Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 53: Explosion

Just as the blond man was accumulating his strength.

On the other side, Li Anping was also caught in the attack of the cloaked man and the monkey. The cloaked man's strength and speed reached the speed of light, and his body was countless times harder than a white dwarf. No matter how Li Anping attacked, he would block in front, just like a knight to resist all attacks from Li Anping.

The monkey was like a ghost. Not only did it have amazing regeneration ability, but it could also change into various forms, constantly surrounding Li Anping and the cloaked man who were fighting, and launching various attacks.

He either changed into various legendary creatures such as phoenixes, dragons, and unicorns, or into various invisible things such as hurricanes, flames, and thunder, constantly attacking Li Anping in various ways.

With a sound of "Puh", the monkey spit out a mouthful of saliva at Li Anping, and the saliva instantly became magic acid that was tens of millions times more acidic than aqua regia and sulfuric acid.

However, this terrible attack was more of an insult than an attack in front of Li Anping and him. Li Anping waved his hand lightly and turned the magic acid into a puff of green smoke.

"Boy, you have some skills."

While punching and kicking the cloaked man, the monkey had changed again, splitting into thousands of clones, and rolling around the two people who were fighting.

The power of each clone was no less than the previous one. After the sticks were smashed, Li Anping simply took the initiative to disintegrate his body, avoiding the attack of one man and one monkey, and turned into countless photons and moved thousands of kilometers away, and reorganized his body again.

But the movement at nearly the speed of light could not get rid of any of the three people in front of him, resulting in a reduction in the number of people.

Needless to say, the cloaked man followed Li Anping's movement and chased him at the speed of light, punching Li Anping in the chest. The monkey head holding the stick was also not slow at all. With one somersault, it crossed thousands of kilometers and came behind Li Anping. A stick brought wind, fire, thunder and lightning, and stabbed towards Li Anping's vest.

Another blond man who had not taken action pressed his finger on his forehead, and his body flashed, and he appeared around the three people fighting.

"There is no way to escape like this." The cloaked man reminded: "You must find a way to move directly in space or time on a large scale, so that it is possible to disperse us."

However, he reminded kindly, but his physical attack was merciless.

During the siege, the cloaked man resisted Li Anping's attack, the monkey was responsible for harassing Li Anping, and the blond man...

'Troublesome guy. '

Li Anping glanced at the blond man. The energy in the other party's body was like a volcano about to erupt. It was growing crazily every moment, as if it was some kind of way of accumulating strength to prepare for some attack.

'If he continues to accumulate like this, it will be too dangerous. '


Earth, Beiping.

Chaos Tide and Four Worlds Thoughts remained in their original positions. In front of them was the image of Li Anping fighting with three people.

Seeing that Li Anping was at a disadvantage under the siege of the cloaked man and the monkey, the Four Worlds Thoughts laughed: "If you keep fighting like this, your seeds will be withered."

Chaos Tide didn't care: "Why rush? It's just the beginning. Now it's not even a warm-up for them."

Four Worlds Thoughts snorted coldly: "Let me see how hard you are. Let me explain in advance that these three warriors, who were personally trained by me, cost me a lot of time and materials. They are much stronger than you think."


Li Anping, the monkey, and the cloaked man had fought for tens of millions of kilometers. In just a few minutes, the battlefield of the four people changed from endless flames and high temperatures to a cosmic vacuum with nothing.

Their battle also completely turned into a pantomime.

During this process, the cloaked man was unharmed, Li Anping reorganized his body many times, and the monkey continued to regenerate his body that was smashed by Li Anping.

During this period, Li Anping's body emitted white light several times. He wanted to launch the Bright Glazed Fire, but he gave up because the opponent was too fast and difficult to lock.

Especially the cloaked man, after trying ultra-high temperature, ultra-low temperature, antimatter explosion, and quantum vacuum fist, the opponent's body was unscathed. Until now, Li Anping still has not found a way to hurt the opponent.

The monkey on the other side is the same. Although he has blasted the opponent into minced meat countless times, the opponent's immortal body seems to be no less than Li Anping himself. After each regeneration, there is no sign of weakness.

At this time, the blond man has changed again. As the golden energy surges, his hair grows longer again, the eyebrows on his forehead disappear completely, and the whole person's body becomes stronger, and the muscles seem to be about to explode.

Especially the energy in the opponent's body has reached a level that surprised Li Anping.

With a faint smile on his face, the blond man stretched out his palm towards the location where Li Anping and the other two were. The next moment, golden light burst out from the man's palm, more fierce than a laser cannon and more domineering than a positron cannon.

As soon as the light wave burst out from the man's palm, it grew wildly at an astonishing speed. When it came in front of Li Anping and the other two, it had become a light column thousands of kilometers thick.

The brightness of the light column can be clearly seen even on Earth a few hours later. In the light column, except for the cloaked man with an S on his chest and Li Anping, the monkeys have disappeared.

But soon, a ball of meat foam has gathered together in the vacuum of the universe, and a monkey head has grown out of the meat, roaring: "It hurts so much!"

Although the sound cannot be transmitted in the vacuum of the universe, the angry will has spread his information to the people present.

At the same time, the cloaked man's face changed, and a light speed punch was thrown out, which had already broken up Li Anping's body that had just been reorganized, but soon, more Li Anping appeared in the vision of the three people.

The cloaked man and the monkey used the light speed punch, stirring the stick that was already 10,000 kilometers long in his hand, and frantically attacked the increasing number of Li Anping in the void.

'If the cloaked man is a tank, then the monkey is a thief, and the golden hedgehog head is a mage...' Such thoughts flowed through his mind, and unknowingly, a ray of light had enveloped the back of the blond man.

The cloaked man and the monkey also reacted quickly and rushed towards the blond man immediately. But how could Li Anping, who also traveled at the speed of light, give them a chance?

The quantum vacuum circle slammed directly into the blond man's chest. Just as he thought, the opponent's strength was far inferior to the two men just now, whether in terms of speed or strength.

Li Anping's punch hit the opponent's body without any fancy moves. The quantum vacuum fist hit the opponent's chest like a planet, but a thick layer of golden energy burst out from the opponent's body at the same time. The two peerless forces collided with each other, and Li Anping was instantly knocked away, and a big hole appeared in the blond man's chest.

'His energy attack is much stronger than the previous two, but his physical fitness is much lower than that of the two. '

Just as Li Anping thought so. The blond man's chest glowed green, and as the green light evolved, his chest had returned to its original state again.

At this time, the cloaked man had come to Li Anping's side, and blew a freezing breath on Li Anping's body, instantly cooling his body to minus 250 degrees.

On the other side, the monkey who came soon after also opened his mouth and spit out three flames composed of spirit and energy from his eyes, nose and mouth, burning on Li Anping's body.


On the earth. Chaos Tide's face was stunned, and he looked at the Four Worlds on the side and said: "I don't remember that he has the ability to regenerate."

The green light on the Four Worlds flickered and turned light green, and seemed to enjoy Chaos Tide's surprise very much. He smiled and said: "I told you before that these three guys are more powerful than you think after my modulation. Your seed is about to lose."

"Lose? I said, I just warmed up just now."

The Chaos Tide spread out five fingers. A green light net stretched out from his palm and covered the sky in a moment. In just a few seconds. The sky of the entire earth has turned green.

Countless people looked at the changes in the sky in disbelief, and it was hard to imagine what happened.

Seeing the changes in the sky, Ye Feng, William and others also quickly rushed towards the direction of the Four Worlds and the Chaos Tide. They vaguely felt that the changes in this world were related to there.

But they didn't have this opportunity.

After the green light cocoon wrapped the entire earth, as the Chaos Tide grabbed with five fingers, the earth shrank rapidly like a marble, and was finally grabbed into his palm.

From beginning to end, the Four Worlds just watched the Chaos Tide put away the earth, and said sarcastically: "You don't have to destroy my planet when you lose your temper?"

"I just want that idiot to fight with all his strength. He doesn't know how strong the three opponents are, so he has this idea of ​​slowly increasing his output and controlling the scope of the battlefield."

"I originally thought that it wouldn't take long to beat the three warriors you sent, but now it seems that it won't work."

Just as the Chaos Tide and the Four Worlds were talking, a message had already been transmitted to Li Anping's ears. It was the voice of the Chaos Tide.

"Boy, I have protected this Earth. The three on the opposite side are much stronger than you think. Go all out. Don't give me face. It's okay to tear down this solar system."


Li Anping, who was surrounded by cold air and flames, suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light burst out.

Eight months ago, Li Anping already had the light speed fist and quantum vacuum fist, and had the power to destroy the Earth with one blow.

So now, eight months later, Li Anping's power has reached 4.3 billion times the previous one. How far can his real power go?

Li Anping stretched out his hands. On his right hand, a substance that was extremely dark, difficult to describe with the naked eye, difficult to observe, and even difficult to describe in words was born from nothingness.

As soon as it appeared, the surrounding space was distorted, light was difficult to run, and even the right half of Li Anping's body gradually disappeared. That was the ultimate existence in the universe, the black hole.

At the same time, a huge ball of light appeared on Li Anping's left hand. It was brighter than the sun and hotter than the inside of a star. It was an unprecedented super star.

The right hand was dark, and the left hand was bright. The next moment, Li Anping clasped his hands together towards his chest.

"Stop him!" The cloaked man was the first to understand what it was. While communicating with the other two with brain waves, the whole person had turned into a light and shadow, and rushed towards Li Anping fiercely.

Compared with the cloaked man, the speed of the other two was much slower. They had no time to stop Li Anping, because even with the speed of the cloaked man, when he rushed in front of Li Anping, the light and darkness of the other party's hands had overlapped, and the darkness completely swallowed the light at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Too late..."

This thought flashed through his mind, and the next moment, the cloaked man was swallowed up by countless rays of light.

The principle of the light and dark explosion caused by Li Anping's hands together was to use an artificial black hole to swallow an artificial star. The two poles of the star released blue flames, and the terrifying energy was mixed with invisible and colorless gamma rays, which shot in all directions with Li Anping's body as the center.

The result of the birth of the light and dark explosion is the most violent explosion in the universe, the gamma ray burst.

The sun consumes about four million tons of hydrogen per second, and the energy released per second is equivalent to 910 million-ton hydrogen bombs.

Now, the gamma-ray burst generated between Li Anping's palms generates energy every second, which is equivalent to the energy released by millions of suns. When the duration of this gamma-ray burst exceeds one minute, the energy released is equivalent to the sum of the sunlight of trillions of years.

With the violent eruption of gamma rays, the explosion between Li Anping's palms stopped for a full minute, but this short minute has doomed the entire solar system.

It only takes more than 20 hours for the solar system to be completely enveloped by the gamma-ray burst. Whether it is a planet or a star, everything will disappear in the face of this violent force. No stable molecular structure can exist in this environment. The entire solar system will be decomposed into countless particles, like a beautiful firework, floating quietly in the universe.

And the gamma rays will not stop easily. They will move towards Sirius, Canopus, and Vega around the solar system with the solar system as the only center.

However, as the distance increases, his power will gradually weaken, and there will no longer be such a terrifying scene of destroying the entire solar system.

At the original position of the earth, the green light on the body of the Four Worlds Vision vibrated a few times like water waves, and seemed to be very surprised by the tricks used by Li Anping.

"This Li Anping is really amazing. I am more and more looking forward to the results after his transformation and modulation."

The Chaos Tide frowned and looked at the universe that was already filled with high temperature, strong magnetic field, and explosion, and said unhappily: "You really created three monsters." (To be continued. Please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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