Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 50 Here it comes

In the sky above Paris, Li Anping stood in front of the French window of the floating aircraft carrier, quietly looking at the land that was about to become hell.

Sporadic gunshots rang out from time to time, and the streets were full of abandoned vehicles. Most of the small shops on the road had their windows and doors smashed, and the items on the shelves were all turned upside down and messy.

The whole city seemed to have been looted by bandits.

In the corners of the city, in the buildings, and behind the windows, countless people hid in the shadows and quietly watched the floating aircraft carrier slowly passing by in the sky. Their eyes were full of deep hatred.

But not only did some people hate, but some also surrendered.

Around the Arc de Triomphe, hundreds of Parisians knelt down, facing the floating aircraft carrier where Li Anping was, either kowtowing or praying.

"God! Forgive our sins!"

"If you insist on sending down divine punishment, we are willing to bear it."

An old man in a white robe stood up, holding a cross in one hand and a Bible in the other, and shouted: "Everyone, this is a test given to us by the Lord..."

With a bang, several young men with crazy faces rushed into the kneeling crowd with pistols, shooting at anyone they saw. Some of them pointed their pistols at the floating aircraft carrier in the sky, and even though they knew they couldn't hit it, they still pulled the trigger frantically.

Jessica, who was standing next to Li Anping, frowned and said, "They are killing your believers, don't you stop them?" Since the previous four representatives died in front of her, she seemed to be more and more disgusted with what Li Anping did. After all, compared with the numbers in the previous news, the lives that disappeared in front of her were more shocking to her.

"Your experience and the attitude you show now are a bit surprising to me." Li Anping glanced at her.

At this moment, the floating aircraft carrier passed by a huge lawn. Someone used something unknown, whether it was paint or powder, to paint a picture on the lawn. It was a distorted face of Li Anping, and there was a line of letters next to it: **_temptation.

This is quite obvious. In fact, similar insults can be seen everywhere on buildings throughout the city of Paris, but none of them are as conspicuous as this one.

"Is this what you want? Human hatred for you? What's the benefit of doing this?"

Li Anping's face did not change at all, but he said with a hint of meaning: "The end is for a better beginning."

One hour and twenty-three minutes later, the sky-high white light flooded the entire Paris, breaking everything down into the most basic particles. Tens of millions of people died, and the hatred of the entire human world for Li Anping became stronger and stronger. That night, six soldiers and officers cooperated with each other, privately launched fighter jets, and attacked Li Anping's floating aircraft carrier.

Although they were sent to a military court. But a fierce resistance gradually spread among all human-controlled armies.

London, Washington, Los Angeles, Berlin... one after another large strongholds disappeared in Li Anping's hands, especially when Washington was destroyed, the League of Legends and the M** team suffered heavy casualties.

So far, there are only 25 large strongholds left on the entire earth.


"Hello? Qingqing, are you free now?"

"Ah. You want to take a shower, okay, go take a shower first."

Qin Ning hung up the phone, and his eyes almost spewed fire. If Sun Qingqing had some contact with Qin Ning at first because she was not restricted by Li Anping, then in the past week, the other party has begun to ignore him. Every time he called, he was either taking a shower or eating, or eating or catching up on sleep.

"This bitch, is she really in love with Li Anping?" Although Sun Qingqing said that Li Anping didn't want him, Qin Ning always judged others by himself, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was unlikely.

Especially in recent times, Sun Qingqing's behavior made him more and more suspicious. He felt that Sun Qingqing had already slept with Li Anping. Maybe when he hung up the phone, the two were rolling on the bed.

Thinking of this, Qin Ning exerted a little force on his palm, and the mobile phone in his hand was crushed into pieces with a snap.

"No, this matter can't be let go." Although he said so, but thinking of the strength shown by Li Anping, Qin Ning simply had no power to resist. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was really just a matter of letting it go.

Kicking the door of the room open with resentment, Qin Ning saw Yang Dali and Ye Feng staring at the screen closely, their faces full of solemnity and tension, and the whole room seemed to be extremely dull.

Qin Ning had a bad premonition in his heart, and he asked, "What's wrong."

Yang Dali smiled bitterly and pointed at the screen. Qin Ning looked at the screen. Now, there were no Li Anping, Amanda and other four people on the live screen. There was only a huge turntable every time, and the results were finally reported.

At this moment, the ball on the turntable is quietly stopping at the word Beiping.

Qin Ning was shocked and said tremblingly: "Did you choose us?"


The floating aircraft carrier is slowly moving towards Beiping. It is late at night now. Amanda, Jessica and others have gone to bed.

Only Li Anping stood quietly behind the glass window, looking at the sea in the sky.

At this time, the electronic door was opened and a woman walked behind Li Anping.

Li Anping said: "You want me to change my target?"

"I know this is impossible." Sun Qingqing's voice came from behind him: "But if you can use my body in exchange, I hope to let a few people out."

Li Anping turned around and saw that Sun Qingqing was completely naked. The softness on her chest, her flat belly, and her long and slender legs were all displayed to Li Anping without reservation.

"Actually, you don't have to do this."

Sun Qingqing didn't say anything. The days of getting along with each other made her understand Li Anping more and more, and understand Li Anping's power. This is not a power that humans can resist at all. Her only bargaining chip now is her body.

She stretched out her hand, grabbed Li Anping's right hand, put Li Anping's right hand on her chest, and squeezed it hard.

"Do you like it? If you like it, take it."

"Alas." Li Anping sighed, and the next second, Sun Qingqing felt dizzy and fainted on the ground.

Li Anping didn't even look at her, and let her fall to the ground naked. Slowly looked at the continent that gradually appeared in the sky.

But after a while, Sun Qingqing's body was rolled up by a blanket that appeared out of thin air, and the whole person was placed on the desk and fell asleep.


On the other side, most of the Red Alliance's forces in Beiping gathered together under the leadership of Ye Feng.

In the past, because of Li Anping's fighting power, no one dared to resist, but now it has come to the final moment of life and death. If they don't resist, they will die, so everyone is willing to go all out.

On the border of Beiping City. Ye Feng, Qin Ning, Yang Dali, and even Jiang Ao, who had been in seclusion for a long time, appeared, and dozens of other members of the Red Alliance all appeared here.

Ye Feng said coldly: "We can't break this force field. We can only wait here for Li Anping to come. When his floating aircraft carrier arrives, I will use the small teleportation method to move all the people in the magic circle to the inside of the floating aircraft carrier."

"Then I will fight him." Qin Ning gritted his teeth and said: "If you lose this time, you will lose your life. Everyone, show your desperate skills."

"This time it's not only for us, but also for all the Chi people, all the earthlings, and all human beings. We must kill that alien dog."

Everyone promised loudly.

A few hours later, the aircraft carrier appeared in everyone's sight. Ye Feng shouted, and the magic circle under everyone's feet rang with bursts of white light. Then with the strong fluctuation of mana, the space between everyone and the floating aircraft carrier was torn apart, and disappeared in an instant. Appeared in the hall where Li Anping was.

The first one to rush out was Qin Ning. When he saw Sun Qingqing, who was obviously naked on the desk, wrapped in a blanket, and showing her snow-white and tender calves, his eyes were red.

Blood vessels covered his eyeballs, and platinum-colored fighting spirit rushed out of his body. Since he was defeated by Li Anping last time, he had a lot of new insights during this period of time, and his strength has reached a new level in a short period of time.

But he just rushed out ten meters, and he felt a sharp pain in his neck, and the feeling of suffocation kept coming. He could only watch Li Anping pinch his neck with one hand, pinching him like a chicken.

Qin Ning struggled frantically, punching and kicking Li Anping in front of him, but it was ineffective.

Li Anping glanced at him coldly, and then with a click, Qin Ning was pinched to death.

Seeing Qin Ning, who was definitely ranked in the top four among the crowd, was so easily pinched to death by Li Anping, the rest of the people also burst out their strongest attacks in fear.

Ye Feng opened his mouth and spit out his real name magic weapon, the Chaos Pearl that brought him to the earth to be reborn, and the violent fairy spirit continued to spread from it. This unprecedented magic weapon was about to explode.

In Yang Dali's armor, twelve gravity bombs were counting down. Jiang Ao, who was standing next to him, was constantly making crackling noises all over his body. He had already activated the secret method of self-damage of 800 and boosting his potential.

Other members of the Red Alliance also activated various special skills.

However, facing their horrified eyes, the whole space seemed to be still. In this stillness, everyone's bodies were decomposed into particles that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye one by one as Li Anping's eyes moved.

"Ten thousand years of hard training, ten thousand years of foundation, I am not willing! I am so unwilling!" With Ye Feng's roar, his head exploded with a bang.

"How much money do you want? I will give you money, and I can give you anything you want! Spare me!" Yang Dali followed closely and exploded into countless particles with a bang.

"Li Anping! I, Jiang Ao, will never die. Every danger to my life will only make me encounter more adventures and become stronger. You wait for me, I will not let you go!" Just as Jiang Ao was stunned, his head exploded with a bang.

Sun Qingqing, who was sitting on the desk, had already woken up. She hugged the blanket tightly and stared at the slaughter in front of her in amazement.

One hour and thirteen minutes later, the whole of Beiping was also shrouded in white light and high temperature.

But this time, Li Anping, who was outside the dream, opened his eyes.

"Here it comes." (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

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