Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 2: Food

Time passed quickly, and all the Daxia senior officials, dignitaries and representatives from various countries who came to attend the ceremony entered the conference room of the press conference one after another.

This press conference of the Jump Gate is not only the launching ceremony of the Jump Gate project in the Eastern Continent, but also invites many countries from the Western Continent to come. It also has the intention of promoting the Jump Gate to the Western Continent.

However, information in the Eastern and Western Continents of this era is generally blocked. Except for the high-level people, the middle and lower-class people in the Western Continent have been blocked from information all year round. They don’t know much about the current situation in the Eastern Continent. There are even a small number of middle-aged and elderly people who until now thought that the Western Continent People live in the mountains and make a living by planting, fishing and hunting every day.

They completely regarded the Eastern Continent as a barren land.

Of course, this is also related to the publicity of various countries in the Western Continent.

So now, although Li Anping suppresses all parties with nearly invincible power, in the field of science and technology, officials from top to bottom in the Western Continent, especially the three major powers, are still very confident.

I saw that the conference room was already filled with hundreds of representatives from various countries in the Western Continent.

Among the people sitting in the front row, three people wearing priestly attire stood out. They were representatives sent by the Codex Country.

The current Codex Country has been divided into two groups due to the destruction of the Templar Knights in Tianjing City. Some propose to make good friends with Daxia. The Codex Country will never be able to defeat Li Anping and must embrace Li Anping's thighs. The other group proposes to He believed that there was no room for compromise with Li Anping. The Knights could not sacrifice their lives in vain and must fight to the death. As long as we unite, there is still hope of winning.

In short, they are hawks and doves. This time it’s named after the Jump Gate. The most important task of this representative team of only three people is to come and test Daxia's attitude. However, because even their superiors had not set the tone, the three members of the delegation did not have any clear tasks.

One of the middle-aged men with eyes that looked like a university teacher said: "There are two fifth-level space ability users in Daxia Longque. I am afraid that the so-called jump gate this time is just a cover. It should be based on those two It’s activated by level five ability users.”

The companion he touched nodded: "John, you are right. But even a fifth-level ability user has limits to his ability. I have seen their promotional brochure before, and it said that the jump gate should be arranged throughout the entire building. The Eastern Continent is probably a scam.”

"I think so too." The middle-aged man named John nodded: "I'm afraid their real purpose is to use the power of two fifth-level ability users to create a portal connecting the east and west continents. If successful, If so, the Western Continent will have one less obstacle in front of Li Anping."

During a discussion among several representatives of Codex countries. There are still a few seats on the left side of the first row of seats that are still empty. That was the position that originally belonged to Tyrell, but they didn't send a delegation in the end this time.

Since the Battle of Tianjing, Tyrell's senior officials have initiated a series of policies of isolation from the country for unknown reasons, and so far. The entire country has almost been completely closed to the outside world, causing an uproar in the Western Continent. Countless international companies have suffered heavy losses as a result.

A few minutes later, a host began to introduce the jumping gate. From time to time, people from the Eastern and Western Continent, as well as reporters invited by the Daxia government, came to ask questions.

The doctor named Homan, encouraged by the beer-bellied representative of the Federation, also stood up and asked several questions in succession.

"Excuse me, Daxia has not done any research on time and space before. How did you create the jump gate in just a few months?"

"Haha, these are all thanks to His Majesty. They were developed by him."

"Then what technology do you use for the folding door? I don't see any device related to space teleportation in this building."

"Haha, actually we have hidden the instruments underground, but these are confidential, so we can't show you around."

In short, no matter what Homan asked next, several spokespersons on the stage would either pull Li Anping out and say that he had solved the technical bottleneck, or they would say that it was confidential and had no comment.

The superpowers in the Eastern Continent have long been known to all ordinary people. As the Emperor of Great Xia and the leader of the Pan-Continental Alliance, Li Anping's god-like power was worshiped by countless people. The spokesperson pushed the problem to him, but Homan had nothing to do.

Zuo Mai, who was also sitting in the first row, looked back at Homan who asked the question, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes. Wang Ke, who was sitting next to him, said softly: "Are you going to send someone to teach him a lesson?"

"The clown, don't worry about him."

On Homan's side, after hearing the speaker's answer, his face became more and more confident. Finally, he sneered, pointed at the speaker's nose and said: "Perhaps you can complete one or two space teleportations, but I strongly doubt that you will." He was using superpowers to cheat, and he didn't even invent the technology of the warp gate.

What we will see later will not be a portal created by Emma, ​​the fifth-level ability user of Da Xia Longque, directly. "

His words also expressed the thoughts of most foreign representatives present. Different from the blind worship of Li Anping by many people in the Eastern Continent, although these people in the Western Continent recognized Li Anping's strength, it was absolutely impossible for them to admit that Daxia far surpassed them in a certain science and technology.

When Horman made the point, countless flashes lit up instantly. They were all from reporters, especially those from the Western Continent, who hurried to record the entire conversation between Horman and the spokesperson.

Horman smiled proudly. In order to become famous, he was willing to go all out this time. And he believed that he was not wrong. Space teleportation technology is only a conceptual technology even in the federal military. How could Daxia develop it in just a few months?

In the face of Horman's question, the spokesperson just smiled: "Everyone, I think we can answer Dr. Horman's question with practical actions.

In fact, the room you are entering is the room for folding in the future, my friends. See you in Qicheng."

Before the voice fell, bursts of blue light appeared on the bodies of all the people present. The next moment, they all lost consciousness. And their bodies began to disappear from head to toe.

In the hall of the folding gate in Qicheng, their bodies gradually appeared from head to toe. It was not until a minute later that everyone came back to their senses, and the whole venue was noisy.

The spokesperson shouted into the microphone: "Everyone, we have arrived in Qicheng now. If you don't believe it, the gate is behind. You can go out and take a look."

Homan was the first to rush out. When he saw the decoration outside the hall was almost the same as the folding gate in Tianjing, he was happy in his heart, but when he saw Bai Yueyu on the wall, the ground and the screen, he frowned.

"Impossible, how could the people of Daxia complete the folding technology? It must be a trick."

But when he saw the scene outside the window, he was shocked.

That was no longer Tianjing, but the streets of Qicheng.

"How is it possible? Is it really a folding gate?"

It was not until all the other representatives ran out and even walked directly to the streets of Qicheng that they accepted the existence of the folding gate with a dull face.

"How is it possible?"

"This is really Baiyue?"

"Only a few minutes have passed."

Everyone couldn't wait to take out their phones and start making calls. Even the beer-bellied representative of the Federation made a call with an unbelievable look on his face, although he really couldn't believe and didn't want to know that Daxia actually had the folding gate technology.

But whether he believed it or not. Everyone who participated in the trial operation of the folding gate understood that the whole world was about to change.


On the border of the Codex Kingdom near the Death Zone in the Western Continent.

On the tall steel wall, several soldiers of the Codex Kingdom were holding machine guns. Standing on the wall to patrol.

However, because the monsters have been frantically hunting people trapped in the Death Zone in the past two years, the number of humans has dropped sharply. Almost one in a hundred has survived, and the number of monsters has also dropped sharply. It has been more than a year since they have attacked the defense line established by the Codex Kingdom.

So the soldiers on the wall were very relaxed, took a few glances, and then gathered together to chat.

"Have you heard? There's a serial murder case in the Federation, hundreds of people have been dismembered. It's a sensation across the Federation."

"Hmph, those pagans are all corrupt countries and corrupt bureaucrats. If the case happened here, I'm afraid the murderer would be caught the next day."

Just as the few people were chatting lively, a soldier suddenly pointed to the direction of the dark death zone.

"Look! It seems like something is flying over?"

"How is it possible?"

"Is it wrong? Human monsters can't fly?"

Just when they were halfway through their words, a total of four soldiers' heads shot up into the sky at the same time, and blood gushed out of their wounds like fountains, leaving four headless bodies on the ground.

At the same time, three strange shadows with black air all over their bodies appeared next to the corpses.

One of them was the blond man who originally appeared in the depths of the death zone. However, he was originally arrogant and arrogant, but now he stood respectfully beside the other two black shadows.

The other two strange figures that kept emitting black gas were about two meters tall. They were covered with a layer of gray, bone-like shells. They had two long sharp horns on their heads and a long, thick tail that swung in the air from time to time. Every time it passed through the air, it made a crackling sound.

The two monsters that looked completely unlike humans were obviously ranked in order of importance. The one standing in the front looked taller and stronger.

He squatted down towards the bodies of several soldiers, dipped his fingertips in the blood and put it in his mouth to sip. His face immediately showed an extremely happy expression.

"Is this a human?" The voice he spoke was completely different from any known language, but he looked like he was smiling: "I only heard my father say that this is a super delicious food, and it really didn't disappoint me."

The blond man next to him had been in the human world for two years, and at this moment he said respectfully: "I think the most delicious part of a human is the heart, Your Highness can try it."

"Oh? Really?" He stretched out a finger, and saw a shadow flash by, and a heart had appeared on his hand without knowing when.

The monster took a bite, and a second later, he immediately laughed: "Hahahaha, delicious, so delicious, human beings are so delicious."

At this moment, an officer suddenly walked out of the darkness, his body exuding a "bo bo" spirit, looking at the monster trio with murderous intent, and said coldly: "Are you guys a new breed of human monsters? You are a monster who doesn't know how to live or die, and you actually come to kill my men..."

When the monster called His Highness saw this ability user, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes: "This human seems to be more delicious!"

A few seconds later, he was lying on the officer's body and eating frantically, making bursts of chewing sounds in his mouth, and his face was full of excitement and joy. Just like an ordinary person eating a big meal.

For him, humans are a kind of delicious food.

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