Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 60: War (5)

More than 500 golden guards surrounded Tony, Ivan, Brian and Fang Haojie. These golden guards were incredibly powerful and fearless. With the magic array on their bodies and the magic patterns in their bodies, their physical strength was comparable to that of a dragon.

Ordinary attacks could not kill them at all. The four people were like being covered by a human tent. The 500 golden guards completely covered the positions of the four people. From the outside, only countless gold could be seen, and the figures of Tony and the other four could not be seen at all.

Under their siege, Ivan, Brian and Tony among the four seemed to be in danger. Among them, Ivan and Tony had the ability to transform into a werewolf, and Tony's ability was an ability called the absolute black domain, which could turn any part of the body into a black area that absorbs and releases various energies and radiation.

The defense of the two of them basically relied on nano armor and mind energy. Although the absolute black domain can absorb the electric current released by the opponent, it cannot withstand the opponent's brute force attack.

The only things that can really hurt the Golden Guards are Ivan's high-frequency teeth and claws, and the high-energy radiation in Tony's nano armor. But since Ivan tore apart several Golden Guards' bodies with his high-frequency claws, and Tony killed more than a dozen Golden Guards with high-energy radiation, these Golden Guards no longer fought with them in close combat.

They covered each other one after another, casting long-range magic missiles, fireballs and other magic, slowly consuming the two people's mind and armor. Because of the magic of mind connection, their cooperation is tacit, as skilled as the same person. Once Ivan or Tony wants to go forward to chase someone, the others will concentrate their firepower to cover.

This is the embarrassment of the ability users. Generally, the ability users have only one ability. After this ability is understood, they are easily targeted, unlike magicians. They have all kinds of different magics for different situations. Even if Tony and Ivan are equipped with nano armor, the singleness of this ability is difficult to overcome.

After killing several Golden Guards with the portable high-energy laser in the armor, the opponent changed their tactics again. While covering each other, some people began to release various debuff magic and protective magic, suppressing Ivan and Tony again.

Brian and Fang Haojie on the other side were also not doing well.

Brian had already broken an arm and was seriously injured. Now he could only rely on a few Flame Wolves to protect him, but facing the Golden Guards' overwhelming offensive. It was the melee that Brian was least good at. After paying a few Golden Guards to attract the firepower of the Flame Wolves, Brian was soon hit on the head by a sword, and then was pressed to the ground by a group of people and subdued.

Fang Haojie could ignore the magic and physical attacks of the Golden Guards at the beginning with his ability to virtualize and materialize. He was at ease on the battlefield and directly chopped down more than 20 people with his lightsaber.

But after the Golden Guards found that ordinary attacks had no effect on him, they directly moved away from Fang Haojie and used the magic of mental shock.

Each of them has an indomitable iron-blooded spirit. One by one, they launched suicidal consciousness attacks, directly restraining Fang Haojie.

Fang Haojie finally had time to virtualize his body so that they would not take advantage of the opportunity to subdue him. His entire brain had already fallen into endless attacks. That feeling. It was like having countless lunatics roaring in his head in turn. If he had not been trained specifically for mental attack resistance when he was studying in Academy City, he would have fainted by now.

But even so, he was not having a good time. Fang Haojie silently recited the formula for resisting mental attacks given to them by the instructor. He barely raised his head and looked at Ivan and Tony in the distance.

I saw a giant wolf wrapped in silver-white metal struggling violently, and it kept roaring. But it was still pressed to the ground by more and more golden guards. The whole body was full of golden daggers, and the electric current released from the daggers made him tremble.

As for Tony, he was completely swallowed up by the crowd, and Fang Haojie could only feel that the other party was still resisting by relying on his mind.

Looking around, Fang Haojie exhaled a breath as he waited for the golden guards who were slowly coming up to him to finish their virtualization. He directly took back the lightsaber in his hand.

His consciousness was getting more and more drowsy, but he still used all his strength to activate the Ten Fist Sword in his hand, which had the fifth-level red lightning.

Fang Haojie changed into a physical state again, and the red ring on his right hand also emitted waves of strange light. A red lightning that was more than 50 meters long and as thick as a bucket surged out of it, like a monster's tail, with Fang Haojie as the center, and swept towards the golden guards around him.

The red lightning has the ability to decompose all matter into atoms. All the things he swept, whether it was the golden guards, or their armor, weapons and even magic, all disappeared in this sweep.

After killing dozens of golden guards with one blow, Fang Haojie had returned to the virtual state again before the opponent counterattacked. Next, he kept releasing red lightning, and the virtual truth was transformed irregularly.

The golden guards who were swept by the red lightning might be unharmed the moment before, but the next moment they were decomposed into countless atoms that were difficult to detect with the naked eye.

On the high platform, the five magic marshals all looked at the situation in the Amara Basin with expressionless faces. Of course, this level of battle was meaningless in their eyes.

In their estimation, it was only a matter of time before the five hundred golden guards captured the four silver demons. When he saw that more than ten golden guards were killed by the opponent, Sabellius's eyes already shed a cold light.

After all, he personally built this team. Now, if five hundred people fight four, people will still die.

It seems that we have to train them well when we go back.

Just as Sabellius was thinking this, red lightning was released directly from Fang Haojie's hand, killing dozens of golden guards.

Narcissus's eyes lit up, and he looked curiously at the red lightning flashing out of Fang Haojie's hands from time to time. He ignored the unhappy look on Sabellius's face and said directly: "Interesting, each of these silver demons are... They all seem to have some innate abilities. Although the attack form is single, these innate abilities are very powerful and interesting. "

Another bald magic marshal who has been silent since he came to power. Leviathan, who had always remained silent, said: "This red lightning is a bit like a disintegration ray, but the decomposition ability seems to be more thorough than the disintegration ray, and looking at the appearance of the silver demon, it seems that he consumes a lot of money to cast this ray. Low."

He then said to Sabellius: "I am currently studying how to improve the disintegration ray. I want this silver demon. Tell your men that I want to live."

"No problem." Sabellius squinted his eyes, and bursts of cold light were released in his eyes. Under Fang Haojie's attack, the golden guards were killed and retreated steadily. Although there are many of them, they are still unable to fight against the red lightning that can decompose all things.

He could only rely on continuous mental attacks to harass Fang Haojie.

Seeing that the Golden Guards he personally trained were fighting four out of five hundred, and they were still struggling for so long. Although the Golden Guards at his feet brought a total of 20,000, if he sent them again, Sabellius would be defeated. Feeling that he was embarrassed in front of the other four magic marshals, he directly spoke to his adjutant in the distance through communication magic:

"Sebella, go and capture all four silver demons alive." He said coldly: "I will put them on the dissection table one by one."

under the platform. A female magician nodded and immediately flew towards the location where Fang Haojie and the other three were.

Before she dared to reach the sky above the four of them, an ultra-long-distance gravity spell had been cast. Ivan and Tony, who had just been rescued by Fang Haojie, were immediately pressed to the ground, and every bone made a creaking sound.

Brian, who was already seriously injured, spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

But those golden guards were completely unaffected by the gravity spell and seemed unscathed.

Although Fang Haojie was temporarily unscathed due to the virtualization. But looking at the mage flying towards him at high speed in the distance, he had no hope that he and others could escape.

The golden guards on the side slowly moved towards the surroundings under Sebela's command. Instead of continuing the attack, they surrounded Fang Haojie and the other four.

Ivan lay on the ground, letting out bursts of wolf howls, and then roared: "We can't be captured alive by them. I'm going to release the glory bomb, Fang, I know you can become invisible, you can escape by yourself, or I can help Let’s bring a letter.”

Tony naturally knew what the glorious bomb Ivan was talking about was. It was a miniature tactical nuclear bomb carried in their nano-armor. Only those who were sent to inspect the Magic Star were equipped with this kind of killer weapon. Just in case.

Although Tony was unwilling to release the glory bomb so early, according to his idea, even if he wanted to self-destruct, he would have to wait until he was caught in the opponent's military camp before self-destructing. However, when he thought of the endless methods of those magicians, he was afraid that they would take control once they arrived at the military camp. He can no longer use his own body and nano-armor.

He sighed helplessly and said to Fang Haojie: "Ivan is right, you can use virtualization to escape underground quickly, we will self-destruct first."

"But..." Fang Haojie wanted to persuade the two of them, but he didn't know where to start. He remembered that Li Anping had left him a drop of blood, but even if his combat power were multiplied several times, he might not be able to take away his companions in front of the opponent's five magic marshals, as well as countless mages and soldiers.

Just when he hesitated, a gunshot was heard.

Then the sound of continuous gunshots reached the ears of the three people. I saw hundreds of silver-white warriors wrapped in nano-armor, holding Gauss rifles, walking step by step towards the direction of the golden guard.

In the hail of bullets brought by high-speed rifles, tens of thousands of bullets fell on these golden guards every second, beating them back steadily. After noticing the amazing defensive power of the golden guards, they immediately Changed the way bullets fire. A method was adopted to reduce the concentration of firepower on the target.

Part of the Golden Guards, which was fired by thousands of bullets, was torn into pieces in an instant.

An unprecedented weapon and an attack method that had never appeared on the Mondo continent. This sudden attack directly blinded the Golden Guards.

But seeing the familiar sight, Tony, Ivan and Fang Haojie showed bursts of excitement.

At the same time, a familiar voice reached their ears from the communication screen of the nano armor.

Bai Xinghe said: "Sorry to keep you waiting for so long. The boundary crossing gate has been opened. You should retreat under the cover of the troops first."

At the same time, Cebela, who had rushed over, also retreated. Because the five magic marshals had seen from the high platform that dense white torrents slowly emerged from the depths of the basin.

Sabelius said coldly: "It's just like ants hiding in a pit. Finally came out."

Michelle smiled charmingly: "The number is more than expected. Are they coming from the gate of hell to support?"

"In short, the whole army will attack." Narcissus waved his hand and shot a huge flame into the air, which exploded like a firework. That was the signal for the whole army to attack.

"Kill all these beasts!"

With the order of the magic marshal, millions of soldiers of all colors took action. They roared, shouted, and cheered as they ran towards the Amara Basin and the battlefield.

The five empires joined forces under the will of the demigods, with more than one million troops, various elite arms, more than one hundred magicians, and the five magic marshals personally.

Every soldier believed that victory would belong to him, and that it was time for them to make achievements.

The tall earthen wall shook slowly, and under the control of the magician, one gate after another was opened directly out of thin air.

Countless soldiers in armor filed out.

Because of the magic blessing, ordinary soldiers on the Mondo continent had long been only infantry, because other arms were no longer necessary. Under the magic infusion of hundreds of magicians, each of these soldiers was extremely powerful, walking like the wind, and flashing colorful lights on their bodies. Then magicians of various levels followed them.

Behind them, there were also giant dragons flying up from behind the fortifications, and under the command of the magician, they swooped towards the Amara Basin. The basin, which was originally wrapped in countless flames, was annihilated by the rain falling from the sky.

Michel dispersed the magic, and the water vapor and dark clouds disappeared together, and the sunshine after the rain fell on the earth.

Two worlds, two civilizations, the first war between them finally started at this moment. (To be continued...)

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