Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 67: World-Class Crisis (22)

In the cave, Takeuchi Aota's entire body was suspended in midair. The leader's palm was on his forehead, inputting countless negative emotions into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Qianye Yi on the side had already died of excessive blood loss.

Xinjun's eyes kept staring at Takeuchi Aota, his eyes full of solemnity and tension. At this point, the present is his last resort. If he fails, he will no longer have any power to compete with Li Anping.

Maybe relying on the doctor's phase matrix, they can still escape for a while, but in that case, it is only a matter of time before they are caught. First, Li Anping's speed is too fast, and the doctor can only hinder but not stop him, and the entire phase matrix covers too small an area, which is only the area of ​​Mount Fuji plus Kyoto.

Second, the phase matrix must be arranged in advance. Once Li Anping finds this and starts to destroy the matrix itself, then they can't even escape in front of Li Anping's speed.

'Li Anping, this damn guy, this idiot with a head full of muscles. Why let such a person have the power of the Black Demon King! I should be the one who possesses this power! ’

Just as Xinjun cursed Li Anping in his heart, the blind old man who had been following him suddenly stood up. He had been sitting in a corner of the cave with his eyes closed, trying to use his ability to help Xinjun.

Because his ability is to predict what might happen in the future. Although he can only see a few possibilities, it has been of indelible help to the plan of the entire God's Domain.

But when he stood up at this time, his expression was full of panic and anxiety. He shouted loudly to Xinjun: "Be careful of Takeuchi Qingta!"

Xinjun looked back at him, not understanding what the other party meant, and then heard a gust of wind coming from behind him. He immediately moved instantly. And looked back to see what was going to attack him.

But all he could see was Takeuchi Qingta's pale face.

For thousands of years, the God's Domain has been studying the sleeping ash. Although they sacrificed tens of thousands of excellent ability users and invested countless wealth in this process, it was all worth it.

In the process of research. They found that although the demon creature Hui had transformed most of his spiritual power into wild beasts to devour humans for him. However, his main consciousness, or the soul aggregation of countless memories, personalities, preferences, etc., did not transform into wild beasts. Instead, it remained in the body and was protected as the most important thing.

However, contrary to the expectations of the Divine Realm, although Hui's main consciousness was strictly protected, a small part of it was separated to perform a behavior similar to reincarnation.

He seized the human body and kept looking for a new host. He practiced and accumulated in the reincarnation of one life after another until the moment when the human body died, and then brought the power of practice back to the main body, and then waited for the next reincarnation.

The body was sleeping, the spiritual power was hunting, and the main consciousness accumulated power in the reincarnation of generations.

If there was no interruption, it would continue like this. One day, Hui would wake up completely, not only would his injuries be completely recovered, but he would also have more powerful power than before.

But for some reason, his body after reincarnation did not retain his original memory. Most reincarnated bodies often lived their lives like ordinary people.

This gave the Divine Realm an opportunity. For thousands of years, they used countless means to find Hui's reincarnation again and again, trying to steal the secrets of the devil.

Some of them succeeded, and some failed. But they did learn a considerable amount of knowledge about the devil. But the original creed to prevent Hui from waking up again has now become an ambition to use the power of the devil.

For example, the current leader. What he caught was Hui's body.

Because the whole of Dongyang is on Hui's back, the leader can observe the situation of the whole Dongyang by connecting with Hui's body on Mount Fuji, and use his ability to manipulate emotions throughout Dongyang.

The ultimate goal of the Divine Realm is to use Li Anping's power and the negative emotions of hundreds of millions of people in Dongyang. All of them lurk in the soul and consciousness of the reincarnated body, and then the opportunity for the reincarnated body to return to the main consciousness, through the power of the Black Demon King and negative emotions, defeat and control Hui at the consciousness level.

Because Hui's body is almost impossible to destroy in the Divine Realm. So they chose the main consciousness that is closely protected but lacks spiritual power. After all, most of Hui's spiritual power was transformed into wild beasts.

As for the war between Dongyang and Daxia, the false accusation of Daxia's invasion, the ability users selected and lured by the imaginary agency, the Truth Cult, etc., are just means to increase the success rate.

As for the immortality potion that lured them here as bait, it was made from the impurities left after the wild beasts devoured humans. Although it was a magazine for Hui, it was already a supreme immortal medicine that could increase vitality in the eyes of humans.

In addition, the God's Domain relied on thousands of years of preparation to leave countless secret stakes in the East and West Continents. These members of the God's Domain hidden in the dark also exerted their influence, and influenced the candidates sent by major organizations to investigate without anyone noticing.

Of course, there is another reason for being able to do this, that is, the second in command of the God's Domain, a blind old man who has been following the new monarch. He has the ability to see the possibilities of the future and can make different arrangements for various future possibilities.

But it is obvious that Li Anping's power is far beyond their expectations and completely overturned the plan of the God's Domain.

Listening to the information from Bai Xinghe's mouth, Li Anping felt increasingly irritated. Especially when he heard the name Hui, a crazy bloodthirsty desire arose in his heart.

"Ah!" With a roar, Li Anping punched out, and the violent energy directly lifted four or five buildings on the ground. He said angrily: "These fools in God's Domain, how could Hui be controlled by them, from beginning to end, It’s just that they were manipulated and used by Hui.”

Bai Xinghe's confused voice came: "Have you recovered your memory?"

"No." Li Anping looked at his hands and doubted in his heart: 'Is it the instinct left by Hei? ' He said to Bai Xinghe: "As you described, with the power of the devil, how can it be easily played and manipulated. In my opinion, everything is more like the divine realm being gradually eroded by ashes and becoming his own on the earth. Spokesperson. No, maybe from the beginning, humans were secretly manipulated by Hui when they established the Divine Realm."

"How is that possible?" Bai Xinghe didn't believe it.

Li Anping asked: "Then why does the Divine Realm know about my existence and think that my power can help them control Hui's body."

Bai Xinghe said: "Because Hui's leaked memories contain descriptions of the Black Demon King's abilities and forms, and your ability to devour humans to become stronger, as well as your aura similar to Hui's, plus..."

"No, it's not like that." In Li Anping's eyes, traces of red light emerged, like rubies soaked in blood. He said word by word: "He discovered me. If his emotions are different from mine now, If it's the same, I can understand.

He no longer had the patience to wait, so he chose to manipulate the divine realm to wake up early.

He was so desperate that every second he wanted to tear me to pieces and crush me into powder, just like I wanted to do to him. "

I saw Li Anping's entire body began to expand, and muscles emerged. His entire body slowly grew from 1.8 meters to about 2.5 meters, completely turning into a little giant.

He unknowingly used the burst state. With his current physical condition, his explosive state consumes hundreds of souls every second.

But now under the influence of Hei's residual instinct and anger, Li Anping's entire sight seemed to be filled with blood. Boundless anger and violence filled his heart.


Earth-shaking roars came out of Li Anping's mouth, and black thought energy was like thick lava, continuously emerging from his body.


Relying on his explosive state, Li Anping temporarily broke through the limit, pushing his strength, speed, and physical fitness to 30.3. At this moment, Li Anping's body temporarily reached an incredible state. The whole body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This was originally one of Li Anping's hidden killer moves. With his current soul stock, he could maintain this state for about 2 and a half minutes. But when his heart was filled with violent murderous intent and anger, he used it without any scruples.

The angry roar directly shook all the houses, vegetation and trees within a hundred miles into countless pieces. The next moment, Li Anping, carrying a power that could destroy the world, crashed towards Mount Fuji like a black meteor.

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