Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 74: The Battle of the Century (24)

Li Anping's sight at this time has been completely covered by the blue spiritual storm. These blue lightnings transformed by the Queen's mental power have extremely powerful attack power. It can be said that they are embodied by the Queen's core consciousness. , with dual mental and physical attack power.

As soon as it appeared at this moment, the special alloy around it had been turned into powder, but the blue lightning ran like small snakes on Li Anping's body surface, but it could not cause any harm to him.

But the light on Chuanshi Jianjian was getting stronger and stronger, and the thought energy in Tianhou's body was like the Yangtze River, rushing towards Chuanshijian. As the speed of absorbing the thought energy became faster and faster, Tianhou's resistance also became stronger. It's getting more intense.

The lightning storm transformed by mental power almost turned into a dazzling ball of light. Li Anping and Tianhou were surrounded, and their figures were completely submerged. Countless dense lightning snakes were swimming around the two people, almost excepting the two. All Li Anping's material possessions were destroyed.

But facing the unharmed Li Anping, facing this man as powerful as a demon, the Queen of Heaven, who had no power to resist, gradually showed a look of despair in her eyes.

On the other side, Song Bang and others rushed over to support. What appeared in front of them was a figure covered in pitch black and emitting billowing black smoke.

It is the incarnation of Li Anping's mind energy.

Facing the incarnation of Nian Qi in front of them, Song Bang, Zhu Rong, and Qilin Wang, who were the least afraid of death and had the deepest grudge against Li Anping, took action first.

"Li Anping! As long as I'm here, you can't even think of succeeding!"

Roared. Song Bang had already flashed behind the incarnation of Nian Qi at an astonishing speed. The two high-frequency knives in his hands had long been shattered into pieces by the previous shock wave. At this moment, he could only use his hand instead of the knife and cut hard towards the neck of the incarnation of Nian Qi.

But facing Song Bang's preemptive attack, the incarnation of Nian Qi just shouted: "Get out!"

The billowing sound waves visible to the naked eye were accompanied by the vibration of the air, coming from the mouth of the incarnation of Nian Qi, and then dispersed towards his surroundings. Song Bang, who rushed behind the incarnation of Nian Qi, was the first to bear the brunt. Song Bangru was hit by the sound waves. Being struck by lightning, the next moment. It was as if he had completely gotten out after listening to Li Anping's words.

His body was continuously pushed by huge force, rolling continuously in the air and hitting the wall of the training room. Because of Shihe's immortality, he was not really injured at all.

But he couldn't resist the power of Li Anping's shout, and hit the wall like a puddle of mud. Then a large, bottomless hole was directly hit in the wall, and the whole person was directly hit to an unknown depth of many meters underground.

On the other side, King Qilin saw the incarnation of Nian Qi driving Song Bang deep into the ground without even moving. He gasped involuntarily. Even though he knew that he was now immortal, he still I couldn't help but pause my body for a moment. The harsh words I originally wanted to shout out couldn't come out.

After all, he grew up in the palace. Beautiful clothes and fine food. In the past, it was okay to bully people with abilities lower than him. Once faced with this kind of life-and-death fight, especially after Li Anping showed a stronger ability than before, which can make even a fifth-level expert despair, his subconscious reaction was revealed. There is a flaw.

At this moment he paused. The body of the thought energy flashed and appeared in front of him.

The Qilin King is shrouded in the shadow of the incarnation of Nian Qi. I felt like a lamb being targeted by a lion.

Lightning flashes appeared on his body, and he opened his mouth to say something.

But Li Anping didn't give him a chance at all. The incarnation of his mind energy grabbed his head and lifted him up.

King Qilin thought of the tragic situation of Solomon and Titan just now. Those two guys were directly crushed into meatballs by Li Anping and eaten.

Seeing the incarnation of Nian Qi in front of him, the Qilin King let out a desperate scream, just like the last wild cry of a beast on the verge of death.

‘Li Anping, I will fight with you! ’

The Qilin King's hands, with streaks of electric light, had hit the chest of the incarnation of Nian Qi with all his strength.

However, regardless of his final roar or his final desperate attack, they were all not completed before they were directly compressed into a meatball by the terrifying pressure, and then stored in the body by the incarnation of thought energy.

I saw a silver-white meatball burrowing directly into his arm from the palm of the incarnation of Nian Qi, and then it was wrapped in a heavy force field and could no longer move at all.

But at this time, seeing the Queen in crisis, Song Bang and King Qilin being easily dealt with, Damir Donner's heart tightened, and he already had the intention of retreating.

‘This guy’s strength is beyond what humans can resist. If he stays, he will die. It’s better to leave first. ’

He was seen soaring into the sky, and the metal on the ceiling of the training room automatically separated under his control, and turned into two drill bits to drill upward.

As for the remaining Shang Zhenhai and Zhu Rong, Shang Zhenhai ran towards the Queen regardless of everything, seemingly not worried that Li Anping would attack him. And Zhu Rong's entire body has turned into a huge fireball, quickly hitting the incarnation of Nian Qi.

Seeing Shang Zhenhai running towards his body, the incarnation of his mind energy did not attack him, but looked at Zhu Rong who launched a suicidal attack on him.

Facing the huge fireball rushing towards him, the incarnation of Nian Qi opened his mouth and let out a sharp breath.

What is the breath-to-sword method? What Li Anping is doing now is the breath-to-sword method. When an ordinary person blows a breath, the air flow generated can only blow out a candle. But now the breath exhaled by the incarnation of mind energy is more than a thousand times more violent than that of an ordinary person.

It was like a white laser shot directly out of the mouth of the incarnation of mind energy, and then slashed at the huge fireball in the air.

The huge fireball formed by Zhu Rong's jet of flames and self-destruction of his body was directly cut in two by the white light, and then the blazing flames burning on his body were also blown out directly by Li Anping's violent breath.

In the completely extinguished fireball, Zhu Rong's body reappeared, but now his entire body had been cut into two halves by Li Anping's breath, and then fell to the ground with a puff.

Then there was a thumb-sized meat ball in the arm of the incarnation of mind energy. It was also wrapped in layers of force fields. Moreover, because the regeneration was not completed and there was no brain, Zhu Rong and others who had turned into meat balls at this moment could not even feel their own consciousness.

On the other side, Donald had dug a long tunnel and fled towards the ground.

After a quick run, Shang Zhenhai finally arrived in front of the Queen of Heaven. Then, without saying a word, he wanted to rush into the mental storm. It was obvious that the interval time of his ability had not yet arrived, and he wanted to activate his ability in a passive way.

When he saw Shang Zhenhai doing this, Li Anping's mouth corners slightly curled up, revealing a weird smile.

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