Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 37: Contact

Seven or eight police cars directly smashed the iron gate and rushed into the lawn in front of the villa. A group of fully armed police rushed down and pointed their guns at Tony who had just come out of the door.

"Put down your weapons!"

"Come out with your hands on your head!"

Tony raised his hands innocently and walked slowly. Two policemen immediately rushed up and wanted to handcuff him.

But as soon as they approached, they were knocked unconscious by Tony's lightning-fast fists.

"What are you doing!" Tony exclaimed. But all he could hear was Li Anping laughing: "Knock them out or repel them, or eat shit, you choose one."

"They have guns!"

Before Tony finished speaking, other policemen saw him taking action and opened fire without saying a word. Countless bullets shot at Tony, but they had no effect. They could only fall to the ground helplessly, making a series of jingling crisp sounds.

Li Anping said calmly: "What's the use of guns? Didn't those bodyguards shoot at you just now? Now these policemen are also shooting. Is it useful?" Li Anping's tone carried a unique temptation: "As long as I am by your side, even if it is the center of a nuclear explosion, I can guarantee that you will be safe and sound.

Now you are indestructible, invulnerable to swords and guns, and you can also have infinite power. Do you understand?"

The reason why speed was not mentioned was that although the void force field could provide Tony with powerful power, Li Anping did not intend to let him withstand too strong a speed, which would easily cause his body to collapse.

After all, if the force is used alone, it can be completely borne by the void force field, but when the speed is fast, various pressures will directly act on Tony's body.

And this is easier for Li Anping to control, after all, he wrapped Tony with the void force field, and it was actually his force field that was in direct contact with the outside world. How much power is used in each attack is between his thoughts.

Tony looked at his palm in surprise, and then looked at the police around him. Those policemen had no way to deal with Tony until they had used up all the bullets in their guns.

"Now. Get them all out."

Thinking of Li Anping's punishment, Tony no longer hesitated this time and strode towards the policemen.

With a thump, a white policeman who rushed up was hit in the stomach by Tony's punch, and flew more than 20 meters before falling to the ground.

Tony looked at his fist in surprise, and at this moment. Several more policemen rushed up to subdue him, but whether it was grappling, boxing, or kicking, Tony in front of them was like a mountain, and any of their attacks were difficult to produce any effect. Even a punch hit Tony's head, Tony didn't feel anything at all, not even a shake.

Experiencing this novel feeling, Tony grabbed a policeman and threw him lightly, and the other party was thrown into the second-floor window. Then he grabbed another policeman's fist and squeezed it slightly. The other party had already hugged his hands and fell to the ground screaming.

The bullets shot again, but except for the ding-dong sound of the shells falling on the ground, it had no effect on Tony at all.

Instead, he slowly walked towards the bullet and kicked the police car.

With a bang, the police car did not crash into the police as Tony thought, but was kicked directly into the sky, flew hundreds of meters high, and landed in a square one kilometer away.

When the other police saw this scene, they dared not entangle with Tony. They were all scared and ran away.

Tony ignored them. He looked at his hands in disbelief and murmured: "Is this my current power? Is this the taste of a strong man?"

He couldn't help but think in his heart: 'Those fragile and incompetent ordinary people, are they my kind? Are they also my kind? '

Just then. Li Anping's voice was like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the fire in his heart.

"Okay, let's go, leave here first."

Tony nodded, and this time he did not oppose Li Anping's order. The power he just used, like a forbidden fruit, gradually sprouted in his heart, showing an irresistible temptation.

A few hundred meters away from Ryan's house, Tony asked, "What should we do next?"

Li Anping said calmly, "Take out your cell phone and call your father."

"My father?" Tony frowned, and his tone seemed a little reluctant.

But Li Anping didn't care about him so much, and said directly, "I don't want to say it again."

Tony had no choice but to reluctantly take out his cell phone and dial the number he had never called since college.

After the ring rang three times, a mature man's voice came over: "Hello? Tony? I'm busy now, you have three minutes."

Feeling the other party's arrogant tone, Tony almost hung up the phone, but considering Li Anping's relationship, he didn't dare to do so.

Next, Li Anping used a voice that only he could hear, vibrating the air in Tony's cochlea to talk to him.

"I'll tell you what to say next, and you repeat it."

Tony nodded, and a few seconds later, he said to his father on the other end of the phone: "I killed Ryan from the Lenister family."

After hearing what Tony said, the other party seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then said a few seconds later: "Go on." The tone seemed to be no longer as impatient as at the beginning.

"After I killed him, I also killed the bodyguards around him, and then repelled the police who rushed over."

"Is the police dead? Where are you now?"

"I'm not dead. I'm in the villa dormitory area of ​​Central University now."

"I understand, I will arrange the next thing." The man opposite said seriously: "Keep the phone open from now on, I will call you again at any time. If the police find you, don't resist, just follow them.

If you are a member of the Lenister family, you must not be caught by them. "

"I know." After Tony said this, the person on the other end had already hung up the phone. There was a strange expression on his face, and he said in an uncertain tone: "He... cares about me?"

"Of course, if you really killed a third-level ability user and seven second-level ability users by yourself, and then repelled the police who came, of course he would take you seriously."

Hearing Li Anping's words, Tony's heart flashed with confusion. He studied hard, got excellent grades, received a scholarship, and was admitted to the best university in the federation through his own efforts. His father never even smiled at him.

But now that he has killed someone, attacked a police officer, and is still a fugitive, his father is starting to take him seriously?

"What's going on in this world?"

Li Anping sneered and said: "No matter how good you are at studying, how many graduate students and doctoral students from Central University can you recruit if your father wants, given the strength of the Abel family?"

This kind of thing means nothing to him. Because what he wants is not a subordinate who can help him make money.

What he needs is a strong man with invincible power who can suppress the entire family and lead the entire family forward. Instead of using money to replace one, the whole country can grab a lot of gears. "

Tony lowered his head and said nothing. Everything he experienced this morning was like a dream, making his heart confused.

After walking for a while at a loss, Tony suddenly sighed: "What will happen next?"

Li Anping said in a accustomed tone: "It depends on the outcome of the struggle between your family and the Lannister family. But based on your performance this time, your father will definitely use all his strength to protect you after confirmation." Your voice in the family will also be improved, which will make it easier for me to carry out some activities."


"But it's still too slow." After Li Anping said this, he suddenly controlled Tony's arm, pointed to a bus stop in front and said, "Who is that?"

It turns out that this place was the villa area of ​​Central University, and all the wealthy people lived there. The place was very large. But these rich people all have cars, so the local nature is nothing. But the servants, cleaners, security guards, etc. who work for them cannot have so many cars.

Therefore, several bus lines have been opened within the villa area for people who work here to commute to get off work.

At this moment, Li Anping was pointing to such a bus stop.

But there was no one at the bus stop. Tony wondered: "Is there no one there?"

Li Anping pointed again and said: "I said on that screen."

Only then did Tony realize that the other party was referring to the electronic screen at the station.

It was a TV specially installed by the bus company next to the station platform, and it would randomly broadcast some TV programs.

What was being broadcast on the TV at the moment was some entertainment news.

Tony walked in and said, "Oh, it's William Johnson, the playboy." He added.

Li Anping asked based on the information in his memory: "Why is he here? Johnson represents the Four Elements Family, right? Shouldn't their foundation be in Shicheng?"

"You're right, but he seems to be planning to invest in industry when he comes here recently. It is said that he will invest 5 billion to build a science and technology park with the government." Looking at the picture in the news, Tony said: "But he is also an entertainment man. He is a regular news reader, and I heard that he has played with more than half of all the female stars in the federation.”

Just then, the phone in Tony's hand rang again. He looked at the caller ID and found that it was his father's call.

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