Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 3: Audience

Xindongyang is more than 100 kilometers away from the Royal Academy of Sciences, the former Eighth Research Institute.

Wang Chong was riding on a floating airship, heading towards a valley in the distance. This airship is larger than the size of a truck. There are several propellers under the fuselage and at the tail. Blue tail flames are ejected from it, allowing it to not only fly at a speed of Mach 2, but also to fly in the sky. Free hover.

Wang Chong's eyes looked at the airship from time to time, and then asked the staff on the side: "How is the defense of this Thunderbird II? I think the armor plate is very thin."

The staff introduced the performance of the airship to Wang Chong with a smile. Although Wang Chong was not a capable person, as the head of Daxia's civil servants, he had considerable power.

"This Thunderbird II uses a plasma shield, which uses densely arranged plasma nuclei as a target to absorb the particle flow and protect the hull. It has a high defensive effect against particle weapons."

After hearing the staff's introduction, Wang Chong nodded in understanding. Naturally, he did not understand the scientific reason, but he could also see that this Thunderbird II type was much stronger than the combat units currently used by the Daxia army. Much more powerful. After being promoted in the army, I am afraid it will once again improve the strength of Daxia's army.

However, inspecting the newly created military weapons from the Royal Research Institute was not the purpose of his trip. Seeing that he had gradually entered the depths of the valley, Wang Chong began to worry again when he thought about the purpose of his trip.

The purpose of his trip was to come to Li Anping to promote an issue. However, I had spoken to the other party several times before, but was rejected by Li Anping.

Then Li Anping came to Xindongyang. Wang Chong had no choice but to follow.

However, long before the Zheyue Gate Center in Tianjing was established, the Royal Academy of Sciences had already opened up the Xin Dongyang Base and the Zheyue Gate in Tianjing. Now come here from Tianjing. It didn't take more than a few minutes, which also made Li Anping like to run here even more. After all, compared to the bustling Tianjing, the environment here is more quiet for Li Anping, and he likes it more.

After the airship advanced several hundred meters, the entire valley suddenly opened up. What caught Wang Chong's eyes was a fertile land of more than ten square kilometers, with birds singing and flowers fragrant everywhere, and a paradise scene.

But just as the airship broke into this paradise on earth, a huge shadow fell from the sky.

It was a black dragon over a hundred meters long. It stood in front of the airship with a ferocious face, a few sparks sprayed out from its nostrils, and it was looking at Wang Chong and his party with evil intentions.

Although they knew that this black dragon would not hurt them, everyone sitting on the airship was still a little frightened when they saw the huge creature in front of them, with its scales and claws so close at hand.

At this moment. A voice came from far away.

"Stop making trouble and bring them here."

As soon as the black dragon heard this voice, he immediately got out of the way and flew ahead with the airship heading towards the depths of the valley.

After flying for another few hundred meters, the airship landed slowly at Black Dragon's signal, and Wang Chongyi stepped out of the airship. Then he led a group of his subordinates and bowed down respectfully: "Your Majesty."

The person in front of them is naturally the current Emperor of Great Xia, Li Anping.

At this time, Li Anping was wearing atmospheric armor, but the clothes originally made of countless water vapor were now countless times more supple than before. They were draped around his body like silk fabrics, making it impossible for ordinary people to tell that the clothes were actually made of water vapor. of.

Facing the arrival of Wang Chong and others. Li Anping didn't even turn his head, he just turned his back to everyone. I saw him waving his hands. Towers on the earth are rising into the sky. These towers are all made of metal elements from the earth, and were directly extracted by Li Anping. From a distance, it looks like it grew out of the earth.

These towers did not stop until they rose to more than a hundred meters, and then began to intertwine with each other and combine into countless geometric figures. It's like steel growing out of the ground, and then flowers growing out of it.

However, the originally ferocious black dragon now looked like a puppy, lying at Li Anping's feet with a fawning look on his face. There was no trace of a dragon at all.

There is a reason why this black dragon is so docile and natural now. Li Anping created a total of one hundred and eight ten-fist swords with different abilities, shapes, and names, twelve of which possess fifth-level power.

With so many abilities, it is naturally impossible for them all to come from ability users, so most of them are extracted from the abilities of the New Dongyang monsters.

Like the previous golden three-headed dragon, the power to control gravity was taken away. His body was directly crushed by his own weight because he lost the ability to control gravity, and turned into a puddle of rotten flesh in front of the black dragon. .

How could Black Dragon not be afraid when he saw each monster being easily drained of its power by Li Anping to create a ten-fist sword?

But fortunately, his weapon is his strong body. This is his physical attribute, not his ability. And his own special ability is to breathe fire. Li Anping didn't like this ability to breathe fire, so he didn't extract it.

Wang Chong on the side looked at the ever-changing metal tower in front of him and the layered geometric figures on it. Although he couldn't understand it, he felt that there were countless mysteries hidden in it, and he unknowingly lowered his waist. .

Since the battle in Tianjing, Li Anping has absorbed the Queen's ability with the handed down sword, and its power has become more and more unfathomable. Every time Wang Chong appeared in front of Li Anping, he felt that the other person was becoming more and more mysterious.

It was as if something inexplicable had taken root and sprouted in the other person's body.

"Wang Chong, what are you doing here this time?"

As Li Anping said this, he pointed at the iron tower in front of him. With a series of vibrations, the entire geometric building composed of countless metal elements fell apart in the next second, just like a building more than ten stories high collapsed in an instant, and the main body turned into countless fragments floating and spinning in the sky.

Wang Chong stared blankly at the countless glittering metal fragments spinning and running in the sky, and felt a sense of familiarity.

That was the appearance of the starry sky.

Just as Wang Chong was stunned, Li Anping made a soft sound: "Hmm?"

Wang Chong lowered his head, leaving the starry sky composed of countless metal particles above his head behind his mind, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, I came here this time to talk about the issue of banning level 5 ability users."

As he said that, he waved his hand and asked his men to hand a document to Li Anping.

"In recent months, conflicts among people with special abilities have been growing..."

Li Anping looked at the documents in his hand, all of which were about violent conflicts caused by people with special abilities.

"Your Majesty, although level 5 people with special abilities are powerful, they are more likely to cause disputes, and their subordinates are also actively or passively attached to a large number of low-level people with special abilities. To be honest, I would rather there were no level 5 people with special abilities in this world. They are as dangerous as nuclear bombs that may be detonated at any time.

I suggest again that all level 5 people with special abilities in the East Continent be abolished and their abilities be made into ten-fist swords. All of them should be handed over to the army for safekeeping."

Before Wang Chong finished speaking, Li Anping had already frowned.

"No need to say more, I will not approve the abolition of level 5 people with special abilities."

Wang Chong insisted: "But..."

Li Anping said coldly: "No buts. It is normal for people with special abilities to have conflicts, because their number is just more than before, and Daxia Dragon Bird is originally in charge of these things. What else do you have to say?"

Li Anping knew what Wang Chong was worried about, but Li Anping naturally had his own reasons. The number of awakened ability users this year has increased by a full 60% compared to last year, and this number is still rising.

With the changes in the earth's environment and the emergence of the first level 5 ability user, humans seem to have broken through the bottleneck of evolution, and the number and quality of ability users are getting higher and higher.

Among the graduates of Academy City this year, there is one named Fang Haojie, and two named Miao Miao and Bingxuexian. Their abilities are very promising, and they are not even inferior to Jin Guang and Yan Bei.

Li Anping can deeply feel that the power of ability users is a general trend. It is like a choice made by the whole nature.

Moreover, as a high-end force of the country, the fifth-level powerhouse can help Li Anping accomplish many things, and he is even less likely to cripple himself.

And there are already good countermeasures for the management of abilities.

Not to mention that his power alone is enough to deter 80% of the ability users. In fact, so far, the series of actions taken by Daxia are just Li Anping's preparations, and his real core plan for building an ideal country has not yet been fully launched. At that time, Li Anping believes that all the problems encountered now will be solved.

Wang Chong heard Li Anping's tone and realized that there was no point in talking about this matter. He could only sigh and say, "The defense line of the Code Kingdom has been broken by the monsters. It is said that the domestic situation has become corrupted, and even the Pope has personally taken action."

"Oh?" Li Anping's attention was immediately attracted by this news. Since Tang Weihan's death, Daxia's intelligence on the Code Kingdom has become very little. Now suddenly hearing this news, it is still related to the monsters that Li Anping has always been concerned about, so he can't ignore it even more.

"What is the specific situation?"

Wang Chong said, "It's not optimistic for the time being, but although the Knights Templar have been lost, the Pope himself is a level 5 ability user, and there is support from the French Emperor's Office. The monsters are just taking the lead, and the situation should be reversed by the Code Kingdom soon."

Li Anping did not comment on this. As long as he thought that the appearance of the monsters was related to Hei's fellow tribe, he was not optimistic about the prospects of the Code Kingdom.

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