Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 37: Return

The first volume of the Hell Map in Li Anping's hand attracted all his attention at once.

The so-called 'blood body' of the first layer of the Hell Map is the foundation of everything. Through the entanglement of the power of the mind and the soul, the chaotic soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness is purified with one's own spirit and body.

Then use this soul power that has been burned, trained, and finally purified by the mind to infuse into one's body. Let this power of the entanglement of mind and soul fill the whole body, until every inch of skin, every bone, and even every cell.

Let Li Anping's will reach every part of his body thoroughly and completely.

In this case, although the physical fitness has not improved at all, it will allow Li Anping to have more incredible control and insight into the body.

For example, after cultivating the blood body, he can accelerate the secretion of adrenaline and greatly increase his strength. He can accelerate the peristalsis of the stomach and enhance the digestive ability.

As the cultivation of the blood body becomes more and more in-depth, the integration of mind and soul with the body becomes higher and higher, and Li Anping can even observe his body to the cellular level. Ordinary diseases, terminal illnesses, he can recover by controlling his own cells without even consuming soul energy.

At this point, even if he has cultivated the first level of the blood body of the Hell Map, he has almost cultivated it. Only then can he learn the last six levels of the Hell Map.

Because the blood body is the basis of the six major systems behind, only after cultivating the blood body can he improve his physical body according to the theory of the six major systems behind.

So the blood body has almost no improvement on physical fitness. And Li Anping, relying on the fourth energy level of mind and huge soul accumulation, broke through all the levels of the blood body in one breath and completed the cultivation of the entire first level.

But this is just the beginning for the Hell Map. Li Anping looked through the contents of the six major systems behind in his mind, and the more he read, the more amazed he was.

The cultivation of the six major systems behind is more like a systematic science than a secret martial art.

Transform the body in various incredible ways to make the practitioner's body into a monster that can adapt to all environments. And it grows almost infinitely.

However, compared with the direct conclusions, there are more theories about the soul and the body. These theories far surpass the understanding of the body in modern society, and the part about the soul is completely unknown to humans.

Even though all these theories were instilled into Li Anping's brain, he still found it difficult to understand most of them.

However, one thing is certain, that is, in comparison, Li Anping used soul power to directly enhance physical fitness in the past, which was simply too simple and crude.

He immediately thought of Hei, this method of using soul energy to directly enhance the body. All of it was taught to him by Hei. So does Hei know the knowledge in the Hell Map?

Li Anping can no longer know the answer. However, he understands that whether Hei knows the knowledge in the Hell Map or not, it is normal not to tell him.

And since he met Hei, the other party has been hiding too many things from him.

However, the Hell Map is related to the demon clan no matter how you look at it. This map is obviously only activated by demons. Li Anping can only absorb the knowledge in it because he was transformed by Hei's ability.

So he believes that the theory about body and soul in it originally belongs to those demons, and Hei should also know it, but he just didn't tell Li Anping.

Obviously, it was the opposite of what Hei said. He didn't want Li Anping to become too powerful. Especially, Li Anping would have a huge bottleneck before reaching the fifth energy level according to the method he taught.

According to the theory described in the hell map, once the transformation of the six major systems is completed. Then the ** will be completely liberated, and there will be no so-called limit.

The utilization rate of soul energy will also reach a new high.

Li Anping became more and more excited as he read it, and he wished he could immediately transform his body according to the theory. Unfortunately, in the hell map, the transformation of the six major systems is obviously not a simple matter.

Li Anping needs time to learn and absorb the knowledge in it before slowly completing the transformation of his body.

However, the method that Li Anping thought of before to break through to the fifth energy level. The method in the hell map is obviously more promising and more powerful.

Thinking time always passes quickly, and Li Anping is immersed in the amazing knowledge in the hell map. Yelu Mengxiang and Fang Yuelin can only wait.

They watched Li Anping staring at the scroll in his hand blankly, and did not dare to disturb him. Just stood beside Li Anping, waiting quietly.

But neither of them expected that they would wait for more than two hours. Fang Yuelin has been in the martial arts world for many years and has been exercising. After waiting for two hours, he was just a little impatient.

But Yelu Mengxiang is just an ordinary person, and an ordinary person who lives a life of luxury. Especially before Fang Yong forced the palace, she had been confronting the guards, and then she was taken to the prison. Both her spirit and body have been consumed.

After waiting for another two hours, she was very tired. But looking at Li Anping, it seems that he has not moved at all for two hours, still maintaining the original posture, staring at the hell map in his hand.

Seeing that Li Anping still had no intention of ending, Yelu Mengxiang finally couldn't help shouting: "My lord."

Seeing that Li Anping didn't react, she boldly shouted again: "My lord?"

"Huh?" Li Anping turned his head, the joy in his eyes had been deeply hidden, and glanced at Yelu Mengxiang lightly.

Yelu Mengxiang lowered her head and said, "Sir, it has been a long time. If it takes too long, I am worried that there will be changes inside and outside the palace."

Li Anping frowned and put away the picture of hell: "I understand, let's go."

He only brought a picture of hell with him when he went out, because the contents of the other sixteen secret martial arts books had all been memorized in his brain. The picture of hell was too special, so he decided to bring it out together.

As for the stones on the second floor of the inner treasury, he asked Yelu Mengxiang to hand them over to Daxia's envoys and have them take them directly back to the Eighth Research Institute.

After returning to the ground, Li Anping ignored Yelu Mengxiang and the others and returned to the imperial study in a few jumps. Looking at Fang Yong who looked dejected, it was obvious that he was at a complete disadvantage when facing Fang Yuhuang and was suppressed to death.

At this time, Li Anping directly said to Fang Yuhuang about the Hell Map: "Next, you take over Baiyue and do these things. First, let Baiyue join the Pan-Continental Alliance I formed.

Second, Fang Yong and all those involved in the nuclear explosion were executed. Third, cleanse all Covenant forces in Baiyue.

After completing these three things, you will hand over Baiyue's affairs to Yelu Mengxiang and Fang Yuelin. Come to Tianjing quickly and help me. "

"I understand." Fang Yuhuang nodded and said.

As for how Yelu Mengxiang and Fang Yuelin will manage Baiyue next, Li Anping will naturally leave it to Wang Chong and the others. Because after that, 100 Dragon Bird Guards and a group of Daxia officials will gradually come to Baiyue.

They will help Yelu Mengxiang transform Baiyue and implement Li Anping's ideas. Weakening the power of the nobility and royal family, improving the status and opportunities of ordinary civilians, and seeing the gap between rich and poor in the entire country. And rely on the powerful power of the Dragon Bird Guards to eliminate the scum in a large area of ​​society.

There may be some pain at the beginning, but after the whole month gradually gets on the right track and he gets used to his status as a member of the Pan-Continental Alliance, Li Anping believes that things will get better and better here.

After Li Anping gave a few more instructions, he asked Fang Yuhuang to withdraw from the Thirty-three Cave Heavens area around the palace, and the troops surrounding the palace rushed in immediately.

But Li Anping had already left the palace to recall the scattered Dragon Bird guards. Next, Emperor Fang Yu returned to the throne again. With Li Anping and the amazing power he showed before, and because he is originally from the Baiyue royal family, he has absolute prestige among Baiyue senior officials.

Fang Yuhuang suppressed the situation easily and regained control of all the rights of Baiyue Kingdom. In the next few months, with the help of absolute strength and toughness, combined with the power of Daxia, a vigorous reform was carried out.

Not only did Baiyue join the Pan-Continental Alliance formed by Li Anping, but it also greatly eliminated the influence of the nobility, loosened the class solidification in Baiyue Kingdom, and purged several foreign forces, including the Star Alliance, making Baiyue Kingdom Gradually getting on the right track.

But all this is just the beginning. Not only Baiyue, but even Daxia is still far away from the utopia in Li Anping's heart.

When Baiyue Kingdom was here, everyone inside and outside the palace was extremely busy.

Li Anping, Xiezi, Xiao Xuesu and others had already boarded a special plane to Tianjing under Fang Yuhuang's secret arrangement. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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