Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 31: Transformation (4)

On the same night, Li Anping moved to the roof of another building, still looking down at the entire Tianjing City night in the spiritual form of a woman with long hair and white clothes.

The doctor has already begun to deploy a global spiritual network, but because it is impossible to use all the manpower to do this kind of thing, according to Li Anping's calculations, it will probably take more than half a year.

So although Tianjing's spiritual network has been deployed now, Li Anping usually only uses it to test some problems and has not fully opened it.

Even the spiritual network in Zhongdu has been adjusted to a very low value.

He planned to wait until the spiritual network covered the whole world before launching it together, so that no one would have a chance to react.

But now, the spiritual network plays a greater role for him in other aspects. Collecting more data requires more experiments and more tests.

Soul, spirit, consciousness, what exactly are they?

"The twelfth nightmare test... begins."

That night, eight more people in Tianjing City fell into a terrible hell.

When Zhao Wei woke up, what he saw was no longer his bedroom.

There was a wooden floor under his body, and the top of his head looked like the beams of some kind of cabin. When Zhao Wei held his head and stood up unsteadily, he found that he was standing in a cabin.

There is a wolf head specimen hanging on the wall, and there is a fireplace facing Zhao Wei. The entire cabin is made of wood. Through the window, you can see the dark woods outside. From the outside, it looks like a federal-style hunting lodge.

In the entire room, besides him, there were nine other men and women, five of whom, like him, were slowly getting up from the floor, while there were three other adult men standing aside. Looking at them with a cold gaze.

Zhao Wei looked at them and asked uneasily: "Hello! Where is this place? I remember that I was in my bedroom before I fell asleep."

Among the three men, one was the youngest and looked very thin. A boy who was probably just a high school student stood up and said to Zhao Wei and the other five men and women: "Everyone. The information from the nightmare space has been injected into it." If you think about it carefully, you should know it.”

Zhao Wei began to think carefully after listening to his words. In an instant, an inexplicable piece of information appeared in his mind.

Nightmare space, a real space. After being pulled in, I will enter here every Sunday night. And the only thing you have to do is to survive here. As long as you can survive, wealth, power, power, you can get anything in this world.

Zhao Wei has not yet realized the meaning of this message. A middle-aged woman among the remaining five people had already started arguing.

"What are you doing?" she shouted, "Where are you? I have to go to work tomorrow morning. Why did you tie me here?"

The young man among the three sneered: "The gate is right there. If you want to leave, please feel free to leave."

The middle-aged woman glanced at the three of them suspiciously, then walked straight to the door and left. After seeing her leaving like this, two office-aged people, a man and a woman, also left.

The only ones left in the room were Zhao Wei, a middle-aged man in a suit, and a barefoot girl with black hair and white clothes. When I saw the girl's face. Zhao Wei couldn't help but be stunned, because the other party was very beautiful, at least much more beautiful than the celebrities he saw on TV.

"One hundred and sixty-three."

When he saw all three middle-aged women leaving, Zhao Wei glanced at the girl suspiciously. The girl seemed to have read a number just now.

Seeing the three people leaving, the young man who looked like a high school student sneered several times and said to Zhao Wei and the others: "Okay. Those three idiots have left. Since you choose to stay, it means you are not stupid. I'll give you five minutes to ask questions."

At this time, Zhao Wei had time to carefully look at these three people who were obviously different from them. Except that the leader was a young man who looked like a high school student. The other two were a muscular man wearing a black vest and shaved hedgehog hair.

There is also a young man wearing glasses, slightly long hair, and wearing sportswear.

When he saw this, Zhao Wei suddenly reacted, lowered his head and saw the clothes on his body. He clearly remembered that he was sleeping in bed, but now, he had changed into a set of shirts and trousers that he usually wore to work.

Just when he was surprised, the middle-aged man in a suit on the side had already started asking questions: "Where is this place? Who are you? Why do I appear here?" His eyes were full of wariness and questions, and he was obviously completely He didn't believe in the nightmare space thing, but out of some considerations, he didn't rush out with the middle-aged woman.

The gentle man with glasses replied: "We don't know where this is, every nightmare will enter a different world, there is basically no chance.

As for us, we have just experienced a few more worlds than you. "

The high school student on the other side continued: "My name is Lin Ke, the one wearing glasses is Miao Zhi, and the muscular man is Qin Zhuang. Ever since you entered the nightmare space, you will come in once a week and experience a world. These worlds may It’s myths and legends, novels, games, animations, movies, all of them are very dangerous, and you might die if you’re not careful.”

"Dead?" The middle-aged man asked in surprise: "You mean we might die?"

"What do you think?" Link, who looked like a high school student, said disdainfully: "So far, I have confirmed that thirty people have died in the nightmare space. Do you think this is an amusement park? Doing this every week? Is this a dream over?"

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "But isn't this a nightmare? It's called Nightmare Space, and will we go back when we wake up?"

"Yes, when we wake up, we will return to the original world. It feels like a dream." Miao Zhi pressed his eyes and sneered at the middle-aged man: "But if you really If you think this is just a dream, then try committing suicide.

Let me tell you in advance, in the three worlds I experienced before, I wrote down the faces and names of the fifteen dead people, and investigated them after I went back. They all died that day from various accidents and illnesses. "

What Miao Zhi doesn't know here is that although Li Anping has mastered the electromagnetic force, strong interaction force, and weak interaction force, he can already simulate most phenomena in nature, and can also display their various changes in the nightmare space. in their own flesh.

But he didn't actually kill the dead, he just erased their memories in the nightmare space. Then the memories of survivors such as Lin Ke were modified, and the faces and names of the deceased were changed to those who died in Tianjing that day.

The middle-aged man was shocked when he heard this, and then asked: "You mean if we die here, we will die in an accident outside?"

"Who knows?" Muscular man Qin Zhuang said: "I only know that everything that happens here will affect our physical bodies in reality. The strength I have developed here can also be used in reality. You think of this place as a That’s a real world.”

Zhao Wei also asked: "Then how do we go back? Will we have to experience the nightmare space every week in the future?"

"I don't know." Miao Zhi smiled bitterly: "At least so far, we haven't been able to find any way to completely escape from this space."

"Could it be some kind of ability?" Zhao Wei suddenly shouted: "Have you tried reporting what happened here to the government? If the emperor knew..."

"Do you think we haven't tried such a simple thing?" Lin Ke said angrily: "We can't do it at all. After leaving the nightmare space, we can't tell a word about any information about this place, and even we can't say a word about it." No one can exchange information about this place.”

Miao Zhi clapped his hands: "Okay, let's end the problem here." He looked at Zhao Wei, who looked nervous, and the middle-aged man who was still wary, as well as the middle-aged man who had been silent since he appeared. A barefoot girl with a cold expression.

When he saw the girl's appearance, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes. Based on his experience, girls like this are often the ones who are most likely to die.

"Now tell me your names and professions. If we want to survive, we must stick together. Cooperate with each other."

Zhao Wei nodded: "My name is Zhao Wei, I do interface design."

"Qian Lin, a businessman."

Miao Zhi looked at the silent girl and asked, "What about you? What's your name?"

The five men present looked at the girl together. No matter who they were, there was a hint of surprise in their eyes when looking at the girl. I was also looking forward to what the girl's voice would sound like.

The girl said in a cold tone: "Hei, you can call me Hei."

At this moment, a series of shrill screams suddenly rang out from the woods outside the house.

"It's the three guys who went out just now."

Then he saw the middle-aged woman who had just rushed out running in with her face covered in blood, then closed the door and pressed her body tightly against the back of the door.

She shouted like crazy: "Zombie... zombie!"

As a result, there was a loud sound, and a sickle was pierced directly from behind the door, piercing her chest.

"One hundred and twenty-three."

Lin Ke seemed to hear it more clearly this time. He turned his head and looked at the girl who called herself Hei. The girl seemed to have reported another number just now.

Lin Ke and others on the other side had already taken action immediately.

"There's something out there!"

"Block the door!"

Seeing this, the middle-aged man's expression changed and he ran towards the other side of the hut. As a result, before he could run a few steps, a female zombie, covered in rot and holding an ax in her hand, rushed out of the shadows and hit her in the head with an axe.

The next moment, several more zombies rushed in from the window and the back door.

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