Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 78: The Invincible Li Anping

The battle in which the Queen of Heaven united the Star Alliance, the Knights Templar, the Imaginary Organization and Violet to besiege Tianjing finally ended with Li Anping's use of the virtual force field and the mental force field to reverse the light of destruction. This ultimate weapon of the Federation was easily confiscated by Li Anping.

After this battle, the news did not spread throughout the human world until ten days later. It instantly caused a huge sensation around the world. Whether in the East Continent or the West Continent, Li Anping became the subject of heated discussion.

With so many level five abilities dying at the hands of Li Anping, the governments of the entire Western world ushered in a major earthquake. For a time, the wind and the cry, entered a state of full preparation for war, and an unknown storm was about to sweep across the entire Western Continent.

As for the East Continent, after Li Anping once again demonstrated his desperate power, all the Eastern countries showed absolute obedience, and joined the Pan-Continental Alliance founded by Li Anping one after another in the next six months. After Li Anping became the emperor of Daxia, they unanimously nominated Li Anping as the leader of the Pan-Continental Alliance.

Although it was not said openly, Li Anping secretly had the absolute power to manage all the countries in the East Continent.

After the Daxia high-level officials spread the video of Li Anping's battle recorded by the defense array, the entire East Continent seemed to have ushered in a storm. As for the West Continent, although most civilians knew nothing about it, in the world of ability users, the three words "Li Anping" have become a nightmare.

In the following time, titles such as "invincible in the universe", "the strongest in the world", and "the god of the world" were constantly stuffed on Li Anping's head. This is a bloody name verified by the evidence of nearly half of the highest combat power in the entire Western world.

From this moment on, in the entire human world. The three words "Li Anping" have represented the strongest.

Afterwards, in Daxia, various materials and analyses about this battle have become a must-learn lesson in major ability schools, especially in combat ability classes. It is considered one of the classic battles in the history of ability users. Of course, this was considered by Western countries as the major families and schools flattering Li Anping nakedly.

As for Western governments, especially the Federation and the Code, they were even more worried about Li Anping's power. While fully engaged in the arms race, it is said that many senior officials sold their property and immigrated to other countries with their families because they were afraid that Li Anping would attack.

This trend even caused a sharp drop in the stock prices and real estate of the Federation in a short period of time.

However, the revenge they imagined did not come immediately. Instead, a young man named Tony Abel showed dazzling talent and ability in the Federation, and rose like a new star in a corrupt situation, gradually gaining more and more power.

As for Daxia. Under the command of Li Anping, they did not rush for revenge, but tried to digest the gains from the God King, the Star Alliance, the Knights Templar, the Federation and the Imaginary Number Agency during this period.

It is rumored that in the next year, Li Anping used the adamantium alloy exterminated from the robots of the Star Alliance and the power of the entire Daxia Dragon Bird to create 108 weapons of various shapes, which are called treasures.

Each of these 108 treasures has different unique abilities, especially the strongest 12 of them, which are called anti-god weapons by gossipers. It is rumored that even a second or third level ability user can have the power to destroy a country as long as he uses the anti-god weapons.

It is said that until now, only the best warriors in Daxia Dragon Bird can be given anti-god weapons by Li Anping.

Half a month after the Battle of Tianjing.

In the newly built No. 3 training ground.

Li Anping was seen floating gently in the air, his palms facing each other, one left and one right, raised in front of him, and the legendary sword at this moment was floating horizontally in the middle of his palms.

In Li Anping's eyes now, the once indestructible adamantium alloy seems to no longer be mysterious. As Li Anping's palms moved lightly, the entire sword suddenly decomposed into countless droplets, just like drops of liquid metal, quietly suspended in front of Li Anping.

Then these silver liquids kept decomposing and reorganizing, and in Li Anping's hands, they were molded into various shapes like plasticine.

'The combination between the sixth energy level mental force field and the void force field is still somewhat inharmonious. But at least the scope of the void force field is out of the body surface. '

At this moment, Li Anping has devoted all his energy to research and achieved significant results since he obtained the ability of the Queen of Heaven.

Now he can extend the void stand out of his body and perform it within 50 centimeters around him. This is a huge improvement, but Li Anping, who has made this progress, is still not satisfied. He hopes to further integrate the mental force field into the void stand to enhance the power of the two abilities.

The almost indestructible adamantium alloy was in Li Anping's hands at this moment, and was kneaded as if it were dough. Finally, it turned into a long silver dragon, constantly rotating around Li Anping's body.

Finally, under Li Anping's control, the adamantium alloy turned into the appearance of the legendary sword again and flew behind Li Anping, and then under his control, it stabbed towards the spine behind Li Anping's head.

Almost at the moment of stabbing Li Anping, the legendary sword turned into liquid again, like a water line, and drilled into Li Anping's spine.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have screamed loudly after suffering such an injury. But Li Anping was already accustomed to such things, and there was no change on his face, and no pain.

When Li Anping sucked the entire sword into his spine, he took a deep breath.

The sixth-level mental force field seemed to be more controllable than before.

This also meant that today's training had come to an end for the time being.

Then a tablet on the ground flew over under Li Anping's control.

Now Li Anping can use the virtual force field within 50 centimeters around him, and the mental force field can affect the material world in a farther range, just like now he grabbed a tablet in the air.

Under Li Anping's remote control, countless projections appeared around him, all of which were projections of remote computers. One was a total of eight projection screens in front, behind, left and right, surrounding Li Anping completely.

With the help of the mental force field, Li Anping didn't need to turn his head to see all eight screens clearly, and with the help of a brain like a supercomputer, the information on the screens was scanned into his brain at high speed.

The eight screens were jumping quickly at the same time, and it looked like eight people were operating at high speed, but in fact, it was all done by Li Anping alone.

All kinds of intelligence, information, and materials were input into Li Anping's mind. Among them, the most were various scientific and educational materials.

In fact, during this period of time, while studying the void force field and the mental force field, Li Anping spent a lot of time learning and reviewing a lot of knowledge and reading a lot of scientific materials.

Because after having the mental force field, his perspective on the whole world seemed to have changed. Countless mysteries seemed to be constantly born and destroyed in his eyes. He felt that if he wanted to further improve his strength, or even completely integrate the mental force field into his own void force field and make better use of this power, more knowledge was essential.

At the same time, if he wanted to improve his physical fitness again, the effect of simply absorbing souls was minimal, and even the help of the fifth-level ability users was not great.

So this time, Li Anping planned to use the newly acquired adamantium alloy to make different styles of weapons, such as Paladin, Lestat, Vivian, Giant Shield, and Shang Zhenhai, and save their abilities for the people in Daxia Dragon Bird.

However, when he was besieged by the Queen of Heaven and others and was in the simulated center of the sun, Li Anping felt that his physical fitness seemed to have a slight sign of upward loosening.

‘The ultimate goal of practicing the Hell Map is to adapt to various extreme environments in this world, to be able to fight under any conditions, and to exert one hundred percent of his strength. ’

‘The current environment on the ordinary surface is too easy for me. If I enter some extreme environments, it may prompt my body to evolve, adapt and improve. ’

However, it is not easy to find an environment that is threatening to Li Anping now. And it often takes a long time to go to these places. Daxia now cannot do without him, and Li Anping plans to plan slowly in this regard.

So Li Anping still planned to stay in Tianjin temporarily and improve his combat effectiveness through the void force field and mental force field. In this process, what he did most was reading, thinking and observing.

Reading various materials and documents, thinking about himself, thinking about the world, observing himself, and observing the world.

Although there was no substantial change in his body, his combat effectiveness increased rapidly like riding a rocket.

Li Anping flicked his finger lightly, and an air cannon was fired with his finger, hitting the metal wall fiercely, making a series of loud noises.

In Li Anping's eyes, the situation was different. He could clearly see that the air molecules were oppressed by him, and the electromagnetic forces between the electrons and atomic nuclei in the molecules interacted with each other, which produced the air cannon he had just fired with his fingers.

'In the final analysis, except for gravity, most of the forces of human beings in daily life are essentially electromagnetic forces. '

'If ordinary people can also master this electromagnetic force, everyone will become a superman. '

'This kind of power may be called magnetic field rotation. ’

However, among the people Li Anping has met so far, only Sun Hao, Lei Di, Tang Na and other people with abilities can master this power, but even they have very imperfect control of this power.

Just as Li Anping was thinking, a staff member came in and lowered his head to report to Li Anping

"Your Majesty, the funeral is about to begin."

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