Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 29: Personality

Looking at the doctor in front of him, Li Anping suddenly smiled mysteriously: "It's a small punishment for you, let you see the world I see."

The next moment, without giving the doctor time to react or dodge, Li Anping had already pointed a finger at the doctor's forehead.

Boom! The doctor felt that his brain seemed to explode in an instant, countless information was forced into his brain, and countless pictures kept flowing in front of him.

All kinds of life kept passing through his mind, all kinds of people, all kinds of ideas, all kinds of desires, many ideas and desires themselves are contradictory, which made the doctor feel that his head was about to explode.

The mental force field and nanoworms that spread to the global range let Li Anping know all the situations of the entire earth.

And not only the external situation, but even everyone's spiritual world has no secrets in front of Li Anping.

The joys, sorrows, anger and happiness of human beings are no longer secrets in front of Li Anping. So countless behaviors, lives, and ideas kept flashing back in his mind.

If Li Anping is a supercomputer, then he is just processing this huge amount of mental data.

But Li Anping is a human being, a person with human emotions, and in order to manage the entire earth and the entire human society, he constantly receives, reads, and experiences these mental data, as if he is living the life of every human being at the same time.

There was such a story before, in which the immortal let the mortal sleep and start dreaming in order to guide him to become an immortal. In the dream, the mortal experienced dozens or hundreds of reincarnations. After waking up from the dream, the mortal saw through the world and decided to seek the truth.

If dozens or hundreds of reincarnations are like this, then what will happen if you receive the mental data of billions of people on the earth at the same time.

Seeing through the world or being tired of the stupidity of mortals is almost inevitable. Even with Li Anping's iron will, he can only delay this process and prevent the process of personality collapse by experiencing his own human behavior.

It's like a piece of white paper that has been scribbled on, and a darker color covers up other colors.

But this process can only be delayed, but not stopped.

Once the path to godhood has been taken, there is no turning back.

Divinity gradually grows, while humanity gradually disappears.

Li Anping knows that if this continues, his consciousness algorithm will change completely one day. He will truly become an artificial intelligence-like existence. At that time, he will not do things based on joy, but make decisions purely for efficiency.

Then it is also necessary to abandon humanity and become quantum immortality of non-conscious existence, which is the only fourth-stage route that Li Anping will choose after deification.

His body and consciousness will disappear from the human world, purely becoming a state of probability superposition, and after all the possibilities are superimposed together, he will exist in any corner of the universe at the same time.

If you want to collapse, you must observe him. But if you want to observe him, you must decrypt Li Anping's consciousness algorithm at that time, which is almost impossible.

He will become the ghost of the entire universe, and exist with every particle in the universe. Freely modify all cosmic constants and curl up on the timeline of the entire universe.

And because all possibilities are superimposed, every choice in the universe will be covered by him, and he will split with the division of the world. Communicate with all parallel worlds.

Power, knowledge, and the space and time. Every minute and every second is growing crazily.

He will be infinitely close to the ultimate. But as long as the universe is still running and the timeline is flowing, there will always be new possibilities. Simply reaching the level of quantum immortality cannot achieve true infinity.

Quantum immortality is actually the easiest way for Li Anping to achieve the path of the devil, but his biggest shortcoming, abandoning human sensibility, is something Li Anping cannot accept.

Because he knows that after he abandons human sensibility, the entire earth will become an insignificant existence for him at that time, and he will never care about the life and death of humans.

It can be said that even Li Anping can hardly calculate what a purely rational self will do, but it is certain that he will definitely do many things that are beneficial to himself, but now Li Anping hates.

The difference between the cosmic tree and quantum immortality is that he communicates the power of multiple universes through the gate. Quantum immortality is a different world in the same universe, while the cosmic tree communicates different universes.

As for the final superstring life, it can distort the concept of a lower dimension by ascending the dimension to pursue all possibilities.

Just like humans in the third dimension, they can create a Mobius strip by curling a two-dimensional paper strip, allowing ants to walk on it continuously, which is equivalent to constantly disappearing and appearing in the two-dimensional world.

To reach the eighth dimension, you can distort the seventh dimension to reach different time points in different timelines of the universe, that is, the infinite possibility of multiple parallel worlds.

And to reach the tenth dimension, you can distort the ninth dimension to reach different universes and different time points in different timelines, that is, infinite infinity.

But this is a process that requires continuous accumulation of power and knowledge, unlike quantum immortality, which can grow with the beating of the universe. To reach the tenth dimension, that is almost the ultimate, but even Li Anping now cannot calculate how to reach the tenth dimension.

At this moment, the doctor opened his tired eyes. He looked like he had lost water. He said dejectedly, "How big is the range of this information?"

Li Anping glanced at him and said, "One day's mental data within 50,000 square meters."

The doctor exhaled deeply and said, "I feel like I have experienced the lives of various people. I have become confused about my self-cognition. It seems that I have to find a psychologist."

"It will be fine after a good sleep." Li Anping said, and the whole person disappeared.

In the palace, he had sat up in the bedroom.

"It's time to release humans from the bottle."

"Wait until this wedding is over, so that it can greatly reduce the speed of my personality collapse."

"But the stimulation of human behavior can continue, and it is still very effective."

At this moment, Claudia walked into the room and saw the white and tender body lying on the messy bed, and the naked Li Anping.

Claudia's head was buzzing and exploded. Her face flushed and she looked at the scene in front of her at a loss. She came to ask Li Anping to go to the wedding site together. She had spoken to Li Anping in advance and knew that he was in the bedroom of the palace.

But she didn't expect to see such a scene.

Pointing at the two people on the bed, she said at a loss: ""

The next moment, with a wave of Li Anping's hand, Claudia's clothes were stripped off, and she screamed beautifully and was summoned to the bed by Li Anping.

A few minutes later, the two bodies were entangled, and Claudia also reacted. Isn't this the good opportunity she has been waiting for, but she didn't expect that Xia Yunyun got there first.

At that moment, she immediately hugged Li Anping tightly, and her breasts were tightly pressed against Li Anping's chest, wildly catering to each other.

However, although her figure is more plump than Xia Yunyun, her physical fitness is not as strong as that of the ability user. Ten minutes later, she was already sweating all over, her skin was slippery, and she lay on the bed. Then she screamed, her legs twitched, and she was completely immersed in infinite pleasure.

Xia Yunyun beside her trembled her eyelashes, her body was stiff and motionless.

However, Li Anping reached out and grabbed her who was pretending to sleep, and joined the battle. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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