Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 22: Weapons

It has been a while since the complete unification of Mondo Continent, and Bai Xinghe is still leading the fleet to continue attacking the remaining two continents on Magic Star.

Now, more than half a year has passed since the attack of Seagram.

According to the information in Seagram's mind, his tribe, that is, the evil god tribe where the Red River King among the twelve demons belongs, will send people to the location of the boundary gate on the White Land again in half a year at the earliest and a year at the longest.

All the high-level people on Earth who know this news are like machines with springs wound up, and they are developing everything that can enhance their strength. And the technology of the earth, especially the military technology, has developed rapidly because of Li Anping.

First of all, there are countless scientific and technological materials compiled by the God King, the Red Queen, and Li Anping. These materials provide the most correct theoretical guidance for scientists on Earth.

Secondly, after the entire earth was unified, the barriers between countries, cultures, and groups were eliminated. There was no longer any technology that wasted money and time on repeated research. All research institutes, laboratories, and scientific research institutes were all managed by the Royal Academy of Sciences. All research, design, and manufacturing plans were planned by Li Anping every minute and every second.

In addition, Li Anping himself also participated in the manufacture and design of various new weapons for the Earth Army. With the existence of nanoworms and infinite computing power, his efficiency was even higher than that of all scientists in the world combined.

In just a few months, the explosive development of human military power and technology has surpassed all past history.

Every day, more than ten floating aircraft carriers are launched around the world, equipped with plasma shields. Force field armor, antimatter engines, Gauss cannons. Plasma cannons and other super-tech equipment floating aircraft carriers have become one of the main equipment for the Earth Army's ground operations.

In addition, the fortress rail guns, floating turrets, and interceptors surrounding the periphery of the Crossing Gate Space Station have turned the entire space station into a death zone within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Inside the space station, the newly produced Explorer II mechanical infantry has become the main force. They are all operated by the central intelligent brain of the space station and have faster reactions than anyone else.

Scanning and aiming through infrared, thermal radiation, electromagnetic waves and other means, they release 255mm depleted uranium bombs, plasma weapons, plasma flames, in terms of killing efficiency and cost-effectiveness, they are higher than various human infantry and ability warriors.

Similar configurations also appeared in the White Land.

Countless unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Nanoworms. Mechanical infantry and other devices have monitored the entire area of ​​10,000 kilometers near the boundary gate. The real defense force of mankind is all deployed within 100 kilometers around the boundary gate.

Floating aircraft carriers, defender robots, spider tanks, and various war machines are constantly coming down from the production line and onto the battlefield of the White Land.

Human soldiers are considered precious resources, and are all cultivated by Li Anping as the highest combat power.

Power armor, force field armor. The interstellar armor, which is a combination of various exoskeleton armors such as nano armor, has completed the replacement of all capable warriors. The next step is to replace all soldiers in the army and complete the replacement of all ordinary people.

This set of individual armor is more than two meters and five meters high, weighs a total of 1.2 tons, and combines hundreds of high-tech equipment. It has power beyond human imagination in the past.

The power system alone is divided into antimatter energy tubes that can use earth technology, nuclear fusion energy furnaces, and magic elements that can launch magic from level one to eight, that is, vacuum zero-point energy extraction magic patterns.

The excellent life support system allows the wearer to survive in various environments such as deserts, seabeds, moons, space, volcanoes, etc. With a fully covered force field armor shell, it can withstand the bombardment of the main gun of the floating warship for ten minutes before all energy is consumed.

Each interstellar armor is equipped with a quantum intelligent brain, which can assist the user in combat, and with their assistance, the user can also command the nanoworms carried in the armor to freely assemble various cold weapons, communication equipment, long-range firepower and other things.

In addition, there are various laser swords, high-frequency daggers, phase transfer shields, Gauss rifles, high-energy particle rifles, micro-tactical thermonuclear bombs, infrasonic weapons and other equipment, which turn each interstellar armor into a mobile arsenal.

Coupled with the abilities of various ability users and the magic programs they modulate on the magic patterns to match their abilities, basically the stronger the strength, the stronger the combat power after wearing interstellar armor.

Each such super soldier can match a legion in ground warfare.

In addition to these ground forces, the first sub-light speed spacecraft of mankind has also begun flight experiments. This means that mankind is about to completely enter the space age. Once the mass production of spacecraft is truly realized, it will be of great benefit to fighting demons in space stations and expanding the strategic depth of mankind in this war.

However, most civilians still know nothing about the rapidly growing strength of the human army. In their impression, the so-called White Land and Demons are still just some gossip and rumors.

As for war, it is just a distant term for the time being.

Earth, on the new continent of Daxia created by Li Anping.

The entire New Daxia has been completely covered with silver metal. Countless metal devices have formed various energy lines and defense systems. In the center of the continent, there is a huge gun muzzle with a radius of more than 120 kilometers.

This largest gun muzzle in human history, when viewed from above, looks like a bottomless black abyss.

Li Anping floated in the depths of the abyss and personally adjusted the structure of the muzzle with the nanoworms.

This is the product of Li Anping's second phase of the Earth Transformation Plan. It is the ultimate weapon for making small gamma-ray bursts based on the principle of stellar collapse explosion.

Gamma-ray bursts are the most intense explosions in the universe. The energy released in a few minutes is equivalent to the sum of trillions of years of sunlight.

The gamma-ray cannon made by Li Anping on Earth is naturally not so powerful at present. And because of the excessive energy consumption, the energy stored in a month is only enough for this cannon to make a gamma-ray burst of one thousandth of a second.

But the power is enough to destroy any planet in the solar system.

Li Anping will also create six similar super weapons in other locations on Earth to slowly realize the goal of transforming the Earth into an interstellar fortress and the eternal utopia of mankind.

It is precisely because of the amazing power of the gamma-ray burst that Li Anping will personally modulate it. After all, if this super weapon is not carefully used, it may even blow up the entire Earth.

Just as Li Anping was floating quietly in the barrel, the doctor far away in the Federation began today's report.

"Your Majesty, the clone's life support system has been tested."

The so-called clone's life support system is a system that Li Anping created for the Queen's clones to survive for a long time in the absence of nanoworms or when the nanoworms lose contact.

Because the premise of this system is the loss of nanoworm support, Li Anping handed the final test to the doctor.

Li Anping asked, "How is the situation?"

"With sufficient artificial nutrients, the clone can basically survive to the maximum lifespan of the body, which is 150 to 180 years."

"However, if the support of nanoworms is lost for a long time, the side effect of the clone's body shrinking will be aggravated..."

The doctor talked for a few minutes and suddenly found that Li Anping had not said a word. He asked, "Your Majesty?"

"Are you still there?"

"Your Majesty?" The doctor looked at the communicator in front of him. Everything was working normally. There should be a problem with the communication.

'Is he distracted? 'The doctor frowned and thought: 'It seems to be getting worse. '

'At first, it was only once or twice a week, and each time it lasted only one second, but now this phenomenon is becoming more and more frequent. It happens almost every two or three days. The most serious one was a distraction of five seconds. '

This is simply incredible for the doctor who deeply understands Li Anping's current life state.

'With your majesty's computing power, even if you manage the entire earth now, you should not be distracted. This is as ridiculous as a 32-core host crashing when playing Minesweeper. ’

Just when the doctor was thinking this, Li Anping’s voice came over.

He said coldly: "I know, I will fix these problems within three days, and you will do the next test three days later."

Li Anping and the doctor will naturally conduct multiple tests on this system that is related to the safety of the entire human race.

After hearing Li Anping's answer, the doctor was silent for a while, and finally mustered up the courage to say: "Your Majesty, were you distracted just now?"

Li Anping said lightly: "Nothing, just some gamma ray parameter modifications distracted my attention."

The doctor felt that this must not be the real reason, but Li Anping didn't say it. He could only keep this question in his heart. But in this way, as a very curious person, perhaps the most curious among all level 5 ability users, the answer to this question is like a kitten hidden in his heart, tickling him very much.

He could only talk about another thing: "By the way, Your Majesty, Shi Wen told me that Miss Anna asked us to remind you that there are still 52 hours before the wedding. She asked you to pay attention to the time and not work too late."

"I know." Li Anping nodded. He naturally knew why Anna did that. This was not the first time he was reminded. Although he did not need this kind of reminder at all, he could fully understand the other party's mood. As a woman, the other party was naturally very nervous about her wedding.

So doing these repetitive and useless things has a good comfort and calming effect on Anna and Li Qian.

And as the person being reminded, Li Anping can also feel a hint of warmth representing happiness in his heart. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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