Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 38: Conflict (1)

In a suite of a five-star hotel, Tony was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling above his head.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Tony's cell phone rang at the same time.

"Open the door."

He answered the phone, only heard two words, and the other party hung up.

Li Anping said casually: "It's okay, go and open the door. Someone sent by your father should be here."

Tony opened the door to the hotel room and saw a group of people filing in. They completely ignored Tony's presence and directly began to decorate the entire room, placing desks, computers, various equipment, and checking the room. But he didn't even glance at Tony who was standing at the door of the room.

It wasn't until the last tall, thin man wearing glasses came in that he nodded to Tony and said, "Hello, Master Tony, my name is Viper.

Your matter is now taken over by us. We already know the details. In order to protect your safety, please follow our instructions for the next period of time. "

After saying that, he ignored Tony's answer and walked into the room to start arranging work for others.

Tony came to this hotel to wait for them after receiving the call. Among the people who came, there were 12 people in total, 6 of whom were ability users. Except for the tall and thin man who is a level 4 ability user, the rest are all level 3 ability users.

This is obviously already an elite force of the Abel family. They were originally performing a key mission, but were transferred because of Tony's relationship. All their original efforts in the mission were wasted.

In their opinion, this was just their good-for-nothing young master who caused trouble and asked them to help wipe his ass. Naturally, no one looked good on Tony.

Li Anping didn't care at all about the other party's attitude. He said to Tony: "Tell them. You want to borrow their intelligence network."

After three punishments, Tony was no longer obedient to Li Anping, but at least he would carry out more than 80% of Li Anping's orders without hesitation.

But after Viper on the other side heard Tony's request, a hint of impatience flashed in his eyes.

However, although the other party is a rookie, he is still the young master of the Abel family. So he did not refuse completely, but said evasively: "Master, the Lenister family has probably sent out a hunting team. Our strength in Canvis is not strong, and the intelligence network is already in full operation for surveillance. trends in this area.”

Although Viper didn't explicitly refuse, everyone around him understood the implication. But Tony paused. It seemed that he was distracted, and just when Viper was so suspicious, Tony said to him: "If you want me to cooperate with you, then give me the information about the dance of the Finance Department of Central University last night.

Otherwise, I will turn around and leave now. "

According to the information sent by the special forces protecting Anna. Anna disappeared after the dance. The kidnapping place should be at the dance. At that time, they were attacked by something similar to a hypnotic effect, and all of them fell into a coma.

Viper squinted his eyes and looked at Tony, only to find that although the other person's eyes were a little evasive, he still insisted on staring at him. He sighed softly and said: "Master, you don't understand, this is making fun of your own life again."

Tony still conveyed what Li Anping said: "You are the one who doesn't understand."

After a few seconds, the Viper was helpless. He couldn't force Tony to be tied up. Of course, the key thing is that Tony's request is not difficult for him to handle.

He asked: "What information do you want?"

"The list and information of all the people at the dance, including all waiters, chefs, security guards and other staff. There are also surveillance videos. I want the video of all cameras disappearing 24 hours a day on the day of the dance.

There are also sponsors, organizers, directors, designers, and organizers of the dance party. Architectural drawings for the ball, all these things I want. "

Although a bit cumbersome. But after all, it was just a college dance. If Li Anping checked one by one, he would not have any subordinates in the federation, and it would take a lot of time. But for the Abel family, which is the leader of the Federation, this is what a few words mean.

Viper nodded. The others took one look at Tony and went off to do their own thing.

Two hours later, a USB flash drive was handed to Tony by Viper.

"What you want."

Tony nodded, paused and then said, "I also want a computer."

"Thomas, give him a laptop."

A big man named Thomas walked up to Tony expressionlessly and handed him a notebook.

The next moment, Tony skillfully opened his laptop and began to check the data in the USB flash drive.

Viper didn't take it seriously at first, but ten minutes later, he looked at Tony with a strange look.

The screen of the other party's laptop was scrolling down quickly, and lists of personnel, information and photos flashed quickly. Even with Viper's eyes, he couldn't see clearly the content of the information.

He shook his head, and then saw that Tony had closed the text file, opened the video file, and watched the surveillance video.

Watching surveillance video is a very boring thing, especially the video of the same shot for 24 hours. Even if you speed up the viewing eight times, it will take three hours to watch it. Besides, there are a total of twelve such shots. .

But Tony's view was different. He was almost pressing the keyboard and fast forwarding the video. In Viper's eyes, the progress bar below the video was like a fuse, advancing at an incredible speed.

Not to mention the video, Viper could only see long sections of meaningless clips. The 24-hour video was played in just 10 minutes.

Seeing this, Viper shook his head and walked away. In his mind, Tony was wasting time meaninglessly. He couldn't find any clues he wanted by doing this.

But he didn't know that the one analyzing the intelligence was not Tony in front of him, but a demon hiding in his body.

In fact, with Li Anping's ability, even if the video and file skipped a hundred times faster, he could watch it word for word. The only problem was that the laptop in front of him didn't have this performance.

More than two hours later, Tony closed the last video file.

He whispered, "How is it?"

"Shut up. Don't bother me."

Tony immediately shut up. He watched more than two hours of meaningless pictures, and his heart was also very depressed. At this time, he took the opportunity to stand up, but turned around and looked around. I don't know when the whole room was filled with smoke.

Including Viper and his subordinates, everyone looked busy. Most of them were on the phone or on guard. It seemed that Tony had indeed caused a lot of trouble this time.

At this moment, on the other side of the planet, Li Anping in the Daxia Palace was running his brain at high speed.

All the information related to the ball was input into his brain, and a model of the ball that day was generated in his brain, just like a real reproduction.

Everyone's position, everyone's name, origin, and the structure of the entire building gradually reappeared in his brain.

Li Anping seemed to have participated in the entire ball again. Through amazing computing power and sufficient data, he perfectly reproduced the scene at that time.

He followed Anna into the ballroom.

He watched the other party get along with the local students after being introduced by several girls.

The entire ball was covered by 4 cameras in total. Li Anping could clearly calculate everyone's movements at that time.

"A total of 162 people have seen Anna..."

"One person has seen her more than 10 times, and four people have seen her more than 9 times..."

"A total of 15 men have approached her..."

"Seven people have kept their eyes on her for more than 10 seconds..."

Regarding Anna's disappearance, Li Anping does not think it is the act of the federal government, because it is meaningless. Anna alone has no other effect except to increase the hatred between Li Anping and the federation.

Li Anping is unlikely to make any compromise with the federation because of Anna.

Moreover, only a few people know about the relationship between Anna and Li Anping, because in order to prevent Anna from being involved, the information related to the two had long been completely erased by the Daxia high-level officials.

So Li Anping believes that Anna was kidnapped, and it is probably more because of herself.

So on the day of the dance, all the names of people who showed interest in Anna were sorted out, followed by their information, like a waterfall of data, instantly filling Li Anping's entire mind.

All incompetent people and ordinary students were excluded at the first time.

Suspects were screened out one by one, and then excluded by other information.

Li Anping's brain was like a supercomputer, constantly screening possible suspects.

The next moment, all the figures disappeared, and the image of a white man appeared in Li Anping's mind.

"Robert Swell."

When Li Anping in the palace gently uttered this name, Tony, who was far away on the other side of the planet, stood up. A trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, a black arm stretched out from behind him. Viper and others didn't even react before they were knocked out.

Li Anping's voice was like an iceberg, slowly ringing in Tony's ears: "Leave the hotel."

Tony had no choice but to do what he said. Being able to knock out a level 4 ability user and five level 3 ability users in an instant. In Tony's mind, Li Anping is already infinitely close to a level 5 ability user.

Two minutes later, Tony walked out of the hotel door.

In the hotel lobby, a man with a gloomy face put down the newspaper and said to his collar: "He's out. Team one will follow, and team two will stand by, ready to deal with Viper at any time, don't let them get in the way."

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