Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 49: Chaos

On this night, the remaining 1.15 billion people on the earth all stayed at home.

Parents sat on the sofa with their children to watch TV.

Lovers hugged each other and looked at Li Anping on the screen.

A lonely man lay on the bed, watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone.

At this moment, whether it was fear, anger, or resentment, everyone could only watch Li Anping live in the live broadcast and wait for the result of the lottery.

Life or death, it was decided at this moment.

In the picture, it was Li Anping in the lobby of the floating aircraft carrier. Behind the floor-to-ceiling glass windows was the view of the blue sea.

A huge turntable was next to Li Anping. After removing Tokyo, there were 31 names of strongholds on it. Amanda, Jessica, Xiao You, and Sun Qingqing stood aside in bright blue hot pants and small T-shirts, revealing their tender and white legs and belly buttons, looking like etiquette ladies during the lottery draw.

But the difference is that when the lottery was opened, everyone hoped that they would be drawn, but now everyone hopes that someone else will be drawn.

"Then I won't say any more nonsense, everything will remain the same." Li Anping stood beside the big turntable, looked at Sun Qingqing beside him and said, "You come to draw?"

"Me?" Sun Qingqing said in surprise. In fact, although the four of them are used to being the focus of everyone's attention, this is the first time that they are watched by the entire human beings on the earth in a live broadcast, so it is inevitable that they are very nervous. Now that Li Anping asked her to draw, she was even more uneasy.

"Well, you come to draw."

Sun Qingqing took a deep breath and slowly walked to the big turntable. The life and death of tens of millions of people were left to her to choose, which made him feel inexplicable pressure.

With a bang, the turntable began to turn.

Everyone in front of the TV stared at the ball on the turntable, watching which base the ball would stop at.

Chongqing. Three generations of the family stared at the screen. When they saw the ball slowly stop beating and fall on Chongqing's position, the old man covered his chest directly and felt that he was going to faint.

But the ball still crossed Chongqing with difficulty and continued to jump to the next grid.

The audience in the entire Chongqing city screamed, and a feeling of surviving a disaster arose spontaneously. Chongqing tonight was a sleepless night.

But people in another stronghold on the earth were not so happy.

Paris. This former fashion capital has now become one of the largest slums in Europe after countless baptisms by demons.

The family of three watched the TV screen together, watching the ball slowly jump over Paris and finally stop.

"How is it possible?" The mother looked at the TV screen with disbelief, holding the child in her arms and sobbing.

The child looked at his mother with a puzzled look, not knowing why his mother was crying.

He looked at his father next to him again, but found that his father was like a puppet, looking at the TV screen stupidly. There was no life in his eyes.

On the street, a small Beetle quickly shuttled through the traffic. The girl in the passenger seat said nervously: "How is it, how far is it? He will come at 12 o'clock tomorrow noon. We have to escape quickly."

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

"Drive faster!"

"Shut up, I know." The man in the driver's seat shouted impatiently. His heart was also full of anxiety. Although they rushed out as soon as they saw the result of the lottery, they planned to drive out of Paris. But as time passed, there were more and more cars on the road, and their speed was getting slower and slower.

The little Beetle rushed out directly against the red light. But just after rushing out of the intersection, a huge container truck knocked the little Beetle driven by the man to the ground with a bang, and then continued to rush forward without stopping.

In the sky of Paris, a huge floating aircraft carrier swam slowly, and various warning sounds in French, English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, etc. continued to come from the radio.

"Please do not go out at will."

"The entire urban traffic is paralyzed. Please stay in your house and cooperate with the government."

Unfortunately, no one listened to what was broadcast on the radio.

There was even a little fire. On the top of the building, a big man carrying a rocket launcher fired a rocket at the floating aircraft carrier. The rocket was cut into pieces by countless lasers before it got close.

The big man laughed wildly and raised his middle finger fiercely at the floating aircraft carrier.

"Monster, I know you can see and hear it, I just want to tell you."

"You will never control us. At least I can choose when and how to die."

After saying that, he jumped straight down from the roof of more than 20 buildings.

The border of the Paris stronghold, starting from the border line, has been filled with countless cars for more than ten kilometers. Everyone had to run out of the car and rush to the border line on foot.

But the people who had already reached the border line had only despair in their eyes.

The whole Paris has long been shrouded by a transparent, invisible force field.

A blond, big-nosed man hit the transparent force field in front of him fiercely and shouted angrily.

He had arrived at the border ten minutes ago, but the invisible and intangible force field in front of him seemed like a natural barrier that he could not cross no matter what.

Just then, the propeller sounded, and the blond man looked back and saw a red and white helicopter rushing toward the border.

Countless people on the ground stretched out their hands and called out. They hoped that the helicopter could take them.

But how could this be possible? The helicopter rushed out without stopping, and then hit the transparent force field, turning into a ball of fire and falling along the direction of the force field.

In the end, the blond man could only see endless flames filling his sight.

In the city, from time to time, someone jumped straight down from a tall building.

But no matter the police, the hospital, or anyone else, no one cared about this kind of thing.

The police chief sat quietly on the sofa chair behind the office, and there was a pistol on his desk.

From time to time, one or two sporadic gunshots came from the corridor, which were the sounds of police officers committing suicide. As part of the government's violent group, they knew more about the methods used by Li Anping.

The whole of Paris from the sky to the underground. It has long been wrapped up by some unknown force field, and the existing technological means of mankind cannot break this layer of force field at all.

The police chief took out the cross on his chest and prayed quietly.

He finally lamented: "God, have you really given up on mankind?"

With a bang, accompanied by the smoke from the muzzle, he finally fell on the desk.

With the appearance of the lottery results, the humans in the other thirty strongholds all breathed a sigh of relief, and the order of the whole Paris had completely collapsed.

As life came to an end, the whole city was about to be destroyed, and all the most absurd and crazy things in the world continued to happen in Paris.


A few hours later, on the floating aircraft carrier, Li Anping sat on the desk, and a TV wall rose in front of the desk. Dozens of TVs were broadcasting news from all over the world.

Amanda carefully brought a pot of tea to Li Anping. Then he was attracted by the various news and live broadcasts on the TV wall.

Behind Li Anping, Jessica, Xiao You, and Sun Qingqing also looked at the various scenes on the TV wall in silence.

In fact, Li Anping naturally did not need to obtain information through such backward means as watching TV news. These TV walls were just for the four women to kill time.

At this moment, the electronic door of the hall opened again. This time, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came in. An old man in a Taoist robe, a white-bearded old man in Catholic service, and an old monk in a cassock.

He seemed to sense the surprised expressions and doubts of Amanda and the other four people behind him.

Li Anping said to himself: "This is also a person filmed by your government. A negotiation expert, an old Taoist priest, an old charlatan. An old monk.

It seems that they want to defeat me in logic and philosophy, and make me give up the plan through oral communication."

"Hello, donor, I am polite." The old monk first trembled and bowed, with a kind face. His extraordinary appearance first won the favor of Xiao You and Amanda, and they felt that the other party was a good person at first glance.

But Li Anping waved his hand to stop them from speaking next.

"I know every bit of your past. I can control your present and predict your future."

"Your beliefs are meaningless to me, and your goal this time will never be achieved."

As he spoke, Li Anping stretched out a finger: "The way humans transmit information through vocal cords is too slow, less than 1kb per second, with too many **ambiguous words, and it is impossible to accurately describe anything in the universe.

If I use my mouth to convince you, it will waste too much of my time."

The next moment, a white light shot out from Li Anping's fingertips and directly penetrated into the bodies of the four people.

The four people's eyes were scattered at the same time, and then they sat down on the ground together.

Jessica and Sun Qingqing rushed up together, trying to support the four people who were sitting on the ground. Jessica said angrily: "What did you do to them?"

"Nothing, just let them see clearly what they can't see clearly in their lifetime." Li Anping raised his chin with one hand, and seemed to be curiously looking at the four people sitting on the ground.

Suddenly, the old monk's eyes lost their luster, and the person had stopped breathing.

Sun Qingqing shouted, "Did you kill him?"

"No, I didn't kill him, he chose to die." Li Anping said calmly, "Or according to what they say, this can be called nirvana.

As the saying goes, if you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening. His physical lifespan has already reached its limit. And I am the way of heaven, the Buddha, and the reincarnation to him. When I showed him the truth of this world, he thought that he would have no regrets in death."

The remaining three people had different degrees of personality collapse and were sent away as vegetative people. (To be continued. Please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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