Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 7: Space Station

In the void of the universe, about hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the earth, Li Anping flashed out from a white light and was quietly floating in front of the gate.

As he stepped into the gate, he arrived at the White Land in an instant.

Seeing him appear, more than a dozen soldiers who stayed in the White Land all came up and bowed to greet him.

"You have worked hard." Li Anping nodded: "Get ready, it will take me about half an hour to build the space station and the warp gate."

"Your Majesty, you have worked hard."

"Let's go and notify the brothers of Magic Star."

The soldiers immediately cheered excitedly. The soldiers who stayed behind were mainly responsible for guarding the outpost base of the White Land. There were many equipments here that needed them to maintain, and in addition, there were hundreds of thousands of captives in the Amarra Basin.

Among so many captives, there were magicians and magic marshals. If it weren't for the existence of Sabelius and Mephisto, who saw Li Anping's power with their own eyes and suppressed the voices of resistance from all the captives, rebellion would be a certainty.

Although it was only a few days, the threat of the demons and the hundreds of thousands of captives who were eyeing them covetously had kept their nerves tense. Now that Li Anping had appeared, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Anping nodded to them and waved his hand. Under his operation, countless particles in the White Earth had turned into various alloy strips and passed through the gate, and came to the opposite universe.

The universe was almost a vacuum, and there were very few atoms and electrons in it. Li Anping's creation was not created out of thin air, and he still needed materials, so he came to the White Earth to pick up some materials.

After making more than 500,000 tons of various materials and pulling them through the gate, Li Anping left behind the soldiers who were amazed, followed him across the gate, and began to build a space station.

As his consciousness moved. Countless alloys twisted, deformed, and even re-decomposed and reassembled, just like a child making a sand castle on the beach. A cross-shaped space station was slowly taking shape in front of Li Anping.

If the demons break through the defense line of the White Land, this will be the first line of defense of the Earth in the solar system. So Li Anping built this space station very seriously.

It is about the size of ten aircraft carriers, consisting of two parts, one horizontal and one vertical, each about six kilometers long. There are four folding gates on the top, bottom, left and right of the cross, and the cross-boundary gate is in the center.

According to Li Anping's calculations, this space gate will revolve around the sun along the original orbit of the earth together with the cross-boundary gate.

In addition to the folding gate, Li Anping also built many living facilities, monitoring devices, power equipment, etc. There will be soldiers stationed in the space station for a long time in the future, so he built everything he needed at once.

And as the first line of defense of the solar system against demons, Li Anping also installed many weapon systems in the space war. It is even equipped with antimatter bombs, which can be used as a means of self-destruction when the space station cannot resist.

About half an hour later. After the basic facilities of the space station were completed, Li Anping transformed again and flew to the moon at the speed of light.

Because he did not intend to locate the four folding gates of the space station directly to the earth. In that case, once the demons attacked, there was a possibility that they would come to the earth directly through the folding gates. Although it stands to reason that once the space station could not resist, the earth would cut off the four folding gates, but even if there was a possibility, Li Anping did not intend to take risks.

So his plan was that if the demons controlled the folding gates, the second battlefield would be the moon instead of directly fighting on the earth. And if the demons came to the space station, the moon would close the folding gate between the moon and the earth.

And he rushed to the moon next. It was to build the folding gate of the moon and then prepare for the construction of the moon base. As the backing of the space station, a large number of troops would be stationed here for a long time.

Even after the earth was completely transformed, except for some basic security teams, most of the troops might be moved to the moon, the space station and the white land.

After arriving at the moon at the speed of light, Li Anping directly chose the back of the moon as the base location.

As Li Anping raised his right hand, countless huge steel walls rushed out from the ground. They entangled with each other in mid-air and formed various buildings, just like a fast-forwarded shot.

However, feeling the gravity of the moon, Li Anping suddenly snapped his fingers, and the gravity of the entire moon was adjusted to about 1.1 times that of the earth in this snap.

In Li Anping's plan, the cannon fodder troops on the earth will all be composed of mechanical troops in the future. And the real human beings will implement elite management. The warriors selected from humans must be trained to be the elite among the elites.

So he adjusted the gravity of the entire moon to 1.1 times the gravity of the earth. In the future, the warriors on this moon, except for the machines, will be the elites among humans. As their strength grows, perhaps the gravity of the moon will be adjusted higher and higher.

'Well, after the construction of the folding gate is completed, the headquarters of Daxia Dragon Bird and the virtual number agency should all be built here. '

'The earth will become the eternal fortress of mankind. Then maybe the moon can also...'

'No, the moon is still too fragile. Maybe we can transform a few neutron stars and turn them into death stars, station the legion there, and make them weapons for mankind.'

‘But it’s still too time-consuming and labor-intensive for me to do this kind of thing now. ’

‘The third phase, the power of quantum computing, needs to be further liberated. ’

While Li Anping was thinking about this, countless calculations were still going on in his mind, whether it was the work of nanoworms on the earth or the construction of bases on the moon, they did not stop.

However, because the distance from the earth is relatively far, the signal is delayed, so Li Anping handed over part of the control work to the quantum computer currently under the Daxia Longque Base. By the way, let’s also take a look at the effects of artificial intelligence.

While Li Anping was carrying out various constructions, the galaxy where the magic star was located.

On an asteroid about the size of a football field.

Dionysus was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed, and he was lost in some kind of meditation.

Obviously after learning that Li Anping could perform light-speed attacks, he did not choose to continue hiding on the magic star, which would be too easy to find. So I chose an asteroid far away from the magic star.

Since the battle with Li Anping, it was not just Li Anping who took a crucial step. Dionysus also benefited a lot, if the information about the earth originally given to him by Shangtian only inspired him.

So now, after the battle with Li Anping, he really paid attention to the materials Shang Tian gave him. And every move, every detail, and every sentence Li Anping used in the battle with him was constantly replayed in his mind.

During this period, with the help of extraordinary wisdom and energy, as well as the assistance of various magics. He read through all the material on physics and mathematics.

As the strongest magician in Mondo Continent, he already has the ability to remember photographs. The same goes for those earthly materials. It's just that he simply memorized it before and didn't understand it carefully.

At this moment, Dionysus suddenly opened his eyes, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help laughing.

The asteroid he sat on suddenly changed, and countless rocks, minerals, and metals began to dissipate. It's not that it breaks down into pieces, but that it truly disappears completely.

And as Dionysus opened his right hand, a transparent gem suddenly appeared in his palm.

"I see……"

"Energy and matter can be converted into each other."

"This is the creation of the void."

Halfway through his laughter, Dionysus's eyes flashed with pride and he murmured: "Li Anping, next time we meet, I will give you a big surprise."

"You will regret what you did."

The next moment, the entire asteroid had completely disappeared, and Dionysus opened a portal in the void, and his entire body disappeared into it. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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