Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 28: Reproduction

Li Anping sat quietly at his desk, the data and information of the demons constantly lingering in his mind.

On the map of the White Land, in addition to the information of various terrains and populations, there are also some simple information about the demon level.

Li Anping gradually integrated all the information with his amazing computing power, and the mysterious ninth energy level did not seem to be completely unpredictable at this moment.

‘Omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence are the ultimate. ’

‘This is also the ultimate realm pursued by all the twelve demons, whether the five who were expelled or the seven who remain on the White Continent. ’

‘If the power and knowledge of the demons of the ninth energy level are progressing towards infinity every minute and every second, and their thoughts or bodies can cross countless spaces and times, then it means that their existence is infinitely approaching the ultimate, but it can never reach the ultimate. ’

‘No matter how their power grows, whether it is ten times, ten thousand times, or ten to the thousandth power, even if it is a zero that the entire universe cannot fill, even if mathematics cannot accurately calculate, it is not infinite in the true sense after all. ’

‘Knowledge and the ability to cross dimensions are also like this. ’

‘So the ultimate goal pursued by the demons is to truly pursue the infinite with the finite, and become the ultimate state of being truly omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. ’

‘No. ’ Li Anping thought of the information about Red, Gray, and Black again.

‘Not every demon can grow infinitely in the three abilities of power, knowledge, and dimension. The King of the Red River is obviously more inclined to the infinite growth of power. ’

‘In this way, if power, knowledge, and dimension represent the three indicators and three levels of the ninth energy level, the King of the Red River who has broken through the power level is obviously the weakest among the twelve demons, while the demons who have broken through the power level, knowledge level, and dimension level at the same time are infinitely close to the ultimate and are the strongest. ’

Thinking of this, the annoying smile of Chaos Tide appeared in Li Anping's mind again: ‘How many levels has this guy broken through. ’

Then Li Anping thought of himself again. Reaching the third stage of quantum computing in the power system he created, his knowledge and power have been able to grow infinitely. Obviously, in the demon god level, it is equivalent to a demon god who has broken through the power barrier and the knowledge barrier.

However, because his breakthrough time was too short, although his knowledge and power are growing every day with infinite computing power. But the amount accumulated may still not be as good as the Red River King who has only broken through one level.

If you want to surpass those demon gods who have existed for who knows how many years, it is obviously far from enough to rely on the current third stage of quantum computing.

Thinking of this, Li Anping once again conceived the fourth stage of his power system, quantum immortality, cosmic tree, and superstring life.

If you can enter the fourth stage, although you may not be able to reach the ultimate. But you can definitely break through the dimension barrier. In that case, even if you fight against the demon god, Li Anping will not have too many concerns.

However, Li Anping still can't decide which of the three routes to choose.

Among them, quantum immortality is the fastest and simplest one to achieve. But there will also be side effects.

The future of superstring life is broader and requires huge accumulation. According to Li Anping's estimation, it may take eight to ten years. Compared with the current threat of the demon god. Obviously, time is a little tight.

After thinking for a while, Li Anping's eyes suddenly looked at the door of the study, and saw that the door opened automatically as his eyes tilted. A slender black figure came into his sight. Li Anping knew without looking that it was Xia Yunyun.

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you break into the palace casually and get caught?" Li Anping knew it as early as when Xia Yunyun planned to enter the palace. He interfered with the changes in the detectors, cameras and even the patrol routes of the guards along the way.

Hearing what Li Anping said, Xia Yunyun pursed her lips and said nothing.

Then she saw the black shell of her skin flipping. The shell that was originally worn as a battle suit has become tight and attached to the skin. From a distance, it looks like a black tights. Even if it is not transparent, it exposes all the curves.

Tight hips, slender waist, full chest, and even two protrusions can be seen. The tightly wrapped leather jacket even shows the outline of the lower body.

Looking at the thrilling girl's body in front of him, Li Anping's heart was slightly disturbed.

But Xia Yunyun blushed and her heart beat fast when she showed herself like this. Seeing that Li Anping didn't say anything, she walked to him step by step, hugged Li Anping's waist, and pressed the two amazing elasticities on her chest against Li Anping's chest.

"Brother Li." Xia Yunyun said softly: "I know you are getting married, but at least tonight, can I accompany you?"

Li Anping didn't know what to say. He felt that it was not moral to do so, and he felt that directly rejecting Xia Yunyun would make the other party too sad. He can monitor the world at all times, so he naturally knows Xia Yunyun's thoughts and behaviors in daily life.

But before today, he really didn't expect Xia Yunyun to be so bold.

But Xia Yunyun didn't wait for Li Anping's answer. She looked at Li Anping strangely, but found that he just looked at her straight. Facing Li Anping who was absent-minded, Xia Yunyun thought that he had acquiesced.

When Li Anping came back to his senses, Xia Yunyun was already squatting in front of him, his whole head moving up and down.

Feeling the stimulation and smooth feeling coming from his lower body, Li Anping didn't know what to do. Obviously, pushing Xia Yunyun away now and telling the other person that he was just distracted just now would completely make the other person unable to get off the stage.

Infinite computing power is of no use in front of this simple multiple-choice question.

Just as Li Anping was thinking about this problem, Xia Yunyun suddenly raised her head, and a bright silk thread extended from the corner of her mouth to Li Anping's lower body.

She blushed and said, "I heard about Claudia and practiced it specially. Do you like it?"

The next moment, her body was picked up by Li Anping and thrown onto the desk. Li Anping's physical fitness ten times normal was fully displayed at this moment.

And Xia Yunyun also controlled all the black liquid on his body to be withdrawn into his body. After several years of training, the originally young girl's breasts have become sexy and enchanting, especially the pair of beautiful legs that have been exercised all year round, which are even more round and strong.

Li Anping held Xia Yunyun's face and kissed it. Xia Yunyun struggled instinctively at first, but soon her whole brain was filled with the warm manly breath, and she couldn't help but spit out her fragrant tongue and let Li Anping taste it.

Li Anping tasted Xia Yunyun's sweet liquid, held the opponent's buttocks with his left hand and pinched it a few times, then roughly grabbed the opponent's chest with his right hand, rubbing the small protrusion with his palm.

Xia Yunyun's whole body was trembling slightly, and the combat power that was usually enough to destroy cities and villages seemed to have disappeared at this moment. She lay limply on the desk, feeling her chest getting hotter and hotter from being touched.

She suddenly asked worriedly: "Is it too young?"

Li Anping didn't immediately understand why the other party had such worries. The small bamboo shoots on Xia Yunyun's chest stood proudly, although they were not particularly plump. But the gentleness held in one hand has its own allure.

Holding the soft ball in his hand, Li Anping immediately thought of Claudia. Xia Yunyun obviously compared himself with Claudia. Compared with the Ice Castle Saint Queen, Xia Yunyun's breasts were obviously smaller. A piece of it.

He smiled and said: "Touch it often can promote blood circulation and increase the secretion of estrogen in the body, and it will get bigger."

Xia Yunyun's face turned red. He had kissed Li Anping again, completely lost in the other person's hot breath.

The next second, the two were completely entangled.

By the next morning, the battlefield between the two had moved to Li Anping's bedroom.

Xia Yunyun curled up in Li Anping's arms like a kitten. He hugged the other person's body with his hands, and a pair of beautiful breasts on his chest pressed against Li Anping's side.

Last night, the fighting was too fierce. Although Li Anping's normal state only modulates ten times the physical fitness of ordinary people, his physical strength is almost endless.

Xia Yunyun exercises all the year round. In the case of fighting, she obviously has strong physical fitness, plus she is very courageous to begin with. They sneaked into the palace again, and it was the days before Li Anping got married. He behaved even more wildly and kept catering to Li Anping.

Xia Yunyun felt the hardness coming from her lower body, her eyebrows trembled, she opened her big eyes and looked at Li Anping in front of her, bit her lip and said, "Again?"

Li Anping touched Xia Yunyun's head and said, "Forget it, you are almost swollen."

"But I'm so unwilling to do this." Xia Yunyun rubbed Li Anping's chest a few more times, and the bulge gave Li Anping a smooth and exciting feeling. Xia Yunyun suddenly laughed: "Sister Anna and the others will suffer a lot in the future."

The two said a few more words, and Xia Yunyun felt as if her whole body melted into Li Anping's arms, and finally fell asleep.

In the center of Tianjing's defense array, the doctor was looking at the information in front of him seriously.

At this moment, there was a change of light and shadow behind him, and with the cooperation of countless nanobugs in the air, a clear image of Li Anping appeared behind the doctor.

The doctor didn't seem surprised at all and asked directly: "Your Majesty, are you here to see the results?"

"Doctor, you seem to be a little bold, and you dare to use your plan to plot against me."

Li Anping's cold words didn't seem to affect the doctor at all. He chuckled and said, "Your Majesty, every move made by Miss Xia comes from her original intention. I have not affected her at all."

"Influence is everywhere. Television, newspapers, news, magazines, novels, all kinds of information that humans come into contact with every day can affect human beings' own concepts and judgments. Although you did not directly tell Xia Yunyun to do this, you controlled her by controlling her. All kinds of information around her unconsciously affected her judgment. "

"But your Majesty, don't you know everything about the whole process of what I did?" The doctor has been helping Li Anping build a spiritual network and a mysterious network. Naturally, he knows about the nanoworms that are everywhere on the earth. He smiled: "If your Majesty wants to stop it, My words can stop me at any second. If His Majesty does not want anyone to enter the palace, then no one can enter the palace. "

Seeing that Li Anping didn't speak, seemingly acquiescing to his own judgment, the doctor's tone became more confident: "Your Majesty, you already know everything about my judgment and findings.

Since you transformed the entire earth, your biological behavior has been continuously reduced. All psychological tests show that your personality is gradually disappearing. When this human sensibility completely collapses, I am afraid you will completely become a kind of human being. An absolutely rational being that loses all human emotions.

You have obviously discovered this and want to stop him, so in the past few months, you have been trying to use various biological behaviors to stimulate yourself and slow down the disappearance of your personality.

Although I have not yet found out the reason for your disappearance, Your Majesty, I have discovered one thing, that is, there is one ultimate act of human existence that you have not yet attempted. "

The doctor said slowly: "Reproduce."

Li Anping sighed: "Reproduce."

Seeing Li Anping and himself speaking in unison, the doctor became even more excited: "Yes, reproduction, this is the ultimate behavior of all living things, engraved in their genes, their instincts. It is they who spread their own lives, themselves the only means of existence.

Over the past thousands of years, no matter how society changes, human beings will always revolve around these two words, have more and better partners, and pass on their genes.

This is human nature. It is also the instinct of all weak and weak life to maintain the species. "

After hearing what the doctor said, Li Anping said calmly: "Do you know that if yesterday's stimulation had no effect, you would be dead now."

The doctor bowed and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, you are the greatest being and the most dazzling miracle in the entire multiverse. It is obviously my honor to sacrifice for Your Majesty."

"The act of reproduction does have the effect of delaying the collapse of my personality. It stimulates the instinct in my human genes under normal conditions and affects me under normal conditions."

"Although this incident did not solve the problem itself, after this night, it changed some of my ideas." Li Anping said calmly: "Doctor, have you ever heard of the suffering of all living beings?"

"The suffering of all living beings?" The doctor chewed the four words carefully, but he didn't know what Li Anping meant specifically.

"I have already made a decision about the next path." Li Anping said expressionlessly: "The strategy regarding the earth will also need to be slightly changed."

The doctor's body was shaken, and he knew that the entire earth would once again undergo huge changes due to Li Anping's decision. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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