Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 46: Dream

Japan, Tokyo.

As a country without armed forces, Japan was hit hard by the demon frenzy. If the Japanese warriors had not united to fight the demons, the whole of Japan would have become a food paradise for the demons, and now Japan has long been a scorched earth without people.

However, even though the warriors tried their best to protect Japan, they only established a large base in Tokyo, which is one of the 32 large bases owned by humans in the world today. Currently, more than 25 million Japanese are stationed there.

And just yesterday, the big turntable that Li Anping was spinning stopped at the number represented by Tokyo. After repeatedly promoting his own military power and the ownership of the floating aircraft carrier in the sky, everyone already knew the power represented by Li Anping.

Now, the whole of Tokyo has fallen into chaos, with fires, car accidents, and robberies emerging one after another, and everyone seems to be caught in some kind of doomsday carnival. On all the major traffic arteries and the entrances and exits of Tokyo, there are dense steel defenses. Anyone who approaches, whether ordinary citizens or the military, will be covered by violent rain of bullets.

At this moment when the end of the world is coming again, on the roof of the 54th floor of the Midtown Tower, the tallest building in Tokyo, Li Anping, dressed in white, is standing quietly on the edge of the roof, looking at the chaotic Tokyo city with a cold face.

And the source of all this chaos is just because of his few words.

At this moment, an armed helicopter quickly flew towards Li Anping. After seeing Li Anping, he fired sixteen rockets in succession without saying a word.

Sixteen rockets rushed towards Li Anping's position like sixteen brilliant fireworks. But these rockets are nothing more than fireworks to Li Anping.

Watching the sixteen rockets fly into the air, they were directly decomposed into a ball of powder that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Disappeared. The helicopter pilot roared, pressing the rocket button frantically, aiming all the remaining rockets at Li Anping, and driving the helicopter directly towards Li Anping on the roof.

He clearly wanted to die together. But the result was no different from the previous 16 rockets, which were also decomposed into countless basic atoms.

This was the 14th wave of people who came to this building to attack Li Anping today. While thinking about this, an armor-piercing bullet fired by a sniper rifle appeared in front of Li Anping's forehead.

In the rapidly flowing time, Li Anping could still slowly raise his right hand and grab the bullet in his palm. Then he looked at the building in the distance.

In a room on a certain floor of the building, the sniper saw that Li Anping was unharmed in the scope, so he immediately threw away the sniper rifle and wanted to leave immediately. But as soon as he raised his foot, his feet were empty. It turned out that the entire floor had turned into countless fragments.

It was not just a simple floor, but the entire building collapsed directly under Li Anping's sight.

At this time, there was still one hour and fifty-two minutes left before the time agreed by Li Anping.

Five minutes later, a man in black clothes and black hair walked onto the rooftop. He held a silver-white pistol in his hand and pointed at Li Anping and said, "Hey, do you think you are the Great Demon King Piccolo?"

Li Anping did not move his body or turn his head. Because he did not need these movements, he could already see everything happening behind him: "Are you the so-called brave man of this country? I saved all human beings, and now I kill some of them. What's wrong with that?"

"How many people you killed and how many people you saved are none of my business. But destroying Tokyo has touched my reverse scale, and this alone is the reason for your disappearance." After saying this, the man pulled the trigger, and the energy comparable to 22 million tons of explosives exploded instantly.

But after a flash of white light, the imagined explosion did not happen. The terrifying energy had been pinched in Li Anping's hand and turned into a small white bead.

Li Anping said, "Skip the annihilation reaction directly? Good means of mass-energy conversion. You should be the strongest in this country."

"No other means?" Looking at the other party's stunned look, Li Anping said, "Then you can go to hell." Before he finished speaking, the other party's body was decomposed in an instant.

In this way, half an hour later, ordinary citizens and brave men came to attack Li Anping, but the result was naturally no different.

In the last minute, the whole city had fallen into the final madness, and Li Anping began to fulfill his promise. I saw a white light gradually lit up on his fingertips. The next moment, the light expanded to the entire Tokyo, like an inverted bowl and dish, holding up the entire Tokyo city.

Within the range covered by the light, everything was melted by tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature. Humans, animals, vehicles, buildings, and all things that represent traces of human existence were all wiped out in an instant. It looks like a place was wiped out from the map.

The range of the white light was also controlled just right, with the entire Tokyo base as the boundary. Any location outside this range, even one centimeter away, was unscathed, and any location within the Tokyo base was completely turned into scorched earth.

Twenty-five million people died in an instant, and the world's most prosperous city became a wasteland.

In the world, countless people watched the huge fireball on the TV screen and fell into a frenzy.

On the armored plate of a floating aircraft carrier floating in the Pacific Ocean, Li Anping was looking at the endless ocean with a calm face, and I don’t know what he was thinking.

This is the temporary palace built by Li Anping, and it was also built to prevent the imbalance between the various forces in the world. Otherwise, if he stayed at the headquarters of a force, that force would naturally become the target of public criticism.

With the sea level below this floating aircraft carrier as the center, there are a total of two fleets following Li Anping’s floating aircraft carrier in the area of ​​50 to 100 kilometers around. It is to prevent Li Anping from hurting others and to prevent others from offending Li Anping.

Since Li Anping announced that he would draw a lot every two days, and the stronghold drawn would be destroyed by him personally the next day, the whole world has been boiling. This naked terrorist act made all the earthlings who had just been rescued hate Li Anping. They also regarded Li Anping as a complete devil.

After Li Anping live-broadcasted the entire process of Tokyo's destruction, the situation became even more violent and intense. There were protesting crowds and crazy demonstrators everywhere. On the day of Tokyo's destruction, Li Anping became the biggest nightmare of all mankind.

The League of Heroes and the Red Alliance, representing the strongest power of mankind, came together to dissuade Li Anping, but they were unsuccessful. They could only try to stop the crazy crowd from attacking Li Anping and prevent the situation from getting worse.

And many of their actions to please Li Anping were also regarded by many as acts of raping and running dogs.

Seeing Li Anping standing motionless on the armor plate of the floating aircraft carrier, Hei said with some boredom: "If you want to kill him, just kill him. Don't you think it's troublesome to create such a real dream? Scan the material data of the entire earth, and then copy it in the dream. It's really amazing that you can think of it."

"In terms of time and resources, dreams are more efficient." Li Anping said slowly: "In dreams, I can make three months pass in four or five hours, which greatly shortens the time I spend looking for Rekenos. This will give me more time to prepare for future actions."

"And compared to the real destruction of thirty-two strongholds, I only need to continuously release simulated brain waves of a specific frequency through all the floating aircraft carriers to maintain this dream."

"There will always be accidents."

"Of course there will be accidents." Li Anping did not continue to explain. In fact, his body in the real world is running at the speed of light almost every minute and every second to deal with various unexpected situations.

For example, accidental deaths caused by everyone sleeping, such as fires, floods, and gas explosions. Some people woke up unexpectedly, and some people realized that they were in a dream. Li Anping in the real world is processing everything at the speed of light.

"Since Recknos has changed his body structure to be exactly like a human, he will definitely be pulled into this dream by me."

"His ability will be reincarnated after death. Once he is in an attacked city, he will think he is dead and activate his reincarnation ability."

"And I only need to scan the physiological conditions of everyone in every attacked city in reality, and I can find him the moment he activates his ability."

What Li Anping didn't say is that all this will be done without scanning the memory of all mankind. This is equivalent to pulling all mankind into a virtual online game, but there is no upgrade or monster hunting in this online game, and everyone can only continue to suffer various bullying from Li Anping. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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