Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 56: War (1)

late at night.

The white moonlight shone on the Amala Basin. Fang Haojie in the camp looked up. The moon here was very similar to that on the earth, but it was already a completely different world.

When Yan Bei, Liu Feng and Jin Guang went to investigate the intelligence of the Magic Star on the spot, Fang Haojie was selected to stay in the camp due to his lack of experience and was also responsible for some collection and investigation work in the Amala Basin.

Compared to the dangers of Jin Guang, Yan Bei and others, Fang Haojie lived a very leisurely life. However, the situation also changed starting from the fourth day, that is, he found that he suddenly lost contact with the earth.

The magic star's gate to the White Land is blocked by an invisible barrier. He did not know that this was the entrance to the demiplane created by Dionysus. Unless he takes the initiative to remove it, or the entrance is destroyed, no one can enter the White Land from the magic world.

And those who enter the Magic Star from the White Land will also be directly transferred to his demiplane. Faced with this calm and strange situation, the only thing Fang Haojie could do was to stay in the camp and complete the previous mission.

However, he had already made a plan in his mind. After a month, if he still couldn't contact anyone and Jin Guang and Yan Bei didn't send anyone to find them, he planned to leave the camp and look for traces of his teammates.

Today was already the seventh day of his waiting, and none of the team members who were supposed to have returned as promised were nowhere to be seen. As for the earth, there is still no contact. In the past few days, Fang Haojie has also tried many methods, trying to pass through the invisible barrier in front of the boundary crossing gate.

But regardless of his virtualization ability. Neither the red lightning, lightsaber or the weapons equipped in the nano-armor can do anything against that invisible barrier.

By the fire. Just when Fang Haojie saw the moon in the sky and thought about what to do, he suddenly heard the sound of Xixi swishing in his ears. He calmly reached out his hand to the laminar arc plasma sword at his waist, and gently placed his finger on the switch of the lightsaber.

At the same time, the mental energy in his body shot out in all directions, scanning an area of ​​500 meters around him like a radar.




Fang Haojie thought quietly in his heart. In Nian Qi's perception, there were three adult men slowly approaching him from his left, right and behind, and the two on the left and right were very close. The one directly behind me is almost a hundred meters away.

On the other side, the magic apprentice Weilun in the grass was using the wind communication technique to say to the two servant swordsmen: "Slowly approach, don't let him find out, remember to take action after I release the magic, once these evil spirits enter the fighting state After that, their scales will wrap around their heads. Ordinary attacks will not be able to cut through their scales, so their heads must be cut off before then."

Weilun saw two family swordsmen nodding to him in the darkness. He blessed himself with the Eagle Eye Technique again and looked at Fang Haojie beside the fire. I reviewed the information about the Silver Demons again in my mind to make sure there were no mistakes.

"After entering the fighting state, their whole bodies will be wrapped in silver."

"Their scales are very tough, and ordinary swords, guns, fire and ice are difficult to use."

"But they seem to be more afraid of electric current. A powerful enough electric shock can paralyze them for a short time."

"Their eyes are strong enough to see through the darkness. Smoke and invisibility are useless against them. They have to be approached quietly from behind."

"Sometimes they disappear suddenly, but don't be nervous. They don't really disappear, it's just that the light passes through their bodies. At this time, dust and water are the best choices."

The information about the Silver Demon flowed through Weilun's heart word by word. He clenched his fists nervously, and the magic element slowly transferred from the void to his fingertips. The next moment. The lightning flashed, and a dazzling electric snake pierced the air like a bolt of lightning and shot towards Fang Haojie's location.

The moment the magic came out, Weilun didn't care about hiding it anymore and roared: "Do it!"

But as soon as the two swordsmen rushed out, they saw an incredible scene: the silver demon sitting next to the fire seemed to have turned into a faint shadow. The bright electric light directly penetrated his body, directly hitting a scorch mark on the ground, but the silver demon himself stood up unscathed.

Just when the two of them were stunned, not knowing whether to continue attacking, Fang Haojie had once again completed the transformation from virtual body to entity. At the same time, his fingers gently pressed on the switch of the laminar arc plasma sword. The light blade extended directly to five meters away, and gently rotated around Fang Haojie's body.

It was like a white moon rising on the ground. As for the two swordsmen touched by this moon, their bodies were swept by the light blade with a temperature exceeding 20,000 degrees, and they were directly broken into two pieces and fell towards the ground.

Fang Haojie put away his lightsaber, turned around and looked at Weilun's position. Then he took a step forward, and his body turned from solid to virtual again. Driven by inertia, he passed through countless obstacles and flew quickly towards the opponent's location.

Weilun screamed in surprise when he saw the silver demon charging towards him. But the long-term training finally did not make him lose his mind and run away. With just a tap of his fingertips, eight electric arrows were fired at the oncoming Fang Haojie.

But this attack had no effect on Fang Haojie who was in a virtual state. It directly penetrated his body and broke several trees. Fang Haojie had already come to Weilun's front, and his body changed from virtual to real again, and he directly slapped Weilun's shoulder with one hand.

The electric shock was emitted by the gloves made of nano armor, creating an effect like an electric shock gun. Weilun fell down stiffly. This electric shock effect will cause adults to be paralyzed within ten minutes, without any resistance, and is specially designed to capture the target alive.

Fang Haojie's purpose of doing this was also to capture the other party alive and ask about the current situation of Mondo Continent. But just as he lifted Weilun from the ground, two sounds of breaking through the air came into his ears again.

He turned around with a vigilant look on his face, and the laminar arc plasma sword on his waist had already brought up a conventional light blade of more than two meters, sweeping towards his back like a conditioned reflex.

"Don't be nervous, it's us."

Behind Fang Haojie, Tony's right hand, which had turned pitch black, was blocking Fang Haojie's lightsaber in his palm. The high temperature of 20,000 degrees was like an ordinary fluorescent stick, and could not hurt his pitch-black right hand at all. This was his bloodline ability, the absolute black domain.

Behind him, Ivan was standing aside with the pale Brian on his back.

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