more frightening is that this man killed them all with his bare hands from beginning to end. Either he is a mutant type ability user, or his abilities are too famous and he is afraid of being recognized. If it is the first type, if he can fight bullets with his body, he is at least a third-level ability user.

As for the second type, it is even more terrifying. He killed these people purely with the power of his mind and body. This kind of person can never be an unknown person. "

"Humph, you said you wouldn't say anything, but then you said so much."

Mo Qiuyan smiled: "Isn't that what you asked me?"

"If you put it this way, is it really Xia Lie who came empty-handed?" Han Wei said to himself.

"I don't know about that. You have nothing to do. I have to leave first. We are halfway through the card game." Mo Qiuyan stood up and stretched again: "But there are possible characters in the Emerald City. , are not present. There are many masters in Baiyue and Fulun in the south, but there is no reason for them to do this. The possibility of coming is very low, except for Xia Lie Kong, who can kill so many people and leave no one alive. , I prefer vendetta. The lone wolf has offended so many people over the years, so it’s not surprising that he was killed.”

Han Wei did not answer, and thought to himself: 'If it is really Xia Liekong who took action from hiding in the dark, does it mean that the situation in the north has become so tense? Need to reorganize the rear, concentrate forces, and be ready for a decisive battle at any time? But why should Jiang Chuan be killed? If you want to rectify the situation and shake things up, you shouldn't kill your own people. And compared to Lone Wolf, Qilin Group, Violet, and Zhongyi Hall are better targets. Could it be that someone is investigating human trafficking? Then we shouldn't kill everyone.

It shouldn't be Xia Liekong, is it really a vendetta? ’

Thinking of this, Han Wei suddenly said: "Wait, you go to Black Dragon Mountain now."

"Huh?" Mo Qiuyan was about to walk out of the office. He stopped when he heard this, looked back at Han Wei and said, "What's wrong? Who are you trying to kill?"

"Wright's body has not been found. No matter who is the person who killed Lone Wolf, he most likely asked Wright to take him to the Black Dragon Mountains to find Kano."

Mo Qiuyan smiled excitedly: "What do you want me to do?"

‘No matter what the reason is, since there are no lone wolves left, Kano knows too much, so he can only give up. But Jiangchuan cannot die in vain. And before he died, he went after Li Anping...' Thinking of this, Han Wei smiled ferociously and said: "Kano knows too much, kill him. If you meet Li Anping and he is the only one, kill him. , catch him.”

"Haha, aren't you afraid of Xia Liekong? Or other people who kill Lone Wolf?"

"Li Anping is suspected of murder. It is only natural to arrest him and hold him accountable. Even if Xia Liekong wants to blame me, he can't blame me, let alone other people. After all, even if the lone wolf is dead, even Jiang Chuan is dead. If we don't move Activity, huh, other people really thought we were going to die. Besides, if Li Anping was really the only one to go, that means he was also given up.

After all, I am also the special service captain of Emerald City. How could the person who killed me not give me an explanation? "

At the same time, the situation in the Emerald City is changing. Ordinary people may not know it yet, but some powerful people already know that the lone wolf has been uprooted and all its members have been killed.

Especially in this killing, members of the Zhongyi Hall and the Qilin Regiment both suffered casualties. The three major organizations, which were already fighting fiercely, are now even more at odds with each other. Various conflicts and contradictions cannot stop.

So all kinds of rumors and gossip were flying all over the place.

Now the entire Jade City is like a powder keg, ready to explode. I am afraid that as long as there is a slight mistake, the three major organizations will immediately become a war. Turning the entire Emerald City into a battlefield.

In a private house in Emerald City, Ye Wenbin was panting. His limbs were broken and he could only lie on the bed. Li Anping was sitting next to him surfing the Internet.

The decoration of this private house is average and the size is an ordinary two-bedroom. Judging from the layout of the room, there is only one single man living there. However, this man seems to have been away from home for a while. I wonder if he is on a business trip or traveling? In any case, this environment was suitable for Li Anping, so he temporarily brought Ye Wenbin here.

He was searching the Internet for information about lone wolves. It was already daytime the next day, but it seemed that the police had completely blocked all relevant information. There was no information about the massacre at the building or auction house.

So what needs to be considered now is whether the leader of the lone wolf knows that his organization has been wiped out by Li Anping. If he knew, would he run away?

"What is your leader's name? What kind of person is he?" He turned to ask Ye Wenbin on the bed.

Ye Wenbin trembled when he heard this. He is still pale even now, obviously frightened by Li Anping's murderous methods. Especially when his limbs were broken by the other party, he was not a tough guy in the first place, so he immediately replied: "His name is Kano, and he is also an Indo-Western man. He is very short and dark. This man has a very violent and cruel personality. There once was a very Obedient slave girl... no... the girl bit him on the lower body and was thrown into a dog cage to feed the dogs..."

"I'm not asking you this." Li Anping waved his hand and said, "Let me ask you one by one. How do you usually contact each other? Where does he usually go?"

"He... usually contacts me on the phone. As long as I make a lot of money every month, he usually doesn't interfere too much with my management. Usually when he comes over, he will ask me if I can get some. Girls, most of them didn’t come back.”

Ye Wenbin thought for a while and then said: "As for where he usually lives, I don't know. After all, I am not an Indo-Western person. If I don't agree with them, they can't tell me all the security issues. I only know that he lives on these days every month. She always goes to Black Dragon Mountain and doesn’t answer anyone’s calls. There are other times when I know that he is usually having fun in nightclubs and hotels. He is also very lustful and has a woman with him basically every night.”

"Black Dragon Mountain..." Li Anping's hand tapped the table rhythmically, not knowing what he was thinking.

Black Dragon Mountain is a large mountain range located northwest of Emerald City. Because the entire mountain range looks like a giant dragon lying prone, it is called Black Dragon Mountain. The mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, and the land is barren and has no special products. Basically there are no residents nearby and the scenery is average, so few people go up the mountain.

"Do you know why he goes to Black Dragon Mountain?" Li Anping didn't understand why Kano went to Black Dragon Mountain every month. The Emerald City in Heilong Mountain is 70 to 80 kilometers away. We have to go back and forth every month, and we have to go up the mountain. Isn't it very troublesome? And from Ye Wenbin's previous words, it seems that Kano doesn't manage Lone Wolf's business very much, he just enjoys himself and is greedy for money and lust.

Why would such a person go to the mountains to live for a few days every month? No one has contacted him yet.

"I...I don't know. They don't allow me to ask." Seeing Li Anping's dissatisfied look, Ye Wenbin quickly explained: "No one in the entire company knows. And Kano is not allowed to ask."

"Kano, is he the only one going?"

"No, it's not. He has four bodyguards around him to protect him. It is said that these four people were the first to break out with him from the Indo-Western region. They were adopted by him when they were young, and they have a life-long friendship with him. These four people When Kano is with him every day, he will give them the same portion of whatever he wants to do or eat.”

Hei became happy when he heard the news: "Four bodyguards, don't worry about letting such a few people protect you. There must be at least two ability users among them." Hey hey hey, some more have been eaten. If we continue at this rate, it won’t be long before we have nothing to worry about. ’

Li Anping asked again: "Are there people with abilities among these four people? No, since even you are protected by people with abilities, I should ask how many people with abilities there are among these four people, and what are their abilities? Also, Kano Is he capable?"

"I don't know about Kano. As for the abilities of the other four people, I...I don't know very well." Seeing Li Anping stand up, Ye Wenbin was startled: "Wait...wait...let me think Think...I think about it, yes, I remembered it."

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