Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 61: War (6)

Countless soldiers rushed towards the Amarra Basin like a tsunami. With countless magic enhancements, each of them ran like a 100-meter champion. The fanatical belief in magic directly surged into their hearts, making them rush forward regardless of everything.

Because the forest was almost completely burned, the entire Amarra Basin appeared in front of them.

Victor held a long sword and ran forward with his captain. As a member of the vanguard, he could see at a glance that countless evil demons were staring at them on the land several miles away. These evil demons all had silver-white scales, which made Victor's eyes flash with greed.

Like him, his companions around him have already begun to think about how to peel off the skin of these silver demons and exchange the silver on them for money.

But Victor hadn't reacted yet. He only heard a series of light sounds in his ears. His companions fell down one after another. Then he felt a pain in his chest. His whole body seemed to be torn apart by something. The next moment, his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

The soldiers standing in the back row were even more at a loss. They didn't know what attack they were under. They could only vaguely see the crackling sound of the silver demons on the opposite side. The people on their side fell down in rows like wheat. Some of their bodies were directly torn apart, and some had blood holes directly, as if there was some invisible attack against them.

A team leader reacted and shouted: "Be careful, those silver demons can be invisible!"

The soldiers around immediately stopped. They fiddled with the weapons in their hands, as if they were chopping a group of ghosts that could not be seen by the naked eye. Some of them were smarter and grabbed the sand under their feet, trying to sprinkle it on the invisible silver demons, but it had no effect at all.

How the soldiers attacked. They couldn't find the so-called invisible enemies, but the enemy's attacks became more and more muffled. Under the impact of the Gauss rifle array, these medieval magic soldiers were like a group of peasants coming out of the mountain. They had no power to resist and fell one after another, leaving large pieces of corpses on the ground.

The two sides exchanged fire for only a few minutes, and tens of thousands of coalition soldiers had fallen. Soldiers using Gauss rifles even had to retreat and change because of overheating of the barrel.

However, a magician on the coalition side finally reacted.

"It's the silver demon on the opposite side. They shot a kind of metal particles that are difficult to see with the naked eye at a very fast speed."

"Let the soldiers gather together, and the magician will use magic to resist the attack."

Through communication and some magic connected with the mind, the entire coalition commanded it as if it were an arm's command. At the command, the soldiers in the front row shrank their formation and gathered together.

In front of them was a huge stone made of magic, as hard as steel, blocking the soldiers, and they were pushed forward.

At first, the Earth Army tried to smash the stone balls with continuous shooting with high-speed rifles, but they soon gave up doing so because although they could smash the stone balls, the opponent's magicians would soon create them again.

Seeing that the opponent stopped shooting, the soldiers in the front row of the coalition all shouted.

"Kill them all!"

"Send them back to hell!"

But just as their shouting began, a more terrifying and sharp voice sounded, suppressing all the shouting. And along with this sound. There was also a series of terrible vibrations, which were like the whole earth shaking.

A team leader looked up at the sky, and somehow. When he heard this voice, he felt a sense of danger in his heart, but he couldn't figure out where this danger came from.

But the next moment, he witnessed what the danger was. A 152mm high-explosive bomb flew to a position ten meters away from him. With a loud bang, the hot and sharp pieces flew in all directions. The shock wave mixed with the shrapnel, directly blew the soldiers within forty or fifty meters around into pieces. The position where the squad leader stood has become part of a huge crater.

The power of this high-explosive bomb with armor-breaking effect far exceeds the imagination of the coalition soldiers. The most important thing is that these things are all produced in an assembly line. Just next to the boundary gate, a total of more than eighty heavy artillery that were urgently dispatched are roaring wildly.

Steel gunpowder turned into flowers of death and bloomed all over the coalition camp. The dense formation that just resisted the Gauss rifles became the best target at this moment. In addition to high-explosive bombs, there are also incendiary bombs that can produce a high temperature of more than 2,500 degrees. The main components of these incendiary bombs are ferric oxide, aluminum powder, and magnesium powder. Even water cannot extinguish them.

But the other side obviously didn't know this. Some magicians tried to put out the fire with water, but under such huge heat, water would become a combustion aid, and the hydrogen produced would only increase the fire on the soldiers. Even if they jumped into the water, they couldn't put out the flames, but would be boiled alive by the boiling water.

In addition, there are armor-piercing shells, electromagnetic cannons, and plasma cannons specially prepared for magicians. The protective force field of ordinary magicians has no way to resist such terrible high-tech weapons. Any electromagnetic cannon or plasma cannon can blow them into pieces or evaporate them into ions.

The entire battlefield seemed to have turned into a huge oven, and even the air became scorching hot. Many soldiers were not killed by the shells, but their entire bodies began to melt from the inside because they inhaled the scorching air.

The mages used protective force fields, fireproof barriers, and teleportation over and over again.

However, the advantages of groupization and systematization brought by technology were fully demonstrated on the battlefield at this moment. Shells bloomed in the camp of the coalition forces like an endless stream. In just over ten minutes, most of the magic apprentices, lower-level mages, and even upper-level mages had already entered the embarrassing situation of running out of magic power.

On the Earth Army side, they were close to the cross-boundary gate and the folding gate. Not to mention more than ten minutes, they could bomb without hesitation for more than ten hours or ten days, not to mention more than ten minutes, and would not leave even a single corpse for the other side.

In the first battle between the two worlds, the magic coalition forces fell into a desperate situation because they did not understand the weapons of the earth. If they had approached the coalition forces with space magic at the beginning, or used a small number of wizards to sneak attack the armored forces, the possibility of winning would be much greater.

But they chose to directly fight the opponent's iron lion with their army.

In the eyes of the soldiers, countless monsters from hell roared and could spit out magic fire that could never be extinguished. These magic fires fell from the sky, and even the mages could not resist them.

When the coalition left more than 200,000 corpses on the field, the magic marshals on the platform finally couldn't help it. This was not what they imagined.

However, although the power of these demons' weapons exceeded their imagination and surprised them, the five magic marshals never thought that they would lose.

Magic is eternal, and this idea has long been deeply rooted. Moreover, each of them believes that although the weapons of the demons are sharp, they still can't hurt them.

"You have all taken action, let me do it this time." Leviathan slowly walked to the edge of the platform, only to see him put his hands together, accompanied by a sound of spells and then pointed out with one finger, and saw a dazzling white light directly shot out with his fingertips and fell into the camp of the Earth Alliance.

The terrifying white light brought an astonishingly low temperature. The terrifying cold air instantly spread around. The low temperature of more than minus 230 degrees directly turned the soldiers wearing nano armor into ice cubes.

The heavy artillery that was firing in the back was also not spared. They were specially targeted by Leviathan. One third of the heavy artillery was covered by the cold air and turned into ice sculptures. (To be continued...)

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