Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 78: Future and Crisis

Although Li Anping won a great victory in the battle of Tianjing this time, many Dragon Bird guards, imperial guards, and soldiers of the army still died in the battle.

This funeral was held for them. All the victims were promoted three levels in a row, and their families were also generously compensated. Li Anping also ordered people to build a monument in the northern suburbs of Tianjing to commemorate those who died in this battle.

After this battle, Daxia's hatred for the Western world became deeper and deeper. The hostility shown by Daxia Dragon Bird towards the Western Continent during the entire funeral made the Western strongmen extremely worried.

Of course, Li Anping also attended the funeral in person, but he was only responsible for reading the manuscript he had written before.

After attending the funeral, Li Anping did not go back to practice again, because he did not need some high-intensity training for the time being, and because he had obtained the mental force field, he made many new plans to do.

Xindongyang, inside the Eighth Research Institute.

At this time, the Eighth Research Institute has been fully built. Because of the technology obtained from the God King and the help of countless monsters, although it did not take long to build, the research equipment and defense force here are far superior to the original Eighth Research Institute in all aspects.

On the 24th floor underground, Shi Wen was taking Li Anping to visit the layout of this floor. They walked through the long metal corridor, and every ten meters they could see two fully armed, crawler-walking machine guards.

And every time they went deeper, they needed to conduct pupil and sound tests before they could open the door to the next section. As they moved forward, they could see floor-to-ceiling windows one after another. Behind the floor-to-ceiling windows were various laboratories.

Li Anping could clearly see behind each laboratory. There were a lot of staff members busy doing various experiments.

Shi Wen on the side took the opportunity to report to Li Anping about the current situation. For Li Anping now, even Shi Wen, who was a research madman and didn't care much about the secular world and etiquette, had to be careful with every word he said at this moment.

"That's the basic situation. We are now able to stably produce clones of the first energy level. The functional enhancement factor has also been completed. The Dragon Bird Guards use it well, so we will start formal production next month and distribute it to the entire army. It should be able to comprehensively improve the physical fitness of all soldiers by at least 200%."

Li Anping nodded without speaking. His eyes were looking at a laboratory behind a floor-to-ceiling glass, where there were three men and women sleeping in a huge container. They were Lestat, Vivian and Giant Shield of the Imaginary Number Agency.

Next to the container, there were four silver-white props. They were a knight's lance more than three meters long and a pair of wrist guards. A harp and a big sword more than two meters long, as long as a door panel.

These four props of different shapes were all cut by Emma herself from the Edelman alloy robot of the Star Alliance, and then made according to Li Anping's design.

Although they have different shapes, they all have the function of the Ten Perfect Sword. This was also one of Li Anping's next plans, to use the Star Alliance's adamantium alloy to make 108 Ten-Fist Swords. However, these Ten-Fist Swords are different from the ones handed down from the past. Each one can only absorb one ability.

However, after seeing the three level 5 ability users unconscious in the container, Li Anping frowned: "Where is the White Dwarf?"

Shi Wen replied: "White Dwarf tried to escape this morning, but he has been caught by Lord Bai Xinghe and his men, and will be here soon."

During the battle in Tianjing, White Dwarf had been hiding underground because of his ability. He had been manipulating the earth veins to attack or help the Queen of Heaven and others, but after Li Anping obtained the mental force field. He found something wrong and quickly fled Tianjing.

Li Anping was too lazy to pay attention to him, so he handed him over to Fang Yuhuang and Bai Xinghe to catch him back. Bai Xinghe was already a leader among the level 5 ability users, and after the battle in Tianjing, Fang Yuhuang had completely extinguished the idea of ​​competing with Li Anping. In order to take this opportunity to perform well in front of Li Anping, he put all his efforts into the operation of capturing the white dwarf.

As for the remaining forces of the Star Alliance in the Western Continent, Li Anping has sent Jin Guang, Yan Bei and Xia Liekong. There may be level 5 ability users among the remaining forces of the Star Alliance, but it is just right for Jin Guang and Yan Bei to hone their skills. With Xia Liekong, a veteran, leading the team, Li Anping thinks there should be no problem.

A few minutes later, two people were seen escorting a short, dark man into the laboratory. This was the first time Li Anping saw the other person's appearance. After all, the white dwarf usually hides underground and never fights with people head-on.

He nodded and asked Shi Wen beside him: "Have their DNA samples been taken?"

"No problem, their clones can be produced at any time."

Li Anping nodded with satisfaction and said: "There are two main things to do at the institute. The first thing is that I need clones in 10 million days, all of which must reach the first energy level.

The second thing is that I will stay in the Eighth Institute for half a month, and I will personally build a controlled nuclear fusion reactor. In the next year, I hope you can master this technology and spread new energy throughout the East Continent."

Shi Wen had no doubts about the first thing, but he was a little confused about the second thing. Controlled nuclear fusion is a technology that is being studied all over the world, and the Eighth Institute has certainly been involved in it. The only thing he couldn't figure out was how Li Anping could build a controlled nuclear fusion reactor.

He naturally didn't know that Li Anping, who had mastered both the void force field and the mental force field, had a far better grasp of the microscopic world than anyone else in the human world.

If he wasn't afraid that Shi Wen and his team's current technical level was not enough and too dangerous, as long as he spent more time and used two force fields, he might even be able to build an antimatter engine now.

Watching Bai Xinghe in the laboratory insert the four Ten Fist Swords into the bodies of four level five ability users and start absorbing their abilities. Li Anping smiled faintly.

These four Ten Fist Swords were all designed by him personally and named Steel Guns. Possessing the abilities of Vivian the Iron Saint. The Death Harp, which has the Death Violin ability of Lestat, and the Power Wristband, will absorb the molecular stagnation of the Giant Shield. As for the last giant sword named Battleship by Li Anping, it will absorb the ability of the White Dwarf.

These abilities have no effect on him, but for others, even for Level 5 ability users. It will also have a very strong improvement effect.

And then, as the Ten Fist Swords slowly increase, the strength of the Daxia Dragon Bird in Li Anping's hand will become stronger and stronger. In addition to Li Anping's mental network plan for 10 million Queen of Heaven clones, there are also controlled nuclear fusion technology, folding technology from the God King, psionic technology, and Li Anping will help the Eighth Research Institute to improve technology.

Li Anping believes. Within a year, the entire Daxia and even the entire East Continent will have an earth-shaking change. At that time, Tony Abel of the West Continent will also achieve a high position in the Federation with the help of the incarnation of mind energy.

At that time, it will be the time for Li Anping to fully capture the West Continent. After all, what he needs is not a scorched earth. It is a continent that is intact and can join his ideal country.

"Oh, by the way." Li Anping looked at Shi Wen and said, "Have you achieved anything with Shang Zhenhai?"

"Not yet." Shi Wen said distressedly, "Although we have tested various indexes of his ability, it is still very troublesome to clone him, and he has tried to escape several times. If it weren't for the doctor, I'm afraid he would succeed. You know, if he wants to escape with this ability, it's really hard to guard against."

Li Anping nodded to show his understanding. It is not difficult to kill Shang Zhenhai, but to clone him perfectly, some means are needed. Fortunately, the doctor's ability almost perfectly restrains Shang Zhenhai's ability. With him sitting here, he is not afraid of the other party escaping.

Thinking of this, he said: "Then don't worry about him for now. I'll deal with him personally after I complete the controlled nuclear fusion."

At this moment, Li Anping felt a thought sweeping over him. He turned his head to look in the direction of the laboratory and saw that Bai Dwarf's face was distorted, his eyes were full of madness and despair. It was his thought that was constantly sweeping around. After all, the current technology has no way to detect or even stop the thought.

When Bai Dwarf felt Li Anping's presence, he roared fiercely, as if he wanted to rush to Li Anping's position, but his whole body was tied up by countless super alloys, and Fang Yuhuang and Bai Xinghe were watching from the left and right, and his chest was pierced by a battleship sword to absorb the power.

He couldn't break free at all.

In the end, he could only use all his strength to roar at Li Anping's position: "Li Anping! I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!"

But just after he roared, he was slapped on the head by Bai Xinghe, and he couldn't say a word anymore.

Li Anping could naturally hear the roar of the white dwarf, but he had no interest in responding to the barking of such a loser. He nodded to Bai Xinghe and Fang Yuhuang, and left with Shi Wen.

This year, he still had a lot of things to do.

However, although everything seemed to be going smoothly, there was still a shadow in Li Anping's heart that could not be shaken off.

Because the existence of the demon clan has always been a huge pressure on Li Anping. Especially the human monsters in the Code Country, Li Anping decided to take time to see it in person.

In the Grand Canyon in the north of Rogers City, Western Continent.

The depths of the Grand Canyon, which was originally desolate and only had a few climbers, were now bustling and bustling, with huge engineering vehicles everywhere, and countless Violet staff were digging the ruins inside.

Although Violet suffered huge losses in the Battle of Tianjing, the engineering here in the Grand Canyon did not seem to be affected at all.

At this time, in a cave in the deepest part of the Grand Canyon, a team of staff were looking at a gate in front of them with fanaticism.

A bald middle-aged man shouted excitedly: "Finally, the blood of the selected person has been collected. John, how is your side?"


"My side is also fine."

"My side is also fine."

Amid a series of reports, the door made of unknown materials in front of everyone suddenly made a clang and slowly opened inward.

The hard work of several months finally paid off. All the staff, led by the middle-aged man, began to send robots behind the door.

Various data of air, humidity, and internal environment were displayed on their instruments. When the middle-aged man saw the picture inside the gate, he was the first to shout excitedly: "It's the Kusdir people! Their ruins really exist. This ruins has a history of at least more than 10,000 years!"

In the eyes of the crowd, as the robot advanced, first a series of murals appeared, and then a huge statue appeared in front of them.

It was a Cyclops giant over ten meters tall. In the giant's left hand, he held an altar that looked like a gate, and in his right palm, there was a little man who was the same height as an ordinary person.

Just when everyone was excited or excited, and confirmed that there was no danger at the gate, and rushed in, no one noticed that the eyes of the little statue in the giant's hand seemed to move slightly.

After the middle-aged man who led the way rushed into the door first, he couldn't wait to look at the rows of hieroglyphs on the wall.

"It is indeed the language of Kusdir!"

"This should be their original tomb?"

"Let me see, it seems to be written here as an agreement? No, it is the agreed date."

"What is that?"

Suddenly, a chill rose in the middle-aged man's heart, because he didn't know when, there was no other voice around him.

He turned his head suddenly, but he couldn't see anyone.

But in the next moment, a shrill scream resounded throughout the Grand Canyon. That night, the entire Violet team in the Grand Canyon was attacked, and no one survived.

And the right hand of the Cyclops statue was now empty.

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