Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 36: Hell

The inner storehouse on the third floor is much smaller than the inner storehouse on the second floor. It's only about fifty square meters.

There was only one bookshelf in the empty room. There are more than a dozen books scattered on the bookshelf. Each book is carefully selected by the Baiyue Royal Family, and it is also the best among many ancient abilities, or secret martial arts.

Even several of them were written because the Emperor Baiyue at the time was worried that if they were passed down, they would threaten the status of the domestic royal family. That’s why it was confiscated into the inner treasury to prevent others from practicing it.

And because Baiyue Kingdom has always lagged behind many major countries in technology, it is worried that its high-tech storage methods will be stolen. Therefore, these classics have been stored in this oldest way.

Li Anping picked up a book and it seemed that the content inside described a secret martial art called Da Sun Xuan Qi. At first it was just for physical fitness, but once the qualifications of the practitioner met the requirements, he could Cultivate a flame called the Immortal Light Fire.

Not only is it incredibly lethal, it also has healing properties.

Therefore, the very beginning of the book introduces how to test this qualification.

Li Anping put down the classics and picked up a few more in succession to read. They are Uncertain True Kung Fu, Northern Xuanwu Secret Finger, Selfless Great Spiritual Consciousness, etc. There are a total of sixteen books, each of which records a superb martial art that can cultivate various weird, mysterious and powerful abilities.

Even after Li Anping saw it, he couldn't help but want to give it a try. This is probably something that anyone who pursues great power cannot help.

However, these sixteen classics have one thing in common, and that is their beginnings, which first introduce what qualifications and requirements are needed to practice this martial art. Although Li Anping was very interested in these sixteen secret martial arts, upon closer inspection, he found that he could only meet the qualification requirements for three of them.

This would have to be determined by him finding time to test it according to the method given in the classics.

With Li Anping's strong physical fitness, only three secret martial arts might meet the requirements. The qualification requirements for practitioners of these top secret martial arts can be imagined. Most of their requirements have nothing to do with physical and mental strength. What pays more attention is the talent of the cultivator.

Li Anping looked at it and found that the only secret martial arts he could practice were three. They are called Tian Xiang Yin Sha, Feifeng Flame Extinguishing Slash and Immortal Thunder Aperture respectively.

They are all martial arts that have extremely strict requirements on physical fitness. Of course, the ancient abilities they have cultivated can also be ranked in the top five among these sixteen classics in Li Anping's opinion.

However, Li Anping did not give up on the other thirteen classics. He was already immortal and did not have to worry about any problems in his cultivation. He planned to experiment with all sixteen classics. By the way, I also asked the Eighth Research Institute to follow up and study to see if there is a way to make these ancient ability cultivations more popular, or to reach the fifth level.

When Li Anping put down the last classic in his hand, he suddenly found a scroll at the bottom of the bookshelf. The entire scroll is wrapped in a black cloth bag, if you don't look closely. It's easy to ignore it.

Yelu Mengxiang, who was on the side, saw Li Anping pick up the scroll and explained: "I heard from your majesty that one of the collected classics is a scroll, which was also obtained by Emperor Taizu and the strange stone. I heard that Taizu Until his death, the emperor never forgot the contents of the scroll, saying that it contained one of the most powerful secret martial arts.

However, the Baiyue Emperors of all dynasties have studied the contents of the scroll. But no one has found out why. "

Fang Yuelin on the side was disapproving after hearing Yelu Mengxiang's introduction. Hundreds of years have passed since the founding of the People's Republic of China. How could the esoteric martial arts at that time compare to these few hundred meters, especially with the rapid development after social modernization?

The other sixteen secret martial arts were practiced and improved by some people fifty years ago. And the so-called most powerful secret martial arts hidden in this scroll was really strong at the time. But now the theory is at least hundreds of years behind. Even if it is presented, it is probably just a second- or third-rate esoteric martial arts.

Not only Fang Yuelin thought so, but Li Anping on the side obviously thought so too. After all, times are developing, and not everything is more powerful the older it is.

But when Li Anping stretched out his hand to unfold the scroll and displayed the entire scroll in front of his eyes, his eyes immediately showed shock.

"This is... a picture of... hell...?"

"Huh?" Yelu Mengxiang gave Li Anping a strange look. Asked: "Sir, what did you say?"

Seeing that Li Anping was still silent, she thought for a while and explained: "There is a line of words on this picture, but we have invited many historical experts to study it, but none of them recognized what dynasty the words were. We don't know what they mean. "

Li Anping didn't answer, nor did he explain to Yelu Mengxiang that he could read the words.

There was no reason and no memory. When Li Anping saw the strange font, he found that he could understand the meaning of the line.

‘Hell Map Volume 1, this is what that line means. ’

But this is not what really shocked Li Anping. What really surprised him was the content of this so-called picture of hell.

The vast white land was full of all kinds of monsters that only existed in fantasy. Two-headed giants, lions with scorpion tails and bat wings, tigers as big as hills, and giant spiders with the upper body of women, all kinds of monsters, they all appeared vividly on the hell map.

They fought and devoured each other. Showing bloody scenes.

All of this was exactly the same as what Li Anping saw in his dream and in Hei's memory. It made him feel familiar.

As this familiar feeling rose in his heart, countless information was transmitted from this hell map into his mind.

The hell map recorded a special secret martial arts, or a systematic practice method, which was divided into seven layers. In addition to the first layer of enlightenment, the last six layers were the respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system, circulatory system, nervous system, and motor system of the regenerated organisms.

The next moment, Li Anping felt that the mind energy in his body began to emerge uncontrollably.

At the same time, the souls in the sea of ​​consciousness gushed out and turned into the best fuel, and the black mind energy became a blazing flame, burning those gushing souls. And Li Anping's body became the best furnace to burn these fuels and flames.

Li Anping looked at the black mind energy that was rising all over his body. He murmured, "Is that so?" Although Li Anping's physical fitness did not improve at all.

However, at this moment, the first layer of the hell map, the 'blood body', with the soul as nutrients, the mind energy as flames, and the body as a furnace, is the first step for creatures to move towards transcendence.

It's done.

But more questions rang in Li Anping's mind, Shang Dynasty. Bai Xinghe, countless secrets, Bai Yue, Fang Ziqi, and demons, the white earth and the hell map in front of him. What is the relationship between all this.


When Bai Yue experienced a series of shocking changes in succession, until the entire palace was surrounded, causing panic in the entire Qicheng.

In a mysterious meeting room in the distant Western Continent.

Five men and women of different appearances were sitting around a round table. One of them was thin and wrapped in a black cloak. He said in a hoarse voice: "Queen of Heaven, what exactly did you call us here for?"

Beside him. There was a man who was even stranger than him. The man was tall and strong, but he was wearing white armor that was obviously not like that of modern people. Even his entire head was covered in a helmet.

He said indifferently: "I have thirty minutes to pray today. If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly."

On the other side of the table, the blond and blue-eyed Queen of Heaven looked like a goddess in heaven at this time. Every move she made exuded amazing charm, but the other three men and one woman present turned a blind eye to it. It seemed that they did not see the beauty displayed by the Queen of Heaven at this time.

The Queen didn't care. She just raised the document in her hand and said, "I know you are all big figures in your country or power, and you have a lot of things to do every day, but I think if I just send the information, I'm afraid what awaits me is your long investigation, evidence collection, discussion and countless meetings.

So I asked the four of you to get together today. It is to tell you the following news in person."

Next to the Queen, a man in a black suit with bright blond hair looked like the most normal person here. But his expression was always cold. It seemed that he was looking at everything as a pile of meat.

When the Queen finished speaking, the man raised his eyes on the bridge of his nose with his fingers and said expressionlessly: "Compared to what you want to say, I am more concerned about the series of unusual movements of the Star Alliance in the Federation and the Codex Kingdom in recent times. I have been waiting for your explanation for a long time."

The Queen laughed a few times, showed an ambiguous look to the man, and said: "Uranus, don't be anxious, let's take a look at these materials together first."

As she said, the Queen clapped her hands, and a circular column rose in the center of the round table, and a series of image data began to be played in it. The special structure allows the video content in the column to be seen 360 degrees around it.

The first video that appeared was the video of Li Anping fighting Kano in Emerald City.

The Queen added: "This data is still from Violet. At that time, all other records and people's memories were cleared by Xia Liekong of Daxia."

Then there was the scene of Li Anping fighting Qingchan in the True God Church, followed by Song Bang, Thunder Emperor, and Blood Demon. Until the last Morroco, the screen was fixed on the time when Li Anping was shot and began to regenerate super quickly.

At the same time, many small windows opened around the screen, all of which were information about the tens of thousands of citizens in the center of Morroco who died for unknown reasons at this moment.

The Queen looked at the people in deep thought and said, "I have sent you all the specific information. What do you think?"

No one spoke. After a moment of silence, a young woman with flame-colored red hair next to the blond man spoke up and said, "Human monster..."

"Yes, this Li Anping has only been able to obtain his abilities for less than a year, and everyone here has seen how fast he has become stronger. Especially the data shown in the information, which makes me have to doubt the similarities between him and the human monster."

The armored man stood up first: "I will investigate this matter myself. If Li Anping is really related to the monster, our Truth Church will never let him go."

After that, his body flashed and disappeared.

It turned out that he was sitting at the conference table with a holographic image. Next to him, the man wrapped in a black cloak had disappeared without saying a word before leaving.

The blond man and the red-haired woman nodded to the Queen and said: "We will verify the matter of Li Anping. But the series of events caused by the Star Alliance in our country will not be let go." After that, he pressed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his index finger.

The Queen smiled and nodded, and then watched the holographic images of the two disappear.

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