Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 37: Magic (4)

"Have you found it?" Li Anping was standing on the clouds above Tianjing. He looked at Seagram who was tightly grasped by the hands of the incarnation of mind energy in front of him, and turned his will into an electrical signal and sent it back: " Send someone to capture him."

"I want to live."

"As commanded."

Seagram, who was being pinched tightly by the incarnation of Nian Qi, saw Li Anping's cold face and said with some fear: "What do you want?"

He was chased by the incarnation of Nian Qi for several hours. Because his strength had shrunk significantly and his energy could not be effectively replenished, he finally failed to get rid of the opponent and was caught again. And sent it to Tianjing, in front of Li Anping.

Li Anping grabbed Seagram's head. The other person's body was now reduced to the size of his palm. Not only did his head completely sink into Li Anping's palm, but even most of his body sank in.

The incarnation of mind energy on the other side, after handing Seagram to Li Anping, flew in the direction of the boundary gate. Li Anping plans to imprison the other party personally from now on.

"Tell me why there are humans coming from the White Land, and why there are humans coming to the Earth through the World Transmigration Gate."

Along with what Li Anping said, Li Anping's palms gradually tightened and squeezed Seagram's head, making a squeaking sound. Under his huge force, the other person's head seemed to feel like it would collapse anytime and anywhere.

At this time, Li Anping had broken through the electromagnetic drive and reached the final stage of material reorganization. His strength was not the same as when he fought Seagram a few months ago.

Now his strength, speed, and physical fitness have exceeded the 70 mark, from around 60 to reaching a strength of 71.2, a speed of 72.6, and a physical fitness of 70.1. At this point, it is extremely difficult to improve every attribute. I am afraid that even if Li Anping ate all the billions of people on the earth, he still would not be able to improve his attributes to 1.0.

In contrast, the physical fitness has reached this point. It has completely transcended human understanding of living things.

The electromagnetic drive allowed him to grasp the essence of power, and the reorganization of matter allowed Li Anping's body to evolve rapidly.

Under self-adjustment, Li Anping can maintain his body at about ten times the strength of ordinary people. Of course, at this time, his strength, speed, and physical fitness will all drop rapidly. It is far from reaching the level of 70 points, and the energy consumption will be greatly reduced.

Once he enters a combat state, the instant material reorganization level transformation can make his body density even higher than that of Seagram. The hardness of his skin alone far exceeds that of diamonds, titanium alloys and other hard materials known to humans, and his internal organs. Non-essential combat organs such as muscles were all replaced, the nervous system was completely replaced by electrical signals, and the circulatory and respiratory systems were replaced by more superior vacuum energy pathways.

Once he enters the fighting state, every part of his body will become the most suitable form for fighting, and his physical attributes will also exceed the seventy mark. And as his knowledge increases, the transformation of this fighting state will become stronger and stronger.

Facing Li Anping in this state, Seagram was squeezed by the opponent's huge force. I feel like my head is like a piece of scrap metal, and it seems that it will be squeezed to pieces at any time.

"Ah!" Feeling that his head was beginning to be squeezed and deformed, even Seagram couldn't help but scream. He shouted, "How do I know how he got here?"

"Huh?" Li Anping's eyes narrowed, and he saw a blue electric light flashing on his arm, and an even more terrifying force squeezed down, and Seagram's head made a clicking sound, and there was a split.

"Asshole!" Seagram roared angrily. Using his fastest speed, he transmitted everything he knew to Li Anping through electromagnetic waves: "He is a human being from another world. On the white land, those places where time and space are not stable can open the world gate, but some There will be a natural boundary gate in this place, and that’s probably how he came here.”

Li Anping relaxed his grip slightly. I thought in my mind: ‘There is still such a thing, it seems like we need to adjust our strategy. ’

He glanced at Seagram, who was completely deformed in his palm, and said coldly: "From today on, you will be with me. If I find you are more than ten meters away from me, I will kill your brains." Pinch it out and eat it as jam on toast."

Li Anping's words gave Seagram a chill, and as a devil, he couldn't help but tremble: 'This guy is more like a devil than me. And what's going on with his strength? This kind of combat power is comparable to that of a warrior who has just entered the eighth level. ’

Thinking of this, Seagram's appearance became more honest. At least before the demons attacked, he no longer had any unnecessary thoughts.

At the same time, in the towns of Codex Country, Jonah began his adventure in a foreign continent.

He was seen floating above the street, surrounded by evacuated people. There are also a few brave people who hide in corners and take pictures with their mobile phones.

"These damn natives." Jonah felt unhappy after thinking about what he had just experienced. He originally wanted to ask the police to take him to find their king, but he was brutally attacked by the other party. After he used a spell to deter him, the other party became even more excited. As a last resort, he killed the other party.

Originally, this was not a big deal in his eyes. Killing a few mortals was something that every wizard had done. It was just that the identity of the other party's official made him feel a little troublesome. In order not to offend the wizards who might exist in the other party's kingdom, he directly used the splitting technique to decompose the other party's body into particles that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

According to him, the destruction of the body was so neat and tidy that the other party should not be able to find it.

Who knew that he had only been in the room for a few minutes before the police came to find him again. As for Henry, he had escaped when he killed the police.

After killing five more people, he knew that he should be exposed. Although he couldn't figure it out, he still planned to move to another location first.

As a result, as soon as he flew out of the building, he was attacked frantically by the other party again. The natives here used a mechanism that could spray metal particles to attack. The speed of these metal particles was very fast, and even he could hardly see them clearly. Fortunately, their power was not great, at least they could not penetrate the protective force field on his body surface.

The street was empty, with only numerous metal boxes flashing red and blue lights heading in his direction. The natives were riding in the boxes, and when they saw him, they came out of the boxes and attacked him.

Countless metal particles hit his body, and it felt like being bitten by many mosquitoes. A flash of anger flashed in Jonah's eyes, and he roared, "You... these lowly ants."

"You don't understand what you are facing at all!"

Accompanied by his roar, a blue halo composed purely of cold air spread out in all directions with his body as the center. In just a few seconds, all the surrounding materials within hundreds of meters were frozen.

Some of the armed police officers who got out of the police car were directly frozen into ice sculptures, while others retreated quickly.


"Ordinary light weapons are ineffective!"

"The target has ultra-low temperature ability, where are our ability users? Why haven't they arrived yet?"

Looking at the policemen who were beaten to pieces by him, Jonah laughed: "Mortals, prepare to bear the wrath of the wizard."

The next moment, as a few mysterious bytes came out of his mouth, a cold wind suddenly rolled up in the sky. The next moment, countless hailstones the size of human heads were already like artillery shells hitting the police and police cars that continued to rush in from a distance.

The huge kinetic energy directly deformed the car. The ordinary policemen were torn apart by a slight touch, and the cold air contained in the hailstones lowered the temperature around them again. People seemed to have arrived in Antarctica in an instant.

"Damn it!" An armed policeman who came over took out a rocket launcher directly from the car. This kind of firepower specially used for anti-tank is far from comparable to the previous bullets.

Originally, it was impossible for ordinary armed policemen in the Code Country to be equipped with rockets. However, in the past six months, under the rule of the Pan-Continental Alliance, the entire Earth has greatly increased its investment in the military, and all weapons and equipment are being upgraded almost every day. Therefore, the rocket in the hands of the armed police originally belonged to a certain army of the Codex State, but now it has been eliminated because it is too backward and given to the armed police.

On the other side, when Jonah saw a rocket flying towards his position, he was stunned and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

‘Portable bed crossbow? Interesting, but with such a slow speed, I’m afraid the power is not as great as the metal particles I have seen. ’

So, he watched the rocket hit the protective force field on his body.

Boom! It was like a firework blooming in the sky, and the huge impact force directly knocked Jonah out.

You must know that this kind of rocket is specially used to deal with tanks and destroy fortifications. Although Jonah’s body was not damaged too much under the protection of the defensive force field, he still shot out like a ball and crashed into a building.

The whole brain was buzzing, and there was a slight concussion.

In the ruins, Jonah slowly stood up, with crazy anger in his eyes. He was actually beaten away by a mortal. This was simply a great shame.

"You... you lowly... despicable... stupid mortals."

"You have completely angered a mage."

At this moment, a sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded in the sky. As a fighter plane passed over the sky of the town, two black figures jumped down from the sky.

"Daxia Dragon Bird?"

Seeing such an arrogant appearance, the armed police holding rockets were shocked. Although they didn't know why the people who came to support the incident in the Western Continent were not the ability users of the Virtual Number Agency, but the people of Daxia Dragon Bird, but since the ability users sent by the government to support them have arrived, it means that they have nothing to do.

The ability user who made trouble didn't die after being hit by a rocket. He didn't want to continue fighting with this monster.

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