Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 71: The Battle of the Century (21)

With a bang! The bursting airflow directly spread wildly in all directions of the training ground with the tip of the sword as the center.

Li Anping stabbed the sword with the sword and hit the chest of the Queen of Heaven without any fancy moves. The force that was countless times stronger than the flash flood directly passed along Li Anping's arm, from the sword to the chest of the Queen of Heaven, and then from the chest to the whole body of the Queen of Heaven.

In less than 0.01 seconds, the whole body of the Queen of Heaven shattered and turned into countless fragments shooting in all directions.

But Li Anping, who witnessed this scene, did not see the slightest smugness on his face.

Because he did not intend to explode the Queen of Heaven with this sword, but to penetrate her with one sword and then absorb her ability.

Rather than saying that Li Anping exploded the Queen of Heaven with one sword, it is better to say that the Queen of Heaven's body decomposed itself.

There was neither blood nor flesh in the exploded body. The body of the Queen of Heaven had completely turned into a nearly transparent fluid substance, a bit like a jellyfish in the sea, scattered into hundreds of pieces and falling in various corners of the training ground.

Happiness! Fear! Excitement! Nervousness!

Li Anping could feel the various mental fluctuations emanating from these masses of matter. Because the mental fluctuations emitted by the other party were so strong that ordinary people could feel them.

The air did not vibrate, but Li Anping could hear the voice of the Queen of Heaven, which was the information directly transmitted by the other party through the spirit.

"Li Anping!" The voice of the Queen of Heaven was full of madness and anger: "You are looking for death!"

But the anger she transmitted had no effect on Li Anping. Before he figured out the situation of the Queen of Heaven, Li Anping had temporarily given up on her and changed to the next target.

At the same time. The moment before Li Anping blew up the Queen of Heaven with a sword, the incarnation of the mind on the other side also pointed out and pointed at Solomon's forehead.

Solomon's body and outside are two distinct worlds. His body has always maintained an ultra-low temperature of minus 200 degrees. Once any form of attack breaks through the epidermis, the attack will be stopped in an instant by almost stopping the movement of molecules.

However, the finger of the incarnation of mind energy did not explode his head. Instead, it directly enveloped Solomon's entire body with a void force field, squeezing him into a thumb-sized flesh and blood.

The next moment, the incarnation of mind energy flashed again and came in front of Titan, pointing out again.

This time, the incarnation of mind energy encountered huge resistance. Titan's body. After putting down the huge burden of changing the gravity coefficient of the entire Tianjing, it has recovered to its full state.

At this moment, he himself is like a huge, stable gravitational field. The universal gravitation between countless planets, matter and him is magnified countless times, but it cancels each other out. A state of relative balance has been reached.

In this case, once a strong external force attempts to be applied to him, the balance will be broken in an instant and he will be backfired.

This is the situation that the incarnation of mind energy is facing now. The void force field instantly broke the balance of the gravitational field in Titan's body, and the power that was enough to destroy a city burst out in an instant. It almost pushed the void force field back.

If Emma had encountered a Titan in a complete state before, she might have died in one encounter.

But this kind of power that Titan himself did not react to, which burst out instinctively and lacked conscious guidance, was not enough for Li Anping now.

I saw the void force field shrink, and tens of millions of tons of power burst out at the same time. The gravitational field in Titan's body had almost no power to resist, and the void force field instantly pressed him into a meatball.

Li Anping and the incarnation of mind energy passed by each other and had already stuffed two meatballs into their mouths, and then rushed towards Tang Na and Zhu Rong respectively.

So far, only a moment has passed since Li Anping launched the attack. Except for Song Bang and the Queen of Heaven who reacted, the others were completely in a state of time suspension for Li Anping.

Originally, according to Li Anping's estimation, he could kill one or two more people, but if Song Bang's appearance was the first accident and the Queen's change was the second accident, then the next reaction from the other side was the third accident.

The Queen's mental force field can connect the brain consciousness of different people in the form of mental connection. This is also the first thing she did after the transmission.

In the case of mental connection, the Queen and Shang Zhenhai, Titan, Solomon and others communicated with pure consciousness without any obstacles. If the efficiency of communicating word by word through human vocal cords was equivalent to 10KB network speed before, then after the mental connection, the speed of information transmission has reached hundreds of megabytes per second.

So a look from the Queen can make Song Bang retreat.

Because she told Song Bang through the mental connection that his real purpose at that time was to delay time and wait for the Thunder Emperor to arrive.

Unfortunately, Li Anping did not give them too much time,

but the mental connection not only allowed the Queen and others to communicate at high speed without obstacles, but also transmitted the world observed by the Queen with the mental force field to their brains. It even took over their nervous system and directly controlled their bodies with the mind.

In this case, their reaction speed and thinking speed were all accelerated countless times.

So Song Bang was able to surpass the bottleneck of the original speed, and was the first to react, taking a step forward and blocking in front of the Queen. Even though this was already his limit, even though it was meaningless to Li Anping.

Although the rest of the people reacted at the same time as Song Bang through the mental force field, their bodies could not keep up with their reactions, and they could not make effective defense or counterattack.

Only one person, Shang Zhenhai, did not need to make any specific actions to change the situation.

When he took the initiative to activate the "unchangeable world", the whole world began to stop.

Shang Zhenhai looked up and saw that Li Anping and his mind incarnation were both still in the air.

The Queen herself was gone, but she had turned into countless spiritual bodies scattered in space.

Song Bang still stood in front of the Queen's position before. Whether it was the effect of Shihe's immortal body or the immortal body of Huangquan Country, the shattering of his body was just a matter of a moment for him, and now he was unharmed.

Qilin King and Tang Na made a retreat together. Under the acceleration of electric current and magnetic field, their speed was indeed faster than other level 5 ability users.

As for Zhu Rong, his body did not move, but there were flames about to spray out of his pores.

In the static world, Shang Zhenhai slowly exhaled, then walked towards one of the spirit bodies of the Queen of Heaven and touched it with his hand.

The moment Shang Zhenhai's right hand touched the spirit body, all the spirit bodies in the space shook together and quickly gathered towards Shang Zhenhai, like a ball of mercury, constantly deforming and aggregating, and finally merged into one again, reorganizing the image of the Queen of Heaven.

The Queen of Heaven held Shang Zhenhai's hand, looked at Li Anping with lingering fear, and said lightly: "It's exactly as we expected. This battle has become a round-based system."

The Queen of Heaven was right. The battle between Li Anping and them has now become a round-based system. When Li Anping started at full speed, they were no different from those who were static to Li Anping. And when Shang Zhenhai's ability was activated, Li Anping became a static existence to them.

To win, it depends on who can kill the opponent in their turn.

In this still world, the Queen Mother and Shang Zhenhai first walked towards Zhu Rong. As Shang Zhenhai put a hand on Zhu Rong's shoulder, Zhu Rong's body moved, and endless flames were about to burst out from his body surface. However, as the mental force field transmitted countless information into his mind, he paused and retracted all the flames.

'Very good, as long as Li Anping can be killed, anything is fine. '

Zhu Rong's face showed a trace of ferocity, and then, accompanied by Shang Zhenhai and the Queen Mother, he came to the middle position between Li Anping and the incarnation of mind energy. Because the incarnation of mind energy and Li Anping rushed towards the Queen Mother and others together, they were also very close. Zhu Rong stood between the two, about two meters away from them.

There seemed to be a violent force rushing around in his body, trying to rush out of his body, and there were traces of flames coming out of his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and even his body surface began to crack, and there seemed to be magma-like substances flowing from the cracks.

The next moment, Shang Zhenhai's hand had left Zhu Rong's shoulder, and the other party became still again.

Then the Queen of Heaven and Shang Zhenhai found Damir Donner again. He didn't have any extreme reaction, and laughed through the mental connection.

"Has it started? I'm really looking forward to it. Will Li Anping survive, or will we die?"

I saw him walk to the side and start to activate his ability. The invisible magnetic field was like a sphere, wrapping Li Anping, the incarnation of mind energy, and Zhu Rong together.

Powerful electromagnetic force surged in the air, but this was just the beginning. Because the past could not be affected in the ‘unchangeable world’, more power was gathered on Donald’s hands, and his hands were almost covered by a dazzling electric light.

When he gathered his power to the peak, Shang Zhenhai’s palm left his shoulder.

“It’s a pity that the Thunder Emperor didn’t make it.”

The Queen shook her head: “There is no time to wait for him. After I completed the spiritualization of my body, I thought that physical attacks were no longer effective against me, but Li Anping’s power is too strong. Even if the body only retains a trace of physical properties, I can’t let him attack like this.”

At this point, she held her palms, and a trace of blue light was released from her forehead. The truly powerful power of the sixth energy level is about to burst out.

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