Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 28: Defeat (5)

After Li Anping used the void field to control the aircraft carrier, he prepared to pack it up and take it directly to Daxia. But at the same time, his mind energy also scanned the entire aircraft carrier, and immediately locked the position of the God King.

As soon as I locked it, I felt something was wrong. The bodies of the God King and the woman beside him were wrapped in a layer of blue light, and they were slowly disappearing, as if they were about to be teleported away.

Li Anping didn't know that this was the God King's life-saving technology at the bottom of the box, the jump door technology from the Protoss. But just by looking at it, he understood that the God King wanted to escape.

Seeing that the leader was about to escape, Li Anping didn't care whether he damaged the aircraft carrier or not. He just roared low and his whole body was like an indestructible laser, tearing apart layer after layer of armor plates and heading towards the god. The king's position moved forward in a straight line.

The alloy is hard enough to sail in space and resist various meteorites, rays, and high-temperature aerospace materials. At this time, it is as ridiculous as a plastic toy in front of Li Anping.

With a bang, the God King looked up and saw that a big hole had been knocked out of the ceiling of the control room by Li Anping.

A demon-like figure descended directly in front of the God King.

Li Anping said coldly: "Stop."

At this time, the entire lower body of the God King had completely disappeared in the blue light. When he saw Li Anping, his face changed drastically and he looked anxious. It usually only takes 30 seconds to complete the teleportation jump. At this moment, it seemed that So long.

Seeing that although the God King looked panicked, he had no intention of stopping, Li Anping frowned and punched Xia'er with his right hand through the air.

With one punch, this pretty girl with short red hair didn't even react. She was directly blown into pieces by the violent airflow. Part of her upper body that exploded was even splashed on the God King. His face turned pale.

It's been smooth sailing. The God King, who had never encountered setbacks, was immediately crushed by the cruelty Li Anping brought to him. Seeing the girl he loved being bombarded to pieces, the first thing that appeared in his heart was not hatred, but fear. An instinctive fear of death.

At this moment, what ambition, harem. The whole world has disappeared in his mind. At this moment, all these things combined are not as important as his own life.

Seeing Li Anping clenching his fists again, the God King quickly shouted loudly: "Red Queen, stop jumping!"

"As you command, my master."

In the red queen's voice of agreement, the blue light gradually dissipated. The lower body of the God King appears again in the aircraft carrier. He looked at the cold-faced Li Anping in front of him and said immediately:

"Li Anping, please don't kill me! You can arrest me, and I will never resist. I can tell you all kinds of knowledge that transcends this era. I can also help you develop space-saving nuclear fusion and collapse cannons." . Invent endless high technologies.”

Li Anping narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "I didn't plan to kill you casually, but your previous personality seemed to be self-centered. Now that I have killed two of your women, you are willing to join me? "

The God King carefully concealed the resentment and anger in his heart, and said with a sincere face: "That's because I didn't know the heights of the sky before, but now I know that you are the protagonist of this world. I can just follow you. Doesn’t the current nuclear binding of the Western Continent make it impossible for you to take action against them?

I have a way to help you solve this problem. I will tell you about various technologies that are far ahead of this era. With my help, you will soon be able to unify the world. "

"Really?" Li Anping was noncommittal and just asked calmly: "Then where did the high technology in your mind come from? These airships, robots, and the war weapons in your branch base. Were they all invented by you? "

Hearing Li Anping ask this question, a trace of hesitation flashed in the God King's eyes, but at the moment he hesitated, a high-energy laser from the corner directly penetrated his chest.

The God King looked at the big hole in his chest in disbelief. He murmured: "The Red Queen..."

Li Anping snorted and punched away the laser transmitter on the wall. Looking down at the God King, he saw that the other person's breathing had gradually disappeared and his blood had begun to gradually cool down.

There was only endless resentment in the God King's eyes. He shouted in his heart: "Why is Li Anping so strong? Why did the Red Queen betray me?

I should be the master of this world, why? Why do I have technology beyond this era, but I still lose to you natives! The Red Queen has clearly recognized me as her master, why would she betray me!

I am so unwilling! I was supposed to do great things! Why did you die here! I'm so cruel! I'm so cruel! "

In the endless resentment, the God King's eyes gradually became dull, and all signs of life disappeared from his body.

Li Anping shook his head, not expecting the God King to die like this. If it had been another attack just now, he would have been able to stop it, but as long as something like a laser was launched, it would reach the speed of light and he couldn't stop it.

Thinking of what the God King said just now and the Red Queen's answer of "obeying the order", Li Anping frowned and thought: "Is the Red Queen he just said the intelligent system of this spacecraft? This system has been invaded by others? still……"

Thinking of this, Li Anping shouted: "Red Queen! Is this the God King you killed?"

There was no answer. Not only was there no answer, but the Red Queen seemed to have completely disappeared and abandoned the control of the aircraft carrier. The engines of the entire aircraft carrier began to shut down, the power began to shut down, and all kinds of automated weapons and mechanical units were disconnected.

The entire aircraft carrier fell into silence. If it weren't for Li Anping's void force field, the aircraft carrier would have fallen into the sea.

Seeing this, Li Anping had a vague bad idea in his heart: "Could it be that this so-called Red Queen really rebelled? Did he shut himself down... or did he upload himself to somewhere else?"

There were too few clues, and Li Anping couldn't judge the situation. After thinking about it, he gave up the idea of ​​transporting the aircraft carrier back immediately, and instead controlled the aircraft carrier to slowly land on the nearest uninhabited island.

Then he dived at high speed to the underwater base where the God King had retreated before.

Unfortunately, he searched the entire underwater base, but like the aircraft carrier, all the machines, power supplies, and networks had been shut down, and he couldn't find any clues.

There was no other way, Li Anping could only transport the aircraft carrier back first, and the rest would depend on the staff of Daxia to take over. He hoped that they could absorb enough scientific and technological information from the aircraft carrier, the snow mountain base, and the submarine base, and find clues related to the Red Queen.

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