Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 67: The Battle of the Century (17)

Hearing Fang Yuhuang's words, Qilin King sneered and said, "Even if everything is fine now, it will probably be soon. In addition to the Queen of Heaven who has reached the sixth level, there are more than twenty level five strong men who besieged Tianjing this time. Do you think Li Anping still has hope of survival?"

When Qilin King said this, everyone at the scene was shocked.

A level six ability user, more than twenty level five ability users. Usually, a level five ability user is rare, an absolute big shot, with the power to subvert a country.

What's more, there are more than twenty level five ability users now, which is simply a force that can change the direction of human history. Even Li Anping is probably not the opponent of this force.

Most people present thought so. Even Zuo Mai and his dragon bird guards couldn't help but worry. Moreover, Li Anping has not appeared yet, and Tianjing's defense array has no reaction, which makes some people confirm Qilin King's statement.

‘Is what the Qilin King said true or false? If there are really so many people besieging Your Majesty…’ Zuo Mai thought of this and began to get nervous.

After hearing this, Fang Yuhuang remained silent, but still did not unlock the Thirty-Three Caves, and still trapped the Qilin King in place.

Seeing that he was still hesitant, the Qilin King said angrily: “Father, what are you still hesitating about? Whether it’s Li Anping or Daxia, they are all finished. Do you still want to try to stop a chariot with a mantis arm? Can you stop the revenge of so many level five ability users?

You can die if you want, but don’t take the entire Baiyue to bury you with it.”

Fang Yuhuang frowned: “Li Anping will not be defeated so easily.” Compared with the Qilin King who was killed instantly by Li Anping. Fang Yuhuang knew Li Anping’s strength better.

And what he was most worried about was that if so many ability users failed to kill Li Anping and the other party escaped, I’m afraid everyone would be retaliated by Li Anping.

Especially if he betrayed directly like him. It will be the number one target for Li Anping's revenge.

After thinking about it, Fang Yuhuang still didn't dare to remove the Thirty-three Caves.

Qilin King looked at Fang Yuhuang fiercely and understood his plan. His good father was probably thinking of playing both sides, wanting to stalemate with him here, and then when there was definite news, the side that won would help the other side.

But his ability was restrained by the Thirty-three Caves. Now Fang Yuhuang changed the space distance around Qilin King, and he had no way to do it.

At this moment. A black mind swept across and swept over the bodies of everyone in the auditorium. Ordinary people didn't find anything unusual, but Fang Yuhuang, Qilin King and Zuo Mai all changed their faces, some were happy, some were angry. Some were afraid, because the violence and murderous intent brought by the mind were too obvious.

That was Li Anping's mind.

In fact, Li Anping's hearing was enough to cover the entire Tianjing, and almost every corner of Tianjing with sound was under his monitoring. The progress of all the events in the auditorium has been under his control. The reason why he has not been there is that the situation in some places is more critical.

For example, the entire palace.

Li Anping was seen above the palace, and the black mind energy flashed behind him. The mind energy incarnation has appeared with the sword handed down from generation to generation.

After sending the sword to the world, the mind energy incarnation has already flown towards the direction of the Daxia Dragon Bird Base.

Li Anping held the sword in one hand in the air, and the black mind energy surged out, covering the entire palace, and Li Anping had closed his eyes.

Screams. Roars, explosions. Running, the sound of the blade scratching the skin, the sound of bullets passing through the air.

At this moment, all entered his mind, intertwined with the structural diagram of the entire palace, and formed a perfect dynamic map with the scanning of the mind energy.

The attackers of the palace were Li Anping's clones from Violet. Each of them was as strong as Li Anping who fought against Tom the Destroyer in Emerald City. Even more powerful.

Each of these clones is equivalent to a powerful level 4 ability user, and even ordinary level 5 ability users have some trouble dealing with them.

So when they invaded the palace, the imperial guards collapsed at the first touch, with almost no resistance. Even the leader Scorpion was seriously injured and unconscious, and was sent to the depths of the palace.

In just ten minutes, only one in ten of the entire imperial guards survived, while the clones suffered almost no casualties. The blood of the imperial guards dyed the entire palace red.

‘A total of two thousand enemies...’

‘There are still three thousand imperial guards left, and they are fleeing to the auditorium with their wives and ministers...’

The voice kept coming into Li Anping's ears, and with the mind covering the entire palace, the voice and position of each enemy were input into his mind.

At this moment, Li Anping mastered the position of everyone in the palace.

The handed-down sword in his hand stirred in the air, and the hand and sword brought a series of afterimages, cutting through the air at a frequency of thousands of times per second, bringing one air shock wave after another.

The Sword of the Past is not only made of adamantium alloy, which is unparalleled in its sturdiness, but also has Emma's spatial cutting, making it countless times sharper than before.

White light flashed from the Sword of the Past, and countless gases like sword light and sword mist slashed towards the palace as Li Anping swung his sword. There were exactly two thousand sword energy fluctuations, flying at supersonic speed, like a brilliant meteor shower, covering the entire palace.

Wherever it passes, whether it is walls, roofs, or combat uniforms, everything is cut in two. No clone can dodge or resist any wave of sword energy.

Two thousand clones corresponded to two thousand sword energy waves. They were either cut in half by the sword energy waves, or their heads were cut off, or they were smashed into pieces. Almost in the same second, they all turned into one. Broken corpses on the ground.

Seeing this, the entire Forbidden Army burst into cheers, and cheered as they looked at Li Anping in the air.

After killing all the intruders in the palace with one sword, Li Anping raised his head, looking as if through layers of space, looking at a certain existence in the sky.

Ten thousand meters above the palace, an ark like a black coffin was floating slowly.

The person in charge of Violet's operations, with a head of white hair, looked at the palace on the screen and smiled excitedly. For this operation, the Covenant paid to hire them and also provided the Ark for their use.

"Very good, this actual battle was very successful." The old man looked at the rows of data and said slowly: "If we can get the mother's body this time, the clone warriors' data will definitely improve again."

Having said this, he turned to the assistant on the side and asked: "How are the casualties so far?"

The assistant clicked on his injured tablet and reported: "There are no casualties yet. I believe it is only a matter of time before the entire palace is occupied."

At this moment, a staff member suddenly screamed: "Li Anping is here!"

As the camera on the screen continued to zoom in, Li Anping's appearance above the palace appeared in front of everyone.

The white-haired old man looked at Li Anping in mid-air with a fervent expression. His eyes looked like he was looking at a peerless beauty.

But before he could give any orders, he saw Li Anping swinging his sword with his right hand, and the white wave of sword energy spread towards the entire palace.

The white-haired old man looked at the screen in disbelief. The data representing the clones was decreasing rapidly. In less than a second, all the clones had been killed. Facing the real Li Anping, they were like toys and showed no resistance. power.

An operator exclaimed: "No, he seems to have discovered us?"

"What?" Before the white-haired old man could react, Li Anping's figure on the screen flashed and disappeared.

"Where did he go?"

"Can't find it?"

"He's too fast!"

"He's heading towards us!"

One worker screamed: "He's coming over Mach 10!"

"He's already here!"

"Where?" the old man asked nervously. But no one answered, so he yelled in fear: "Who told me where he is?"

The assistant on the side looked pale and clicked on the tablet in his hand. Li Anping appeared on the screen again. He said tremblingly:

"He's right on top of us."

The old man's eyes were fixed on Li Anping in the screen: "What does he want to do?" No one answered the old man's question. All the staff stopped their work and looked at Li Anping on the screen. At this moment, their Life is all in the hands of this man.

As for Li Anping, the handed down sword in his hand vibrated again, bringing a series of afterimages across the air. This time, two sword energy fluctuations of more than one kilometer, one horizontally and one vertically, struck directly on the black ark.


The entire Ark shook violently. The white-haired old man clung to the seat and looked at Li Anping on the screen with despair. He never imagined that Li Anping would find them from such a distance, let alone that the clones and the Ark would be so vulnerable in front of the other party.

"Where is the Queen? Where is the Titan? Where have they gone? Why did Li Anping come back to attack us?!"

Beside him, some of the staff and assistants were panicking and wanted to run away, while others were desperate and seemed to be despairing.

Li Anping's two sword energy fluctuations directly cut the Ark open along the cross line and turned it into four parts.

The staff looked at the Ark that was broken into four pieces, exploding and collapsing, and they were completely unable to understand how Li Anping did it.

The next moment, the entire ark had disintegrated into countless parts, falling towards the sky. However, before it fell much, it was covered by more and denser sword energy fluctuations, and turned into countless powder, falling towards the ground. .

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