Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 72: The Battle of the Century (22)

The ability of the Queen of Heaven is called the spiritual force field, which is an ability to observe and interfere with the material world with spiritual power.

When her spiritual force field reaches the sixth energy level, she has completed the spiritualization of her body. If the hell map that Li Anping practices is to give the body spiritual attributes, so as to break through the limitations of ordinary physical rules and develop abilities such as strength, speed, and adaptability beyond imagination.

Then the spiritualization of the body of the Queen of Heaven is an extension of her ability, gradually transforming her own body into a spiritual body to reduce the physical nature of the body.

The benefit of this is that basically all physical attacks have no effect on her at even one percent. Her body can be turned into a spiritual body, which can be cut, reorganized, and even heated or frozen at will.

The disadvantage is that the body has lost many physical properties, resulting in the Queen of Heaven's body's ability to interfere with the material world. In this way, if she wants to interfere with the real world, she must rely more on the spiritual force field.

This is actually an evolutionary direction chosen by humans after reaching the sixth energy level, whether to choose the body or the spirit.

After the spiritual force field reached the sixth energy level, the Queen of Heaven finally began to touch the ultimate mystery of humans, the soul.

Unlike some abilities that are known but not known, she can carefully observe the existence of souls.

For example, in Li Anping's mouth, the souls of Solomon and Titan are flying towards Li Anping's brain.

For example, the resurrected Song Bang, Zhu Rong, and Qilin King, they have no souls at all. Even they themselves don't know. They are completely puppets made of the earth under their feet. It's just that through the planetary memory, the abilities and memories of those level 5 ability users are recalled.

Unless the entire planet is destroyed. Or the duration of the ability is up, they will not disappear.

Reaching the sixth energy level, the Queen of Heaven's perspective on the entire world has also become different. She can carefully observe the soul and energy, and many strange abilities are no longer secrets in front of her.

Even, as long as the soul agrees, she can do it like now...

As the blue light on the Queen of Heaven's forehead becomes brighter and brighter, Li Anping's body. The souls of Solomon and Titan were pulled out directly, just like evil spirits crawling out of hell, and were sucked out of Li Anping's mouth little by little by the spiritual force field of the Queen of Heaven.

Originally, the souls of these two people had been absorbed by Li Anping. However, Li Anping's ability to absorb souls to enhance himself has only reached the fifth energy level. Although his own combat power has been far more than the fifth energy level due to the continuous enhancement of his physical body. But the part of absorbing souls, that is, his real ability, is only the fifth energy level.

So the same influence on the soul, his ability is far inferior to that of the Queen of Heaven who has reached the sixth energy level.

With a whoosh, the souls of the two people suddenly drilled into the forehead of the Queen of Heaven, that is, the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is a new ability developed by the Queen of Heaven when she reached the sixth energy level. It is called the hometown of the gods. With the consent of the other party, the souls of the newly dead can be connected to her own sea of ​​consciousness for preservation.

Within three days, if these souls fail to find a suitable new body, they will gradually decay and wither. Then they will really die.

And within these three days, it depends on the type of ability the soul has. The Queen can temporarily borrow the abilities of the other party.

Like bloodline system, mutation system, parasitic system and some ancient systems, they cannot be borrowed.

However, Solomon and Titan both belong to the field system, and they are still within the scope of borrowing.

If this battle is won, the Queen will also put their souls into the spare body and revive them again.

As the souls of the two were absorbed and sealed by the Queen with the hometown of the gods, the Queen moved her hands and exerted the abilities of Titan and Solomon at the same time.

With the help of the sixth-level mental force field, she even understood their respective abilities better than Solomon and Titan.

The essence of Solomon's coldness is to reduce the intensity of molecular movement to achieve the effect of lowering the temperature.

In the hands of the Queen, she can not only lower the temperature, but also increase the temperature by intensifying the intensity of molecular movement.

The same is true for gravity manipulation. What Titan can only do on himself, the Queen can perform at any position at will.

With Li Anping and the incarnation of mind energy as the center, countless gravitational forces from objects, planets, and various substances changed and grew under the manipulation of the Queen Mother until they reached a limit.

Everything was just as planned before.

At the same time, a cluster of blue sparks lit up from the Queen Mother's fingers. It was a flame burning with mental power, and the flame was only about one centimeter away from Shang Zhenhai's forehead.

Once there was a situation, the Queen Mother would use this flame to impact Shang Zhenhai's body, causing his passive ability, the inviolable boundary, to be activated.

Everything was ready, and the mental connection transmitted the words to Shang Zhenhai.

'Okay... Let's start. '

The Queen Mother slowly let go of Shang Zhenhai's hand, and her whole body became still again.

Shang Zhenhai looked at Li Anping, and a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

'Then, let's start. '

The next moment, the whole world moved again.

Fully launched, the super-strong gravity that had been accumulated for a long time acted on the bodies of Li Anping and the incarnation of mind energy for the first time.

Then Zhu Rong's body exploded like a volcano. This was a self-destructive attack using his ability. With the increase of the flame jet ability, the flame of more than 12,000 degrees turned into a huge fireball, directly covering Li Anping's body.

Coupled with the abilities of Donald and Solomon, an ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure environment was born.

However, due to the constraints of the magnetic field and because Solomon controlled the degree of molecular movement, no particles or high temperatures spread to places outside the fireball.

At this moment, the mental connection connected the consciousness of the Star Alliance together. Under the unified command of the Queen of Heaven, everyone's abilities formed a perfect match. With the effect of the mental force field, the effect of the ability has been greatly increased.

The magnetic field controlled by Donald. The high temperature formed by Solomon and Zhu Rong, plus the high pressure created by Titan, at this moment, the fireball covering Li Anping almost turned into a small sun.

Li Anping once created a nuclear fusion reaction with the fifth-level mental force field and his own void force field.

Now, under the coordination of the Queen, the people of the Star Alliance directly reproduced the thermonuclear reaction inside the sun in the training room.

They cooperated with each other and continued to increase the pressure and temperature inside this small sun at a rapid rate. Next, it will begin to expand due to the continuous increase in heat, and finally even thermal runaway helium fusion will occur. Although the scale of occurrence is not large, the huge force released can definitely destroy the entire Tianjing. If you are unlucky, you may even have to sacrifice one-third of Daxia.

As for whether there will be a collapse in the end, or even the creation of a substance similar to a white dwarf. It is no longer within the consideration of the Star Alliance.

As long as Li Anping can be killed, even if more than 90% of the people on the entire planet die, the Star Alliance will not hesitate.

This is the plan formulated by the Star Alliance. Through Shang Zhenhai's ability, various abilities are perfectly arranged to cooperate, showing various killing moves to kill Li Anping, and now simulating the internal reaction of the sun. It is just one of the prepared cooperation.

Which plan to use depends on the situation at the time, such as the number of people and which abilities are there.

In the eyes of the people of the Star Alliance, Li Anping's figure can no longer be seen. They even had to close their eyes because of the light. They used the mental force field to observe the situation inside.

But soon the high temperature and pressure inside the small sun were so high that the mental force field could not scan it. Every time the mental force was probed into it, the Queen felt that her consciousness was ignited.

‘He’s dead! ’ Song Bang looked at the huge fireball with a diameter of about five meters with a happy face, and his heart was full of satisfaction after revenge.

Next to him was the equally excited Qilin King. Li Anping was like an insurmountable mountain. Now the top of this mountain was finally climbed by them. This feeling was no longer just excitement, satisfaction, or joy.

Other people like Tang Na, the Queen, Shang Zhenhai and others basically had similar feelings. It was like a heavy stone was put down in their hearts. Their current satisfaction and sense of accomplishment were basically similar to the feeling of playing a game and finally clearing the final BOSS, but hundreds of times stronger.

After all, they were prepared to sacrifice their lives before coming. Now that the boss has finally been defeated, how can they not be excited?

And inside the little sun, Li Anping's body is in a constant state of collapse and rebirth. A total of hundreds of millions of souls are constantly consumed, and tens of thousands of souls are used to regenerate his body almost every second.

But he did not feel the slightest bit of tension or panic.

Instead, he felt a long-lost excitement.

Before, the doctor asked Li Anping if he really wanted to teleport all the opponents together. Because in the doctor's opinion, it would be safer to teleport the opponents one by one to Li Anping and let Li Anping kill them.

But Li Anping did not take this relatively conservative approach.

There is only one reason for this, that is, he is strong enough, so strong that even if he faces all the hostile forces of this invasion at the same time, he can kill the opponent without leaving a single piece of armor and turn it into ashes.

So strong that it makes no difference to him whether he is sent one by one or together.

In fact, because the defense array of Tianjing was destroyed at the beginning, all the battles until now, because Li Anping was worried that the entire Tianjing would be irreparably hit by the aftermath of his attack, except in the underworld and the destruction of the Ark, he has not used more than 20% of his strength until now.

You should know that a year ago, he could rely on his own strength to blow down Mount Fuji and destroy all the surface buildings in Kyoto in one blow.

And after more than a year of training, Li Anping's strength, speed and physical fitness have increased by nearly ten points in terms of numerical value, not to mention the leap in other various skills.

So now, what is his strength? Where is his limit?

Even Li Anping himself can hardly estimate.

In the eyes of the Star Alliance, the battle with Li Anping will be a turn-based game with each killing move.

But in Li Anping's eyes, there is no such thing as a turn or a killing move.

These so-called combat forces of the opponent are just a group of lambs to be slaughtered, desserts after dinner.

‘It seems that my previous judgment was wrong. It will be a bit troublesome to kill them with only 20% of my strength.’

‘In this case, the aftermath of 50% of the force should be able to be transferred by the current defense array without causing too much impact on Tianjing.’

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