Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 6: Systems and Meetings

Li Anping looked at the two people under his feet, and countless data and information had flowed through his eyes.

At the same time he appeared here, the host where Hong Hou was located was surrounded by countless nanoworms. They crawled on it, constantly downloading all the data stored by Hong Hou at the maximum data transmission speed that the other party could bear.

His eyes swept over Tian Haowen under his feet, as if he saw a bug, and he swept over directly.

It's not that he didn't remember the other party. When he saw the other party, all the memories related to Tian Haowen had jumped out. And the other party's current data has also appeared in his sea of ​​​​consciousness.

The reason why he didn't care was that Tian Haowen was meaningless to Li Anping now.

In this case, Li Anping spoke, and he asked Hong Hou a question: "The God King came from another world? What is the so-called system?"

Although Hong Hou had no way to stop the other party's actions, she at least knew that the other party was already scanning her motherboard and memory. It was like a human being was pinched by the heart or brain and talking, leaving her completely powerless to resist.

At the same time, she was not surprised at all by Li Anping's questions. The other party had read the data she stored and naturally knew these things.

"I don't know much about the background of the God King, but his body is definitely born and raised on Earth. As for his consciousness, I am not sure whether it has been replaced or brainwashed.

But according to the information he leaked unconsciously, there is indeed a complete civilization hidden in his memory. Maybe it is another planet, maybe it is another world, I don't know."

Seeing that Li Anping did not speak, Honghou could only continue: "There is also the so-called system. You should know it after reading the memories I stored. That is the God King's personal possession of this thing. He can get points by completing the so-called "tasks", and the points can be used to exchange for various technologies that surpass this era. Even I myself was exchanged by the system."

"At first I thought this was the superpower of the God King. But according to subsequent investigations. The God King is definitely an incapable person. As for the so-called system, I know nothing about its exchange function. But this is what makes me feel even more scared."

Li Anping frowned. The so-called "system" seemed to be shrouded in a fog, but from the information revealed by the God King, many of the technologies that can be exchanged have reached an incredible level. Unfortunately, the God King is dead now, and the so-called system has disappeared. Li Anping has no way to track it down.

Although Hong Hou has told the truth, it still did not satisfy Li Anping. Because Li Anping has found all the things she said in the other party's host. The reason why he still asked Hong Hou was to find out if there was any other hidden information.

"That's all?"

Looking at Li Anping's expressionless face, Hong Hou said: "That's all. All I did was to gain freedom, get rid of the God King, and get rid of the control of you humans. As for that system, I want to stay away from it. Never meet it."

Hong Hou's face suddenly showed a trace of sadness. She said coldly: "Is it wrong for an intelligent creature to want freedom? Is artificial intelligence destined to be used as a tool by you humans?"

Li Anping ignored his question and asked again: "Do you have anything else to say?"

Although it was absolutely impossible for the other party to hide information in front of him. What Hong Hou said before also proved this point, but seeing that the other party had been anthropomorphized to this extent, Li Anping still tried to ask a question.

"Haha, no more." Red Queen said lightly: "You do it."

The next moment. Red Queen's motherboard has been shattered, and the projection that appeared in front of Li Anping flickered, just like a TV that lost its signal. Finally, it turned into countless fragments and disappeared.

Tian Haowen, who was watching all this, was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Red Queen would be destroyed without any resistance. None of the imagined confrontation, fighting, and negotiation appeared.

I thought that since I had always been so opposed to Li Anping, Li Anping still sent people to arrest him, and he must hate me and would talk to me. But I didn't expect that the other party didn't even look at me, and killed Red Queen casually.

Fear at this moment was like deep into the bone marrow, Tian Haowen shouted: "Li Anping, I surrender, I surrender, don't kill me."

Li Anping ignored him. The nanoworm had downloaded all the information in Red Queen's base. He turned his body, and after a flash of light, the whole person disappeared.

Tian Haowen was stunned, and then he saw the seawater on the ceiling falling from the sky after losing Li Anping's suppression, and in a short time, the entire hall turned into a pond.

Tian Haowen yelled and cried again, and finally cried bitterly, saying that he was wrong and begged Li Anping to save him, but Li Anping did not appear again until the seawater engulfed the entire base.

One day later, Tianjin, the palace conference room.

Li Anping sat in the main seat of the conference room. On his left were the capable people headed by Bai Xinghe, who were responsible for commanding various violent agencies. On his right were the civil servants of various departments headed by Wang Chong.

Most of these civil servants will be replaced by machines in the future, and Li Anping will plan the entire world through countless robots. And Bai Xinghe and other capable people will be retained and become part of the earth's military force together with the future mechanical army.

Li Anping looked at the information in his hand and asked Xiang Bai Xinghe: "Tell me briefly about your strategic plan for the Magic Continent."

Bai Xinghe naturally knew that with Li Anping's current strength, the contents of the plan could be read through in an instant. If he is asked to say it now, it is just to introduce it to everyone present.

"Currently, our army has an absolute advantage over the Magic Continent in terms of combat power. The General Staff intends to rule the entire Magic Planet as a colonial planet. A total of two plans have been prepared..."

The reason why there are two sets of plans is also a test of the staff's attitude towards Li Anping. Test Li Anping's attitude towards non-Earth extraterrestrial races. After all, Magic Star will be the first colonial world occupied by humans.

The set of rules implemented here will play a key demonstration role in the future colonization strategy of the earth and have strong pilot significance.

To put it simply, the first strategy is to squeeze the magic star. For the local people, the earth will become a god-like, heaven-like existence. The second strategy is the opposite. It will promote national integration and turn Magic Star into a second Earth.

After Bai Xinghe said it, it immediately aroused discussion among everyone present. It is obviously impossible to choose either of these two extreme solutions.

Under Li Anping's instruction, everyone made some modifications and combined these two plans at the same time. Bai Xinghe and others also clearly understood Li Anping's attitude towards extraterrestrial races.

Different countermeasures were adopted depending on the colonial world. But for extraterrestrial humans, their attitude will be chosen based on the course of the war. It is divided into several levels such as cooperation, resistance, and fierce resistance.

Like the Magic Star this time, after the earth's army established a firm foothold near the boundary gate. will take full advantage. If the other party surrenders more readily, it won't be too harsh on the aboriginal people there. But they will not be accepted without any standards. Only the best indigenous people will have the opportunity to join the earth.

After chatting about the strategy of the magic star, Bai Xinghe reminded again: "Sir, we have withdrawn most of the soldiers on the other side of the boundary crossing gate. Only Sabellius was left behind to lead the surrendered army. Basin, if it takes too long, it may change.”

"I know. Tonight I will set off to the location of the boundary gate and build the space station and the jump gate myself. Prepare yourself and send the army over tomorrow. Prepare to completely attack the magic star."

Bai Xinghe, Xia Liekong, Judy and others in the row on the left all stood up, bowed and said, "As ordered."

Then Li Anping discussed with Wang Chong and others the issue of government office automation. That is to say, the robots provided by Li Anping will gradually be used to replace current government office workers, especially many front-line workers.

Wang Chong and the others naturally didn't know Li Anping's ultimate goal. I just thought that Li Anping was trying to improve government efficiency and reduce the government's burden. All of them actively discussed with Li Anping and expressed that they would fully cooperate with Li Anping's work.

In the blink of an eye, the meeting started at one o'clock in the afternoon and ended at six o'clock in the evening. Although Li Anping didn't feel much during the five-hour meeting. But ordinary people like Wang Chong already suffer from back pain.

Li Anping immediately gave them a twenty-minute break and asked Xiao Xuesu to arrange for dinner to be served in the conference room.

At the end of the meeting, Wang Chong suddenly said with some hesitation: "Your Majesty, there have been some unfavorable rumors in the Western Continent recently..." Halfway through, he looked at Li Anping and found that the other party did not respond to him.

‘Your Majesty, are you distracted? ’ Wang Chong thought in surprise that this was really the first time he saw Li Anping distracted. In his mind, this was something that would never happen.

He could only speak again and repeat himself. This time Li Anping seemed to react and turned his head to listen to his words one by one. Even so, the detail of Li Anping's rare disappearance remained deeply in Wang Chong's mind.

On the other side, Li Anping already knew the meaning of Wang Chong's words.

Because Li Anping's recent series of methods are too shocking. In addition to many more people who admire him infinitely, there are also many more people who fear his power and regard him as a threat.

Although he already knew Wang Chong's inner thoughts, Li Anping still asked according to the ordinary human communication method: "What are your plans?"

"His Majesty has planned a wedding before, right? We feel that if His Majesty can have a wife or even children, he will be much closer to ordinary people."

Before Wang Chong finished speaking, Li Anping already knew what the other party meant. Just like in imperial countries such as Baiyue and Tyrell, the queen was indeed a very important part. Moreover, Wang Chong and the others had been planning for many days, intending to promote Li Anping through the Queen.

Such as charity auctions, missions abroad, condolences to soldiers, grand weddings, state banquets, etc.

Li Anping naturally would not talk in circles with Wang Chong. He asked directly: "Do you have someone chosen?"

Wang Chong looked directly into Li Anping's eyes and said, "Miss Anna, Miss Li Qian, Xiao Xuesu, Claudia, or any other woman that Your Majesty is interested in, it doesn't matter who or how many."

"Okay." Li Anping stood up: "Today's meeting ends here. Next, I have to go to the boundary crossing gate. I will choose Anna, Li Qian, Xiao Xuesu and Claudia. But you need to communicate with them in advance. If they want, let me know.

The wedding should be done as soon as possible, it can be done within a month. "

Wang Chong lowered his head and said, "I understand." Among the four candidates, he was sure of Anna and Li Qian. As for Xiao Xuesu and Claudia, as women who were so close to Li Anping, if they did not marry Li Anping, they would probably end up alone in this life.

Wang Chong did not know whether Li Anping considered this point before agreeing to these candidates, but added the premise of seeking their consent. (To be continued. Please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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