Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 52: World-Class Crisis (6)

Just when Samael stabbed out the knife, tearing Emma's clothes apart, and when the tip of the knife came into contact with the opponent's skin, there was an empty feeling at the tip of the knife, but Samael's expression changed, and his whole person disappeared again.

When he appeared on the roof of the building again, there was no one on the roof, and Emma had long since disappeared.

'The attack just now... was her body modification? The bodies of every fifth-level ability user have been freed from the shackles of mortals. My attack just now felt a bit similar to the feeling of touching her portal. ’ Samael looked at the missing tip of the metal dagger and thought: ‘Is it to give the vital parts of the body some spatial attributes? ’

Samael snorted: 'But since you escaped, it means that my attack is not ineffective against you. The gap between ability cooldown time and nerve response makes you completely at a disadvantage when fighting me in close combat. ’

Thinking of this, Samael said to the communicator on his wrist: "Did you track the signal?"

"Sir, the other party has stopped, about six kilometers northwest of you. We have sent the specific coordinates to your communicator."


The next moment, Samael left dozens of afterimages in mid-air, and his whole body moved towards the target with a high-frequency teleportation. In the blink of an eye, he had already appeared hundreds of meters away.

Deep in Mount Fuji, inside a cave.

The new king rested on the ground with his sword in both hands, looking at the three pools in front of him with a proud look on his face. Each pool emits an astonishing cold air, freezing the entire cave into an ice cave.

However, no matter how shocking the cold air is, it can never penetrate within three feet of the new king.

The new king said to the white-haired old man on the side: "Daxia's fleet is about to set off. It seems that Li Anping's memory has indeed been lost, and the memory of the Black Demon King has not been completely restored. Otherwise, he would never behave as he does now. ”

They obviously still recognized Li Anping as the so-called Dark Devil.

The old man on the side nodded and said with a smile: "So all his actions are invisible in my eyes. He has no brute force and cannot exert his true power at all. Among all people, he has plans for us. The threat may not be as high as the others.”

"Are you talking about Emma, ​​Samael and Jane? Speaking of which, Emma seems to be no match for Samael. Do you need me to help him a little?"

The old man replied: "No, everything is according to the plan. Although Samael has the upper hand, he can't kill Emma yet. Everything just needs to go according to the plan."

"But I can't wait any longer. I really want to see Li Anping as soon as possible." Xinjun said with a proud look on his face: "If it weren't for the plan, I really want to have a fair fight with him. Behead him in a fair and just way. "

"Don't worry, Xinjun, it won't be long. But in a fair fight, I'm afraid there's no chance. He may not be your opponent, but his regeneration ability is so strong that it's difficult to kill him completely with ordinary means. Let's follow the plan. ”

While the two were talking, the whole earth suddenly shook, and then bubbles began to bubble out of the three pools in front of them. In the blink of an eye, the cold gradually dissipated. Not only were the three pools no longer cold, but they began to emit a hint of heat.

The new king and the white-haired old man were not talking, they just stood there waiting. As time passed, the heat grew stronger and stronger. The temperature of the entire cave had unknowingly risen to over 30 degrees and close to 40 degrees.

However, in such a hot environment, neither the new king nor the white-haired old man showed any discomfort. Not even a drop of sweat appeared.

The surroundings of the new king are like an unaffected space. Neither the cold just now nor the heat now had any impact on him.

Just as the temperature inside the cave is getting higher and higher. The water in the three pools has almost boiled. Three streams of thought emerged from the depths of the pool. As time went by, these three thoughts became stronger and stronger, almost filling the entire cave.

Under the pressure of three thoughts, Xin Junren still looked expressionless. The white-haired old man's expression became more and more solemn. Feeling the strangeness, dominance and power coming from his thoughts, he finally couldn't help but said: "Are they really level four ability users?"

"Of course." Xinjun laughed excitedly: "In the historical trend of thousands of years, they were all invincible existences at that time, with unparalleled abilities and unique talents. They have all reached the level of power in their respective eras. the limit that can be achieved.

It was just that they were unable to reach a higher energy level due to the planetary environment at that time.

With their talents and talents, it may only take a few days after they wake up to adapt to the modern environment, break through the original realm, and reach the fifth or even sixth level.

Only such people are qualified to be sunk into the pool of dreams and sleep, waiting for the promised day to arrive. "

Suddenly, one of the three thoughts grew at an astonishing speed, and in a blink of an eye, it squeezed away the other two thoughts around it and pressed it against the corner of the cave.

Then a pale, slender hand stretched out from the pool and grabbed the edge of the pool.

Xin Jun smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to be the first one to wake up. Welcome to two thousand years later."

On the naval port on the east coast of Daxia. The entire port was busy at the moment. There are busy warriors everywhere, and there is a huge aircraft carrier with a length of more than 300 meters, a width of more than 50 meters, and a flight deck of 80 meters wide.

This is the most powerful and one of the only four nuclear-powered multi-purpose aircraft carriers in Daxia, the Hailong.

As the core force of the Daxia Navy, it can carry various types of carrier-based aircraft to attack various aircraft, submarines, ships and ground targets.

Around the aircraft carrier, there are also four anti-aircraft missile cruisers, two destroyers, six anti-submarine destroyers, and three attack nuclear submarines.

Such a powerful force constitutes the aircraft carrier fleet heading to Dongyang this time.

It can be said that with the power of this aircraft carrier fleet, even without the help of ability users, it is enough to sweep across the entire Dongyang. Of course, the premise is that there is no level 5 ability user in Dongyang to confront.

At this time, Li Anping stood on the flight deck of the Hailong. Behind him followed Yang Guang, Audrey and Xiao Xuesu. In addition, there were more than a dozen Daxia Navy personnel.

But what attracted more attention was a pink-haired, slender beauty from the Snow Country. It was Claudia, the Saint Queen of the Ice Castle. Under her personal insistence, Li Anping agreed to take her to Dongyang.

Li Anping asked: "Claudia, what do you think of this fleet?"

"In terms of conventional force, it is enough to push the entire Dongyang." Claudia thought for a while and said: "But it seems that there is a lack of measures to counter extraordinary force. If we encounter some special ability users, I am afraid the losses will be great."

A naval officer on the side couldn't help but say: "Your Highness, the Holy Queen, the Sea Dragon is definitely not lacking in experience in countering ability users. We have a complete set of countermeasures designated for hostile ability users."

"I am presumptuous." Claudia nodded and apologized.

"We will know after the battle." Li Anping touched his chin. The key to the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier is to see the actual combat. After all, the Daxia Navy has not experienced a large-scale war for too long. Maybe this trip to Dongyang will have some small opportunities to show off. Li Anping thought so.

"Captain, how long will it take?"

Behind Li Anping, a middle-aged man with a serious face stepped forward and said, "In about half an hour, at the speed of the Sea Dragon, it will reach Dongyang's territorial waters tomorrow morning."

Li Anping knew that the speed of an aircraft carrier was not fast, and the aircraft carrier did not rely on the hull itself to fight.

And this time, the main purpose of taking the Sea Dragon there was to deter more than to have a practical effect, to reduce the resistance of Dongyang to join the Pan-Continental Alliance.

In fact, up to now, in order to cause unnecessary trouble, all the news has not been announced. Whether it is Dongyang joining the Pan-Continental Alliance, the deployment of the Daxia aircraft carrier formation, and Dongyang's concessions on various interests, the signing and conclusion of all these secret treaties are only known to the top leaders of Daxia and Dongyang.

The cooperative attitude and obedience of Dongyang surprised the entire Daxia top leaders, and made them feel that the possibility of a full-scale war is very small. It is really hard to believe what Dongyang has the confidence to fight against the aircraft carrier fleet.

What's more, Li Anping is in charge of the aircraft carrier fleet this time.

From Daxia's perspective, Li Anping alone is countless times more terrifying than the entire aircraft carrier fleet. (To be continued...)

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