Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 24: Defeat (1)

In modern society, with advanced technology, there are eyes everywhere in the sky. No matter how uninhabited a place is on land, it will be exposed to the eyes of the world one day.

So in order to hide the power of his development and accumulate strength in secret, the other two bases of the God King were built very secretly.

One is located on the seabed, and the other is built underground, under a snowy mountain in the Ice Castle of the East Continent.

Because the incarnation of mind energy can be virtual or real, it is not affected by air resistance, and its mass can be ignored, so he flies much faster than Li Anping.

When Li Anping made the decision to uproot the two bases of the God King, the incarnation of mind energy had arrived at the location of the snow mountain base two hours ahead of the main body.

Standing in a forest, in front of the incarnation of mind energy is a huge rock wall. But he knew that this was just a disguise. When necessary, this rock wall can be opened directly, which is one of the main entrances and exits of the base.

Li Anping did not break the door and rush in immediately. He used the mind energy in his body to scan the situation of the base constantly.

Countless robots, automated weapons, computers, lathes, and unknown huge weapons, one by one, attracted his eyes.

But he just kept waiting and didn't make a move immediately. And because the spirit energy can't be observed by ordinary people and cameras, he just stood here, and no one could find him from beginning to end.

Until everything was ready...

The body of the spirit energy incarnation suddenly shook, and the surging spirit energy rushed up from him like a blazing flame. The next moment, he took a step forward, his body turned from virtual to real, snowflakes rushed into the sky, and rolled up a straight air wave at an astonishing speed.

Li Anping's clone had already crashed into the rock wall.

With a loud bang, a big hole was directly knocked out of the rock wall, which could not stop Li Anping's advance at all. Li Anping broke into the base like this, and saw metal corridors and walls everywhere. A few seconds after he broke in, the entire base had sounded the alarm, and the flashing red lights illuminated the entire corridor.

Rows of robots with metal skeletons rushed out first, their right hands were all gun barrels flashing blue light. Unfortunately, before they could get close to Li Anping, they were already knocked out by the overwhelming punch, and their bodies completely disintegrated in mid-air, turning into countless parts.

In fact, even if Li Anping did not take action, these robots that rely on cameras, infrared rays, and thermal sensing to observe the world would never be able to detect the existence of the mind incarnation, but Li Anping's purpose of coming here was to completely destroy all the armed forces of the entire base, so that Daxia Longque could take over.

The black mind incarnation slowly moved along the corridor, and wherever he passed, whether it was various robots or automated weapons, he easily destroyed them all. For Li Anping, the only thing to pay attention to is not to use too much force, otherwise he would accidentally destroy the entire base.

On the aircraft carrier on the other side, the God King's hands kept sweeping across the console quickly, and his eyes were fixed on the screen, and drops of cold sweat left on his forehead from time to time.

"Damn it!"

"What on earth is that?"

"What is attacking my base?"

The screen jumped, and a surveillance camera popped up. It was a corridor, and more than a dozen war robots more than two meters tall with tracks on their lower bodies were moving quickly towards the attacked position of the base.

The robots were equipped with rockets, automatic artillery, and even laser weapons. Such a combat unit, if it went to the battlefield, would be enough to defeat thousands of people head-on.

But now on the screen, these killing machines were like toys, directly blown into the air, and torn apart by an invisible force. Crushed and squeezed.

From beginning to end, the God King who was observing through the camera could not even see what destroyed these robots.

"Fuck." The combat unit worth tens of millions was scrapped in an instant. The God King couldn't help but curse, and then shouted directly: "Red Queen, close all the passages of the Snow Mountain Base, and the core team will evacuate according to the original plan. Don't engage in fire with the other side for the time being."

A girl's voice came from the computer: "Yes, my master."

This is a highly intelligent program called Red Queen. The God King spent a huge price to exchange her out to manage all his units and bases. But he also has a goal, which is to help Red Queen build a perfect body one day and include her in his harem.

As for the current Red Queen, her body is placed on an aircraft carrier, and through the satellite launched by the God King himself, it can connect and control all his mechanical units.

So in the eyes of the incarnation of mind energy, all the other combat units are retreating quickly, and the metal doors connecting to the base are closed one by one.

"Want to escape?"

Looking at the slowly closing metal door in front of him, the incarnation of Mind Qi flashed and appeared directly in front of the door, then stretched out an arm, and pierced through the alloy door as easily as if it were tofu.

Then Li Anping grabbed the hole in the door with both hands, and with a slight force, he tore open the alloy door that weighed several tons.

Looking at the mechanical units retreating quickly in the metal passage behind the gate, the incarnation of mind energy shouted directly, and a breath of white gas accompanied by black mind energy shot towards the retreating troops, like a white shock wave. The incarnation of mind energy exhaled violently, directly blasting more than half of the mechanical units in front of him into pieces, turning them into fragments on the ground.

On the aircraft carrier, the God King looked at the sudden shock wave and shouted frantically: "There is something, something that can be invisible attacking the base, Red Queen, scan that position."

But then Red Queen tried several methods, but could not detect the existence of the incarnation of mind energy. Whether it was infrared, radar, or thermal imaging, it was difficult to detect the incarnation of mind energy.

After all, mind energy can only be seen and felt by those with abilities above level one.

However, Li Anping's current incarnation of mind energy still maintained a physical form, so when Red Queen used sound waves, he was swept out.

"The target has been found by sound wave detection, and the model is being established."

On the screen, countless numbers flowed like a waterfall. Red Queen used countless sound waves to sweep Li Anping's mind incarnation, and then fed back the data obtained, and then established the target model based on these data.

Soon, a two-meter-tall, transparent humanoid creature appeared in front of the God King.

"Is this the ghost thing? It must be a capable person!" The God King said angrily: "Seal all exits, send the TX1000, Iron Patriot, Zaku and Thor from the Snow Mountain Base! Crush him to death!"

According to the God King's order, all the exits of the base were sealed by the falling alloy doors. Deep in the base, war machines started up and moved towards the location of the mind incarnation under the control of Red Queen.

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