Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 12: Hijacking

When Li Anping gently pressed his palm on the cabin of the plane, the entire plane was instantly wrapped by the void force field. The mind swept the entire cabin, and Li Anping roughly understood what was going on within a second.

‘Hijacking? ’

The next moment, the entire plane shook violently, and began to slowly slow down under the effect of the void force field. Just like being grabbed by a huge palm, Li Anping intended to use the void force field to hold the plane and send him to the Capital Airport.

In the cabin, everyone felt such an obviously abnormal vibration, and most passengers panicked.

"What's going on? Did you encounter air currents?"

"Are they going to blow up the plane?"

Some people lowered their heads, closed their eyes, and kept praying: "Amitabha... Amitabha"

Seeing the whole cabin in chaos, and even several passengers trying to stand up, the bearded jihadist roared: "Be quiet, whoever moves, I will kill him!" As he said, he first pointed the machine gun at a male passenger who was eager to stand up.

Following his order, several other hijackers also pointed their machine guns at nearby passengers.

"Hey, brother, don't be nervous!"

The male passenger who was pointed at by the gun immediately turned pale and waved his hand to sit back.

Seeing that the passengers in the cabin had quieted down again, the bearded man nodded, signaled his companions with his eyes, and planned to turn around and go to the cockpit to take a look. He was also worried that something had happened to the plane just now.

But at the moment he turned around, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he looked at the top of the cabin with surprise. I saw an arm poking through the shell of the plane as if it was tofu and reaching in.

Then another hand reached in. As easy as tearing open a packaging bag, Li Anping easily tore a huge hole in the top of the plane.

The bearded man screamed: "Be careful! It's a person with special abilities!" The next moment, a figure fell from the gap on the top of the plane. In the world that ordinary people cannot see, the black mind energy filled the gap, isolating the air flow inside and outside the plane.

At the moment Li Anping landed. Six hijackers had already pointed their guns at him, and six sparks lit up in the cabin at the same time, accompanied by crisp gunshots, covering Li Anping with a barrage of death.

Superhuman perception, speed, reaction, plus the mind energy covering the entire plane, allowed Li Anping to watch the world as if watching a slow motion.

Bullets flying in the air. The distorted expressions of the hijackers and the terrified looks of the passengers all fell into his eyes.

‘There are seven hijackers in total. In addition to the six people in front of you, there is another person in the cockpit. ’

‘One crew member died, and there are no casualties among the passengers for the time being. ’

‘Six bullets missed. They will kill two passengers. ’

‘The plane is too fragile, use your abilities to attack first. ’

A series of information flashed through Li Anping's mind like lightning, and the black mind energy had solidified all the bullets in the air.

This was the method that Qing Chan used in the past with his massive mind energy. Although Li Anping's total amount of mind energy is still not as good as Qing Chan's, it is more than enough in the narrow environment of an airplane.

After using mind energy to fix the bullets, a strong force swept across, and the six hijackers' eyes went black. They lost consciousness and fainted on the ground.

All of them were directly absorbed by Li Anping in an instant. Ordinary people facing Li Anping head-on would not even be qualified to escape.

In the eyes of the crowd, they could only see that the six ferocious hijackers had fallen to the ground after the gunshots. And the air around them was full of motionless bullets. Mortals cannot see the mind, so for them, the bullets were motionless in the air.

The next second, all the bullets fell to the ground, making a series of noises.

Looking at the passengers who were still in shock, Li Anping shouted: "It's okay. The criminals have been dealt with, but before the plane lands, please stay in your seats for the time being."

As soon as Li Anping finished speaking, he saw a flash of light suddenly appear in the cabin. Someone was taking a picture of him with a mobile phone.

"It's Lord Li Anping!"

"We are saved!"

"Long live Li Anping! Long live Daxia!"

Looking at the passengers who took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and some began to cheer. Hugging and crying with joy, Li Anping shook his head and walked towards the cockpit.

Originally, with the radius of soul absorption, he could kill this jihadist directly, but this was the last one anyway, so Li Anping still planned to leave a "kou jiao" alive for Yang Guang and the others, maybe he could get some information from him.

He pushed the door and found that it was locked. Once the door of the cockpit of this kind of aircraft is locked from the inside to the outside, there is absolutely no way for people outside to open it.

'It should be okay if I use a little bit of force. '

Li Anping's palm touched the door, and then the whole door began to vibrate violently, as if it was kneaded by a giant hand, and kept shrinking towards the center of the door.

In the horrified eyes of the two people behind the door, the whole door was kneaded into a fist-sized iron ball by the void force field, and then was grabbed by Li Anping in his palm.

Behind the cabin door, the gentleman was holding a pistol against the captain's head. When he saw that it was Li Anping who appeared behind the cabin door, his eyes flashed with endless anger and excitement. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But he found that his body was completely out of control. The black mind energy that he couldn't even see had already wrapped up his entire body. Let alone shooting, he couldn't even think of saying a word.

Li Anping was too lazy to listen to the shouting of such a small fry. After subduing the other party, he sat directly in the co-pilot's seat and said to the captain beside him: "You point me in the direction, I will send the plane to the Capital Airport."

"But..." The captain answered Li Anping's slowly raised palm. As Li Anping's palm rose, the entire plane actually began to rise. Then as Li Anping's palm turned, the entire plane began to turn.

Originally, Li Anping didn't need to move his palm to control the void force field, but in order to make the captain understand faster, he made this move. This looks very intuitive, as if the entire plane is moving with the movement of the palm.

The captain looked at Li Anping in surprise. At this time, he seemed to recognize Li Anping's identity and said excitedly: "Sir, is this your superpower?"

Li Anping looked at him and nodded: "I have never learned to fly a plane. Please help me point the direction of the Capital Airport."

The captain nodded excitedly. He didn't expect to be able to cooperate with Li Anping today. Next, he began to restore communication with the control tower while telling Li Anping the approximate direction of the Capital Airport in as straightforward language as possible.

In fact, Li Anping only needs to know the direction. His void force field is like an invisible hand holding the plane, basically like a child holding a toy airplane. The plane is completely in his control, and it can be said that he can control it as if he were at the mercy of his arm.

Twenty minutes later, the passenger plane appeared above the Capital Airport. According to the command of the control tower, Li Anping directly descended the plane vertically and stopped it on a runway.

The next day, news about the plane hijacking filled the front pages of all newspapers, and Li Anping's name once again swept the entire network and major media.

But unlike the focus of ordinary people, many Daxia high-level officials have set their sights on Li Anping's special plane. They found that Claudia returned with Li Anping on the special plane.

The information they got from the crew of the special plane, especially the flight attendant, made them feel more anxious.

In some directions, they have fallen behind the Ice Castle Barbarians.


In the imperial study in the palace.

Yang Guang and Yan Bei are reporting to Li Anping about some recent events.

Li Anping touched his chin and said slowly: "Have you found out about the Jihad Organization?"

Yang Guang replied: "In fact, we started tracking the Jihad Organization half a year ago, but all of their members are ordinary people. Although they are not strong in frontal combat capabilities, they are very good at sabotaging behind the scenes and specialize in absorbing civilians and orphans in southern Xinjiang, especially in India and the West.

In addition, southern Xinjiang has not yet covered our intelligence network. Although we have wiped it out several times, it always revives like weeds. We suspect that Western countries are funding them behind the scenes."

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