Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 55: Light

Light, the ubiquitous light pierced the darkness.

In Dionysus's black hole, Li Anping used his light speed punch to open up a new world. No matter how the huge fireball collapsed and shrank, it was difficult to truly complete the collapse of the black hole under the bombardment of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of times per second.

The speed of light, this should be the speed limit in the universe, which is an extreme value that humans can never reach with their own bodies. Even in the magic of Mondo Continent, there is no way to turn one's own elements into light.

So Dionysus was amazed at Li Anping's light speed punch. That's the speed of light. No matter what object, even a speck of dust, wants to accelerate it to the speed of light, the energy required is infinite.

This kind of punch that reaches the speed of light, each punch is equivalent to letting the entire East Continent enjoy a magnitude 12 earthquake, the shock wave caused by each punch is enough to flatten the entire Baiyue, and the shock of each punch is enough to set off a tsunami of destruction that engulfs the entire human world.

And now, such fists appear at a frequency of tens of thousands per second, piercing endless light around.

"How is it possible? How did he do it!"

Under the endless light speed fists, Dionysus's black hole magic had no way to complete, and even showed signs of gradually disintegrating. But compared with the current situation of black hole magic, Dionysus was more concerned about the light speed fist used by Li Anping, and how long it could be used like this.

If the few times before could still be said that the light speed fist was a great burden for Li Anping, then Dionysus looked at Li Anping, who had almost become a sun-like light ball, and it was clear that he could use the light speed fist at will without any side effects.

The next moment, a ray of light like a supernova explosion instantly enveloped the entire artificial celestial body, and the light speed fists that exceeded hundreds of millions of times per second directly pierced the entire artificial celestial body into countless fragments.

Under the control of Dionysus, the entire celestial body once again turned into an omnipresent hurricane, forming a huge head of more than ten thousand meters. Li Anping was enveloped, and the head looked like Dionysus.

He looked like he could swallow a planet in a few bites at any time and anywhere.

The atmosphere of the entire storm body resonated, making a thunderous roar.

"Li Anping, your light speed punch is powerful, but it is impossible to really defeat me."

Li Anping looked at the cosmic storm in front of him coldly. He said lightly: "Don't you understand? What do these hands represent?"

As Li Anping said this, not only his hands, but also his feet, torso, and chest began to change. It was like a distorted ball of light.

"Aren't you asking me about the nature of the universe?"

"Then do you know that the history of the universe can be determined after it actually happens. What is the process is only related to our observation method, and has nothing to do with our observation time."

What Li Anping said was the conclusion obtained from the famous delay experiment. He proved that any basic quantum phenomenon is only a phenomenon after it is recorded. It makes no difference in quantum experiments whether we make a decision before or during the photon's journey. History is not certain and real unless it has been observed and recorded.

"Nonsense, everything has a cause before it has an effect, how can the cause appear after the effect."

Dionysus had also seen this bizarre theory in books on Earth, but he did not believe in this experiment at all. This was inconsistent with his actual experience.

Li Anping ignored Dionysus's rebuttal and directly stretched out his palm. When his palm was spread out, a white airflow appeared in his palm again. Li Anping opened his mouth and sucked him into his mouth.

"How is it possible?"

Before Dionysus shouted this sentence, the white light had pierced through a place where the gasified body was hidden in the storm. What made him even more terrified was that The position where this light pierced was exactly the part of his body that he had just lost, which inexplicably appeared in Li Anping's palm and was eaten by him.

If Li Anping's ability to accurately find his body in such a huge cosmic storm only surprised him, then the scene in front of him made him feel terrified.

The next moment, Li Anping's voice sounded again, like a death knell, giving Dionysus a shuddering feeling.

"Although the universe has evolved for billions of years, it was not until an intelligent creature actually observed it that it became certain."

"Our observation itself has become part of the creation of the universe."

"Before the observer observed, the constants of the entire universe were a series of uncertain superpositions. They became certain after the observer observed them. Only when these constants are precisely kept within a certain range can a good environment be created for the observer to survive and continue to observe the universe."

"The existence of consciousness, in turn, has created its history."

Li Anping's words were like magic sounds filling his brain. After listening to his theory, Dionysus felt his head buzzing. The weirdness of this theory made his brain seem to explode, but Li Anping's personal demonstration made it seem to make sense.

At this moment, Li Anping's hands had turned into countless rays of light and pierced the cosmic storm again.

"The reason why my hands can reach the speed of light is because they have turned into light. In the entire universe, only light itself can reach the speed of light."

(Of course, if a portal is opened at both ends of the universe, the moment a person passes through the portal, he will travel faster than the speed of light. But this is actually not true superluminal travel.)

Just as the light emanating from Li Anping's body became more and more, as if countless spears pierced Dionysus' brain, the words he said also made the other party's psychological acceptance reach its limit.

"The true appearance of all matter is only related to our means of observation. The world in the eyes of humans, the world in the eyes of animals, the world in the eyes of insects, and the world in the eyes of microorganisms are all different.

Light, time, and space appear differently in their eyes, but each of them sees the real world, but their means of observation are different."

"What the world and the universe are like is only related to the difference in the observer. What cannot be observed is meaningless."

The next moment, the pure light turned into countless thorns and stabbed at various parts of Dionysus' body. At this moment, Li Anping's hands were no longer hands, but turned into real light.

These lights themselves have no consciousness, but are just the superposition of countless probability wave functions. They have become countless waves, running with the unique algorithm designed by Li Anping. When they reach the target, they will observe themselves again and turn into particles to penetrate the target again.

And every time Li Anping punches, a white airflow has been sucked into his mouth. As he swallows more and more airflow, the light of his fists will become more and more intense and more dazzling.

Dionysus was exhausted from resisting Li Anping's attack. The composition of the celestial body changed from storm to earth, and from earth to sea, followed by force field, lightning, and metal, but it was all meaningless. Li Anping's attack was like light, omnipresent, and any material was directly penetrated and torn apart.

As his body was eaten by the opponent, Dionysus's fear was constantly magnified. Finally, he screamed, his body had been reassembled, and after performing time stillness, he opened a portal, and then cast hundreds of tenth-level magics directed at Li Anping. After the time stillness ended, he entered the portal and disappeared.

Only his voice still echoed in this space.

"Li Anping, this exchange has benefited me a lot. Next time, I will repay you well."

Dionysus, who walked out of the portal, was full of the previous attack and the theory that Li Anping said. They were like millions of bombs, destroying his world view, outlook on life, and values.

Li Anping still stayed in the universe, his eyes were closed, as if he was in a state of meditation, and he did not express any opinion on Dionysus's escape.

The white air flow was still flowing in his body, and was not directly absorbed by him, but was constantly analyzed by his brain.

After a long time, maybe a few days, maybe a few hours, his eyes slowly opened, and a hint of enlightenment was revealed in his eyes. The omnipresent light had already covered his entire body, and even began to slowly spread to his head.


During the time when Li Anping was communicating with Dionysus, the battle on the Mondo continent had intensified.

After the Saint Laurent Magic Guild branch was attacked by an explosion, a prophet immediately came to calculate who was responsible for this terrible attack.

When the image of Jin Guang and Liu Feng appeared in front of them, the royal family of the Saint Laurent Empire was furious and directly dispatched 18 magicians from all over the country to pursue them. The headquarters of the Mage Guild even issued a comprehensive wanted order. As long as the evil demons could be captured, the Mage Guild would meet any request.

Under the pressure of Adam, the other four empires also sent troops to attack the Alama Basin, vowing to attack the gate of hell and kill all the evil demons.

This was a joint effort of the five empires and the magic guild under the pressure of Dionysus, and it was also a huge military operation that had not appeared in the Mondo continent for hundreds of years.

There were more than a hundred magicians in total, five magic marshals, and Adam, the son of a demigod.

Such a huge force made people all over the Mondo continent believe that it was only a matter of time to wipe out the evil demons and occupy the gate of hell.

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