Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 13: Leakage

The Jihadist Organization is one of the terrorist organizations that was born after most countries in the Eastern Continent joined the Pan-Continental Alliance.

Similar to him are the blood source of Ice Castle, the Avengers in southern Xinjiang, etc. Originally, there were similar radical organizations in Dongyang, but because if they wanted to survive in Dongyang, they had to be protected by Takeuchi Seita, so similar organizations were quickly destroyed in Dongyang.

Yang Guang looked at Li Anping's face and saw no change, then continued: "The leader of this jihadist organization is very mysterious and has never appeared in front of his men. We don't know anything about his details, but There is no doubt that he has strong inciting, mobilizing and organizing power. With the slogan of liberating the entire southern Xinjiang, he is very deceptive and can often brainwash some southern Xinjiang people with lower cultural levels into Become a fanatical believer in their organization.

In a hijacking case like this one, all those involved had the belief that they would die. And because there is a huge amount of financial support behind them, their destructive power has been greatly enhanced. "

Li Anping nodded and tapped the table in front of him with his knuckles: "Tell me about that living person."

"His name is Isasluo, a native of Foulun. He was originally a college student studying in Ice Castle, but he was introduced to participate in the jihad last year." Yang Guang organized the language, and then said: "According to his confession, he was on winter vacation this year After returning to Folen, he participated in a series of trainings, and even applied to drop out of school, gave up his university studies, and cut off contact with his parents.

They have been preparing for this hijacking operation for half a year.

The goal is to warn Daxia, stimulate Folan's resistance movement, and other such things. "

Li Anping asked: "Did he explain this all by himself?"

"Of course not." Yang Guang frowned and said: "This guy has been severely brainwashed. After the regular interrogation had no effect, we used some methods. But the effect was still insignificant. In the end, we could only invite a few ability users from the Wang family to general He hypnotizes.”

At this point, Yang Guang's eyes also showed a bit of anger: "Sir, although the members of the Jihad organization are ordinary people, their thoughts are too fanatical. They are like lunatics who are not afraid of death. , the damage caused is getting bigger and bigger. I suggest that we spread our intelligence network to southern Xinjiang as soon as possible and completely wipe out this organization."

Li Anping was silent and did not agree immediately, because this was not something he could do if he wanted to.

Because the best and most powerful part of Daxia's intelligence system comes from Li Qian's ability, but Li Qian also has limits. Unless her energy level can be improved again, as the surveillance scope expands, there will always be times when her abilities are not enough.

But Li Anping thought about it and realized that Li Qian was not someone with extraordinary talents like Jin Guang, Bai Xinghe, and Emma. Although her ability is powerful, it is impossible to continuously improve it in a short period of time.

Moreover, Li Qian's surveillance ability can obtain very detailed information about targets. Using it for large-scale surveillance is a bit wasteful in the long run. Maybe on a large scale. It is better to monitor through high-tech means, but for individual important people. It is monitored through Li Qian's ability.

Thinking of this, Li Anping put the complete unification plan of intelligence data on the agenda.

The so-called complete integration of intelligence data refers to the integration of all personal data and personal information into the national intelligence network currently developed by Momo.

For example, everyone's mobile phone information, everyone's network account number, IP, and computer information are usually collected quietly by various Internet companies and used for various business activities. In addition, there are hotels, banks, travel agencies, insurance, airplanes, trains, traffic police, etc., and even every camera in the country.

If all this information is unified and put into the national intelligence network that Momo is now in charge of, then I am afraid that everyone in this country will no longer have any secrets in front of the government.

Unless the person completely breaks away from society.

Originally, even if the government stepped in to integrate something like this, it would be absolutely impossible for it to be successfully integrated. The interests of all parties involved are so intricate that even gods can't figure them out.

But Li Anping is different. He doesn't need to sort out the underlying issues. He only needs one order, and everyone must follow his instructions. If something gets stuck, it can be easily confirmed based on the information provided by Li Qian in the existing intelligence network. Then the stuck part will be forcibly opened by Daxia Longque, and it will be executed all the way until it is completed.

Never in human history has the power of the country been so concentrated in the hands of one person. There has never been a moment like this when Li Anping's power alone surpasses the combined power of all the people in the country. Any plan that could not be promoted in the past can be implemented in this environment.

However, for the time being, this set of work will be implemented on a few pilot projects in Daxia. When there are no problems, it will be rolled out across the country and even the entire Eastern Continent.

After Li Anping determined the omni-channel intelligence integration plan in his mind, he thought about it and decided on several sub-plans such as facial recognition, full network monitoring, and satellite monitoring. This will make the intelligence network denser. It is conceivable that when the entire intelligence network is completely rolled out, all people in society will be covered by an invisible network, tightly tied, and suffocated. Come.

Therefore, these plans must be carried out in secret and must not be disclosed to the general public.

Li Anping also thought that if these plans could be completed and Momo could develop artificial intelligence, more than 90% of government officials could be laid off.

'You still have to take your time...'

Yang Guang on the side saw Li Anping's wandering eyes and shouted softly: "Sir..."

Li Anping came to his senses: "What?"

"Then how to deal with the jihad issue this time?"

Li Anping's eyes flashed with a blade-like light: "I will leave the jihad to you personally this time. In terms of manpower, you can tell me whoever you want. I have only one request. I don't want to see anything like this again." This time it happened.”

"As ordered." After saying that, Yang Guang's face straightened, and after accepting the order, he bowed and retreated, leaving Yan Bei and Li Anping in the study.

Li Anping glanced at Yan Bei and asked, "What's going on?"

Yan Bei lowered his head and said respectfully: "It's about the Avengers. We destroyed their base in southern Xinjiang and captured the leader of the Avengers, Peter Parker."

Li Anping said: "Yes, is there any problem?"

"But last year in Emerald City, Peter Parker rescued Tian Haowen. According to our intelligence, Tian Wenhao later joined the Avengers, but we did not find him this time."

"Tian Haowen?" A series of information about the other party flashed through Li Anping's mind, and finally stopped at the image of Tian Haowen standing in front of the parade. If Yan Bei hadn't mentioned it, Li Anping would never have remembered such a little person.

He said indifferently: "In this kind of organization, it is normal for some fish to be caught after the personnel are dispersed. What, does he have a problem?"

Yan Bei nodded, thought about it, and then said bravely: "Tian Haowen requires us to release Peter Parker and all the arrested Avengers members in the past. Otherwise, he will disclose the secrets of the Eighth Research Institute." After finishing speaking, After this, Yan Bei lowered his head and no longer dared to meet Li Anping's eyes.

At the same time as he finished these words, Yan Bei felt a terrible murderous aura coming towards his face. He had experienced countless killings in the past year, and his strength had reached the fourth level. Only now did he feel, It turns out that he is so weak. Just like a small boat appearing in a violent storm, it will be killed anytime and anywhere.

However, this murderous intention was just a hint of Li Anping's leak. It came and went as quickly as it came. The space returned to normal again. Looking at Yan Bei who was sweating coldly, Li Anping frowned and said, "He already knows about the Eighth Research Institute." How much do you know?”

Yan Bei said in shock: "This is still unclear. We tried to track his whereabouts, but he was very careful and cunning. All calls were made using disposable mobile phones, and each call did not exceed ten seconds. Still using Voice changer. We are not even sure if the person speaking is Tian Haowen, or if it is his recording.”

As one of the few people in Daxia Longque who knew the inside story of the Eighth Research Institute, Yan Bei knew deeply how terrifying the darkness in the depths of this research institute located underground in the capital was. Once the situation is revealed, it will probably be the biggest scandal in Daxia since the founding of the country.

Among the entire Daxia Longque, except for Yan Bei, only Qian Duoduo, Yang Guang, Liu Feng and a few other people who Li Anping thought could be informed knew part of the information. After all, as the Eighth Research Institute becomes larger and larger, and the research content involved becomes deeper and wider, it is impossible not to arrange for people with abilities to protect it.

Therefore, Li Anping selected some people from Daxia Longque who he thought he could accept in his heart to assist him in maintaining the work of the Eighth Research Institute. The Yan Bei in front of him is one of them.

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