Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 45: Rescue

In the following time, a total of 32 strongholds around the world were monitored and guarded by floating aircraft carriers. Under the unified command of Li Anping, governments from various places drove the remaining floating aircraft carriers to remove the remaining refugees still living in the wild. They were saved one by one.

With Li Anping's ability to scan most of the planet, the government saves the effort of large-scale searches and only needs to fly the floating aircraft carrier to the designated location and pick up the refugees.

But in the process, all kinds of problems in the apocalypse were exposed, and countless criminals were directly sentenced to death.

Early in the morning, in the southwest region of the original Red Country.

In an original police station, five men in ragged clothes were staring at a pot of soup, with a faint green light in their eyes.

They have been trapped here for more than three months. All food, medicines and other supplies have been consumed, and their lives have come to an end.

One of them, a big man with a beard and a bird's nest head, said: "Who is going today?" He looked at the thinnest man among the five people, with a turbid light in his eyes.

The thin man said harshly: "Look at what I'm doing, I've already been there yesterday." He turned his head towards a tall and thin man with a sallow face and said: "Zhao Qian, it's your turn today. If you are If you don’t go, don’t have dinner.”

The tall and thin man named Zhao Qian shook his head in panic: "No... don't let me go. There are monsters outside. If you go out casually, you will die."

"Someone has to get out." The bearded man said, "Are we just sitting here waiting to die?"

"Brother Jun..." The yellow-faced Zhao Qian glanced furtively at a window of the police station and said softly: "If it really doesn't work, the worst possible outcome..."

Brother Jun interrupted what Zhao Qian was saying: "Okay, stop talking."

Although Zhao Qian's words were interrupted by Brother Jun, the five men obviously knew what Zhao Qian wanted to say. From time to time they looked at the window that Zhao Qian was looking at just now, and the green light in their eyes became stronger.

The thinnest man stood up, whispered "Go to the bathroom" and left the fire.

Brother Jun has no doubt that he is there. He hummed casually: "Go quickly, I won't share your soup if it's late."

He stood up, picked up the spoon in the pot, and began to share the soup with the other people present. In the thick soup, there were a few vegetable leaves and half a mouse head that had been cooked for who knows how long. Even if it was In this way, it was the last food that the five people could eat.

Seeing Brother Jun starting to divide the soup and rat meat in the pot, the eyes of the other three men started to glow green.

"Brother Jun, please give me more. I just went out to find food yesterday."

"What a fool you are. You didn't even walk a hundred meters before you were scared back. If I hadn't caught a mouse last week, we would all be hungry today."

"Where's Li Tang? Why haven't you come yet? If he doesn't come, we'll give him his share."

Just as a few people were talking, a harsh girl's scream suddenly rang out. Brother Jun was the first to put down the pot and ran towards the place where the scream came from without saying a word.

Brother Jun pushed the door open and found that it was locked from the inside. So without saying a word, he kicked hard with his right foot, and with a bang, the locked door was completely kicked open.

In the room, two skinny girls were hiding in the corner and shivering. Where they looked, the thin man pressed a girl onto the bed and strangled the girl's neck with both hands.

The girl's body kept twisting and her legs kicked wildly. However, due to long-term malnutrition, lack of food and exercise, her strength was pitiful. Two firewood-like arms grasped the thin man's hand, but they were like earthworms shaking a tree, unable to stop the man from committing violence.

The thin man's eyes were green, and he stared at the girl in his hand. His eyes looked as scary as a hungry wolf in the grassland.

"Are you crazy?" Brother Jun yelled angrily, rushed forward and kicked away the thin and violent man. He lifted up the girl whose eyes had turned white and asked, "Are you okay?"

The thin man over there stood up and shouted crazily: "I'm crazy, you're the one who's crazy!"

"Now that the whole world is in ruins, how can you pretend to be a good person? We can't survive without eating them."

"Look at the One-Eyed Dragon, all their women and children have been eaten. If we don't eat, we will be robbed by them too!"

"Not only do we not eat them, we also feed them one meal a day. This will kill us!"

With a crisp sound, Brother Jun slapped the thin man to the ground and said angrily: "I don't care what others do, but it won't work here anyway."

The thin man was quite tough. After being slapped, he stood up without saying a word and silently walked out the door. At this time, the other three men were already standing outside the door. The thin man pushed them away and walked out without saying a word during the whole process.

Brother Jun sighed: "He's too hungry. It's okay. Let's go. Let's go."

That night, everyone gathered together again to drink the rat soup that no longer tasted like meat. During the dinner, except for a few other people, the remaining four men's green eyes glanced at the room where the three women were from time to time.

Brother Jun sighed in his heart, knowing that what the thin man did today had aroused the desire in the hearts of the other people. Even he would have similar thoughts when he felt the hunger stirring in his stomach from time to time, let alone them.

"When will this world end?"

Just when Jun Ge was thinking about these things, a vague feeling suddenly passed through his heart.

"Not good!"

Just when he felt bad, the drowsiness surged from his whole body like a tsunami. In the end, Jun Ge could only see the other four men's terrible eyes mixed with hunger, cruelty, and bloodthirstiness, and then he fainted.

I don't know if it was a few minutes or a few hours.

In a daze, Jun Ge only heard the man's excited smile and the woman's shrill scream.

He finally woke up and exerted a little force, but found that his hands and feet were all tied up. A hand pressed on his shoulder, Jun Ge turned his head and looked. The man swallowed and said to him: "Jun Ge, don't move."

Jun Ge turned his head and looked around, and found that in addition to himself being tied up, a man was looking at him. Another man was boiling water, and Zhao Qian on the other side was sharpening a knife. From time to time, they looked at him a few times, and the malice in their eyes was no longer concealed.

From the direction of the room where the three girls were, there were a few weak screams and the roar of the violent man from time to time. Jun's heart sank little by little.

"How long has he been in there?"

Zhao Qian, who was standing by, glanced at Jun and said, "He just went in, less than half a minute. We gave you a little bit of anesthetic, and you only slept for five minutes. Don't worry, Li Tang won't kill them."

He seemed to feel a little sorry for Jun. While sharpening the knife, he explained, "Jun. If you hadn't led us all the way out, we would have died in the mouths of those monsters. We will remember your kindness for the rest of our lives.

We wanted to eat those three women with you, but you refused to do so, and we had no choice."

As he spoke, tears fell from the corners of the man's eyes, and he looked at the sharp kitchen knife in his hand with empty eyes: "We are really hungry, really hungry, and want to eat. If we don't eat, we will die."

"Jun." Zhao Qian turned his head and looked at Jun, who was tied to the ground. The madness and bloodthirstiness in his eyes made everyone frown.

"Although you saved us, you can't let us die with you."

"Whoever doesn't let me live, I will let him die!"

After shouting these words crazily, he walked over slowly. The kitchen knife in his hand slowly pointed at Jun's neck. The other two men also came up, holding Jun's body tightly on the left and right.

"Jun, don't worry, you won't feel anything after one knife. I won't let you feel any pain."

Jun closed his eyes, and his heart was completely hopeless. He thought that it would be better to die like this, in the current world. But there is no point in living. His body of meat is enough for them to eat for a week or two.

At this moment, a huge roar came into everyone's ears, and Jun felt a chill on his forehead, as if something was spilled on his forehead.

He couldn't help but open his eyes, and saw Zhao Qian, who was holding the kitchen knife high, looking at him stupidly, with a huge blood hole on his forehead, constantly flowing out white and red liquid.

Plop, plop, plop, three times in a row, in addition to Zhao Qian, the other two men also fell down, and the red blood turned into a pool of blood in an instant.

Jun looked up, his face had turned into a look of surprise, a huge floating aircraft carrier was floating above their heads, and the huge shadow covered all the surrounding streets.

More than a dozen soldiers rushed in from the gate of the police station, and they were the ones who fired the gun just now.

One of the soldiers escaped with a dagger, cut the rope that tied Jun, patted him on the shoulder and said: "We know about your affairs, good job, you are a man."

"It's all over now, we are here to take you back."

Hearing this, Jun, who has always been like a tough guy on the screen, and didn't shed a tear even before being killed, finally couldn't help but shed tears in the corners of his eyes.

The nightmare is finally over.

At this moment, a thin man who had just taken off his shirt and was only wearing a pair of ragged pants walked out of the door, looking stupidly at the floating aircraft carrier and soldiers in the sky, and shouted hahahaha.

"Saved! We are saved!"

Bang! With a sound.

The bullet passed through his forehead and opened his skull. The thin man fell to the ground stupidly, still with a stunned expression on his face.

Jun Ge seemed to remember something, and grabbed the soldier beside him and said: "South... In the supermarket two kilometers south, there are still... and..."

The soldier patted his shoulder and said: "Don't worry, you are the last batch in the world."

"We have killed those beasts in the supermarket."

Thinking about what he saw in the south, the soldier couldn't help but flash a trace of anger and helplessness in his eyes.

The demon's attack has really led to too many tragedies. The rescue team has seen all kinds of human tragedies. A small base like Jun Ge and his is already very lucky. There are many other bases, and now there are only a group of lunatics and murderers left. There was no other result except being shot on the spot.

When Jun Ge boarded the floating aircraft carrier, he found that the hall on the aircraft carrier, which seemed to be a place where some weapons were placed, was already filled with hundreds of refugees.

Most of them looked listless and skinny, but holding the steamed buns given by the soldiers in their hands, their eyes were full of joy of surviving the disaster.

Jun Ge looked at the three little girls who followed him closely. According to the military doctor, although Jun Ge's care had prevented them from being harmed, the long-term desperate situation of hunger and cold still caused them too much stimulation, and they had already regarded Jun Ge as their closest person.

At this moment, the screen in the hall suddenly flashed, and a man in white appeared on the screen.

All the people in the hall, whether soldiers or refugees, were attracted by the image on the screen, looking at the man in white and said lightly: "Just one minute ago, all the surviving humans have been rescued."

"Then, according to the previous plan, we can also start drawing numbers."

The next moment, behind the man in white, a huge turntable began to rotate. I don't know if it was an illusion, Jun Ge always felt that the soldiers around him were all looking at the turntable on the screen very nervously, with anger and fear in their eyes, as if something very bad was going to happen. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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