Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 26: Unification (10)

"Let's end the issue of Guan Sai Ket." In the conference room, Wang Chong looked at the more than 300 representatives from all over the world, representing more than 150 countries, and said: "About the demarcation of borders. , just based on the results of the discussion just now.”

He looked up at Li Anping's position, and when he saw the other person nodded, he continued: "The next question is about the distribution of ability users around the world..."

Although the entire world is now under the rule of Li Anping, there are still many problems and conflicts between various countries and regions, and they all need to be adjudicated one by one.

However, due to Li Anping's absolute force of suppression, similar issues were resolved by the Daxia government. As time goes by, the alliance will gradually reduce the influence of various governments, allowing them to completely become part of the alliance and Li Anping's tentacles in every corner of the world.

This is even more true when it comes to people with abilities. As an important combat force in the human world, from now on all ability users around the world must register their information with the Alliance, and accept the Alliance's work assignments on the premise of soliciting their own wishes.

As for the strategy of schools for ability users, we will first learn from Daxia's current methods. Each country can open one or two schools for ability users, responsible for training ability users. As for Daxia's ten ability schools, they will also expand their enrollment to the entire world.

As for the graduates of various schools, in addition to the government, the army, and the police, those with strong practical capabilities will have two choices, the Daxia Longque in the Eastern Continent, and the Imaginary Number Agency in the Western Continent. By Bai Xinghe and Judy Eno respectively.

And Yagyu Sheng, who was originally in charge of Daxia Dragon Bird, will become the general chairman of Daxia's top ten superpower joint schools after being asked by Li Anping. Because of Li Anping’s full support. These ten campuses will probably become the top schools for espers in the entire human world, and Academy City will be the top of the top.

In addition, Li Anping also decided to establish a force of ability users specifically to cooperate with the army, called the human armed force, led by Xia Liekong.

Compared to the Imaginary Number Agency and Daxia Longque. They will be more inclined to work as a team to fight against the Legion and prepare for the future battle between humans and demons.

Of course, there are many, many issues that need to be unified for the entire human race, such as economy, law, ethnicity... There are so many things that need to be considered. Naturally, Li Anping does not intend to waste all his time on this. He just sets a rough Strategy. It is required that the original conditions of those countries be respected with as much uniformity as possible. As for the rest, it was naturally done by the civil servants.

After the meeting lasted until nine o'clock in the evening, a man suddenly walked up to Wang Chong and said something in his ear. His expression changed, and he looked at the sleepy people in the audience and said, "Everyone, we will continue to discuss the remaining issues tomorrow, and His Majesty will give us a few words."

Wang Chong's words immediately woke everyone up from their sleepiness. Amid applause, Li Anping slowly walked onto the stage. Everyone is staring at the strongest man on the stage, the unprecedented emperor. They thought about what the other person would say. Could it be related to what Li Anping said in Academy City this morning?

"Everyone, what I am going to say next may be related to the life and death of mankind." Li Anping clapped his hands, and the next moment, a holographic image was displayed behind him, showing Li Anping in Xindongyang and Hui Pictures and information of the battle, as well as video of Li Anping's battle with Seagram in the Western Continent.

Although most of the people here have heard about these two battles, this is the first time they have seen such comprehensive information.

"As you can see, I have fought against this inhuman creature twice in the past two years."

"This kind of creature calls itself a demon and was born in a universe called the White Earth. They can reach other universes through something called a world-penetrating gate."

Video footage of Seagram destroying an entire city with a wave of his hand appears in front of everyone's eyes.

"And now, they've discovered Earth."

"I captured this demon named Seagram and got it from his mouth. I can be sure that the next wave of the demon's offensive will happen within twelve to eighteen months. This is what I said last month. We know the news, which means that in up to seventeen months, we will face these demons. "

Li Anping's words obviously shocked everyone present, but he had already planned to tell most of the things about the devil in order to unite the power of the entire human race.

Under his absolute force, the entire human world has been unified, and the current crisis of the demon clan can not only divert the internal conflicts after the unification of the human world, but also effectively unite them, allowing humans to break out stronger under the crisis. power.

"This demon named Seagram has the ability of the seventh level." Li Anping pointed to the picture of Seagram behind him and said: "Yes, you heard it right, the devil divides the ability into ten levels. Seagram, who has level seven abilities, if I were removed, he alone would be enough to exterminate the entire human race.

In the White Land, there are many more powerful demons than him. The twelve strongest among them are called the Twelve Demon Gods, and they are all creatures that have reached the ninth energy level. Fortunately, there are only seven of them left. "

A black representative stood up and looked at Li Anping. Although he was a little scared and nervous, he still said: "Your Majesty, I don't doubt you, but how do we know that this so-called demon, um... Seagram... is telling the truth?"

"You are right." Under Li Anping's operation, the holographic projection behind him changed rapidly, and a lot of information about Hui was displayed.

Above everyone's head was a full 3D projection of Hui, and above Hui was the whole scene of Xindongyang.

"The name of this behemoth is Hui, known as the world-destroying beast. It is one of the twelve exiled demons, but the one in Xindongyang is only a small part of his body.

But just this small part has formed a human country, Dongyang."

With Li Anping's operation, the holographic image of Hui was pulled closer at high speed. People seemed to have landed from the sky on Hui's epidermis, and then his various organs, as well as various monsters in his epidermis and organs.

"This is a 3D model of Gray's body structure made by the Royal Academy of Sciences. As you can see, his body is not only huge, but also contains enough energy to destroy the entire earth.

If any of the parasites on his body were to flow into human society uncontrollably, it would cause a huge disaster.

They are now in Xindongyang. If you need evidence, you can go and see it at any time. Do you think these creatures should have existed on Earth?"

The people in the audience looked at the holographic images in front of them, as well as various text reports about Gray. Their faces were full of disbelief. Whether it was the devil, Gray, or Seagram, their true existence had completely exceeded the common sense of these people.

Although there were still some doubts, looking at the information in front of them. Most of them believed it in their hearts. This is also related to Li Anping's current absolute force and absolute power.

"How could this be?"

"It's incredible that there are such creatures."

"How strong are those demons? How should we deal with them?"

"What about the so-called ninth energy level? Can we humans reach it?"

If Li Anping did not unify the human world, but called all the leaders of all countries, let's not discuss whether he could call them. Even if they all came, whether to believe or not is one problem, and how to lead in the future. Who listens to whom is another bigger problem. It will never be as easy as Li Anping is now.

"Everyone, the crisis of mankind is imminent, and I need you to mobilize all your strength." Li Anping's eyes were like a thousand pounds. No one dared to look at him at a glance, and the noise was completely suppressed.

"In at most seventeen months, the worst case may be that the eighth energy level demon will appear on the earth."

"So from now on, although ordinary people don't know. But we will enter a complete wartime state."

"Everything is for mankind."

Li Anping's words obviously set off an uproar in the hearts of everyone. The content of the summit meeting will probably change completely. This is also a time point that Li Anping specially chose. The topics discussed before the announcement of the demon today are all important and related to the most basic issues of each country.

Li Anping looked at the topics that followed, and they were not particularly urgent. They could completely give way to war.

So Li Anping chose to let them discuss it first, and after the discussion, he would directly start preparing to deal with the demon.

After seeing Li Anping finish speaking, the people in the audience obviously had a lot of questions to ask. Judy Eno was the first to stand up and asked the question that all the Level 5 ability users present wanted to know: "Your Majesty, I would like to ask, what kind of power do the so-called Level 8 and Level 9 have?"

So Li Anping told him what Seagram told him, and then added: "Seagram doesn't know much about the information of the Level 9. As for the Level 8, the destructive power, speed and other aspects will be different according to the different abilities, but from my understanding, regarding their immortal nature, I am afraid that with the current technological means of mankind, they cannot be killed. I will send you the specific information later."

Claudia, who represented Ice Castle to attend the meeting, stood up. At this time, she was wearing a black suit and her long pink hair was tied up. Compared with before, she had a more capable and strong woman flavor.

"Your Majesty, can't the gate be destroyed?"

Li Anping shook his head: "No, the gate is a unique product of the White Earth. It is like gravity. There is no option to destroy it. Unless I can modify the parameters of the universe one day, I will never be able to close it."

"Your Majesty." A white man stood up: "Is there no possibility of peaceful coexistence? The race of demons should be able to communicate, right?"

Li Anping glanced at him and said word by word: "There is absolutely no such possibility."

"The White Earth has many gates, and they can reach not only our Earth. They have also encountered humans in other worlds."

"And humans are like food to demons. And for many demons, humans have the function of enhancing their strength, just like the human monsters that appeared in the Codex Kingdom and the Federation."

"So I reiterate that there is absolutely no possibility of compromise between humans and demons, and the option of surrender does not exist at all."

Li Anping glanced coldly at the people in the audience, and then began to answer another person's question.

Time passed quietly in this question and answer, and as the representatives received the information about demons written by Li Anping one by one, and Li Anping answered one by one.

Everyone felt the severity of the situation. However, the demon was not in front of them, so although most of them felt the crisis, they did not feel that it was imminent and urgent.

Li Anping also required that the relevant information could only be known by those present, all level 5 ability people, and the top leaders of all countries.

The news about demons is not open to everyone for the time being.

From this night, whether they know it or not, the entire human society is like a fully wound engine, starting to work hard to fight against the unprecedented crisis.

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