Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 75: The Battle of the Century (25)

Li Anping roughly speculated that Shang Zhenhai's ability was a kind of time-stopping ability. And it can be activated actively or passively.

Based on the previous battle in the building, and the time interval between Shang Zhenhai's third activation of the ability and being buried, Li Anping can be sure that the interval between the opponent's use of the ability is at least more than 20 seconds.

From Li Anping breaking through the siege of the Queen of Heaven and others to Shang Zhenhai rushing in front of Li Anping, it was only a short twelve seconds. And the Star Alliance's group had been beaten to pieces by Li Anping.

Li Anping can also be sure that at least in the next eight seconds, Shang Zhenhai will definitely not be able to actively use his ability. The only problem is the opponent's passive activation ability.

Li Anping has not yet completely determined the specific conditions for the opponent's passive ability to be activated, but there are a few points that he can be sure of.

First, in the process of similar time stop, Shang Zhenhai's own physiological time did not stop, he still needed to breathe, and his blood would still flow. This can be confirmed from Li Anping's last test, Shang Zhenhai could not see the lightless area during the duration of the ability.

Secondly, although Shang Zhenhai's ability will be passively triggered after being attacked, the concept of being attacked must have a certain range. For example, a breath, a gust of wind, and the reaction force of stepping on the ground will definitely not be counted. Otherwise, the battle situation would not be like this now.

And Shang Zhenhai may not be able to attack himself to achieve this effect. Because he has never tried to do so, he should have fully tested his ability.

Although more detailed information is not yet known. For example, Shang Zhenhai's ability is resistant to mental attacks, continuous attacks. Whether the passive ability has a duration, or whether this passive ability has its limits, etc.

However, Li Anping still has several plans to deal with Shang Zhenhai in his mind. He now has time to try them slowly.

This is why Li Anping came to deal with Shang Zhenhai at the end. The opponent's ability is indeed very strong. Even after entering the time-stopping state, as long as it is matched with a good weapon, it is enough to kill most level 5 ability users in seconds.

But relatively speaking, his own destructive power is much weaker than other level 5 ability users. Just like now, when he was alone, he had no way to deal with Li Anping, even if Li Anping stood still and let him hit him. He had no way to deal with Li Anping.

That's why Li Anping would first deal with the other five-level ability users, and then slowly try to kill Shang Zhenhai. Facing the other party joining hands, it would cause too much damage to Tianjing.

Seeing Shang Zhenhai rushing to the location of the Queen of Heaven, but just after taking a few steps, he stumbled and felt dizzy, and his body became weak. He even half-knelt down and couldn't walk.

He looked up at the location of the Queen of Heaven and Li Anping. The terrible mental storm completely enveloped the two of them. They were only a few meters away from him, but his head was getting more and more dizzy, and he half-knelt on the ground. It seemed that he would faint on the ground at any time and anywhere.

He used up his last strength to look at the surrounding environment. I don't know when, everything around him has become static. Li Anping opened his mouth and was looking at him motionlessly.

The Queen of Heaven stopped struggling and floated in the air as if dead.

The mental storm that enveloped the two was the same. One after another, blue lightning like snakes seemed to be frozen in the air. It was motionless, like a blue bouquet, wrapping up Li Anping and the Queen.

In a still world, only Shang Zhenhai staggered to the ground, his eyes gradually closed, and he seemed to be about to faint.

Shang Zhenhai was shocked: "I am poisoned? When? '

At this moment, he already understood that the other party had found a weakness of his, that is, whether it was normal or after the power was activated, he still needed to breathe, blood flow, and a survivable environment.

Fortunately, Shang Zhenhai not only had his own ability at this time, but also temporarily possessed the fifth energy level of the Queen. He saw a blue light flashing on his body, and the fifth energy level had already grabbed his body and retreated.

As he guessed, it was because there was some kind of toxin around Li Anping and the Queen. After he withdrew, he rested for half a minute and felt much better.

He looked at Li Anping and thought to himself: ‘Colorless and tasteless, and the dizziness and nausea just now, is it carbon dioxide poisoning? ’Shang Zhenhai looked in the direction of Li Anping. The other party was wrapped in layers of lightning snakes, but he could still see his mouth open, as if he was exhaling.

‘Yes, with his current physical fitness, the power of his breath is already incredibly strong. If he has not inhaled since just now, but just exhaled the air in his body, then he can indeed temporarily create a high concentration of carbon dioxide environment around his body. ’

As his body recovered little by little, Shang Zhenhai's originally groggy head became more and more clear.

‘My ability should be activated after entering a high concentration of carbon dioxide environment. But although this can activate my ability, Li Anping is equivalent to creating a circle of death. The Queen of Heaven will be fine because of her spiritual body, but for me, given the carbon dioxide concentration just now, if I stay for a few more seconds, I am afraid I can't save her. ’

Thinking of this, Shang Zhenhai frowned even more deeply: 'And there is another problem. Once the duration of the ability ends, if I am not at the position before the ability is activated, then Li Anping will know that carbon dioxide poisoning has stimulated my ability, and he can also be sure that even after I activate the ability, I cannot survive in a high concentration of carbon dioxide environment. '

'If I hold my breath and move forward. 'Thinking of this, Shang Zhenhai looked at the two people wrapped in the mental storm: 'I can hold my breath for about one minute, but I have to bypass those mental lightning in one minute, catch the Queen of Heaven, and let him take me out. Time is a bit tight. '

'I can't do this. It's too risky. Once I die of carbon dioxide poisoning, then I can't turn the tables. '

Thinking of the blood feud he carried, and thinking of his brother and father who were killed by Li Anping. Shang Zhenhai's face showed a trace of hatred.

'Why not... change another way. '

For Shang Zhenhai, the long time is in the eyes of Li Anping and the Queen of Heaven. It was just a short moment. In their eyes, Shang Zhenhai still maintained his previous appearance and rushed towards the mental lightning.

‘No effect? ​​’

Seeing that Shang Zhenhai, who had not changed along the way, was still rushing straight towards the mental lightning, the first thing Li Anping did subconsciously was naturally to prevent Shang Zhenhai from being attacked in order to activate his passive ability.

So he was seen dragging the Queen of Heaven, and in the other party's screams of pain. Directly flashed, and had arrived hundreds of meters away.

At the same time, Li Anping struck out with a palm, and smashed those mental storms into pieces.

This time the mental storm collapsed, and the Queen of Heaven herself suffered a serious backlash, and the legendary sword in Li Anping's hand also accelerated the absorption speed again. The despair in the eyes of the Queen of Heaven became more and more intense, and her expression became more and more depressed.

However, this retreat. Li Anping showed a sneer on his face.

“This kid, he was fooled.”

He found that the other party was not breathing at all, but maintained a state of holding his breath. Carbon dioxide poisoning is not ineffective against Shang Zhenhai, but the opponent pretended to be ineffective, so that Li Anping would take the initiative to leave in order to avoid the opponent from activating his ability and approaching the Queen.

As expected. Li Anping looked at Shang Zhenhai, and the other party was slightly curling up his mouth and showing a smile to him.

"You want to play? I'll play with you."

Li Anping also showed a hint of interest. Then he saw that his arm exerted force violently, and he had used the void force field to directly pinch the Queen's spiritualized body into the size of a thumb. Then he held it in his mouth.

The opponent's strongest mental attack was ineffective against him, and the weak physical attack was completely ignored by him. He was completely restrained by him.

At the moment when Li Anping closed his mouth, Shang Zhenhai on the other side had stopped holding his breath, took a few deep breaths of carbon dioxide, and then the whole world in front of him became still again.

When he saw the Queen being stuffed into Li Anping's mouth, he showed a burst of anger in his eyes.

"This bastard."

He clenched his fists, both angry and irritable.

Shang Zhenhai gnashed his teeth and said, "Li Anping! I must kill you!"

He didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless that he swallowed the Queen of Heaven directly into his mouth. Now even if Shang Zhenhai can activate his ability, he can't save the Queen of Heaven if he can't pry open Li Anping's mouth. Moreover, he didn't know that Li Anping planned to use the Legendary Sword to absorb the Queen of Heaven's ability, and he was very worried that Li Anping would really eat the Queen of Heaven in one bite.

'No, we are now at an absolute disadvantage. If Li Anping is not too confident, he can defeat us with the teleportation function of the defense array. '

'But...' He struggled when he thought of this: "I can't give up the Queen of Heaven, and if I escape alone, the other party has the ability to teleport..."

Thinking of this, Shang Zhenhai, who was originally strong-willed, also showed despair. He found that he was at a complete disadvantage and had no means of turning the tables.

'Li Anping's strength has surpassed all the people who besieged Tianjing this time. No, it should be said that his combat effectiveness is stronger than all the people who participated in the siege this time. ' Shang Zhenhai thought of this and felt more and more desperate, and the resentment in his heart was incomparable.

'Damn it, is this how I am going to lose? '

'I haven't been able to avenge my father and my brother, and now I am going to die at the hands of Li Anping? '

Shang Zhenhai's face was distorted, and the hatred and anger on his face were mixed together, looking like a trapped beast.

But time will not be shortened with Shang Zhenhai's anger and hatred, and the duration of his ability is coming to an end every second.

Shang Zhenhai rushed towards the door of the training room like crazy. Under the attack of the mental force field and the mind, the door was quickly opened. As he rushed out, he muttered in his heart: "No, I can't die. As long as I'm alive, there is still a chance."

Thinking of Li Anping defeating the Queen of Heaven and others like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, Shang Zhenhai's fear in his heart grew more and more, and drops of cold sweat kept leaving his forehead.

'It's okay. With my ability, even Li Anping will find it difficult to kill me. As long as I'm determined to escape, there is a chance. ’

For Shang Zhenhai, the time of suffering was just a short moment for Li Anping.

‘Are you giving up so soon? ’

Li Anping looked at Shang Zhenhai who suddenly disappeared, with a trace of disappointment on his face. He spit out the Queen of Heaven from his mouth, letting the other party return to human form, and then continued to stab the Queen of Heaven in the stomach. The Legendary Sword was activated again, absorbing the mind energy in the Queen of Heaven's body continuously.

The Queen of Heaven's face was already pale, but the resentment in her eyes became heavier. She stared at Li Anping fiercely, as if she was accumulating strength to prepare for the next round of confrontation.

But not long after, a trace of doubt flashed across her face.

Li Anping smiled and said, "What's wrong? Are you looking for Shang Zhenhai? He seems to have escaped."

The Queen of Heaven trembled, but still said stubbornly: "It's good that he escaped. You can't kill him. I have told him the secret of the sixth energy level. When he grows stronger and reaches the sixth energy level, I will rescue him and seek revenge on you!"

The Queen of Heaven screamed: "Li Anping, I advise you to let me go now, otherwise you can only watch Zhenhai become more and more powerful, and one day he will kill you! You will live in fear of death forever."

Li Anping shook his head at the threat of the Queen: "Killing him is not difficult, but it is a bit troublesome. Besides, it will be even easier when I have your ability.

After dealing with you first, I will deal with him." At this point, he ordered: "Doctor, teleport Shang Zhenhai to a confined space, I will play with him last."

From the teleportation just now, Li Anping already knew that the defense array, that is, the phase matrix of the doctor, teleports people and objects by changing the structure of space, and Shang Zhenhai's passive ability will not be activated by this kind of teleportation.

Before the Queen could figure out what Li Anping meant, she heard a bang and turned her head to look in the direction of the incarnation of mind energy.

It turned out that the incarnation of mind energy punched the passage dug by Damir Donner through the air.

After the punch, a sparse blood rain fell from the cave.

Damir Donner was blown up by the incarnation of the spirit energy. As for his body, it was probably turned into countless pieces of meat and scattered in the passage.

Seeing Damir Donner die like this, the Queen's face became paler, especially when she felt that her spirit energy was getting less and less, her mental force field was getting weaker and weaker, and even her spiritual body was showing signs of degenerating into a material body.

Her face became even uglier. She already had regrets about this siege in her heart.

At this moment, a silver-white lightning bolt shot out from a crack in the ceiling of the training room, forming the human form of the Thunder Emperor in mid-air.

"Queen, I'm here! Where is Li Anping?"

The Thunder Emperor, who had just transformed successfully, saw Li Anping and the Queen looking at him at the same time.

Seeing the Queen being subdued in front of him, the Thunder Emperor felt his scalp tingling and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

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