Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 36: Magic (3)

"Phone? What is that?"

Then under Henry's explanation, Jonah nodded and said: "I understand, something similar to a communication spell. So, do you want to contact your officials and ask them to tell the king?"

"Well, yes." Henry nodded: "But with my status in our country, it may be more difficult to alert the king."

Jonah smiled and said casually: "It's okay, at most it's just a matter of finding them one by one. Just go and make a call."

When Henry heard this, he immediately jumped up in his heart: 'This madman, I need to call the police as soon as possible. ’ He walked to the landline, picked up the phone, and dialed the three numbers 112.

Jonah on the side looked at Henry with curiosity, and at the same time opened his ears, listening carefully to the voice coming from the microphone.

After only two beeps, a crisp female voice answered the phone and asked: "Hello, please say."

"Hello, I'm here..." He glanced at Jonah, who listened curiously to the female voice on the phone and nodded to him. Henry said hesitantly: "There is a magician he wants to see. His Majesty Li Anping.”

"Magician?" The woman opposite was obviously stunned, but the next second her tone was already dissatisfied: "I'm sorry, please don't joke, otherwise..."

Henry said anxiously: "I'm not kidding, I..."

There was a beeping sound during the conversation, and the person on the other end had obviously hung up the phone. Henry smiled bitterly, looked at Jonah and said, "Sir, because we have never had a mage here, it may be difficult for them to believe in the existence of a mage."

When Jonah heard this, he frowned and said amusedly: "A group of ignorant natives dare to deny the existence of mages."

Henry on the side was afraid that the other party would do something out of control, and then said: "Sir, I can tell them that you are a capable person, so they may be more accepting."

"Ability user? What is that?"

"Well, they are just guys with super powers. Some of them can breathe fire, some can fly, and some can become invisible."

Jonah asked a few more questions, and after hearing Henry's explanation, he nodded arrogantly and said, "I understand, it's a warlock. I didn't expect that you don't have a magician here. But there are warlocks.

But how can those barbarians who only know how to fight with instinct compare with mages? "

John asked cautiously: "Then I..."

"Forget it, you natives can't understand the greatness of the mage. Just say how you can succeed."

Henry nodded, quickly picked up the phone again, and dialed 112.

After the beep. A clear female voice answered the phone. Henry didn't even listen to what she said and shouted directly: "Hello? I have a very powerful ability user here, and he wants to see His Majesty Li Anping."

"Um, I'm sorry." The female voice over there still maintained a polite attitude: "We can't contact His Majesty directly. If you want to see His Majesty, I suggest you go directly to the sky. Beijing."

Henry heard this answer. I cursed in my heart: ‘Damn, you’re sick of answering so seriously, please click on Obstruction to send the police over. Catch this madman. ’

But he obviously didn't dare to say this directly, so he could only continue: "I don't care, you must inform His Majesty immediately, my friend is impatient to wait."

Obviously his problem could not be solved. After trying to persuade him several times to no avail, the call over there was hung up again.

While Henry was on the phone. Jonah's attention has always been focused on the telephone. It is obvious that he is very curious about how this small box without magic fluctuations sends the sound.

After seeing Henry hang up the phone again, he frowned again: "Failed again? It's really troublesome. She just said that we can go directly to Tianjing to find your king?"

Hearing what the other party said, Henry's heart lifted again: 'No, if I really take him to Tianjing to find His Majesty, it would be too dangerous for me. You absolutely cannot take him to Tianjing. 'Think of this. A flash of light suddenly lit up in Henry's heart: 'This guy...' He remembered everything the other person had said and done since he entered the house.

He thought with some uncertainty: 'Could this madman really be a magician from the Saint Laurent Empire? ’

Jonah over there had already stood up impatiently: "Mortal, in which direction is Tianjing? I will take you to fly there directly."

Henry only thought of the other party as a madman at first, but now he thinks about it carefully. If the other party is really a magician from another world, then everything is not unreasonable.

Thinking of this, he was even more unwilling to follow the other party into this muddy water and go to Tianjing.

He said directly: "Sir, our king's whereabouts are unpredictable all year round. He may not be there even if he goes to Tianjing. It is better to let him come to us. Directly find the officials responsible for public security here, sir, and you will go through them all the way. Just look for it.”

"Okay, you try again." At this point, Jonah swallowed again and said, "Are the instant noodles in the ice cave? I'll cook another pack and eat it."

Seeing that the other party went to get instant noodles to eat again, Henry secretly cursed the idiot in his heart, and then picked up the phone and dialed 112.

"Hello, everyone, this is No. 303, No. 112 Tianyuan Street. Someone here wants to commit suicide. Please send a police officer quickly."

"Okay sir, we'll send someone over right away."

On the other side, Jonah had already taken out instant noodles and started cooking them skillfully. When he saw water flowing continuously from the tap and the hot water kettle automatically boiling water, he was amazed again.

"You craftsmen from this continent have really good skills." But as soon as he said this, he shook his head again: "But if you spend all your energy on these little tricks and give up the great research on magic, you are still ignorant. Backward natives.”

After saying that, he lowered his head and poured the boiled water into the instant noodles. Smelling the fragrance of the instant noodles, he showed a satisfied smile.

‘After being hungry for so long, I can finally eat something delicious. ’

Henry was in no mood to argue with the lunatic in front of him about who was further behind. He just waited anxiously, hoping in his heart that the police would arrive quickly and arrest the lunatic in front of him.

As for whether the guy in front of him is a real madman or a real mage, he really has no interest at all.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang, and Henry walked towards the door impatiently: "Sir, they should be here. I'll open the door."

Jonah didn't even look back, he was sitting on the sofa and eating instant noodles.

Henry opened the door and saw two policemen standing outside. He said excitedly: "You two, he is a person with abilities and very aggressive. You should be careful." After that, he walked behind the two men. Hide.

The two of them glanced at Henry strangely, and then saw Johna wearing a silk nightgown coming out, looking at the two of them with contempt and saying: "You two, take me to pick up your king or chief, if you want Superlative.”

The older policeman smiled helplessly and said into the intercom: "It's okay, he seems to be a psychopath. We will come back after we solve it."

Another younger policeman walked up and said, "Friend, who do you want to see?"

"Take me to see the most senior official you can meet, and the kingdom will be better." At this point, Jonah was afraid that these natives would waste his time, so he decided to use his extraordinary power to scare them.

He stretched out a hand, and as his palm opened, a spherical light group emerged from his palm, illuminating the entire room.

Unexpectedly, his actions immediately aroused the vigilance of the two policemen. At the same time, he pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at each other.

"You are really a person with abilities." The police pointed their guns at Jonah, and then shouted in accordance with the standards for criminals with abilities: "No matter what you are going to do, stop quickly, put your head in your hands and squat down. There are still in your hands Put it away quickly, otherwise we will shoot."

Jonah did not expect that his shocking behavior not only failed to arouse the other party's awe, but also made the other party feel hostile.

Normally, as long as you reveal a light spell in front of civilians, wouldn't they immediately kneel down and worship you? He suddenly looked up at the lights on the roof and the other party's language, and felt a little enlightened: "It seems that simple spells can't make the natives here surrender. They are so stupid and don't understand the greatness of magic at all."

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Jonah's eyes: "Mortals, it seems that I have to teach you what awe is first."

The next moment Jonah pointed out, an ice pick appeared out of thin air, fell down, and directly stabbed a hole in the young policeman's thigh.

Seeing his colleague falling down screaming, the older policeman immediately shouted into the walkie-talkie on his shoulder: "Damn, it's a person with abilities. He hurt Joey. I need support."

As he spoke, he had turned on the safety of the gun on his waist, and the camera on his other shoulder was also pointed at Jonah, uploading the scene to the police network.

"You damn bastard." The policeman pointed his gun at Jonah, but he saw a disdainful smile on Jonah's face as he walked towards him step by step.

"I said don't move!" He lowered the muzzle of the gun slightly, pointed it at Jonah's leg, and fired.

The sudden sound of the pistol and the bullets coming out of the barrel obviously startled Jonah. He felt that he was being attacked, but he did not understand how the weapon in the opponent's hand was used to attack.

But the opponent's attack obviously failed to break through the protective force field on his body, but instead aroused anger.

"Civilian, you dare to attack a mage. I will imprison your soul in the body of a pig to let you know how rude and childish your actions are."

At the same time, information about Jonah was spread around the world at the speed of light. About two minutes later, the news was sent to Li Anping in Tianjing.

"Sir, we found him."

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