Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 66: World-Class Crisis (21)

In the underground cave, the figure of the new king gradually appeared, from a faint image to a physical existence.

In front of him was the leader sitting cross-legged. At this time, Takeuchi Seita was lying in front of the leader. He seemed to have completely lost consciousness, lying there motionless, even breathing.

Qianye Yi was standing in a corner of the cave at this time. He is now covered in blood, his clothes have been torn into pieces of cloth, which are stuck together with his flesh and blood. There are wounds all over his body. It looks like he has been bitten by some kind of wild beast, and he can even See the muscles roll away, revealing the bones underneath.

But Xinjun didn't even look at him, and asked the leader directly: "How are you doing, are you having enough negative emotions?"

The leader cracked his mouth and smiled: "I have never collected so much emotional power. Are you sure you want to put his soul into it? The emotional power collected in Dongyang as a unit contains so much negative energy. Emotionally, I'm afraid he'll go crazy immediately."

"No." Shinjun glanced at Seita Takeuchi and said calmly: "Fear, anger, panic, all negative emotions are his best food, and the huge number can suppress the will of the subject. This has been planned for a long time.”

"But in the plan, you will defeat Li Anping and seize his power." The leader said dissatisfied: "Now that we lack pure demonic power, we have no confidence that we can control Hui after awakening him. He has been sleeping for thousands of people Years ago, no one knew how strong his power was. If he were to awaken it rashly, all human beings might perish as a result."

"Oh?" Xinjun grabbed the leader by the collar and lifted him up, with a ferocious look on his face: "Are you scared?"

The leader turned his head to the side with some guilt: "You haven't used his power, and you don't understand how scary he is at all. That kind of god-like perspective. To be honest, I was really excited at first, but like the sun, when you The closer I get to him and the more I borrow his power to control the emotions of Dongyang, the more chilling I feel. This power is too powerful and may not be controllable at all."

"Trash." Seeing the timid look on the leader's face, Xinjun pushed him to the ground, pointed the katana in his hand at the leader's nose and said: "Continue to do what you should do, Li Anping is outside now, he You can find us at any time."

Xin Jun said excitedly: "Now help me wake it up quickly. Let it deal with Li Anping. No matter how strong Li Anping is, he will never be Hui's opponent, but after Hui kills Li Anping, he will definitely Seriously injured, I will deal with the seriously injured Hui and absorb his energy."

The blade was only an inch away from the leader's cheek, and the new king's words revealed endless killing intent: "Do as I say, you should know how easy it is for me to kill you now."

The leader looked at the new king quarrelsomely. As the pinnacle of an era and still a fifth-level ability user, he certainly could not give in easily: "It's not that I don't intend to awaken Hui. It's just that his power is too huge, and it would be too much to release it directly." Danger. We need to get the demonic power in Li Anping and combine it with the power of these emotions to control Hui."

Seeing that the new king seemed to be a little loose, the leader continued: "I, the doctor, and you are all in good condition now. If the three of us attack together, we may not be able to subdue Li Anping."

While the two were arguing, the sound of sonic booms continued to echo in the cave. The doctor said to them through the phase matrix: "No matter what your plan is. It's best to hurry up. Li Anping keeps rushing in your direction." , I can delay him for up to 50 seconds.”

The new king's expression changed, and he made a cut with his samurai sword on the leader's face, shouting: "Let it out quickly!"

The leader saw Xinjun's fierce expression. I sneered in my heart, but still did it. Although he is a top strong man and has his own pride and does not think that the new king can really kill him, but once they fight, Li Anping will be the cheaper one.

Such a result is obviously not what the leader wants to see.

So he chose to do it, but from this moment on, God's Domain's plan had completely deviated from its original track.

On the other side, Li Anping kept moving towards Mount Fuji. He could hear and feel that Xin Jun was hiding somewhere in Mount Fuji. And the irritability before the war seemed to be getting worse.

It was like there was something that disgusted him to the extreme, but he couldn't remember what it was.

He sprinted towards Mount Fuji again and again. Although the doctor kept interfering with Li Anping by changing spaces, he could not stop Li Anping from getting closer to Mount Fuji.

At this moment, Yang Guang's voice suddenly came from the headset.

"My lord, can you hear me?"

Li Anping stopped all of a sudden. Because flying at his current speed, the air had basically turned into sharp blades. What he said could not be heard in the headset, so he could only stop temporarily and ask impatiently. Said: "What happened?"

Seemingly hearing the impatience in Li Anping's tone, Yang Guang said cautiously: "Our people found Master Emma and Hansen, and a man named Bai Xinghe. He said he has very important information to tell you. , it’s about the divine realm.”

It turned out that after Li Anping left Emma to fight with Xinjun, Bai Xinghe came to Emma and planned to temporarily protect Li Anping's men. However, Emma was able to use her ability at this time, so she took Bai Xinghe, Hansen, and Krahn to teleport together, and then found the Daxia embassy in Dongyang. Hansen and Emma were sent for treatment, but Bai Xinghe asked to talk to Li Anping.

Originally, Daxia would not pay attention to him, but after Bai Xinghe showed his strong power and got Emma's support, the matter was mentioned to Yang Guang who was still on the aircraft carrier, because in terms of official position, Yang Guang was the highest level in Daxia's action against Dongyang this time, except Li Anping.

So after talking to Emma for a few words, Yang Guang contacted Li Anping directly.

After listening to Yang Guang, Li Anping thought for a while and said, "Let him talk."

After a busy tone, the call line was connected to the embassy, ​​and Bai Xinghe's voice came out from it.

"Is it Li Anping?"

"Just say it if you have something to say." After Li Anping finished speaking, he moved again, and the whole person turned into a black thunder and rushed towards Mount Fuji again.

For some reason, the feeling of irritability in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he even felt like tearing everything in front of him.

In Bai Xinghe's subsequent narration, he gradually understood the personnel in the Divine Realm and what their plans were.

The so-called Divine Realm was originally an organization established to fight against demons after paying a heavy price for the first fight against demons.

And this first demon who met humans and almost exterminated the human race called himself Gray. This demon almost ate more than one-third of the population of the entire East Continent at the time. It became an evil legend in countless myths.

Although humans paid a heavy price at that time and claimed to have defeated and sealed the demon, according to the research of later generations in the Divine Realm, that was simply the self-righteousness of ancient humans at that time.

Gray was not defeated at all. He just had enough to eat temporarily and found a place to sleep. As for where he slept, it was Dongyang. According to the long-term investigation and research of the people in the God's Domain, Hui should have suffered some very serious injuries before coming to the East Continent. He devoured humans before and fell into a deep sleep afterwards to treat his injuries.

The reason why Hui did not eat all the humans before when he had an absolute advantage was because he calculated that even if he ate all the people at that time, he would not be able to completely heal his injuries, so he chose to feed them.

So his body was completely asleep, but his spirit remained active. His spirit, or soul power, turned into a wild beast, and kept devouring humans in Dongyang to replenish his energy and heal his injuries.

And what Qing Tai saw was the scene of wild beasts devouring humans. In order to conceal the facts, the God's Domain manipulated the Dongyang government behind the scenes to eliminate the impact of similar incidents.

Li Anping was surprised when he heard this. He stopped and asked, "So, that Hui was sleeping in Mount Fuji?"

Who knew that Bai Xinghe actually denied Li Anping's guess.

"Mount Fuji is only the place closest to his brain. All the land under your feet in Dongyang is his body. All the people in Dongyang are the fodder he feeds on his back."

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