Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 27: Unification (11)

Half a month after the summit, on the frozen ocean in the north of Codex Country.

The originally sunny weather suddenly changed, and dark clouds shrouded the sky, seemingly ready to fall at any time. There was a unique heavy feeling in the air, a feeling of an approaching storm.

A small fishing boat was drifting on the dark ocean. The crew on the boat looked nervously at the increasingly dark sea outside the window and the increasing wind and waves.

"Damn, why did the storm suddenly start? It was fine just now."

"This won't work. We can't escape anymore, we have to fight hard."

Just as the crew members were expressing concern in twos and threes, a huge wind wave hit the hull, shaking the entire ship. The water droplets falling from the sky hit the deck of the small fishing boat like a waterfall, making a crackling explosion. ring.

The storm has begun.

"Everyone go back to the cabin..." As soon as the captain shouted these words, the violent rain poured into his mouth.

In the wrath of the sea, the small fishing boat was completely unable to fight back. The crew could only hide in the cabin and quietly wait for nature's judgment on them.

In the cabin, some crew members prayed: "Lord, please forgive us..."

Some crew members began to complain about the captain: "I told you not to come. If the captain hadn't insisted on sailing, how would we have encountered this kind of thing."

More people, with pale faces, sat nervously in the cabin that was constantly being shaken wildly by the storm, silently.

At this moment, another huge wave hit the hull of the ship, making a loud roar and a low hissing sound. As if it was about to be pinched off at any time, the hull of the ship was not overturned after all, and landed steadily on the sea.

Just as all the crew members breathed a sigh of relief, another wave hit the boat, and the huge force directly overturned the fishing boat mercilessly. The entire hull of the ship hit the bottom of the sea upside down and continued to sink towards the bottom of the water.



"I don't want to die!

Sea water poured into the cabin, rushing the crew together like sardines. Just when they began to struggle in panic and despair, they thought they were certain to die.

There was a soft banging sound from the bottom of the boat, and then I saw the small fishing boat that had sunk under the sea. Under the action of a thrust, it slowly emerged from the sea.

The crew members rushed to the deck as if they had been reborn, breathing in the fresh air. Then he looked at the sky around him at a loss. The entire fishing boat was flying higher and higher into the sky.

"Oh my God!"

"We're flying!"

At the bottom of the fishing boat, the incarnation of black mental energy raised the entire fishing boat with both hands, rising towards the sky. I saw the fishing boat breaking through the dark clouds all the way. Until tens of thousands of meters in the sky, a huge aerial fortress appeared in front of everyone.

That is the war fortress built by the Federation, the City in the Sky.

Ignoring the exclamations on the fishing boat, Li Anping transported the small fishing boat in through the apron passage under the Sky City. Soon after, it flew out again and plunged into the sea tens of thousands of meters below.

Since the summit meeting half a month ago, the entire human society has been driven by Li Anping. Jump gates have been installed in every city. The controllable nuclear fusion reactor also sent sufficient energy to the entire Western Continent.

After the unification of the world, as a research institution directly under Li Anping, the Royal Academy of Sciences also received more sufficient resources. The best scientists from various countries were summoned to New Dongyang, where they will continue to digest the technology obtained from the God King. , and even developed more war weapons based on this.

And now the Sky City has come to the frozen ocean in the northern part of the Codex Country in order to create an undersea base near the boundary crossing gate deep under the sea. Because once the devil arrives. This is the first line of defense against them, and it is also the base to monitor the situation of the boundary crossing gate.

In the middle of a violent storm, the incarnation of thought energy made a bang, and it had already brought up a wave and dived under the sea surface.

Compared to the violent sea. It looks much calmer under the sea. In the blink of an eye, Li Anping had dived more than a hundred meters. The storm on the sea had no impact on this place at all. Colorful fish swam freely in front of him.

The incarnation of mind energy suddenly began to dive again. As Li Anping continued to dive, the sunlight could no longer reach the sea at this depth, and the surrounding area began to gradually become dim.

Then he dived, and the surrounding creatures gradually disappeared. As he dived deeper, the water pressure became higher and higher, making it no longer possible for ordinary creatures to survive.

When Li Anping reached 10,000 meters under the sea, he could no longer see any fish creatures around him. There was nothing in this dark seabed. Human eyes could not feel any light source and could not see anything. , only the terrifying silence fills the boundless darkness.

Loneliness, darkness, and despair, this is what the depths of the sea feel like. If instead of Li Anping, someone else appeared here, even if he had the power to incarnate mind energy, he would probably be tortured crazy by the darkness and loneliness in front of him.

In this silent silence, a dark shadow rushed towards Li Anping.

The black shadow was like a giant deep-sea beast, with a huge body more than 300 meters long, and it slammed into Li Anping, who was motionless on the seabed.

With a rumble, the shadow hit Li Anping, and then rolled towards Li Anping like a snake. If there was a searchlight at this time, you could see that the shadow in front of you was a huge snake covered with white scales all over its body, and its body was almost as thick as an ordinary building.

As for the specific size, just think about those buildings more than a hundred stories high.

Li Anping was naturally not afraid of a sea monster of this size. He just patted the sea monster's body and said:

"Okay, stop making trouble."

As if it understood what Li Anping meant, the sea monster flicked its tail and continued to dive into the depths of the seabed with Li Anping.

This sea monster is actually a monster from Xindongyang. This time, Li Anping also brought him here for the construction of the Frozen Ocean Seabed Base. This giant monster that is enough to dominate the entire underwater world becomes as obedient as a puppy when facing Li Anping.

In a blink of an eye, the man and the monster had dived more than 2,000 meters again. The originally dark underwater world suddenly lit up with dots of lights.

The seabed, which should have been empty, filled with darkness and silence, is now filled with various engineering machinery and dozens of huge searchlights, illuminating the entire seabed as if it were daytime.

The giant snake sea monster has swam away again and patrolled the nearby deep sea.

Li Anping looked at the construction site in front of him. The yellow engineering robots were busy like bees. These engineering robots are the latest underwater scouts developed by the Royal Academy of Sciences. They are made of newly developed alloy steel and can theoretically work at a depth of 50,000 meters underwater.

The first experiment has been successful at a depth of 20,000 meters under the sea. These engineering robots, equipped with particle weapons and capable of running at a speed of 30 knots in the water, are remotely operated by humans.

Now, they are responsible for the construction of the underwater base. In the center of the large construction site, the blue boundary gate floats quietly on the seabed.

The Sky City in the air is responsible for supporting the construction team on the sea surface. As for Li Anping's mind incarnation, he will always be responsible for staying around the gate. First, he helps build the submarine base, and second, he is the only one on the entire earth who is most suitable to guard here.

After all, ordinary people with abilities are useless here against the demons. Among the more powerful level 5 people with abilities, it seems that there are no suitable people for fighting on the seabed.

Moreover, Li Anping also found that the mind incarnation has a lot of advantages in fighting on the seabed. The abundant hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms here can greatly enhance his combat effectiveness. Once the battle is out of control, he can also get rid of the enemy by returning to Li Anping.

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