Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 25: Defeat (2)

In the eyes of the incarnation of mind energy, all mechanical units retreated and dispersed all the way to the depths of the base.

Li Anping naturally followed and chased after them. Although he was unwilling to use too powerful tricks to directly destroy the entire base. However, with the combat power of the incarnation of mind energy, he still killed the opponent without any resistance. The armed forces of the entire Snow Mountain Base were decreasing at an alarming rate.

Suddenly, Li Anping's eyes were empty. He had walked out of the metal corridor and came to an empty hall. The whole hall was like a huge airport, with an area of ​​several square kilometers, and many fighter planes, spacecraft, tanks, and chariots were parked inside.

However, these seemed to be unfinished products. Beside them, there were also many engineering brackets, cranes and other machinery parked.

It seems that this is the place where large equipment is produced in this snow mountain base.

However, compared with those unfinished machines, the most eye-catching thing in the hall is the mechanized troops that slowly surrounded Li Anping's position.

This army is mainly composed of four types of troops.

There were more than a dozen human-sized robots flying around in the sky, spurting flames. This kind of robot looked similar to the iron suit that Christine was wearing, but the armor was thicker and they all carried a machine gun on their shoulders.

There were two types of robots on the ground. One was a giant robot with a green paint job and a body height of more than ten meters. There were more than twenty of them. There was another type that looked similar to humans, but when Li Anping's mind swept over them, he found that their bodies were made entirely of metal and had nothing to do with humans. There were about fifty of them.

In addition to the above three types of robots, the more eye-catching one was a giant robot at the back, which was dozens of meters high and looked like a small hill. The robot had four 250MM mortars on its body. It was also equipped with missiles, machine guns, electromagnetic guns and other weapons, and it could be described as a mobile fortress.

This was the force that the God King sent to deal with Li Anping. It was made up of the Iron Patriot flying in the sky. It looked like a human, but in fact, it was made entirely of liquid metal, the T1000. There are also huge humanoid machines invented entirely to adapt to war, Zaku, and the ultimate weapon that exists like a war fortress, Thor.

Such a powerful and gorgeous fully mechanized ground force, if it is against the army of an ordinary country, then he can be said to be invincible. The technology that is more than a hundred years ahead of the entire world is simply not something that the current army can deal with.

The God King himself is also convinced of this. If it were not for the creatures like capable people in this world. He believes that with this army, he would be able to dominate the world.

Unfortunately, this world has capable people. And this army is now facing capable people, and they may be the strongest capable people in the world today.

So Li Anping just shook his right fist, and the fist wind formed by the fist swept all the T1000s away. In mid-air, he has turned into a pool of liquid metal mud. And the mind energy incarnation himself. He has already rushed towards the Zaku, which is more than ten meters tall.

And as Li Anping took action, all the mechanical units around him also responded at the same time. Twenty Zaku robots either drew out beam axes or took out beam assault guns.

The Iron Patriots in the sky aimed all the machine guns on their backs at the incarnation of Mind Energy.

The Thor robot at the back had also adjusted the muzzle towards the incarnation of Mind Energy.

The T1000 liquid metal robots swept into the sky by the fist wind twisted and struggled to deform, trying to attack Li Anping.

All these actions were operated by the Red Queen. As an intelligent computer, her reaction was very fast. The calculation was very accurate.

But there was one thing he could not change, that is, although the actions of these machines were already extremely fast, when they were facing Li Anping, this was enough to be called a lightning-fast action, which could only be said to be too slow, too slow.

Until they made the above actions. The incarnation of Mind Energy had already crashed directly into the abdomen of a Zaku. Li Anping grabbed the opponent's shell with both hands, and then tore it hard in the upper and lower directions with both hands. The whole Zaku was like a fragile toy. It was directly torn into two halves by Li Anping and fell to the ground.

Then Li Anping flashed again, and another palm was printed on another Zaku. The Zaku robot, which was as tall as a building, was hit by the tiny Li Anping, as if it was hit by an invisible giant hammer. The whole mechanical body flew backwards in the air and directly hit the Zaku behind it. Then the remaining momentum did not stop. The two Zaku flew hundreds of meters together and hit the metal wall hard. The fuselage was completely twisted and deformed, accompanied by bursts of electric sparks, and it wanted to stand up but couldn't.

At this time, the machines operated by Red Queen finally completed their respective reactions. The machine guns, mortars, and beam guns all shot towards Li Anping's position.

But when their guns turned around, Li Anping had already left that position.

Li Anping simply placed his palm on the head of a Zaku, and then lifted it up with a little force. The entire Zaku, a war robot weighing about seventy or eighty tons, was lifted up by Li Anping, and he threw it towards another Zaku beside him like a weapon.

With a loud bang, it was like two buildings collided with each other. In the midst of the earth-shaking sound, the visible air waves spread out in all directions with the collision point as the center, like waves. The Zaku that was hit rolled out and hit the ground.

Although the chest of the Zaku that Li Anping was holding was completely deformed and a huge dent appeared, Li Anping still grabbed it and threw it into the air.

This was simply lifting a building up and throwing it into the sky.

The evil wind blew in the face. Before they got close, the Iron Patriots in the air had been blown away by gusts of wind. If they were controlled by human equipment, they would probably be stunned by this terrifying power.

But even if they were machines without emotions, it would not change their fate. With the power of Li Anping's throw, the huge Zaku directly swept away more than a dozen Iron Patriots and crashed into the ceiling with them.

Accompanied by a rumbling collision, the Zaku and half of the Iron Patriots were directly squeezed into a pile of scrap metal by the huge force.

Looking at the remaining mechanical troops, Li Anping shook his head impatiently, and directly struck out ten palms through the air. The fierce airflow was like a huge palm. It hit the Zaku and Iron Patriots directly.

Ancient system ability-Xumeru Palm.

One of the ancient system abilities that Li Anping cultivated in Xindongyang, relying on powerful strength and control to manipulate airflow, forming a huge palm like Buddha. In Li Anping's hands, because of his own powerful strength, coupled with the void force field and countless experiences of manipulating the atmosphere, this secret martial arts was even more fierce.

It was like the Buddha of Heaven descending to the world, and it was like Mount Xumi falling from the sky. After the huge palm composed of white airflow and terrifying giant forces was slapped out, the Zakus were either directly blasted into pieces by a palm, or directly flattened by a palm, or half of their bodies were smashed by a palm.

As for the Iron Patriots in the sky, facing the huge palm composed of airflow, they were like flies. They were directly flattened on the ceiling.

On the contrary, the T1000s, relying on the power of liquid metal, were almost immune to physical attacks. Even if they were beaten into a puddle of mud by the giant palm, they would reshape themselves after a few seconds and stumble to stand up again.

However, how could Li Anping let them delay any longer? He saw the black flash go around the T1000s. All the liquid metal robots had been caught by Li Anping, and with the compression of the void force field, they were squeezed into a large steel ball with a diameter of more than two meters.

Then, under the compression of the void force field, the steel ball shrank rapidly until it was grabbed by Li Anping in his palm. He squeezed it hard, and the liquid metal of more than 50 robots gathered together was squeezed into an infinitely small ball by Li Anping's terrifying power.

Under the terrible internal energy and pressure. The liquid metal was like enjoying the high temperature and high pressure deep in the earth's core. When Li Anping opened his palm again, all the liquid metal had turned into particles that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and dissipated in the air.

Looking up, Thor, the robot that looked like a war bunker, was desperately retreating. In the eyes of Red Queen, Li Anping in front of him was already invincible, and he was manipulating Thor to retreat. To avoid more losses.

But how could Li Anping let the robot in front of him escape? He sneered, and his figure flashed above Thor's head, but he hadn't made any moves yet. Thor had already launched four anti-aircraft missiles, shooting at the incarnation of mind energy in the air at the same time.

A huge fireball appeared in the upper air above Thor's head, and the shock wave of the explosion swept across most of the hall. But when the smoke and dust of the explosion slowly dissipated, in the sound wave detection of Red Queen, the figure of the incarnation of mind energy was standing in the distance like a demon god, not only unscathed, but even without moving.

Li Anping glanced coldly at Thor at his feet, and with a Sumeru Palm, he had already pressed hard towards the war fortress under his feet with the terrifying power of Mount Tai.

In the sight of the God King, the Thor on the screen was like being in an environment with a hundred times the gravity. He was directly twisted and deformed by the giant palm composed of white airflow. With a terrible squeak, he was beaten into a discus.

The sweat beads as big as beans covered the forehead of the God King. He had never been so scared and terrified. Although he didn't know who the other party was, what he was, or even whether he was a creature. But the overwhelming force displayed by the other party at this moment had completely frightened him.

The mechanical troops accumulated for many years were wiped out in an instant, which made anger and fear entangled in his heart at the same time.

"How could this happen!"

"Why does this world have such a monster!"

"Why would this monster come to me!"

The pale face of the God King was like a gambler who had lost everything. In fact, after two bases were defeated in a row, he was indeed seriously injured.

But the next moment, thinking of his own advantages, the God King barely suppressed the fear in his heart.

"It's okay. Just give me some time. Sooner or later, I will become the strongest. When I come back next time, I will tear all your tendons and bones apart." After saying this viciously, the God King seemed to have vomited out the fear in his heart.

But at this moment, the alarm of the aircraft carrier sounded again, and the Red Queen said in an innocent childish voice: "High energy reaction, Master, something is approaching us, and the speed has exceeded Mach 10."

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