Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 32: Transformation (5)

On the other side, Qin Zhuang was thrown to the ground by a zombie. He struggled frantically, but he couldn't get rid of the zombie.


Then came Lin Ke and Miao Zhi. A zombie over two meters tall with a chain and a sickle in his hand opened the door and dragged the two out.



Zhao Wei watched the bloody scene in front of him helplessly, and the fear that penetrated his bones made him unable to move. Only the girl next to him reported three numbers with unknown meanings in sequence.

The next moment, Zhao Wei was completely overwhelmed by the swarm of zombies. Before he died, he could only see the girl looking at him coldly, with no change in expression on her beautiful face, just like It's like looking at a guinea pig.


The next second, Zhao Wei opened his eyes again.

There was a wooden floor under his body, and the top of his head looked like the beams of some kind of cabin. When Zhao Wei held his head and stood up unsteadily, he found that he was standing in a cabin, and the scene in the previous scene memory has been erased

It's still a similar plot, but the difference is that the barefoot girl just now is no longer among these people. This time, there are only eight of them.

Li Anping, who transformed into a barefoot girl, calmly watched the various performances of the eight people in the wooden house, and recorded the various choices and endings they made.

"Hundreds of experiences, but the choices each person makes at each moment are limited. As the number of times gradually increases, the probability of each choice they make appears."

"What makes the choice? The brain? The brain is just a bunch of atoms. It is also composed of various atoms. What is the difference between it and stones and clods of soil?"

"Breaking down the atoms of a stone and replacing the atoms of a brain doesn't make any difference."

"So how did our brains give birth to something like consciousness?"

In front of Li Anping, there were countless TV screens flashing, every one of them. They are all different kinds of people who have experienced in the nightmare space. They are either being surrounded by zombies, surviving in the wilderness, or fighting monsters in space. Different people, different environments. But everyone makes their own choices according to certain rules.

Every time the plot is repeated, the data they selected will be summarized to Li Anping. As thousands of people continue to reincarnate, their data soon exceeds two hundred gigabytes, and more and more.

Likewise, as the number of times increases. The probability of each option they choose becomes more and more obvious.

"What is consciousness? Brain activity? But most people can't feel their own brain activity at all."

"When he wanted to get up, he bent down, put his hands up and got out of bed."

"When a person wants to eat, his hand puts the spoon into his mouth, and the food enters the stomach. It begins to be digested."

"Exercise, digestion, sleep... we don't need to specifically direct our body at all, it is done subconsciously. Ordinary people have no idea how the brain works. Just like the functions of a computer, humans Just input and output.”

"Modern science believes that consciousness is a combination of patterns."

"Just like the music score itself is not the music, the information recorded on the music score is the music. The pages and words are not the novel, the content recorded on the paper is.

And consciousness. It is a combination pattern of atoms, which constitutes an extremely complex algorithm. When we input content into it, it will automatically output the results, and ordinary people cannot control the process. "

On the 13th floor of the Imperial Library, Li Anping's hands were illuminated by dense blue electric light, and he saw masses of air constantly changing in his hands, gradually multiplying from one cell to the next. Slowly turned into a huge meat ball.

"Just like basic words, when different words are combined with each other, a novel is born. When atoms are combined in a special way, will consciousness be born?"

"But everyone's consciousness is still different. Everyone's consciousness is like a unique function." In Li Anping's eyes. It's like thousands of people have emerged, reincarnating in the nightmare space and making choices.

"Different inputs lead to different results, but each function is unique. Even if two functions have the same input, they may produce different results."

"But this set of algorithms is so complex that even if a person's entire life is input into a supercomputer, it is difficult to predict 100% what he will do in the next second."

"No, it's impossible to predict."

"Human beings themselves are composed of atoms that are unpredictable, but they only have a certain probability on a macro scale."

"More than that, human consciousness is more advanced than ordinary functions."

I saw the electric light in Li Anping's hand getting stronger and stronger. In the patches of blue lightning, a palm-sized cat slowly opened its eyes.

"Human consciousness has the ability to self-correct. Every choice and every behavior will modify human consciousness, just like writing a function, except that humans do not write on the source code, but through the encoding of behavior and environment. Tools to write, more intelligent and macroscopic.

So everyone's consciousness is changing every moment. With the same input, the answer ten years ago was 30% likely to choose A and 70% likely to choose B. Ten years later, the answer becomes 90% choose C and 10% choose D. "

I saw the electric light in Li Anping's hands slowly dissipating, and the cat with gray and white fur looked at him and called softly: "Meow." The kitten looked no different from ordinary cats, just as cute and cute. Smart.

"The animal's consciousness algorithm is too simple, it's like creating a simple artificial intelligence." Li Anping looked at the cat in front of him and put it on the ground casually.

"It's difficult for me to predict with 100% accuracy what it will do next second, but I know all its possible options."

"Because of its consciousness algorithm, its functions were compiled by me."

"But it's not complex enough. There are too many differences from humans."

"Self-correction cannot be written in the combination mode yet. Is it a shortcoming of the algorithm...or..."

The kitten ran to Li Anping's feet, rubbed its body against him, and then meowed several times.

"There's still a little something left..."

"What else is missing?"

Li Anping raised his head, his eyes penetrated directly through the roof of the Imperial Library and looked at the endless starry sky.

In Tianjing, thousands of people are constantly experiencing all kinds of incredible adventures.

The choices, data, life and death of countless people appeared in Li Anping's eyes.

"What missing..."

While Li Anping was still working on perfecting the second stage of material reorganization and preparing to hit the third stage of quantum computing.

The distant code country, in the death zone.

It was originally ravaged by human monsters all year round, and later ravaged by Li Anping's battles with Seagram and Gabe. Now it is almost a complete no man's land. It was only after the unification war of the Western Continent that the Codex Country slowly began the repair work. However, the vitality of the Codex Country was severely damaged in the Battle of Seagram.

Therefore, the reconstruction work of the death zone is also arranged very late.

But deep in the uninhabited underground, countless densely packed metal bugs are constantly digging and constructing.

In a hall made entirely of metal, Shang Tian was sitting on a chair. There was a laptop on the table in front of him. Shang Tian, ​​who was over two years old, kept playing with his little hands and typing on the keyboard.

Behind him, Ye Beast walked up slowly: "Xiaotian, the letter has been delivered."

"Thank you, Uncle Ye." Shang Tian turned his head and smiled at Ye Beast, and then started typing on the keyboard the next moment.

And Night Beast stood behind him, guarding him silently.

In less than two months, the little boy in front of him, who was obviously only less than two years old, burst out with amazing wisdom and talent.

If Shang Tian was just a genius before, what he did in the past two months has made people feel horrified, and even Ye Beast, a fifth-level ability user, was convinced.

On the other side of the table was a short-haired young man wearing national costume. He raised his feet and put them on the table, and his clothes made a series of jingling sounds.

"How long do you have to wait? You have contacted such a bunch of trash in the past two months? Except for those robots, everyone else is just a bunch of trash."

"Be patient, Kudia." Shang Tian took a sip of the coffee on the table and showed a confident smile: "The underwater base in Frozen Ocean has begun to be established, and the opportunity will come soon."

"What are you waiting for?" The young man known as Kudiya looked at Shang Tian in confusion: "If Li Anping is really making great strides towards the ultimate goal as you said, we don't have time to stay here. Let’s have tea and chat here.”

"But on Earth, I have done everything I can do now. Next, we need to wait for a friend."


"Yes, friend." Shang Tian showed a mysterious smile: "When I see him on the news, we can set off.

Go to World 1, where we will kill Li Anping. "

When he said this, Shang Tian's eyes were filled with resentment, and the murderous aura that did not match his two-year-old body came out, making Kudia feel horrified. The resentment contained in it was so profound that he was shocked.

‘How much hatred does this guy have against Li Anping? ’

After a long time, the boiling murderous intent in Shang Tian's eyes gradually calmed down and turned into a bone-chilling coldness.

"It's up to me to completely stop this disaster in the multiverse and end this sin in our family."

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