Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 3: Countercurrent Chapter 16: Extermination

On the thirteenth floor of Lone Wolf's building, in Wright's office, a group of people surrounded Qin Yong and beat him on the ground. Qin Yong's consciousness was blurred. At this moment, he could only hold his head and curl up, instinctively reducing the damage he suffered.

On the other side, Wright and the bald woman were sitting on the sofa. Behind them, the cold-faced man like a robot stood there, like a bodyguard.

"Then this matter is settled. When the leader comes back, I will inform Commander Fang immediately." Wright took a puff of the cigarette in his hand and slowly exhaled it, without even looking at Qin Yong who was standing aside: " There are also new dishes this month. I wonder if the soldiers in your group are interested?"

The bald woman said: "Same as usual, send 10 people over. Those bastards are so energetic every day."

"No problem, but it's about the price." Wright saw the fierce look in the other party's eyes and immediately explained: "The girls sent to you a few months ago are basically disabled or crazy when they come back. The soldiers of your group are having fun. But it’s a bit crazy, so we still need to adjust the price.”

"Huh, whatever you want. It's useless to tell me about the specific things. We'll talk to our accountant then." Before she finished speaking, her face suddenly changed, and she and the cold-faced man beside her turned to look at her at the same time. out the window.

Amidst the howling wind, there was only a loud bang. A bloody corpse hit the glass of the building, causing cracks. The whole body was embedded in the glass, but the huge impact knocked him to pieces. It was deformed and its original appearance was completely unrecognizable. All that could be seen was the uniforms of the SWAT team flapping in the strong wind.

Amidst the exclamations, the cold-faced man had already hugged Wright and hid behind the sofa. The bald woman on the side had already stood up. Her hair, which was more than five meters long, was like a dancing snake, covering her whole body.


The bald woman's shouts were drowned in the strong wind. A person has rushed into the building from mid-air. The huge force and the speed that can't be seen by the human eye are like a tornado rushing towards it.

First, a whole piece of glass exploded inward. The bodyguard standing near the window was hit by the glass fragments shot out like bullets, and fell down with wounds all over his body. What happened next was a few big men around Qin Yong. The figure passed by them, and they were thrown out like building blocks. One after another, they hit the ground from the broken window like dumplings.

Screams rang out in the air like musical notes, but the remaining people in the office could only hear the whistling of the wind. The figure was like an endless storm, rushing towards Wright.

"court death!"

The bald woman stood in front of Wright and stabbed straight at Li Anping with all the hair on her body. With this move, she once tied a man into skewers through a steel plate and then cut his body into pieces. Seeing her opponent not dodging, a smile appeared on her lips.


Amidst the whistling sound, the bald woman was grabbed by the hair and thrown away. It was not until she came into contact with the other party that she realized how childish her actions were. Her proud ability was not worth mentioning in front of the other party. Her hair was like straw in the opponent's hand, and the astonishing force directly drove her through five walls. When she finally stopped, she was already a ball of rotten meat.

The bald woman didn't even waste a second on Li Anping. At this time, Wright had just stood up, but the cold-faced man behind him had already rushed towards Li Anping and pushed him back.

"Let's go!"

The next moment, in a flash of white light, three people rushed out of the cold-faced man's body, each stabbing Li Anping with a dagger.

"Clone?" Li Anping exclaimed and took a step back. This was the first time he had taken a step back since he rushed in.

Before he knew the other party's abilities, he still chose to be cautious. And just when he took a step back, the three 'people' who looked exactly like the cold-faced man had already rushed in front of him. One of them stabbed the heart with the right side, the other stabbed the kidney with the left side, and the third one was circling towards Li Anping's back.

The clones of these three cold-faced men were skillful in their movements and cooperated with each other as if they were one person. Their killing skills were also honed over time. If Li Anping had just come out of Zhongcheng, he might have had to dodge them.

But now Li Anping simply punched forward three times.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After three consecutive blasts, the three clones were blown up by Li Anping in mid-air and turned into white spots of light.

As soon as the three people died, Li Anping was about to move forward, but he frowned and found that three more people rushed out of the cold-faced man's body and rushed toward Li Anping.

‘It looks weird, but it’s not very powerful. ’

This time Li Anping was not dodging. He has already experienced the combat power of the clone. There is no mental energy in his body. His quality is slightly stronger than that of ordinary soldiers, but he is neither poisonous nor capable of self-destruction. In his eyes, the speed is even more annoying. Being patient, he had no worries.

Li Anping poked his finger and blew up the first clone. Then, without stopping, he walked up to the remaining two clones, punched twice in the face, and with two bangs, two more clones were blown up.

But as soon as he finished fighting, he saw three clones crawling out of the cold-faced man's body. The other party was obviously determined to hold him back.

"In the way."

Li Anping rushed forward and swept all three clones with his cross arm. Then he punched the cold-faced man in the face with his other hand from bottom to top.

The opponent's fighting skills have obviously been well-trained for a long time, and he has rich fighting experience. He has already made blocking movements based on instinct. Li Anping can even feel the opponent's mind energy rushing towards his hands.

Unfortunately, his movements were too slow and too weak compared to Li Anping. As soon as he moved, Li Anping had already punched him in the face.

Boom! Like thunder from the sky, his face was covered in blood and flesh, and his head made a muffled sound and had already exploded. Before his body fell, Li Anping had already stepped out and chased him out of the door.

When they killed two people in a row just now, the other party tried their best, but to Li Anping, it was just a casual blow. He didn't even use the Nian Qi he just knew about, but his current Nian Qi enhanced him very little.

The first-level ability users have only just been able to generate mental energy. Compared with the slight enhancement of mental energy to the physical body, the most helpful thing at this stage is the ability to see other people's mental energy. Only level two ability users like the snake-haired woman and the cold-faced man just now have more obvious enhancement effects of thought energy.

It's a pity that their bodies, which have experienced enhanced mental energy, are still vulnerable to Li Anping's physical body.


"Shoot quickly!!"

"Enemy attack!"

I saw Li Anping walking out of the office, and someone was already shooting at him. Wright shouted for help while running to the elevator, and at the same time he kept calling for people to kill Li Anping.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Facing the gunmen who rushed over, Li Anping looked indifferent. He took one step and jumped ten meters away. Then he took a step and punched. In the blink of an eye, four people fell to the ground, all of them killed by one punch.

sudden! sudden!

A row of machine guns fired at Li Anping.

Too lazy to dodge, Li Anping allowed the bullets to hit him. He raised a corpse in front of him and threw it towards the gunmen. He killed one of them directly and turned the rest of them into ground gourds. Then he rushed Go up and punch each one, and five more people will die.

As a result, Li Anping was seen chasing after Wright leisurely. No matter who he met on the way or who attacked him, they would all hit him with a straight punch. Either his head would be blown off, or his bones would be shattered and his internal organs would be ruptured.

Within a short distance of one hundred meters, dozens of corpses had fallen at his feet, and blood covered the corridor, making Li Anping look like a devil.

The remaining gunmen also stopped attacking. They all followed Wright in fear, watching in fear as Li Anping walked slowly.

Wright didn't move either. He knew that facing this kind of monster, there was no possibility of success either in escaping or resisting.

"Brother, you have something to say. If you have offended me in any way, I apologize to you. If you have any requests, you can make them."

Li Anping did not answer, but speeded up in an instant, rushing in front of Wright like a phantom. Then before the gunmen could react, their vision went dark. Within five meters, all souls had been absorbed by Li Anping, and they seemed uninjured. But already dead.

‘The air-to-air absorption is faster than expected, and there is almost no difference in speed from the absorption after contact. Black, what about efficiency? Is there any loss? ’

**: 'About half of it was lost, which is half less than the soul absorbed after contact. If you don't want to waste it in the future, you can absorb it when you kill it in the end. It can be regarded as hiding a trump card. ’

Li Anping nodded, feeling the power flow out of his body endlessly. He had just absorbed two more ability users. His strength increased again, reaching strength 3.8, speed 2.7, and physical fitness 4.5. Looking at Wright who was shaking all over, he slowly He said, "Are you the leader of the lone wolf?"

Wright looked at Li Anping's murderous look. His legs weakened and he knelt down: "No... no... I'm just responsible for... responsible for contacting the business."

"Hmm. So where are your heads?"

"He...he went to Black Dragon Mountain. Every month at this time...he has to go there." Seeing Li Anping frown, Wright immediately defended loudly: "Really...really...I didn't lie. You...I'm not in the same group as them. I'm not an Indo-Western person. My name is Ye Wenbin. I'm from Daxia. I was forced to come here to manage their business. If I don't agree, they will kill me. , I was also forced.”

"Oh." Li Anping nodded and said: "Wait for me here, I have to go down again. By the way... the two floors below are all your people, right?"

Wright or Ye Wenbin nodded and couldn't help but ask: "What are you going down for?"

"Kill people." Li Anping looked at Ye Wenbin and said, "I will kill all the lone wolves one by one." Ye Wenbin was so cold that he felt cold.

He walked a few steps, but suddenly turned around, looked at Ye Wenbin's trembling appearance and said, "When I kill them all, you won't run away by yourself, right?"

"I won't run away. Really, please spare me! Business... it's all business... I have never forced a girl into prostitution, it's all their doing! I'm just here for business!"

Then regardless of the opponent's resistance, struggle and screams, Li Anping directly interrupted Ye Wenbin's hands and feet before walking towards the elevator.

On this day, screams and gunshots resounded throughout the building, and even later there were explosions of suspected bombs or grenades.

The staff who rented the office downstairs had already escaped. Soon someone called the police. When the police and the special forces arrived, they could only see corpses and blood plasma all over the floor. Countless lone wolf members were twisted into a ball and thrown on the ground. The entire eleventh and twelfth floors seemed to have turned into hell.

The only survivors on the scene were the unconscious Qin Yong and the girl who was locked up on the twelfth floor. The police immediately sent them to the hospital and completely blocked the information on the scene.

Even in Emerald City, this cruel and horrific crime scene is the first time. If it is spread to the public, it may cause huge riots and have a serious adverse impact on social stability.

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