Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 68: The Battle of the Century (18)

While Li Anping was clearing the invaders inside and outside Tianjing City one by one.

In the center of the defense array, the doctor's hands were quickly tapping the keyboard.

At this moment, a portal suddenly appeared behind him, and Emma came out of it with a look of embarrassment. Her hair was stuck together by sweat, and there were even two or three bloodstains on her cheeks.

"What's going on? The Queen is attacking the base with Zhu Rong and Song Bang. I sent Xia Liekong and Xia Yunyun to support them, but I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on for long." Emma's eyes revealed a hint of nervousness: "The sixth energy level is much stronger than I thought. If it weren't for His Majesty, I'm afraid the Queen alone would be enough to sweep us away."

"Xia Yunyun? Why did you send her over? Do you want to be eaten by Li Anping?"

Emma waved her hand: "She has subdued a monster in Xindongyang and can help."

"Forget it, Li Anping is out of trouble now anyway, I'm adjusting the defense array, I'm afraid it will take some time." While saying this, Bo The doctor kept moving his hands, and the screen jumped quickly: "The opponent is very cunning, and the gravity coefficient is constantly changing dynamically. This will take me more time. The entire defense array must be converted from static to dynamic."

"How long will it take you?"

The doctor said without turning his head: "Give me two more minutes."

"Two minutes?" Emma said angrily: "Then I'll go help over there first."

"No." The doctor stopped Emma and said lightly: "The opponent has found this place, there are about three level five ability users. You help me stop them. It only takes two minutes."

"Three level five ability users?" Emma cursed when she heard the doctor's words. Three, and she still wants her to resist for two minutes. This is not to escape for two minutes. It's to let her block the opponent head-on for two minutes.

The doctor didn't care about Emma's tone, and still said calmly: "I remember you left the coordinates in Xindongyang, right? Just release those monsters."

"What?" Emma hesitated: "Those monsters are wild and untamed. If you just release them casually..."

"There is no time to hesitate. If you don't rely on those monsters, you can't hold on for two minutes." The doctor said slowly: "Those monsters have been trained for so long, and Li Anping is in Tianjing City, nothing will happen.

You go to the ground to meet the enemy. Fighting here will affect me."

Emma nodded helplessly. When the person turned around, he had disappeared completely. When he appeared again, he had come to the ground above the center of the array.

This was originally the place where the parade should pass, but because of the war in the city, the crowd watching the parade had all left, and the railings on the street. Decorations such as flags all fell to the ground.

Emma took a look and didn't care so much. He pressed his hands in the void, and a black gap more than ten meters long suddenly appeared in the air. Just like a crack in a door, it slowly opened in Emma's hands.

This time, Emma opened the portal much slower than usual, because this time she directly opened the portal from Xindongyang to Tianjing. That is thousands of kilometers away. If Emma hadn't set the coordinates in Xindongyang in advance, it would be impossible to open such a portal.

Such a long distance also caused her portal generation speed to be very slow this time.

'Damn, three level 5 ability users. Don't come to me at this time.' Emma continued to input her mind into the portal, watching the black crack expand centimeter by centimeter. She was also praying in her heart that the other party would not come too fast.

However, as the saying goes, good things don't work, but bad things do. When the more than ten-meter-high portal in front of Emma opened more than ten centimeters, the figures of three men slowly appeared in front of her.

Damir Donner looked at Emma and teased, "The thing in this woman's hand is the center of the defense array? It's really obvious."

Beside him were Titan and Solomon. The two of them stood very close to each other, but they were about two or three meters away from Donald. It seemed that they were very worried about the first level five ability user in history.

Hearing Donald's words, Titan frowned. As a veteran level five ability user in the Star Alliance, he had the power to control gravity. He had led a team to attack Daxia Dragon Bird before. Naturally, he was fully responsible for the plan to break the defense array of Tianjing this time.

"It's not her, she is Emma, ​​a level five ability user of Daxia Dragon Bird, whose ability is a portal. The center of the defense array should be underground where she is now." Titan said lightly: "I'm afraid he is trying to stop us. The other party is adjusting the defense array. Once successful, the situation will be unfavorable to us."

Solomon stood up directly: "Don't waste time, Li Anping has escaped, let's hurry up here." After saying this, he blew a breath gently, and a white mist rushed towards Emma's position.

It was the ultimate freezing air that was countless times colder than liquid nitrogen. Wherever it passed, it almost brought all molecular movements to an infinite degree of complete stillness. The temperature around it dropped rapidly. Before the white ice mist approached Emma, ​​a thick layer of frost had already formed under her feet.

Such terrible freezing air was just a breath that Solomon took casually.

Emma's mind immediately became highly focused. She knew that the next period of time would be a life-and-death battle for her.

As Emma moved her mind, a black portal appeared in front of the cold air, and the cold air rushed into the portal.

At the same time, a black portal opened above the heads of the three Titans, and the surging cold air came directly from this portal.

Facing the reversed mind energy, the three people present did not move at all, only Solomon raised his right hand, and the originally fierce and abnormal cold air immediately turned into a tamed puppy, gathered into a ball, and shrank into Solomon's hand.

Donald on the side smiled sinisterly: "You can't do it, let me play with her." After he finished speaking, he saw his fingers flicking, and the magnetic field around him immediately showed a series of complex changes.

Emma didn't know that Donald directly caused an effect similar to microwave heating. For her, the temperature at her location rose sharply in an instant.

She screamed. A black space fragment had already slashed towards the location of the three Titans through the air.

This attack was purely caused by an unstable space structure, even the adamantium alloy could not withstand his slash, so even if the combined strength of the three people present was much stronger than Emma, ​​they had to dodge in the face of this attack.

Titan stretched out his hand, and the invisible gravity had already grabbed him and Solomon and flew backwards. As for Donald, he also used the magnetic field to control his body to fly backwards.

Seeing that he was surrounded by three fifth-level powerhouses. He was actually forced back by Emma, ​​and a trace of anger flashed in Titan's eyes.

In fact, before Shang Zhenhai appeared, Titan had always regarded himself as the future leader of the Star Alliance. He believed that he was the strongest person in the world except the Queen.

But he didn't expect that since Shang Zhenhai appeared, the Queen actually put all her attention on Shang Zhenhai, and Shang Zhenhai also showed unprecedented talent. Replaced Titan's position and became the hot candidate for the new leader of the Star Alliance. How could Titan swallow this breath?

And then there was the outlier Li Anping, who suddenly appeared and suppressed the four poles with an incredibly strong force. This made Titan secretly hate and envy.

This continuous psychological gap has been tormenting him. He wished that all the newly emerged level 5 ability users, such as Li Anping and Shang Zhenhai, would die.

Now even Li Anping's subordinates, a woman who was previously unknown, were in a state of death-fighting, and the anger in Titan's eyes flashed. The soles of his feet stepped lightly on the ground. Suddenly, an invisible force surged directly from the earth and grabbed Emma in front.

It was the invisible gravity from the entire planet, which was instantly magnified ten times by Titan's ability.

"Kneel down."

Accompanied by Titan's roar, ten times the gravity directly acted on Emma. She was not a person with a strong physique, and this directly caused damage to her body. Especially the internal organs, which suffered huge pressure.

She spit out a large mouthful of blood on the ground with a wow sound, and she couldn't help but kneel on one knee. Countless fragments and cracks were also pressed on the ground.

Seeing Emma trying to stand up, Titan's eyes flashed with a trace of brutality.

"Did I tell you to stand up?"

Accompanying Titan's words, a gravitational force began to pull Emma's arm as the center, and her right arm made a series of crackling sounds, as if it would be broken in the next moment.

Ah! While Emma screamed, she waved her hand and another space fragment slashed at Titan. However, although this attack was powerful, it was too slow to destroy the stable structure of space to achieve the attack effect. Titan took a light step and dodged the attack.

Just as he raised his right hand and wanted to give Emma a fatal blow, the space door that Emma had opened before, which was more than ten meters high, expanded instantly and completely blocked Emma's body.

Titan frowned and directly increased the gravitational output again, but there was no reaction.

If he could bypass the space gate, he would be able to see the place where Emma had knelt, leaving a black portal on the ground.

She had already entered and teleported herself away.

Solomon, who was standing by, approached Titan, staring at the suddenly enlarged portal with his eyes, and said, "There's something wrong with this door."

Donald also nodded: "A ten-meter-high portal, what exactly is she going to teleport first?"

"No matter what it is, you'll die if you come out." Titan snorted coldly, raised his hand and changed the upward gravity again. Where Emma had just stood, countless cement and soil flew up, and a big pit was formed in an instant, getting deeper and deeper, spreading towards the doctor's position.

"That woman has escaped, Donald, you come to help, and quickly destroy the defense array. Solomon, you come to guard."

Titan called several times but didn't hear a response, turned around and saw Donald staring at the dark portal.

"Something's wrong." Donald said.

Titan said, "Something is wrong, come and help. It is crucial to see whether the defense array is breached. I don't want to fight anytime soon. Li Anping can leave if he wants."

As the two were talking, a roar like a lion or a tiger suddenly came from the portal.

Solomon's face changed, and he looked at Titan and said, "Did you hear it?"

Donald laughed, "It sounds like the roar of some animal."

Titan opened his mouth and was about to say something.

Suddenly, a giant dragon claw more than three meters thick and covered with countless golden scales stretched out from the portal, grabbing the Titan fiercely with an endless fishy wind.

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