Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 21: Domination

When Li Anping and others were on Devil's Second Planet, watching the Great Dark Sky slowly appear, all the live broadcasts on the entire Mondo Continent could see this scene.

However, after Li Anping caught Dionysus's punch, and the two of them went to the universe together, away from the magic star, the picture turned into a snowflake.

A line of words appeared in the sky, indicating that Li Anping and Dionysus temporarily went to the depths of the void to fight.

In Rocklin's square, the young wizard clenched his fists. Even though Li Anping and the Great Dark Sky could no longer be seen on the screen, he was still excited and stared at the screen in the sky.

Even his voice was trembling: "Sir Dionysus, he is really here. Will he win?"

"He will definitely win." The older wizard beside him was also a little excited: "Did you see that huge magic puppet? This must be the weapon created by Sir Dionysus to deal with the evil god. The reason why you have been late is that you must have made the puppet in time."

The young wizard continued: "And Sir Dionysus is here now, which means he has the confidence to win. And that puppet is so great that it is simply a miracle that surpasses all magic devices."

The same scenes happened in various places in the Mondo Continent. Countless mages were inspired by this scene, especially the larger size than the Mondo Continent, which far exceeded all mages' imagination of magic and gave them confidence in magic.

Because no one could imagine how Li Anping could defeat such a powerful puppet.


More than half an hour later, on the floating battleship

"The few stars that suddenly appeared in the sky just now must be the battle between His Majesty and his men. What an amazing power." Yan Bei looked up at the sky. He sighed, "Dionysus is really amazing."

"It's a pity that he chose the wrong opponent. He had bad luck." Jin Guang said, "Challenging His Majesty is a matter of seeking death. It's no different from suicide."

Xia Liekong on the side did not speak, but just monitored the situation of the entire town of Mondo Continent. However, apart from the increasing number of people watching the live broadcast, no accidents have occurred.

Bai Xinghe sat cross-legged on the ground. Waves of white thoughts emerged from the 720 acupoints on his body, wrapping his whole body. Seeing that he was practicing seriously, he seemed to not care about the outcome of the battle in the endless distance above his head.

At this moment, a white light flashed, and Li Anping had appeared in front of everyone.

"Your Majesty."

"No need to be polite." Li Anping raised his palm, and saw countless particles generated and combined in his hand, and finally turned into a storage disk. He said lightly: "Dionysus has been solved. I stored the battle record in it, you can play it first."

The so-called battle record, battle screen, is also stored in digital format. Li Anping can naturally record his visual, auditory and other memories, and even with his computing power, it is not difficult to create some pictures out of thin air like making CG.

Like this battle video with Dionysus, he tried to use a third-party perspective to make it.

These videos will first be played on the entire Mondo continent to completely destroy the confidence and spirit of the magicians. In order to facilitate the rule of the earth.

Secondly, these videos will be like the battle of Tianjing and the battle with the demon Seagram, and will be collected by the earth government as a teaching material for the battle of the ability and research materials on science and technology.

Especially the weapons used by Dionysus through the Great Dark Sky. There are also several methods used by Li Anping. Except for the last shot of eating Dionysus, Li Anping will explain and illustrate the general principles of the others.

"I understand." Xia Liekong took the storage box from Li Anping and handed it to his adjutant, asking them to start playing it on the air screen of the entire Mondo Continent.

Bai Xinghe, Jin Guang, Yan Bei and other earth soldiers also looked at this information with curiosity.

Although they believed that His Majesty would win. However, the size of the Great Dark Sky Body made Dionysus's momentum very amazing, making them very curious about how His Majesty solved the opponent.

But after seeing it, they realized that they had greatly underestimated Dionysus's power. The opponent was a hundred times stronger than they imagined. Photon flow, gravity wave, endless purgatory, bright glass fire, the power of these tricks is more terrifying than one.

If they knew these strengths of Dionysus before the war, they would probably worry about whether Li Anping could defeat the opponent.

But now, watching the video of Li Anping easily defeating Dionysus, they were shocked.

When they saw that Li Anping, who looked like an elementary school student, smashed the half-body of the Dark Sky, who was stronger than the entire continent, with a few punches, all the Earth soldiers exclaimed.

A kind of pride and pride belonging to the Earthlings, as well as the unprecedented sense of security that Li Anping brought them, the feeling of being fearless and invincible as long as Li Anping was behind them, quietly rose from their hearts.

Even Bai Xinghe, Jin Guang and others had long expected that Li Anping would win, but seeing the video in front of them, they still felt a kind of blood boiling.

But unlike the excitement of the Earthlings, the natives on the Mondo Continent had a different feeling when they saw the video played on the air screen.

First, when they watched the video, they didn't know that Dionysus had been defeated and killed.

So many mages cheered and looked forward to Li Anping's death when they saw the photon streamer drowning Li Anping, and when they saw the gravity ripples tearing Li Anping apart, etc.

And when Li Anping beat Dionysus in the endless purgatory and was hit by the bright glass fire without any damage, their hearts were all in turmoil.

At the end of the screen, they saw a video that was modified by Li Anping, and Dionysus' body and soul were all killed by Li Anping's punch.

When this picture was broadcast, countless mages on the Mondo continent turned pale and looked at the air screen in the sky in disbelief, as if their whole life had been shattered by someone

In the square of Krolin, the young mage knelt on the ground, staring at the still picture in the sky with lifeless eyes. There was a buzzing sound in his head.

This was an impeccable war of the century. Whether it was the Dark Sky controlled by Dionysus or the unparalleled power displayed by Li Anping, it was far beyond his imagination.

But this made him even more desperate. Even if Dionysus had the power to destroy the entire Mondo continent, and the demigod with a magic level that he could never reach in his lifetime, he seemed so vulnerable in front of Li Anping. So even if these mages kept studying magic, would it be possible to defeat Li Anping?

Whether it was him or the middle-aged mage behind him, their eyes were all dim.

A few months later, the middle-aged mage dispersed his magic power, gave up the path of magic, and became an ordinary old farmer. He died of a heart attack more than ten years later. Even before he died, none of his neighbors knew that he had been a noble mage in the past.

After more than half a year of decadence, the young mage joined the magic school established by the Earth Government and embarked on the path of pursuing truth and becoming stronger.

This was also the final choice of most mages on the Mondo continent. As for ordinary people, it is difficult for them to see the meaning of many tricks in the video, but they know one thing very well, that is, the power of the gods far exceeds that of the wizards.

The whole world will be ruled by Li Anping, the king of the gods, and many grains and foods will be provided to them at very low or even free prices. They just need to obey orders.

In addition, the Earth government will build primary schools in every town and village in the Mondo continent in the coming days. In addition to improving the cultural level of the locals, it is also to select children with magical talents from all the Mondo people.

The parents of these children will receive a sum of money, and these children with magical talents will be sent to magic schools opened on Earth for training since childhood. They will follow the wizards who surrendered to the Earth and study the magic teaching materials compiled by Li Anping himself.

They can choose to return to the Mondo continent during the winter and summer vacations every year. And staying on the modern life of the Earth for a long time will make their every move after growing up no doubt like the Earth people, and completely earth-like.

As long as they can pass the graduation magic exam and thesis review, they will get a temporary residence permit on Earth. Then, if they can pass a series of regulations and procedures, such as making great contributions to the government, they will get 30 points, and inventing new magic will add 5 to 20 points.

The higher the score, the higher the authority, and the closer the rights they can enjoy to Earthlings, and they can even get a real Earth identity in the end, or bring their family members far away in Mondo Continent to live here.

For the locals of Mondo Continent, Earth is the realm of gods and heavens in their cognition. Countless people are looking forward to their children being selected and taking themselves there.

Of course, in addition to children with magical talents, some wizards who have already had abilities in the past can also join the Earth government and be assigned to different armies or ability units after passing a series of political reviews and academic tests.

If they do not violate any discipline or law in the next two to four years and are willing to stay in the Earth Army to continue to spread the gospel, they can become an Earth citizen.

But even so, the number of people who can enter Earth on Mondo Continent does not exceed tens of thousands, but with the establishment of primary schools in various places, this number will increase. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

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