Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 51: World-Class Crisis (5)

"It started a month ago..."

A month ago, Takeuchi Seita was still like an ordinary graduate, working and studying at the same time, full of ambition. Even if the conditions are not good and I am penniless, my heart is full of enthusiasm.

Until one day, he witnessed a murder scene with his own eyes.

It was late at night, and Seita Takeuchi, who was exhausted, had just finished working overtime at the company. On the way home, he heard a scream and a faint cry for help.

But when he heard the sound and found an alley, there was only a male body left in the alley. Broken pieces of meat and blood on the ground. The unprecedented impact made Seita Takeuchi vomit directly. He hurriedly retreated, took out his mobile phone and started making calls.

But when he led the police to the crime scene, it was empty.

"Wait, you said you saw the body, but it was gone after the police came?" Emma asked.

"Yes." There was fear and relief in Seita Takeuchi's eyes, as if he was relieved to finally tell the secret in his heart.

"Approximately how long did you leave the scene?"

Takeuchi Seita said: "I was too scared at the time to stay alone at the scene, so I waited outside until the police came. In terms of time, it took about five minutes."

"Okay, keep talking, things should end if it's not that simple."

Takeuchi Seita smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Of course not..."

Afterwards, the police gave Takeuchi Seita a lesson and told him not to make random jokes or do pranks. Takeuchi Seita couldn't argue. Looking at the empty alley, he himself wondered if he was too tired and hallucinating.

But what happened next told him that this was definitely not an illusion.

Because at noon the next day, he saw another mutilated human body directly in the men's toilet of the company. He screamed wildly and ran away. But when the company's security guard came to the restroom with him, the entire men's restroom was clean and tidy. There are broken bodies somewhere.

Facing the questioning looks of the security guards, Takeuchi Seita was helpless. Even his boss gave him a day off and asked him to go home and have a good rest.

But rest doesn't help. Because the whole thing was starting to get weirder and weirder. Takeuchi Seita encountered the third broken corpse. This time it was next to an unmanned dumpster.

With the experience of the first two times, Takeuchi Seita did not call the police this time, nor did he escape. He had the courage to stand in front of the corpse, pressing his heart that was beating wildly. He wanted to figure out what was going on.

Just like that, at ten o'clock in the night, Seita Takeuchi stood alone by the trash can. Looking at the broken corpses all over the ground. It seems that the stubborn part of his character has emerged. This time, Takeuchi Seita did not escape at all, but stared at the corpse with his eyes.

So, he finally saw it. A group of gray wolf-like creatures ran out from all around. They ate up all the corpses on the ground in front of Takeuchi Seita as if no one was around.

Blood, pieces of flesh, viscera. The brain, the bones, nothing was left. Looking at this group of gray wolf-like monsters, Takeuchi Seita climbed out like a madman.

I don’t know if it’s just luck. The group of gray wolves were already full and they did not catch up.

But in the days that followed, the number of gray wolves seemed to increase.

Takeuchi Seita saw them nearby countless times. At first, they were only in deserted alleys. On the dim street. But as time went by, they seemed to be getting bolder and began to attack pedestrians directly on the road.

The strangest thing is. Others don't seem to see these gray wolves. Even those who were attacked and bitten were completely unconscious. There was no scream, no fear, just like a dead person, letting the gray wolves tear the body apart and eat it.

"Can you describe the appearance of the gray wolf in detail?" Emma thought in her mind: "Could it be a person with some kind of ability?" But why do you always appear near Takeuchi Seita? Or did they appear near Takeuchi Seita's home and company? ’

Seita Takeuchi beside him spoke endlessly, as if he wanted to release all the fear in his heart over the past month.

"They look like wolves, about one meter tall and two or three meters long. But they are definitely not wolves. They have a kind of gray flame on their bodies. Except for me, no one else can see them, and they are even bitten by wolves. When the bite occurred, they would not react. Not only the person who was bitten, but also the people nearby turned a blind eye, as if they had not seen it." Takeuchi Seita's face turned a little pale.

"Then something worse happened."

As the gray wolf and various corpses appeared in Takeuchi Seita's sight, his spirit became increasingly unstable. He was in fear all day long, afraid of death, afraid of gray wolves, afraid of people's indifference, and even more afraid that one day, he would be buried in the belly of a wolf like the people before him.

Finally one day, one of Takeuchi Seita's colleagues was also attacked by a gray wolf. Takeuchi Seita watched the gray wolf eat his colleagues one by one. Faced with the scene in front of him, he finally exploded. He raised the table and chair and threw it at the gray wolf, but the gray wolves were like phantoms. The chair passed directly through him, and no attack of any kind had any effect.

The people around him had no reaction to what he did.

No news about him came from the company until the next day. The male colleague who was attacked by the gray wolf ran away from home. The colleague who was eaten alive bite by bite in front of Takeuchi Seita turned out to be a runaway?

Takeuchi Aota felt as if he was trapped in an invisible vortex. From that day on, he found that someone seemed to be following him.

He also tried to investigate these things, and even tried to save the people who were swallowed by the gray wolf every time afterwards, but to no avail.

"Wait a minute, when do you think someone followed you?" Emma asked.

Takeuchi Aota calculated and told Emma, ​​and Emma was shocked: "Sure enough, it was the second day after Yan Bei came to Kyoto? So, the marks of beasts biting on Yan Bei's body were also attacked by these gray wolves? But... why? What is so special about this Takeuchi Aota that Yan Bei targeted him on the third day after coming to Kyoto?"

Takeuchi Aota on the side did not think so much, and continued: "There is nothing special next. I can't stand this kind of thing anymore, so I chose to give up and return to my hometown to live the rest of my life."

After listening to the whole thing. Not only did it not solve Emma's doubts, but it also raised more questions, like a mess, making her unable to figure out what was going on.

At this moment, a man covered in blood rushed out of the corridor. It was Hansen. As soon as he rushed out, he saw Emma and shouted: "Samael!"

Instantly, a dark portal appeared under his feet, and the next moment, his feet were empty. The whole person had passed through the portal and came to Emma's side.

And a metal dagger had already crossed the place where he was standing.

Looking at Samael who suddenly flashed, Emma said coldly: "Where is Pink?"

A sneer came from under Samael's mask, and he casually said: "Are you talking about that woman? I cut a knife on her chest. If she is lucky, she can still live for ten minutes."

A shocking murderous intent emerged from Emma's body, and a black crack appeared in the air on her palm. It was a half-open portal, a torn space.

At this moment, it turned into a weapon like a sharp blade in Emma's hand, but it was more than ten thousand times sharper than an ordinary blade.

"Do you know who you are attacking?"

'Childish threat. ’

Seeing the sharp blade transformed from the space in Emma's hand, Samuel drew out a dagger from his waist again: "Daxia Longque, humph... Others are afraid of Li Anping, but we are not. He is just a dictator with a head full of muscles.

He should be glad that he is not facing me in person today."

Emma said angrily: "You are looking for death!" It was this anger. The space blade in her hand seemed to have a slight fluctuation.

It was just such a slight fluctuation, which might be difficult for even Emma herself to detect, but Samuel saw it in his eyes. It was affected by the spirit and emotions of the ability user, making the opened space unstable.

At least at this moment. Emma's strength has declined slightly.

The previous arrogant and contemptuous emotions disappeared instantly in Samuel's body. He was like a calm venomous snake, angering his prey by provoking. Then he seized the opponent's slight mistake and launched an attack.

The metal dagger disappeared and reappeared, but there was no expected blood flower where the blade passed. Only endless darkness, like the deepest darkness in the universe, appeared in front of Samael.

‘Space gate? Did you expect me to attack from behind? She realized my attack habits after just two contacts. This woman is not an ordinary person’

Thinking of this, Samael had no choice but to teleport again, otherwise he would rush into the other party’s opened portal with the force of the forward rush, and God knows where he would be teleported to.

With a flash of his figure, he had already appeared on the edge of the roof, and there was no Hansen and Takeuchi Aita beside Emma.

Samael said: “It seems that you plan to deal with me first and then take care of Takeuchi Aita’s affairs.” At this moment, he was no longer arrogant as before, but stared at Emma coldly like a sophisticated killing machine.

Emma said: “No, I plan to catch you and find out from you what is going on.”

“Ignorant woman.”

With a sneer, Samael flashed more than a dozen times in a row, constantly appearing around Emma.

‘The biggest difference between me and her, who both have the ability to move in space, is the distance of movement and the cooling time of each use of the ability. Of course, the most important thing is that my instant teleportation only requires a thought, while her space teleportation requires the body to enter the portal at the same time as the portal is opened.

So the speed of each teleportation is slower than mine. But her ability has this disadvantage, but also has an advantage that I cannot match, that is, she can open the portal within a certain range and use the space teleportation on me.

So in order to avoid her own disadvantages and play her own advantages, she will definitely use me as the target of space teleportation. While blocking me with the portal, she also attacks me with space cracks, which is the same.

On my side, the target of manipulation is also myself.

Under the same goal, what we compete with is the cooling time of the ability and our own reaction. As long as the cooling time of my instant teleportation is lower than the cooling time of your space teleportation, and my reaction is faster than your reaction, then you will definitely die. ’

After more than a dozen consecutive flashes, each time it lasted less than a second, Samael disappeared again. In these less than ten seconds, he has been maintaining the same action, keeping the dagger stabbing forward. Because the interval between his instant teleportation was too short, his body had no time to change the action.

But there is no need to change the action, just keep using teleportation, even if he still maintains the same posture and strength, as long as he moves his body position, it is still equivalent to stabbing Emma from all angles.

Just after dodging the cover of the portal twice and the cutting of the space gap three times, Samael sneered under his mask.

'This woman can open three portals at the same time.

The cooling time I just showed is about 0.5 seconds, and the cooling time between her opening two space portals takes about one second, which is already a fatal gap. 0.5 seconds is enough for me to kill her ten times.

But considering that she may not have tried her best, then her cooling time is considered to be 0.5 seconds. The temptation is over. '

So, it's now! ’

Emma opened a space door again to block the opponent's attack. In less than 0.1 seconds, Samael had teleported again. His body movement did not change, and his arm was still thrusting forward, but the position of the attack had completely changed. The next moment, before Emma's ability was activated, the dagger could pierce her heart.

Samael said proudly in his heart: 'The real limit cooling time of my teleportation is that it can be activated once every 0.1 seconds.

As early as the moment you decided to fight me head-on, your defeat was doomed.

This knife is just the beginning. As a fifth-level energy, you are certainly not so easy to die, but next, I will not give you a chance to escape.

I will completely drain your blood with every knife. '(To be continued...)

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