Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 27: Defeat (4)

The God King, or Dobuda, was just an ordinary fisherman's son before he was fourteen years old. But on his fourteenth birthday, something happened that changed his life.

He got a memory that did not belong to him. The owner of this memory was named Wang Kang, who came from a world similar to Dabudo's world. It's just that there are no superpowers there, and the technology is not as advanced as here.

However, this person called Wang Kang doesn't know much about technology, history, society, etc. He is just a technical secondary school student. After graduation, he has been squatting in the Internet cafe, never leaving the house, eating instant noodles, breathing second-hand smoke, and dominating the Internet all day long.

So what he remembers most are still a large number of novels, animations and games. The two games he particularly likes are called StarCraft and DOTA.

After getting Wang Kang's memory, Dobuda didn't know whether he was Wang Kang or Dobuda. But he didn't care, because in addition to this memory, he also had a so-called system in his body.

As long as he completes the tasks given by the system in time, he can get survival points. With the survival points, he can get countless high-tech that only exists in Wang Kang's fantasy.

After the two consciousnesses merged, whether it was a 14-year-old fisherman or a 16-year-old technical secondary school graduate, there was one thing in common. That is, they were absolutely unwilling to live a muddled life. Now with the system, they became the traversers in Wang Kang's mind, and ambition began to spread in his heart.

First of all, the name. The name Dobuda is too earthy. In Wang Kang's memory, his favorite DOTA hero is the King of Gods, and he hates the name Dobuda, so he lets others call himself the King of Gods.

Then there are all kinds of songs, novels, and animations plagiarized from another world. With these cross-border works, Wang Kang quickly accumulated a lot of wealth. And with this wealth, he completed one task after another assigned by the system.

But just when he was full of complacency and thought that the world was in his hands, as his social status gradually improved, he discovered that there were actually capable people in this world, and the strongest among the capable people had the power to change the world pattern.

Resentment and jealousy. Hate, although the God King hates the existence of people with special abilities, he still suppresses himself, hides in the dark, and silently completes tasks while accumulating wealth. Exchange various high-tech from the system.

At first, he also doubted whether his system was his ability, but he just couldn't cultivate his mind.

But none of this matters. The God King believes that even if there are people with special abilities in this world, as long as he is given enough time to exchange the big killers in the system one by one, he will one day rule the world. By then, the harem, immortality, and countless wealth will be at your fingertips.

But just a year ago, the tasks issued by the system gradually began to be related to Daxia, and almost all of them were against Daxia Longque.

Until the most recent time, the task was to save Peter Parker. The God King originally planned to push Tian Haowen to the front, but he didn't expect it. Daxia Longque finally discovered him, and Li Anping's strength was far beyond his imagination.

"Impossible, I am a time traveler, I should be the protagonist of this world!"

"How could I lose!"

The God King stared with red eyes, like a gambler who had lost everything, he shouted: "Red Queen. Send all the combat units! I will fight him!"

"Yes, my master."


In Li Anping's eyes, the entire aircraft carrier suddenly changed, as the hatches were opened one by one. Hundreds and thousands of interceptors flew out, like a group of locusts, flying towards Li Anping in the air.

The whole sky was covered by countless interceptors in an instant. Thousands of interceptors were like a dark cloud, blocking most of the sun's rays, making the thousands of meters around the aircraft carrier dark.

This is the God King's greatest reliance, relying on numbers alone is enough to overwhelm all resistance interceptor corps. Moreover, the technology content of each of these interceptors is more than 50 years ahead of the human world. It can be said that any of them is comparable to the most advanced fighter jets in the human world.

Now, this metal torrent composed of countless interceptors, with Li Anping as the center, completely surrounded him like a whirlpool.

"Li Anping, don't force me. I'll give you one last chance. We will each take a step back and keep our distance from each other from now on."

"Humph." With a cold snort, Li Anping showed a grim smile on his face.

He was too lazy to listen to the words of the God King. He saw Li Anping push his right palm, and the air mass in his palm had already shot towards the mechanical army in front of him.

The air mass had just left Li Anping's palm and had begun to expand violently, rushing into the depths of the interceptor corps with terrifying kinetic energy that was enough to tear everything apart and shatter everything.

With a boom! Like hundreds of millions of tons of high explosives exploding at the same time, the atmosphere was torn to pieces in an instant, and large numbers of interceptors were deformed and exploded under the terrible shock wave, turning into a ball of fire and falling towards the sea. Once they fell into the sea, the terrible high temperature evaporated a large amount of water vapor.

The metal frenzy in the air revealed a huge hole under this explosion, and the shock wave also hit the aircraft carrier that was close at hand, pushing the aircraft carrier back hundreds of meters.

With Li Anping's attack, the densely packed interceptors all reacted and aimed their guns at Li Anping in the center. In an instant, thousands of blue high-energy lasers, with thousands of degrees of high temperature, shot towards Li Anping like the light of heavenly punishment.

The attack was almost 360 degrees without dead angles, and it was fired at the speed of light. Even Li Anping could hardly dodge these high-energy lasers completely, but Li Anping did not think about dodging, because he did not need to dodge.

Li Anping's body at this time was enough to withstand millions of tons of force and could fly at a speed of ten Mach with ease. His physical strength at this time was really incredible.

Moreover, after the transformation of the Hell Map, the most powerful part of his body was the unprecedented adaptability, the ability to adapt to all environments. Whether it was ultra-high temperature or ultra-low temperature, Li Anping's body had extremely strong tolerance to it.

Li Anping, who had his eyes closed, was covered in countless blue lasers. All the hair on his skin was turned to ashes in an instant, and his skin turned red in an instant. It was like a cooked lobster.

But that was all. When the God King excitedly looked at Li Anping who was hit by countless high-energy lasers, Li Anping, who was at the center of the attack, just felt like he was soaking in warm water, and it was warm and comfortable all around.

In this feeling, he even opened his eyes on his own initiative. The laser that was originally shot at the skin directly hit his eyeball. But Li Anping's eyes did not react at all. The dazzling laser was only slightly stronger than the sunlight in front of his eyes, making him a little unable to see the surroundings clearly.

The opponent's attack was weaker than he expected, so Li Anping attacked again.

He was seen shouting, as if a thunderbolt sounded in the air. A huge white palm flew from bottom to top towards the mechanical ocean in the sky.

Xumi Palm! The white giant palm carried a force that was enough to overturn the mountains and seas. Thousands of interceptors were knocked out wherever they passed. Every second, hundreds of interceptors were directly blown up and turned into countless parts and fragments falling down.

Originally, these endless interceptors were like bees. They wrapped Li Anping layer by layer to form a huge metal sphere, and countless interceptors were crawling on the surface of the sphere.

But now, with Li Anping's Xumi palm, a huge hole was directly blasted out on the top of the metal sphere. And then, dozens of huge palms slapped hard in all directions with Li Anping as the center, and the encirclement formed by the entire interceptor was like a rag, which was torn in an instant.

Countless interceptors were directly blasted into powder by various powerful palm forces in the space.

As Li Anping's offensive ended, the whole sky seemed to be clear. Although the aircraft carrier's assembly line was still producing interceptors, new interceptors could be seen flying out of the aircraft carrier and flying towards Li Anping.

But the overall number was only one in ten compared to the beginning.

The winner was already very obvious. In the aircraft carrier, the God King sat in a chair with a slumped face, his eyes full of confusion and disbelief.

On the other side, Li Anping in mid-air looked at the scattered interceptors around him. He opened his mouth slightly. A white laser-like airflow spit out of his mouth. The violent airflow, like a straight sword of light, swept across the scattered interceptors as Li Anping's neck turned, destroying them all.

Then Li Anping jumped lightly, and his feet were already standing on the armored plate of the aircraft carrier. In this short period of time, his hair, eyebrows, and sweat hair that were destroyed by the high-energy laser had grown again.

Looking at the huge aircraft carrier under his feet, Li Anping pressed his hands on the armor plate, and then shouted softly: "Go down!"

The entire aircraft carrier seemed to emit a burst of "shen yin", but even if all the engines of the aircraft carrier were running desperately, they could not resist Li Anping's huge force, and were pushing the aircraft carrier inch by inch towards the sea surface.

"Warning! Warning! The external armor is seriously damaged!"

"Warning! Warning! The aircraft carrier engine is overloaded!"

Hearing a series of harsh warnings from the Red Queen, the God King ignored them. He just stared at Li Anping on the screen with his eyes, and then pointed at Li Anping outside the aircraft carrier.


The powerful spiritual energy, like a roaring wave, swept directly into Li Anping's brain. This is a powerful skill that the God King exchanged from the system. It was originally a terrible ability of the Dark Archon, the Maelstrom. It can temporarily tear apart the thoughts, memories, and consciousness of creatures with powerful spiritual power, causing the other party to pause.

It also belongs to the high-tech exchange category of the system.

But the invincible whirlpool also failed this time, just like a stone thrown into the sea, this powerful mental skill had no effect on Li Anping.

But the power exerted by the void force field on the aircraft carrier became stronger and stronger. Although the entire aircraft carrier struggled desperately, it was gradually controlled by Li Anping.

He seemed to be planning to carry this aircraft carrier back to Daxia.

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