Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 52: Thoughts on the Four Worlds

"Hehehe." A very mean smile sounded beside Li Anping's ears. As a bit of green appeared in the air, Chaos Tide's smiling face that made people want to punch him appeared in front of Li Anping again.

"Li Anping, don't be nervous. This guy just doesn't want you to destroy his spare warehouse. If you and Recknos go all out, all his toys will die." Chaos Tide laughed.

"Chaos dirty, mean, shameless rogue." The green light ball hummed: "If it weren't for you, how could such a bastard thing happen. The order of this planet has been completely disrupted by the two of you. My body will go to Chaos Sea to settle accounts with you later.

Now, get out of my territory." As the green light ball spoke, his spectrum changed significantly, from light green to dark green, and it looked like he was angry.

As the color changed, the gate that had been thrown away from the earth by Li Anping reappeared, and was moved directly to the front of Chaos Tide and Li Anping by the green light ball in an unknown way.

After listening to what the green light ball said, Li Anping frowned and looked at Chaos Tide: "You moved the gate on the White Earth?"

"Hehe, you should thank me for helping you and Recknos choose a good battlefield." Chaos Tide shrugged.

"I don't care about these things." Li Anping looked at the green light ball and said, "Recknos is my trophy, you must hand him over to me."

"Human, do you know who you are talking to?"

"Light ball, do you know whose things you have robbed?"

Hearing Li Anping's words, the green light ball changed again, as if countless air masses burst in it, and its entire color changed from dark green to dark green.

It gives people the feeling that this guy is furious.

Seeing the light ball like this. Chaos Tide on the side laughed: "Green, you said this guy is interesting, and didn't you also watch a good show?"

"What do you want to say?"

"It's boring if you do it yourself, why don't you send three of your warriors to fight Li Anping." Chaos Tide smiled and said: "If you win, I won't care how you deal with Li Anping, but if you lose, how about handing Reknos over to Li Anping?"

"Qing, what is your purpose?" The light ball seemed a little hesitant about what Chaos Tide said, and it seemed very happy to hand Li Anping over to him: "He can't win."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Just as the two were talking. Li Anping's momentum suddenly changed, and his hands became like a piece of chaos, and the electromagnetic force, strong force, gravity, and weak force turned into a ball, and the quantum vacuum fist was ready to go.

"You two, don't you want to ask for my opinion first?"

Their amazing momentum made even Chaos Tide turn around and take a look: "How is it. This fight will be very interesting."

He said to Li Anping again: "You don't want to confront the Demon God level too early, so add another condition. If you defeat him, that is, Green. Or the three warriors sent by the Four Worlds, then he will not only hand over Recknos to you, but also take the initiative to help you block the King of the Red River. How about it?"

Li Anping's eyes narrowed. The green light ball on the other side, the existence called the Four Worlds by Chaos Tide, said: "You didn't ask for my opinion, did you?"

"Are you still afraid that Hong will really come to you? Just tell him that you took Recknos and Seagram away, and he won't do anything."

With the words of Chaos Tide. Li Anping and the Four Worlds did not speak, and the atmosphere was silent for a while.

Finally, it was Li Anping who took the initiative to break the silence: "I don't care. Whether the opponent is your warrior or you, it doesn't matter. Let's start the fight."

"Hmph." The Four Worlds Thought snorted coldly. As the green light flashed, the space around him began to become blurred: "You want to fight, right? Then go and fight with the three of them. If you win, I will give you the evil god. The account between you and Hong will also be settled on my head."

Without waiting for Li Anping to react, the space around him had turned into a ball of chaos. The next moment, green light shot up into the sky, and Li Anping disappeared.

The Four Worlds Thought said coldly: "Satisfied. Are you so sure that he is the impossible possibility?"

"At least he is the closest one. Perhaps the transformation of the entire multiverse will start with him." Chaos Tide said indifferently: "The seeds of chaos have been sown, and I will eventually prove my theory to you."

It turned out that in the silence just now, the two had other exchanges without telling Li Anping, which prompted the Four Worlds Thought to agree to the bet.


A few minutes later, on Pluto.

On this icy planet, where the surface temperature is maintained between -238 and -218 degrees Celsius all year round, there is a layer of solid nitrogen and a small amount of solid methane and carbon monoxide. The ultra-low temperature has turned everything into stillness, and even prevented the birth of intelligent life.

But in this icy hell, a figure suddenly appeared with a burst of green light.

Li Anping looked at his body, and then looked forward. As for his location, it had been detected as soon as he appeared.

The gravity, area, volume, density, perihelion, illumination, and orbit of the entire planet were all calculated by him in an instant. This was the conclusion of Pluto, so it was naturally very simple.

But he had no intention to observe this planet now, because just five kilometers in front of him, three extremely powerful forces were slowly appearing. They were three green space gates, and three different figures were slowly crawling out of the space gates.

From the space gate on the left, a monkey that looked very much like a human crawled out. The monkey wore a purple gold crown, chain mail, and a huge stick six or seven meters long and as thick as a bowl on his shoulders. The monkey's eyes were red, and as soon as he stepped onto Pluto, an extremely ferocious momentum rushed towards Li Anping.

From the portal in the middle, a human appeared, with black hair and black eyes. But he was wearing a blue tights and a red cloak behind him. Although this human looked normal and did not have the ferocious aura of the monkey just now, he was able to remain unscathed in an environment of more than 200 degrees below zero, which in itself showed his extraordinaryness.

In the rightmost portal, a human also appeared. The most eye-catching thing was his tall golden hair. This hairstyle made Li Anping a little familiar, and it was very similar to Jin Guang's hairstyle.

The blond man was wearing an orange T-shirt and a blue training suit, and a pair of white gloves on his hands. What was more special was that he also had a pair of earrings on his ears. When he stepped into Pluto, a golden energy burned on his body, which seemed to repel the high and low temperatures around him.

The three people looked different, and the only thing in common was that their eyes were flashing green light, which seemed to represent that they had been controlled by the thoughts of the four worlds.

When they saw Li Anping in front of them, a trace of ferocity appeared on their faces. The cloaked man in the middle said: "The three of us have been controlled. We will basically show no mercy next time. You should run away quickly."

"What nonsense." The monkey on the left said angrily: "Want to run away? Take my stick first!"

The monkey's muscles swelled like mountains, and the whole person jumped up and came to the position of 2,000 meters above the ground. The stick in his left hand also grew to more than 20 kilometers in an instant. More than 4 kilometers thick, carrying enough power to stir up wind and thunder, he smashed Li Anping hard.

Just smashing the stick with one hand, its terrifying power and speed have been revealed.

There is basically no gas on the surface of Pluto. Because the ultra-low temperature has turned them into solid.

So after the monkey's stick hit Li Anping's position, there was no sound, but the visual effect was already amazing enough.

I saw this stick go down. The solid nitrogen on the surface of Pluto broke into pieces in an instant, and then under the huge kinetic energy and thermal energy, it quickly turned into gas, mixed with countless gravel, sulfide, and carbon monoxide, rising like a mushroom cloud. Because Pluto's gravity is too small, it is impossible to bind these gases, and the nitrogen rushed directly into the universe.

With one blow, the entire area of ​​hundreds of kilometers was sunken. You should know that the radius of the entire Pluto is only more than 2,000 kilometers. This is like an invisible fist, directly hitting a huge dent on Pluto, which looks like a bitten apple from a distance.

"Hahahaha!" The monkey laughed wildly, and seemed very satisfied with the result of his blow. He raised his stick to the sky, and the canine teeth in his mouth were exposed. He shouted: "I am the Great Sage Sun Wukong from the Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain! Who dares to come..."

Before the word "war" was finished, Li Anping had appeared in front of him like a ghost, and became a chaotic fist with enough power to destroy the planet, smashing towards the monkey in front of him crazily.

With the gas, a loud earth-shaking sound can be heard. With the contact point of the two as the center, the air waves blow in all directions.

The vibration on the ground has not stopped yet, and it was hit by this shock wave again. The direct result is that the entire Pluto has started a major earthquake with a magnitude of more than 10.

And this quantum vacuum fist also directly exploded the monkey's head into blood, and even directly vaporized his head.

But before Li Anping's next few punches fell, the cloaked man also took action.

Once he took action, he moved at the speed of light. This movement alone created an atomic nuclear explosion on the ground under his feet. Before the earthquake on Pluto ended, the ocean of solid and liquid nitrogen on the surface of the planet was boiled into a pot of porridge, turning into countless air currents, just like countless refugees, fleeing madly into the universe.

The cloaked man grabbed Li Anping's outstretched right hand at the speed of light, and his other fist had already hit Li Anping's cheek at the speed of light. This time, even if Li Anping adjusted his physical strength now, he would probably have to rebuild his head.

‘Light speed punch? No, he didn’t turn into light, he just used brute force to distort time and space. Just relying on brute force…’ A terrible speculation flashed through his mind like lightning, and the next moment, Li Anping’s hands had turned into countless lights, fiercely facing the cloaked man.

At this moment, different thoughts arose in the hearts of the two people.

“So strong!”

“So hard!”

Li Anping felt that his fist hit a white dwarf. Tens of thousands of light-speed punches that were enough to smash the entire earth into pieces in one second hit the opponent, but only made the cloaked man in front of him scream a few times, and there was not even a fist mark left.

The cloaked man on the other side was also surprised. In the same second, he swung tens of thousands of fists and hit the opponent mercilessly. The light-speed fists and the power of light speed brought about terrifying kinetic energy and heat energy, just like lighting a sun on Pluto.

This high temperature and power directly destroyed the chemical bonds, molecules, and even electrons of all particles in Li Anping's body, destroyed the electronic structure of each atom, and completely destroyed Li Anping's body.

But Li Anping's body flashed and appeared again two kilometers away. His whole body had been reorganized and became unharmed.

In the middle of the two, because of the cloak man's punch, all the space has been filled with endless nuclear explosions. The temperature of tens of millions of degrees directly ignited the entire Pluto. Even under the excitement of the punch, Pluto has already left its original orbit and flew towards the sun.

But in this environment, including Li Anping, the four humanoid creatures were not in any trouble.

Even the monkey who was hit in the head by Li Anping touched his head and showed a grim smile. The long stick in his hand had grown to a length of more than 2,000 kilometers at some point.

"Take another stick from me!"

The monkey smashed the entire Pluto into pieces with one stick, just as if he smashed a watermelon easily.

The explosion of the planet brought the four people into a high-temperature hell. All particles could not maintain their original structure under such a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees. The entire Pluto turned into a ball of plasma flames.

But such a hell is just a change of battlefield for the four people in the field.

On the other side, the blond man who had not taken action saw that Li Anping was still unscathed by this attack, and finally showed an excited smile on his face. The green light in his eyes became stronger, and the golden energy in his body surged wildly. At some point, there began to be flashes of lightning around him. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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